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Tower Teams 8 - Discworld > Team Carrot Ironfoundersson

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited May 28, 2021 06:10AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32575 comments Mod

Team Carrot Ironfoundersson

Tina (Captain)
Jessi (Co-Captain)
Lisa - Aussie Girl
Christina T.
Karen ⊰✿
Tina Randleman

Challenge Status Sheet
Team Sheet

(view spoiler)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32575 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32575 comments Mod

message 4: by Tina ❣ (last edited Apr 29, 2021 08:24PM) (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments description

🥕 Books must be started after the start of the challenge to count towards the challenge. Countdown to the start of the challenge 1 May 2021 at 00:00 UTC. The challenge ends on 31 July 2021
🥕 Books must be />100 pages
🥕 Some genres (including Children, Graphic Novels, Photography, Illustrated etc) require a minimum word count of 25k words
🥕 Rereads are OK, provided it has been at least 6 months since the last read

Book Points
🥕 Books less than 100 pages = 0 points
🥕 Books between 100 and 1000 pages = 0.1 points/page
🥕 Books over 1000 pages = 100 points

🥕 Points will be rounded up/down from 0.5 as per standard maths
🥕 For audio only books, the page count will be set as 100, no matter how long the audio is.

Book of the Months
20 points = Participating in a current BOM
40 points = Writing a day's worth of discussion questions

*Participation means answering at least three of the DQ days over the course of the BOM discussion.

BOM Schedule
1. The Foundling by Stacey Halls The Foundling by Stacey Halls Starts 2 May, pg count 400
2. Dumplin' (Dumplin', #1) by Julie Murphy Dumpling by Julie Murphy Starts 16 May, pg count is 288
3. Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1) by Terry Pratchett Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett Starts 22 May, pg count is 400

3. Mort (Discworld, #4; Death, #1) by Terry Pratchett Mort by Terry Pratchett

3. Guards! Guards! (Discworld, #8; City Watch #1) by Terry Pratchett Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett

Each team will get 8 bonus points for each Discworld book they read, to a maximum of SIX over the whole challenge. Note that this is for the whole team, not each member. You can use the BOMs to claim this bonus.

All About TT8

Team Shelves
✔️ Tina (Captain)
✔️ Jessi (Co-Captain)
✔️ Kimber
✔️ Diane
✔️ Paulette
✔️ Lisa - Aussie Girl
✔️ Sally
✔️ Alysa
✔️ Christina T.
✔️ Namita
✔️ Karen ⊰✿
✔️ Stacey
✔️ Celia
✔️ Celanchia Espin

message 5: by Tina ❣ (last edited Apr 25, 2021 08:03PM) (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Where Will My Book Fit

Each Discworld book has had 6 tasks assigned to it. As a team, you can fit your books to the tasks for an additional 5 points. Excitingly, each Discworld book belongs in a sub-series; if you finish all the tasks for all the books in a sub-series you will get bonus points! There's 246 tasks in total. Let's aim to complete these in order of tasks that give us the most points.
R - Rincewind 40 points
CW - City Watch 40 points
W - Witches 30 points
IR - Industrial Revolution 30 points
D - DEATH 25 points
TA - Tiffany Aching 25 points
O - Others 15 points

If you’re book doesn’t fit any of the above we’ll try for

We can be as creative as we like with the spots as long as we can justify it. Cover items, title/ series names, plot elements can all be used
E.g Sock - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Dobby is given a book from Lucius Malfoy in which HP has hidden a sock, essentially freeing Dobby from servitude.
Marking off a square is 5 points
Completing the card gives a bonus 40 points.

We are basically writing a story with books. We can use titles, cover items, text, plot, authors and of course genres to write our story. If we can’t get your book to fit any of the above then we can fit it in here. :)

Completion Posts

Narrator/Translator: (if fitting)
Date Read:
Used for: (Tasks/Bingo/Jackonary)
How it fits:

Completion Post
Book: An Offer From a Gentleman
Author: Julia Quinn
Date Read: 01 May 21 OR 01/05/2021
Used for: Bingo
How it fits: E2

Other options:
- 21 Romance MPG
- 101 word in the title can be made into an anagram = from -> form
- 113 Spell out CLAY = A for An in title
- 153 Historical Fiction MPG

- E4 free space!

What genres describe your story? romance, historical fictions
Describe the setting of your story - Regency Era
Describe your protagonists (max 2 characters) - Sophia Beckett is a maid, sneaky, cheeky, lady like, mistreated, caring, long haired, in love

* Note: If the book isn't on the SS, then write a comment saying it isn't on and Jessi and I can add it in for you :)

message 7: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Res

message 8: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Res

message 9: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Res

message 10: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Res

message 11: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Res

Kimberly~☆♡Love of Books♡☆ (kimberbooklover) | 222 comments Hi!
Ive never did this challenge. Do I need to claim a spot or is it just for the captains?

message 13: by Namita (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 670 comments Kimber✌ wrote: "Hi!
Ive never did this challenge. Do I need to claim a spot or is it just for the captains?"

Just for the Captains!

message 14: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Kimber✌ wrote: "Hi!
Ive never did this challenge. Do I need to claim a spot or is it just for the captains?"

Sorry my notifications are still fritzing out on me and being slow. They're just for us!

Kimberly~☆♡Love of Books♡☆ (kimberbooklover) | 222 comments Jessi wrote: "Kimber✌ wrote: "Hi!
Ive never did this challenge. Do I need to claim a spot or is it just for the captains?"

Sorry my notifications are still fritzing out on me and being slow. They're just for us!"

Ok sorry. My feeds and notifications r having problems also. Goodreads is trying to fix the problems.
Thank u!

message 16: by Diane ~Firefly~ (new)

Diane ~Firefly~ | 2386 comments Hi team! Looking forward to playing with you!

message 17: by Namita (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 670 comments Hi everyone!!

message 18: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments Hi Hi Hi!!!!

message 19: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 1740 comments Hi all - happy to see so many familiar faces in the team - have sent friend invites to the few of you who I haven’t met yet.

I am Sally and I am from Australia - Queensland to narrow the area down a bit.

I’ve done Tower Teams before - and I have the three disc World books they are going to have as BOM so planning to participate in that 😀📚

message 20: by bookswithpaulette (last edited Apr 16, 2021 03:21PM) (new)

bookswithpaulette | 81 comments Hi Everyone!

Im Paulette from Melbourne, Australia. First time playing TT, never read discworld... my genres are Thriller/Mystery/Crime books, Horror and some contemp fiction. Im looking forward to keeping my reading momentum going after UNO finishes shortly.

I do spy a few of my UNO Buds on here - shout out to Stacey, Karen and Lisa :)

Kimberly~☆♡Love of Books♡☆ (kimberbooklover) | 222 comments Hi!
I'm Kimber from Florida.
I never played this challenge and never read Discworld. I usually read Mystery/Thrillers.

Im also playing UNO so i wanted to keep going with new challenges 🙃

message 22: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments I'm Alysa from NYC.
This is my 2nd TT (I was Jessi's co-captain last time *I Love You Jessi!*) and I've done Wheelathon and a few other team challenges here.
I've read a few Discworld books but not very many, and have long wanted to read more. I've read 2 of the 3 Discworld BOMs but not recently so I'll most likely do them again.
I've also read some of Pratchett's non-Discworld books, like maybe 4 of them, and love them all.

I have a bit less time for reading and chatting than I would like these days, especially compared to previous years. This is mainly due to big changes at my job, though I'm hopeful that the situation will improve over the next few months (even though it'll go crappy again in the fall for a while -- academic calendar!) so we'll see.

I'm looking forward to TT reading and getting to know all of you! I don't think I've played with anybody here except Jessi and maybe Karen?

Off to eat dinner and start a movie with my daughter. I have promised to show her GREASE for the first time, lol!

message 23: by Namita (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 670 comments I'm Namita from Vancouver, Canada! I have played once a few years ago.

Nice to see some familiar faces and looking forward to getting to know all the new faces.

message 24: by Stacey (new)

Stacey | 855 comments Hello! Stacey from Ohio. This is my first TT and I am still a bit new to team challenges but have been enjoying them, including UNO with Paulette.

I know nothing about Discworld books so I guess I'll have to learn a bit.

message 25: by Lisa - (Aussie Girl) (last edited Apr 16, 2021 04:55PM) (new)

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 6025 comments Hi everyone, Lisa from Oz, I split my time between Sydney and our dairy farm in country NSW. So excited to see so many familiar faces and meet some new ones. This is my 7th TT, I'm a bit of a challenge addict and can pretty much read anything to fit a task. I haven't read any Discworld but am definitely going to read Mort (Discworld, #4; Death, #1) by Terry Pratchett , as someone who loves checking out historic graveyards it seems right up my alley. Other than reading I love travelling only travel books and brochures at the moment, (sigh but forever hopeful that will change soon) and hanging out with my 5 grandchildren, aged 7 and under. Looking forward to reading and having fun with you all.

message 26: by Diane ~Firefly~ (new)

Diane ~Firefly~ | 2386 comments I'm Diane from Texas. I think I've done all the tower team and wheel-a-thon challenges. However I'm not a fan of Terry Pratchett, so probably won't read any of those books.

message 27: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Hello everyone!! I’m your co-cap Jessi from Oklahoma. I have played TT once and I was captain with Alysa as my co-cap like she said. **I love you too Alysa 😁**

I’ve read only the first discworld book and when they say don’t start with that one they’re absolutely right. Don’t do it! I will give the BOMs a try though.

I’ve played with a few people here on other challenges and looking forward to playing with everyone else!

Can’t wait!

message 28: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15893 comments Mod
Hi everyone!

As an intro, I live in Sydney, Aus with my husband and 2 boys and run a HR consulting business . I read almost everything except Horror, and I'm not a massive Romance reader.
I started with TTII and that got me hooked on challenges (I think that was 2013?).
I have a few holidays coming up and as we wind down from UNO, I couldn't fit in more captaining so big shout out and thanks to our captains for volunteering :)

I have dabbled with Discworld (I've read 8 books) and decided to start from the start a few years ago, so did read the first 2 and then started down the City Watch series. I'll be joining the BOMs even though I have read Equal Rites I think I can do with a re-read :)

message 29: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments description

Hello everyone and welcome to team Carrot Ironfoundersson!

I am so thrilled to see you've all already started introducing yourselves. Absolutely love it!

I'm your captain from Melbourne, Australia and so a special shout out to my fellow Melbournian Paulette :P This will be my second time captaining TT but I've co-captained a few times in Wheel, TT and Uno which is where I've got to play with quite a few of you. It is always nice to see some new faces and get to know others as well.

I've just started a full time job after finally graduating from my Master of Public Health so hopefully I'll have my self sorted and a routine in place before TT starts.

My favourite genres would have to be fantasy, new adult, adult fiction and biographies. I try to read any book now thanks to all the challenges I'm in, to expand my range. I haven't read any Discworld books before but I shall for this challenge. I've requested a few of the Discworld books from my library so we can get some extra points.

Please don't feel pressured to read and Discworld books if you don't want to. I'm hoping you will all enjoy yourselves and get a bit challenged with this TT!

message 30: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments I've managed to find most of our teams book shelves for TT. If your name doesn't have have a tick next to it in message 4, can you please post your shelf here?

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 6025 comments Hi Tina, great to have you as our Captain.

Here's my shelf link -

message 32: by Alysa (last edited Apr 17, 2021 09:23PM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments Anybody else going through that thing where you want to start reading a new book, but feel like you should wait and save it for TT ?!

I’m reading the current April YA BOM but otherwise I will try to read mostly random “worthless” stuff, like graphic novels and single short stories and such, until TT starts. 🤗

message 33: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments Also, hello Captain Tina!
(Stupid broken notifications, *grumbles* , I did not see your Welcome post)

message 34: by Namita (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 670 comments Hi Tina!!

Here is the link to my shelf:

message 35: by Lisa - (Aussie Girl) (last edited Apr 17, 2021 10:38PM) (new)

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 6025 comments Alysa wrote: "Anybody else going through that thing where you want to start reading a new book, but feel like you should wait and save it for TT ?!

I’m reading the current April YA BOM but otherwise I will try ..."

Yes.. and I'm even starting to pick out books that match tasks. Addictive or what, LOL. Luckily still reading to finish UNO, so that should keep me out of trouble.

My first book is Mrs Death Misses Death by Salena Godden for 93 - Character representating Death.

message 36: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Lisa - (Aussie Girl) wrote: "Hi Tina, great to have you as our Captain.

Here's my shelf link -"

Thanks Lisa! I love seeing your name when we find out our team for another challenge 😝

message 37: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Alysa wrote: "Anybody else going through that thing where you want to start reading a new book, but feel like you should wait and save it for TT ?!

I’m reading the current April YA BOM but otherwise I will try ..."

Yes! I think we are all like that! It’s also the books that you read after that work for the challenge you’ve just finished

And yeahhh the notifications. Hopefully the fix it soon as it’s getting annoying

message 38: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Namita wrote: "Hi Tina!!

Here is the link to my shelf:"

Thanks Namita! 😊

message 39: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Lisa - (Aussie Girl) wrote: "Alysa wrote: "Anybody else going through that thing where you want to start reading a new book, but feel like you should wait and save it for TT ?!

I’m reading the current April YA BOM but otherwi..."

Wow Lisa! You’re on the mark! I’m still in a Uno mindset

But yay! Our first chosen book

Kimberly~☆♡Love of Books♡☆ (kimberbooklover) | 222 comments Lisa - (Aussie Girl) wrote: "Alysa wrote: "Anybody else going through that thing where you want to start reading a new book, but feel like you should wait and save it for TT ?!

I’m reading the current April YA BOM but otherwi..."

I dont see the tasks list? :( can u send a link

message 41: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments Kimber✌ wrote: "I dont see the tasks list? :( can u send a link"

It’s on the Team spreadsheet (Message #1)

Are we going to have a separate spreadsheet we can all edit? I’ve had that in all or most previous challenges and find it helpful, but I’m happy to go with whatever tracking method(s) cap and co-cap want to use 🙂

message 42: by Namita (last edited Apr 18, 2021 12:22PM) (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 670 comments Damn, I want to start reading then realize reading should start after the challenge starts 😬😬

message 43: by Stacey (last edited Apr 18, 2021 01:59PM) (new)

Stacey | 855 comments I remember feeling that at the beginning of UNO, but now I'm feeling like I have to finish quite a few books quickly before it ends.

I'll have The Foundling from my library (well actually The Lost Orphan since it must be the US version). So that will likely be one of my first books.

message 44: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments Stacey wrote: "I'll have The Foundling from my library (well actually The Lost Orphan since it must be the US version). So that will likely be one of my first books."

(I was like “Dammit how do my libraries not have this?!” and then realized it has an alternate title and felt pretty stupid, because I am a librarian in real life and should have figured that out faster. 🙃)

message 45: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Alysa wrote: "Kimber✌ wrote: "I dont see the tasks list? :( can u send a link"

It’s on the Team spreadsheet (Message #1)

Are we going to have a separate spreadsheet we can all edit? I’ve had that in all or mos..."

Yes there's a tracking spreadsheet! I'm just editing it and getting it clear for us to use and will send it out when we're done fixing it up :)

message 46: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Kimber✌ wrote: "Lisa - (Aussie Girl) wrote: "Alysa wrote: "Anybody else going through that thing where you want to start reading a new book, but feel like you should wait and save it for TT ?!

I’m reading the cur..."

The tasks list in the the team spreadsheet for now. It would be good if you can have a read through the tasks and see if there is any you think you can read for or would like to read for. Have a look at the 'Tasks' tab, 'Bingo' tab and 'Jackanory' tab :)

message 47: by Tina ❣ (last edited Apr 19, 2021 05:16AM) (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Stacey wrote: "I remember feeling that at the beginning of UNO, but now I'm feeling like I have to finish quite a few books quickly before it ends.

I'll have The Foundling from my library (well a..."

It has such a lovely cover. It sounds like a promising read. I couldn't find a copy to read for the BOM so I'm glad you've volunteered for the DQs

message 48: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments Tina ❣ wrote: "Yes there's a tracking spreadsheet! I'm just editing it and getting it clear for us to use and will send it out when we're done fixing it up :)"

Yay, thanks Tina!

message 49: by Alysa (last edited Apr 19, 2021 07:13AM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments @Tina and Jessi
I have some questions, because

Looking at tasks and such -
I'm assuming a single book can be used for a task, a BINGO square, and Jackanory, as long as it's only used once for each?

Like let's say a book has Romance MPG (tasks), mentions a "bag of coffee beans" (Bingo B7), and its title is used in the Jackanory. All good, right?
Or can a single book only be used for one thing between those 3? Like, we pick "bag of coffee beans" (Bingo B7) and that's the only thing it can be used for, full stop.

For Jackanory:
It says "A completed story (minimum 8 books) gets 80 bonus points" -- is that a one-time bonus? Or is it 80 points for every story and we can write as many stories as we want?
Either way, I hope we have at least one person on the team who is good at creating stories for this kind of stuff. I know I'm TERRIBLE at it, haha!

message 50: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3815 comments And for color covers -
Are we using TinEye Color Extractor or are we eyeballing it like we ended up doing during TT7?

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