SciFi and Fantasy Book Club discussion

SciFi and Fantasy Book Challenge > Bill the other does all the challenges. Comments ok.

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message 1: by Bill (last edited Feb 20, 2020 07:50PM) (new)

Bill | 197 comments 2020 Challenges
Bookshelf - 20/30
Happy - 3/12
Grumpy - 63/365

message 2: by Bill (last edited Apr 08, 2020 09:57PM) (new)

message 3: by Bill (last edited Apr 06, 2020 07:51AM) (new)

Bill | 197 comments Short Fiction Challenge
Happy: Read 12 novellas or short fiction collections/anthologies
1. Falling in Love with Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson - 1/1/20
2. Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson - 1/6/20
3. I, Robot by Isaac Asimov - 1/8/20

Grumpy: Read 365* pieces of short fiction (no poems or flash fiction)
January(view spoiler)

February(view spoiler)

March(view spoiler)

April(view spoiler)

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