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Group Themed Reads: Preparation > October 2013 - Book Nominations

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message 1: by AmyK (last edited Sep 18, 2013 02:27PM) (new)

AmyK (yakyma) | 1045 comments With 52% of the votes our theme will be Ghost Stories/Horror!!

Nominate your favorite books here:

I will take nominations until the Sunday 22nd

message 2: by Rachel (new)

Rachel i really want to read A Stir of Echoes A Stir of Echoes by Richard Matheson

message 4: by Dawn (new)

message 5: by Lisa (last edited Sep 18, 2013 04:20PM) (new)

message 6: by Dawn (new)

message 7: by Dawn (last edited Sep 18, 2013 03:57PM) (new)

message 8: by Almeta (last edited Sep 18, 2013 04:05PM) (new)

message 9: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56965 comments Ghost Story Ghost Story by Peter Straub by Peter Straub.

It's a bit longer that our usual group reads, but it's a page turner and I doubt it will take long to read. Besides, it's the quintessential ghost story!

message 10: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11130 comments Janice wrote: "Ghost Story Ghost Story by Peter Straub by Peter Straub.

It's a bit longer that our usual group reads, but it's a page turner and I doubt it will take long to read. Besides, it's the quintessential ghost story! ..."

I agree. Excellent choice!☺

message 11: by Peggy (last edited Sep 19, 2013 12:27AM) (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments Not sure if it's mentioned already (can't see book covers on my phone), but I'd like to nominate The Graveyard Book, if that counts as a ghost story. It has ghosts in it :)

message 12: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18442 comments Heart shaped box and Ghost Story both look like great reads! I'd like to nominate The Shining (The Shining, #1) by Stephen King as I have wanted to read it for ages and what with the sequel coming out at the end of this month it is perfect timing.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm going to suggest The Haunted Dolls' House and Other Ghost Stories by M.R. James. The stories may be ~ 100 years old, but he writes beautiful, scary, stories. A real master of the art at work.

message 14: by Colleen (new)

Colleen | 54 comments How about You Came Back by Christopher Coake

message 15: by Travis (last edited Sep 19, 2013 07:17AM) (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 6011 comments For anyone who has read the shining how is the book compared to the movie . Other than giving me a lifetime of always viewing jack Nicholson as a psycho which he pretty much is I remember falling asleep about ten times trying to get through the movie.The Shining

message 16: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56965 comments Travis of NNY wrote: "For anyone who has read the shining how is the book compared to the movie . Other than giving me a lifetime of always viewing jack Nicholson as a psycho which he pretty much is I remember falling ..."

I recall liking the book much better than the movie, though there are images from the movie that have stuck in my head. When Danny came around the corner and the twin girls were just standing there looking at him, a tingle ran down my spine.

message 17: by Travis (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 6011 comments Its amazing how spooky little girls can be. Same with dolls and puppets I hate those things. And clowns. And mimes

message 18: by Snoozie Suzie (new)

Snoozie Suzie (snooziesuzie) | 937 comments The elephants are trumpeting madly and stampeding as they didn't get chosen.

They will not forget.

message 19: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56965 comments Maybe there's a horror story or ghost story with elephants in them, Suzie!

message 20: by Snoozie Suzie (new)

Snoozie Suzie (snooziesuzie) | 937 comments ;-)

message 21: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Travis of NNY wrote: "Its amazing how spooky little girls can be. Same with dolls and puppets I hate those things. And clowns. And mimes"

I hate dolls, puppets and clowns too. They really give me the creeps!

message 22: by Almeta (last edited Sep 20, 2013 02:56PM) (new)

message 23: by Theresa~OctoberLace (last edited Sep 21, 2013 06:20AM) (new)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 1090 comments If you're looking for a horror story with ELEPHANTS, I can nominate Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

message 24: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11130 comments Theresa~OctoberLace wrote: "If you're looking for a horror story with ELEPHANTS, I can nominate Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury"

Hmm. I don't remember elephants.

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 1090 comments Sorry, I've never read it, but in a search for Horror and Elephants, I came across Something Wicked This Way Comes in Google Books. A line in the preview reads, "A herd of tubas made an elephant charge, alarmed for unknown reasons." Perhaps it's out of context? Anyway, you can pull the suggestion.

message 26: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56965 comments Theresa~OctoberLace wrote: " Anyway, you can pull the suggestion.."

But it does fit the theme, so why pull it?

message 27: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11130 comments Theresa~OctoberLace wrote: "Sorry, I've never read it, but in a search for Horror and Elephants, I came across Something Wicked This Way Comes in Google Books. A line in the preview reads, "A herd of tubas made an elephant charge, alarmed for unknown reasons." Perhaps it's out of context? Anyway, you can pull the suggestion..."

Oh no, I wasn't objecting. I just don't remember that part. Well, actually, I don't remember a lot of things! :D

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