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Challenges of Yesteryear > Awards: RITA® Award Winners 2013 Reading Challenge (Year long)

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32608 comments Mod
GOAL: For this challenge read all the 2013 Rita Award winning books. This year Mary Jo Putney received a Lifetime Achievement Award. You may use anyone of her past books as a “wild card” and replacement for one of the categories, or use it as a “Bonus Book.”

DURATION: Try to finish within a year from when you begin so you'll be ready for the 2014 challenge. Happy reading!

Best First Book Winner
The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James The Haunting of Maddy Clare, by Simone St. James
Penguin Group USA, New American Library
Ellen Edwards, editor

Contemporary Single Title Romance Winner
The Way Back Home by Barbara Freethy The Way Back Home, by Barbara Freethy
Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books
Micki Nuding, editor

Historical Romance Winner
A Rogue by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels, #1) by Sarah MacLean A Rogue by Any Other Name, Sarah MacLean
HarperCollins Publishers, Avon Books
Carrie Feron, editor

Inspirational Romance Winner
Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden Against the Tide, by Elizabeth Camden
Baker Publishing Group, Bethany House Publishers
Raela Schoenherr, editor

Long Contemporary Series Romance Winner
A Gift for All Seasons by Karen Templeton A Gift for All Seasons, by Karen Templeton
Harlequin, Special Edition
Gail Chasan, editor

Novel with Strong Romantic Elements Winner
The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James The Haunting of Maddy Clare, by Simone St. James
Penguin Group USA, New American Library
Ellen Edwards, editor

Paranormal Romance Winner
Shadow's Claim (The Dacians, #1) by Kresley Cole Shadow's Claim, by Kresley Cole
Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books
Lauren McKenna, editor

Romance Novella Winner
Seduced by a Pirate (Fairy Tales, #4.5) by Eloisa James Seduced by a Pirate, by Eloisa James
HarperCollins, Avon Impulse
Carrie Feron, editor

Romantic Suspense Winner
Scorched, by Laura Griffin
Simon & Schuster, Pocket Star Books
Abby Zidle, editor

Short Contemporary Series Romance Winner
A Night of No Return by Sarah Morgan A Night of No Return, bySarah Morgan
Harlequin, Presents
Lucy Gilmour, editor

Young Adult Romance Winner
The Farm (The Farm, #1) by Emily McKay The Farm, by Emily McKay
Penguin Group USA, Berkley Publishing Group
Michelle Vega, editor

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32608 comments Mod

message 3: by Suzanne (last edited Aug 28, 2014 01:09PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 1299 comments Nothing but Reading Challenges
The 2103 RITA® Award Winners Reading Challenge (Year long)
9/1/2013 - 8/31/2014

Progress: 11 out of 11

The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James
Best First Book Winner &
Novel with Strong Romantic Elements Winner

The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James - ***** - 7/18/2014
Penguin Group USA, New American Library
Ellen Edwards, editor

The Way Back Home by Barbara Freethy
Contemporary Single Title Romance Winner
The Way Back Home by Barbara Freethy - ***** - 7/23/2014
Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books
Micki Nuding, editor

A Rogue by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels, #1) by Sarah MacLean
Historical Romance Winner
A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean - ***** - 3/5/2013
HarperCollins Publishers, Avon Books
Carrie Feron, editor

One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (The Rules of Scoundrels, #2) by Sarah MacLean No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (The Rules of Scoundrels, #3) by Sarah MacLean
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean - ***** - 10/26/2013
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean - ***** - 3/4/2014

Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden
Inspirational Romance Winner
Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden - ***** - 7/25/2014
Baker Publishing Group, Bethany House Publishers
Raela Schoenherr, editor

A Gift for All Seasons (Summer Sisters, #2) by Karen Templeton
Long Contemporary Series Romance Winner
A Gift for All Seasons by Karen Templeton - ***** - 7/31/2014
Harlequin, Special Edition
Gail Chasan, editor

Shadow's Claim (The Dacians, #1; Immortals After Dark, #12.5) by Kresley Cole
Paranormal Romance Winner
Shadow's Claim by Kresley Cole - ***** - 8/4/2014
Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books
Lauren McKenna, editor

Seduced by a Pirate (Fairy Tales, #4.5) by Eloisa James
Romance Novella Winner
Seduced by a Pirate by Eloisa James - ***** - 8/8/2014
HarperCollins, Avon Impulse
Carrie Feron, editor

Scorched (Tracers #6) by Laura Griffin
Romantic Suspense Winner
Scorched by Laura Griffin - ***** - 8/12/2014
Simon & Schuster, Pocket Star Books
Abby Zidle, editor

A Night of No Return (The Private Lives of Public Playboys #1) by Sarah Morgan
Short Contemporary Series Romance Winner
A Night of No Return by Sarah Morgan - ***** - 8/18/2014
Harlequin, Presents
Lucy Gilmour, editor

The Farm (The Farm, #1) by Emily McKay
Young Adult Romance Winner
The Farm by Emily McKay - ***** - 8/23/2014
Penguin Group USA, Berkley Publishing Group
Michelle Vega, editor

Loving a Lost Lord (Lost Lords #1) by Mary Jo Putney
Lifetime Achievement Award
Loving a Lost Lord by Mary Jo Putney - ***** - 8/28/2014
You may use anyone of her past books as a “wild card” and replacement for one of the categories, or use it as a “Bonus Book.”

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32608 comments Mod
Welcome to the challenge, Suzanne!

message 5: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 1299 comments Thanks for posting it!

message 6: by Lisa Kay (new)

Lisa Kay (lisakayalicemaria) | 15159 comments Sure, Suzanne. I'll probably read a few; however, I don't think I'll get to them all.

Good luck!

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