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Challenges: Year Long Main 2021 > Elizabeth's Low Octane List

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message 1: by Elizabeth (last edited Mar 31, 2013 12:44PM) (new)

Elizabeth I am going to do the first letter of the title. Just starting today so I am just a tiny bit behind but I think I can catch up :)

I haven't planned out my whole alphabet just yet but I did start my first book today.

A-After by Amy Efaw

message 2: by Esther (new)

Esther (nyctale) | 5040 comments I am also new to the group and just started on this challenge today. You are not alone. :)

message 3: by Rusalka, Moderator (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18858 comments Welcome both of you! Hope you enjoy doing this challenge with us!

message 4: by Ava Catherine (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments We are so thrilled that you are participating in the challenge! You won't have any problem catching up at all, Elizabeth. Just have fun! : )

message 5: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Great to see you joining the challenge!

message 7: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56967 comments Good list, Elizabeth. I'm looking forward to Palisades Park by Alan Brennert. I've heard good things about Six Years.

message 8: by Rusalka, Moderator (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18858 comments I'm stupidly excited for The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

message 9: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Looks like a great list Elizabeth! I'm checking out a few of them.

message 10: by Tejas Janet (new)

Tejas Janet (tejasjanet) | 3513 comments Looks like an interesting list. My next book after the one I'm reading now is Every Last One - so we have at least one book in common. Glad you're in for the ABC challenge.

message 11: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Well...I finished Afterthe other night and I wasn't sure how I felt about it so I took a few days to think about it. It wasn't awful but it wasn't great either. I just can't quite put my finger on what it was that I didn't like.

message 12: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18442 comments I'm sure you'll catch up quickly - I only started my alphabet at the beginning of March and I'm already up to J.

message 13: by Elizabeth (last edited Apr 08, 2013 06:39AM) (new)

Elizabeth I finished Bittersweet Rain and The Cleaner this weekend. Bittersweet Rain was an audiobook I listened to while I was working last week. It was a pretty typical romance type book but there is one (pretty hateful) character that makes the book stand out a little more than others romance novels. I really enjoyed it.

The Cleaner: A Thriller was interesting. It reminded me of the character Dexter in the Jeff Lindsay series. He's kind of quirky. I really enjoyed this one and am planning on reading the next in the series Joe Victim: A Thriller when it comes out!

message 14: by Neenee (new)

Neenee Yeah, you'll catch up.

I'm wondering how you did it... I still don't know how to work while listening to audiobook. My first experience was a disaster. I was confused, easily distracted, and didn't get anything done. Put me off audiobook altogether.

message 15: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Well....I code medical records so it gets to be very redundant and I kind of go on autopilot once I get into a groove. Plus I work from home so I am by myself with no other distractions, that helps too.

message 16: by Ava Catherine (last edited Apr 08, 2013 12:23PM) (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments Working and listening to books are always winning combinations. Congratulations on completing three books from your list.
Bravo! ; )

message 17: by Neenee (new)

Neenee Another reason why I should be working from home

message 18: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56967 comments There's no way I could concentrate on an audiobook while trying to concentrate on my work. I put music on and don't really even hear it.

message 19: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments I key numbers for a bank and find I can get in the groove and listen to books too. Not at home, so this is the best perk of the job.

How are you doing at this point?

message 20: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18442 comments Your C book sounds good. I like the Dexter series so if you think the character is similar, I might have to give it a go! I have A Discovery of Witches on my Kindle but haven't got around to reading it yet.

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