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Closed Discussion Topic > YLTO End-of-the-Year Book Awards Reminder

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message 1: by Pragya (new)

Pragya  (reviewingshelf) | 3940 comments Ooh, exciting. :) Planning my own 2013 list to nominate already.

message 2: by April (new)

April | 970 comments LOVE this idea!

message 3: by Shirley (new)

Shirley (shirleythekindlereader) I added a 2013 published shelf.

message 4: by April (new)

April | 970 comments Shirley wrote: "I added a 2013 published shelf."

Great idea, Shirley!

message 5: by Shirley (new)

Shirley (shirleythekindlereader) Thanks to the audible credits it has become so much more affordable.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh, so it's for books published in 2013, not books read in 2013?

message 7: by Pragya (new)

Pragya  (reviewingshelf) | 3940 comments Judy wrote: "Yay! You read alot of new books don't you, Pragya?"

I do!! :D

message 8: by Kat (new)

Kat (katzombie) | 2478 comments I'm sure by the end of the year I'll have quite a list ;)

This is a fantastic idea though, I think we'll have a very rounded group of books.

message 9: by Shirley (new)

Shirley (shirleythekindlereader) Will you add a 2013 published shelf that we can reference throughout the year?

message 10: by Shirley (new)

Shirley (shirleythekindlereader) Judy wrote: "Shirley, were you wanting it added to the YLTO group bookshelf or were asking Kat to add one for her personal books?

I bet you already have many, Kat. Yay!"

Group shelf would be great don't you think?

message 11: by Ava Catherine (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments Fabulous! : )

message 12: by Rusalka, Moderator (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18858 comments This is not going to help my tbr pile...

message 13: by Rusalka, Moderator (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18858 comments 2013!?! Don't be silly. I have several hundred years worth of books to get through first. Although, i will be reading the new Neil Gaiman when it comes out.

message 14: by April (new)

April | 970 comments Khaled Hosseini has a new book expected to be available in May.

message 15: by April (new)

April | 970 comments Stephen King is expected to have Dr. Sleep available in September. (I think its september)

message 16: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56967 comments I'm doing great! So far, I haven't read one book published in 2013. But, it's early in the year yet.

message 18: by Rachel (last edited Mar 13, 2013 08:34PM) (new)

Rachel i love this idea but so far have only read one book published this year- hope to read more -some of the ones i'm thinking about are: The Storyteller, The Time Between, Six Years and also the gaiman & king new ones that were mentioned The Ocean at the End of the Lane & Doctor Sleep and of course And the Mountains Echoed oh and sarah addison allen's new one which is supposed to come out the end of the year

message 19: by Debra (new)

Debra (debra_t) | 6542 comments April wrote: "Stephen King is expected to have Dr. Sleep available in September. (I think its september)"

Yep, Sep 24th for Doctor Sleep. I will get my limited edition copy a bit earlier, but will likely purchase a trade edition for reading purposes. Mustn't mess up my collectible edition! lol

I'm sure that book will be on my favorites nomination list!

message 20: by April (new)

April | 970 comments Oh Debra, you are so lucky to be getting a limited edition copy! I'm looking forward to it, also! Unfortunately I won't be getting a limited edition copy! I will have to re-read The Shining shortly before Dr. Sleep is available. Is anyone else going to be re-reading in preparation for the big event?

message 21: by Debra (new)

Debra (debra_t) | 6542 comments Yep, I'm going to re-read The Shining. I've got Doctor Sleep in my alphabet challenge. I just hope my alphabet progress coincides with the release of the book so I can read them back to back!

message 23: by April (new)

April | 970 comments Great list!!

message 24: by Debra (new)

Debra (debra_t) | 6542 comments Thanks!

message 25: by Snoozie Suzie (new)

Snoozie Suzie (snooziesuzie) | 937 comments Oooh. I've read three published this year. One got 5stars. Short stories though. I'm sure I have more downloaded on my Norman. *scuttles off to have a look*

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Snoozie Suzie wrote: "Oooh. I've read three published this year. One got 5stars. Short stories though. I'm sure I have more downloaded on my Norman. *scuttles off to have a look*"

On your Norman? Now I'm confused...

message 27: by Lynn (new)

Lynn | 2912 comments Perhaps she's named her book reader? :)

message 28: by Snoozie Suzie (new)

Snoozie Suzie (snooziesuzie) | 937 comments Oops, yes sorry. Norman is my kindle

message 29: by Lynn (new)

Lynn | 2912 comments Love it! :)

message 30: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56967 comments Here's a song dedicated to your Kindle. :)

message 31: by Cherie (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21445 comments LOL!!! I knew the song before I clicked on the link. Good one, Janice! I thought of it too when I saw the name Norman.

Suzie - I love that you named your Kindle reader.
We have a garbage disposal that we have always called Egor, but besides pets, that is all that we have ever named.

message 32: by Rusalka, Moderator (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18858 comments Our Neato is called Acathla after the demon in Buffy who came to suck the world through his mouth into a hell dimension.

Seemed like a good name for a robotic vacuum cleaner.

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