Simone James's Reviews > The Hacienda

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas
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's review

it was amazing

When I'm asked by readers what books to read if they like my books, this book is the answer. Beautifully written, powerful, a gothic ghost story that tackles huge themes and scares the socks off you at the same time. A strong heroine, a terrifying house, and a hot priest. You truly could not ask for more in your ghost story. Highly recommended!
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May 3, 2022 – Shelved
May 3, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Mary I have to get it now!! Was on the fence, but your glowing recommendation is more than enough for me to want to buy this book!!

Heather Reynolds Simone St. James is my favorite author so recommendation accepted

Mary She is one of my favorites too!! 💜

message 4: by Cindee (new) - added it

Cindee Just got it through BOTM. Can't wait to read this one

message 5: by Debbie (new)

Debbie L Sold! I'm getting this for my next read.

Your local cryptid Well if one of my absolute favorite authors loves it then that just confirms how much I’m gonna love it hahaha

message 7: by Allie (new)

Allie Barnard AMAZING! I cannot wait to read this!

message 8: by Cedricsmom (new)

Cedricsmom 5 stars, wow! That is high praise from one of my favorite authors!

Angie Oberhauser I agree to similar type book. Not as favorite as s. St james but a great book

Elizabeth Hintermeier Simone St. James recommending a book is all I need to buy the book and read it! I can’t wait to read this, I’m starting it right now :)

message 11: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica I'm so glad you reviewed this book because I was about to return it to the library, until I saw you suggested that this would be excellent for lovers of your writing. You were not wrong! It is so, so good.

message 12: by Nell (new)

Nell I’m too busy wanting to read your books !!! I will add to the list

Alicia I agree- if you love her books you'll love this. 5 stars is accurate. it's an amazing book!

message 14: by Simone Mathers (new)

Simone Mathers It sounds like a pretty good book
My name is Simone also!

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