Katie Colson's Reviews > Slow Dance

Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell
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really liked it

I was nervous going into this because I've read plenty of Rainbow Rowell books in the past and enjoyed or adored almost all of them. But those were either young adult or I was a young adult when I read them. If I reread them today would I have the same rating a less experienced/critical/cynical Katie would have?

But, that fear was put to rest with this book. Her characters are always the focal point of the story. If you're looking for plot, you won't be left sated by her stories. It's there but you aren't supposed to care so much about what's happening. You're meant to care about who it's happening to and how they react and grow. And boy howdy do you care.

I will say that this book was definitely too long. It felt like I was listening to it for a week when it was honestly two or three days. A romance book being over 400 pages is almost always unnecessary. But it's been a while since I've seen an adult romance from her (the only one I can recall is Attachments). So I will give her grace on the page count. She probably had a lot pint up, ha.

All in all, highly enjoyed but it's been two weeks since I read it and I don't remember the characters names. Which automatically means it isn't a 5 star. But I know I had a great time reading it.
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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Robin (Bridge Four) I completely adored this book!!! I've missed Rainbow Rowell as I really wasn't interested in her last series.

Isobel Wasn’t Landline an adult romance as well? Or am I misremembering?

I had the e-book, and always pay attention to percentage read - had no idea the book was more than 400 pages! Geez, that’s long!

Robin (Bridge Four) Isobel wrote: "Wasn’t Landline an adult romance as well? Or am I misremembering?

I had the e-book, and always pay attention to percentage read - had no idea the book was more than 400 pages! Geez, that’s long!"

Yes. Landline is her other adult book along with Attachments

Christine Valora I’m not sure what dictates that a romance novel has to be short (<400 pages). I enjoyed the read (having previously read both adult and YA from Rowell).

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