emma's Reviews > Rouge

Rouge by Mona Awad
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bookshelves: retelling, mystery-thriller-horror-etc, literary-fiction, 3-and-a-half-stars, recommend, reviewed, owned
Read 2 times. Last read August 22, 2023 to August 25, 2023.

horror retelling of beauty and the beast focusing on the impossible beauty standards of today as unwillingly passed down from the women that came before us...

this was brilliant before i even started reading it.

i wish i hadn't read all's well before this, because the two are sadly very similar (with nearly identical protagonists, writing styles, and meltdown arcs) and this one is much more interesting to me.

instead, i felt pretty irritated by the middle of this book, which was not only a bit repetitive in and of itself but far too reminiscent of that one.

do i feel like it was necessary to make tom cruise and a surfer bro window-washer and a cop character with a romance hero's name major characters? no. but who am i to question whatever was going on here?

mona awad's writing is so, so weird. and if the beauty industry was any less freakish, it wouldn't work. but thankfully we don't have that problem, and the two fit well!

bottom line: in a weird-off, mona wins every time.

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
August 22, 2023 – Started Reading
August 25, 2023 – Finished Reading
April 8, 2024 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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mitra (semi-hiatus) omfg that sounds amazing 🤭🤭

Clare Snow I can't wait to read this

message 3: by liv ❁ (new) - added it

liv ❁ agh i’m so excited for this one!! hope it’s amazing!

Ash (Nico di Angelo's version) THAT SOUNDS SOOOO GOOD

message 5: by luisa (new)

luisa i loved both bunny and all's well, i mean... mona awad can totally have my soul at this point if she wishes

message 6: by s.penkevich (new)

s.penkevich Ooooo yes!

Skylar Miklus The blurb actually says it's a retelling of Snow White.

message 8: by Amanda (new) - added it

Amanda I’ve been dying to read this for months

message 9: by Kristen (new) - added it

Kristen And the NYT review calls it "a surrealist take on the myth of Demeter and Persephone, in which first mother, then daughter is drawn into a cultish underworld that preys on feminine insecurity and narcissism."

Either if it's none or all 3 of these iterations, I'm all for it

message 10: by Kia (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kia More Snow White than Beauty and the Beast

MaxNeverhastimetoread when i got the notification that Mona was putting out a new book i screamed. can't wait to read :>

Megan I’m already over 40% in but it’s taking me awhile because as you said… it’s just been so repetitive. I’m waiting for something, ANYTHING, really, to happen already!

Deborah 100%

Gillian Pugliese OMG totally agree about Tom, Tad & the cop! In reality, Tad and the cop really could have been omitted from the story and kept the same meaning! Tad made me so annoyed always washing the darn windows like STOP TAD

message 15: by Bea (new) - rated it 3 stars


Sophie Peacock This is what’s bothering me 55% of the way though and boy I am struggling to stay invested

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