Sarah Swans's Reviews > Here After

Here After by Amy  Lin
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's review

it was amazing

If you are grieving, please read this book. If you have grieved, please read this book. If you know someone who is grieving or has grieved, PLEASE read this book. Lin is so beautifully raw and exposed in her writing of her journey with grief. So much of what I thought was weird or abnormal with my own grieving process felt validated with the writing of her experience. This memoir is so tragically beautiful and brings to the light the real emotional, physical, and mental process of grieving. Loved the writing style, almost like poetry. I am closing this book feeling sad, happy, relieved, like I can breathe again. The comfort and “tell it like it is” manner I didn’t know I needed in my journey.
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Reading Progress

March 5, 2024 – Started Reading
March 5, 2024 – Shelved
March 5, 2024 –
page 104
March 7, 2024 – Finished Reading

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