Sloan MacDonald's Reviews > Bright Young Women

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll
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men are fucking ✨infuriating✨

this is obviously a 5 star book - but full disclosure I had zero fun reading it.
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Reading Progress

October 3, 2023 – Shelved
October 3, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
October 6, 2023 – Started Reading
October 6, 2023 –
October 7, 2023 –
October 9, 2023 –
October 9, 2023 –
October 9, 2023 –
October 13, 2023 –
October 14, 2023 –
October 15, 2023 –
October 16, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Kelsey Pence I feel the exact same way. 🤬😤😔

Louise Litton Same😞

Dallas Carson SAME

Katie SAME!!!!

Savannah Johnson Did you expect to have fun reading a book about this subject matter? That’s like rating a comedy three stars because it wasn’t serious enough.

message 6: by Brittnye (new) - added it

Brittnye The is THE most accurate description of this book!

Brittney McCord me toooooo! kuddos if you finished. I am STRUGGLING and torn between finishing because I'm 62% in and DNFing because I just can't !

Kirsty Yes my thoughts exactly gave it 5 ⭐️ but doesn’t sit well with me at all!

Reader ilham ib The same

message 10: by Sue (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sue Trump Agree!

Tracie Phelps Same

Rebecca Filsinger Yes, exactly this!

Kelly Petteruto Thank you! This is exactly how I feel but couldn’t come up with the words.

Ashley I feel this.

Krondokiller What about Pam? She was incredibly effective given she had to function around 1978 men. Maybe easier if one lived during the Ted Bundy's atrocities--rendering them not-news, no less infuriating, but secondary to the women's roles and experiences (and victories) here.

Dakota So… shouldn’t the rating be 5 stars, if it’s a 5 star book? Vs. you bringing the rating down because men annoy you.

Michelle M I’m almost done with it and I agree with many of you, it was so hard to get through and at times I was going to give up. But I figured I’d challenge myself to finish it and now I have about 50 pages left.

message 18: by Anna (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anna I don’t understand this? Do you read to just have fun? Isn’t it about more than that? Did it move you? Did you find it interesting? Was it well written, did it open up rooms inside you you did not yet know or weren’t ready to enter before? Did it hurt, did it shake you, did it touch you in any way other than „it was zero fun reading it“? Give it five stars if it is a five star book.

Jessica Diaz Struggling. It’s kinda boring 😭

Bailee Miller Literally SAME

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