Alix Harrow's Reviews > He Who Drowned the World

He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan
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it was amazing

absolutely brilliant. it's really something, to be reading an author whose first book left you sobbing, and realize--with a kind of fearful awe--that they were pulling their punches.

but i don't want to scare you off. this is not a book of unrelenting or senseless suffering; at even the bleakest moments, there's the heart-stopping potential for empathy, grace, connection, a vital truth-to-self-- a brightness so stunning that even when it slips past, you can see it on the backs of your eyelids.
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Reading Progress

August 12, 2023 – Shelved

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message 1: by Rlsalvati (new)

Rlsalvati She Who Became the Sun is sitting in my TBR pile, I need to take a deep breath and dive in.

message 2: by Shelly (new)

Shelly This is the most poetic and beautifully written book review I've ever read.

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