Roxane's Reviews > Opinions: A Decade of Arguments, Criticism, and Minding Other People's Business

Opinions by Roxane Gay
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(Review from the author)
it was amazing

I wrote this book. It’s out on 10/10/23. It’s pretty great.
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Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 1: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Fiorani I can't wait to read it!

message 2: by Vilany (new) - added it

Vilany i love having things to look forward to

message 3: by imani (new) - added it

imani yayy

message 4: by Talya (new)

Talya Matz hahaha

message 5: by Casey (new) - added it

Casey I was just wondering if Roxane Gay would be putting out something new any time soon. Very excited for this!

message 6: by Katie (new) - added it

Katie  F Harris Ugh I will read anythingggggggg you put out

message 7: by Lauren (new) - added it

Lauren C Can’t wait to read it!

message 8: by Kelly (new) - added it

Kelly O'toole Very exciting!

message 9: by Annette (new)

Annette Congratulations! I'm looking forward to it

Jennifer I remember you saying something about how hard it was to write so am congratulating you on having finished! Looking forward to reading it!

message 11: by Ange (new) - added it

Ange I love that you review your books ha! October is set, I look forward to reading it. Congratulations! You are prolific.

Michelle Can’t wait!!!

Rebecc Hello Roxane, you're Opinions are reviewed in the London Guardian today, just off to my local bookshop to order it now. Love your writing, keep it coming!

kimberly Roxane, hi. I’m only 35% through this collection of your work and GODDAMN. Just thank you. You put words to my thoughts that I don’t have words for myself. How unfortunately sad but true it is that the people who need to hear these things are the people who are incapable of listening.

message 15: by Sara (new) - added it

Sara Routzahn Can’t wait! I won it in Goodreads giveaway! Love your work!

message 16: by Nancie (new) - added it

Nancie I heard you speak on XPN the other day.. I was so enthralled and moved by your words and messages, that I scribbled your name down at the light!! Can’t wait to purchase…

Vix (Victoria Kenny) 😂 funny move Roxane. Always enjoy your work. Reading it now.

message 18: by Elizabeth (new) - added it

Elizabeth If I wrote a book, I'd review it! Can't wait to get into this one.

message 19: by Megan (new) - added it

Megan Why do I feel like people always say they hate it when authors rate themselves on GR but yet all the times they do, the responses are all favorable? I’m not trying to be divisive or rude at all here, not to anyone who has posted and certainly not to you, Roxane. I have no issue with it. I always wanted to be a writer (I’m sure many avid readers have wanted this) but realized it was much harder than I possibly expected, so yes, I gave up that dream. Your book looks very intriguing so I’m definitely adding it to my TBR shelf. But really, I am curious to know if anyone has a response to my question on this, lol (I really have seen an endless number of writers who do it so not trying to single you out, just wondering why some people have a problem with this - and yet never do seem to speak up?).

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