Ghoul Von Horror's Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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Publishing day is here 😑

TW: toxic parent relationship, cancer, suicide, language, abortion, family drama, alcoholism, cheating, use of w*ore word, murder

About the book:At seventeen, Lenora HopeHung her sister with a ropeNow reduced to a schoolyard chant, the Hope family murders shocked the Maine coast one bloody night in 1929. While most people assume seventeen-year-old Lenora was responsible, the police were never able to prove it. Other than her denial after the killings, she has never spoken publicly about that night, nor has she set foot outside Hope’s End, the cliffside mansion where the massacre occurred.Stabbed her father with a knifeTook her mother’s happy lifeIt’s now 1983, and home-health aide Kit McDeere arrives at a decaying Hope’s End to care for Lenora after her previous nurse fled in the middle of the night. In her seventies and confined to a wheelchair, Lenora was rendered mute by a series of strokes and can only communicate with Kit by tapping out sentences on an old typewriter. One night, Lenora uses it to make a tantalizing offer—I want to tell you everything.“It wasn’t me,” Lenora saidBut she’s the only one not deadAs Kit helps Lenora write about the events leading to the Hope family massacre, it becomes clear there’s more to the tale than people know. But when new details about her predecessor’s departure come to light, Kit starts to suspect Lenora might not be telling the complete truth—and that the seemingly harmless woman in her care could be far more dangerous than she first thought.
Release Date: June 20th, 2023
Genre: Horror
Pages: 368

What I Liked:
1. The cover is a great
2. Kept me guessing for 50 pages

What I Didn't Like:
1. Take a shot every-time the word murder is mentioned - (101 times)
2. Some parts feel like repeats of Lock Every Door
3. Kit is stupid
4. 98 mentions of the word terrace
5. That ending is too much

Overall Thoughts:

Well here we are again. Finding ourselves in another Riley Sager book. Perhaps you're wondering what I'm doing here reading another book by this author when I've hated all his other books, well I believe in chances. Maybe this will be the one that I'm convinced is a great book. Maybe not?

If you LOVE books with so much going on than this is the book for you!

As usual we got our normal Sager setup;
✔️Poor female character (always broke)
✔️No family or friends (that care or have abandoned her)
✔️Hot handyman
✔️Creepy location/isolated location

I pause before driving away. “Thanks for helping me with the gate. I’m not sure what I would have done if you hadn’t come by.”
“I think you would have managed somehow.” Carter studies me, his head tilted in curious appraisal. “You strike me as being pretty resourceful.”

Oh does she? You've known her for like 30 seconds!

Kit's dad is a handyman too. Is Sager fucking with us? Is there a camera in my Kindle so he can see my reaction? Another handyman...

Another woman meeting another woman and instantly becoming friends with her after 20 seconds.

Mary disappearing like Erica did from Lock Every Door. One day she's there and then gone.

This book is 360+ pages and on every page you WILL read about the murder over and over again.

Mary's suicide note survived being on her while she was in the water for almost two weeks.

Kit asks Jessie if anyone else knew about the typewriter and Jessie mentions only Mary knew about it and that Lenora could type. That isn't true as Mrs. Baker did know about it because she mentions that Mary bought Lenora a typewriter.

Also makes zero sense why she didn't get the two pages she saved from her lockbox that Lenora typed to show to Detective. Vick.

Speaking of the detective. He's an idiot. Of course someone would leave in the middle of the night if they didn't want to be questioned why they had a suitcase. You leave during the day and you risk people asking questions.

I am confused. Lorena is clearly pregnant - as seen in the photo, but her family just doesn't notice she's pregnant?

Mrs. Baker comments that the house was built in 1913 when Lenora was born but Lorena was born in 1912.

The gross way Riley Sager writes about a girl who just turned 17 in sexual situations made me creeped out. Talking about them having sex and her grabbing this grown man's penis. No no no. Can men just stop writing about underage girls having sex in an enjoyable way.

So I know that the police thought she killed her family but what happened that she got off of the murder charge? The book hasn't mentioned anything about that. Was someone else arrested? They just her be free and didn't charge her?

Here I am actually somewhat enjoying this book but Riley Sager gotta Riley Sager and of course the trespasser on Lenora Hope's property is Kenny. The fucking fuck chance that it would be Kenny that happens to come torment this ladies house while Kit is there for only 4 days is like win the lotto chances. Not only that but he couldn't have been that far from her and not have noticed it was her if she could jump off the porch and catch him in a few strides. I eye rolled. It makes no sense that Kenny would go make fun of the lady who was accused of murdering her family if he's already sleeping with a woman who's also accused of the same thing.

You know a good way to know if someone is sneaking out and walking around?... Look at their feet. If they are dirty she's been walking. Plus if she was walking wouldn't she have some kind of muscle mass on her legs?

I don't know how they kept all this typing quiet. Typewriters are not quiet at all. Nothing about a typewriter is quiet. When you reach the end of the row it's loud and then you have to slide it back.

It feels so outlandish that all this stuff happened in a week;
-Kit finds Mary dead
-House is completely falling into the ocean (every night)
-Dragged Lenora downstairs
-Everyone went to a funeral
-Lenora writing so much in 4 days with like one hand
-Her dad showing up
-Kenny showing up

I don't get why Mrs. Baker left the typewriter there if she was worried about Lenora being able to communicate with it or even letting Mary bring it into the house.

Honestly I don't know why I always feel like I'm reading the same book by this author. There's always some woman that's in financial trouble, finds a way to make money/house, finds out this mystery there, won't leave, has to solve mystery, and then gets fucked over by person she thinks she can trust who she thinks she is helping.

So the house had a 17 year old cook with no experience cooking for them? This rich family and this is what they had.

Berniece holding onto the secret of what happened that night in 1929 for fifty-four years only for Kit s to sit down for 2 seconds and say she has to tell her is stupid. Like why would she tell this stranger everything???

So everyone thinks this 17 year old girl killed her parents and somehow was able to hang her sister all without anyone fighting back and her sister just standing there letting herself be hanged.

Don't let Detective Vick solve your murder. He thinks a hand typed message as a suicide note is a confession. Like anyone can type that message. Also detective just walking around with a copy of it. Like he has no other cases going on.

Kit has thee weakest case as to that Virginia is alive and Mrs Baker is Lenora - the urn is empty (they could have put her ashes over the edge of the cliff) - and she has blue eyes (lots of people have blue eyes). Ah and how easy everyone just admits things to Kit is laughable.

The baby was born but he was only 6 months old. How was he eating? How was he okay enough to be wiggling around and crying? A baby thst small couldn't even eat on their own. Okay we'll pretend it's just a normal full term baby.

How did the detective not notice Virginia and Lenora looked similar? He worked at the house and didn't recognize them in the least? He even watched Virginia in the room and never thought it was weird. It's even the same room they put Virginia in before.

Also Berniece gets all that money and is blackmailing the family for that long but she never goes anywhere, just stays in the same town? And once Lenora aká Virginia was unable to do anything for herself why did Mrs. Baker continue to pay the ransom? It's not like she could go to prison as she has no idea what's going on? Also once Virginia was ruled dead how would Berniece had known the truth that she was still alive if the doctor was in on the lie? How deep does this cover up go... Are the grocery people in on it too that they don't think it's odd that adult diapers are being delivered to the house. Who's filling the medicine if the old doctor is dead?

Oh Kit - she's so fucking dumb! She suspects it's Carter that killed Mary. Does she wait until she's away from him and in a safe place to accuse him? No! She does it right in her car. She then threatens him with a fucking corkscrew opener lol. How ridiculous. Dude is right there and could just grab it from her. And once she has Carter out of the car does she drive away somewhere safe and not led what she believes is a killer to her dad's house? No again! She drives the few feet to her dad's and jumps out so he knows where he lives.

Oh and once Kit goes to her dad's and finds the house empty you just KNOW her dad killed Mary because even though he KNEW she was coming over (she LITERALLY called him like probably an hour before) he decides to leave this suitcase out and leave the house. Like wtf??? Oh let's talk about how she just now remember that everyone calls him Pat - Patrick McDeere aká Ricky!!! Ricky!!?? Who would ever tie those together?

"On the phone, I gave away that Virginia was alive, accidentally leading him right to her."

No she didn't. He knew she was alive when he saw Virginia and when he read the notes that were typewritten.

Don't worry... Kit doesn't pick up any weapons once in the house, she's got her trusty corkscrew. She puts it next to Virginia's bed - I'm sure that won't be used later to go into Ricky (It did!)

Why would Mary go to Ricky's house to get blood work when she already had Virginia's blood? She didn't need his. She had the woman's and Virginia never mentioned the kid being someone else's so why would she need to prove that? Not only that Pat(ricky) mentions that Virginia write the store when Mary got back from talking to him do if that's true why would she still leave the gate open? Why wouldn't she had let Carter know everything that happened? She knew at that he was a murderer, but she did nothing to protect herself?

Why did Kit's dad run into the house while it was crumbling? What was the point of that?

So Virginia could walk (not shocked it was mentioned in chapter 33)
"For a restless girl like me who lost every time my father forced us to play the game in which he locked us in our rooms, I shockingly had no trouble spending most of my time in bed. Very quickly, I learned how to lay very still, sometimes for hours, while my mind roamed the world, going wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted."

So stupid. Imagine pissing and shitting yourself for over 50 years just to spite your sister. The other reason is that incase her son found her she'd be there... Dude that's how she'd want him to find her? Living life like she was paralyzed and then what was her game plan just get up and tell everyone she was joking?? What would her son think of her then? She's a nutcase.

How did caregivers not notice that Virginia had legs that were toned from walking? Were her feet never dirty from the ground and walking? She just walked around in the dark with no lights.

Omg now we find out that Jessie is really Virginia's granddaughter. Are you kidding me???! Why would Mrs. Baker tell Jessie anything about the past? She knows what a messed up family they are but she'll put her in danger telling her about them.

Apparently Jessie can make fake passports.. I mean who can't honestly?

How Kit just forgives Virginia is weird to me. Like no no no she was pretending to be sick for so long and even months after she knew she should tell her everything but she just disappears one day.

So Virginia becomes a superstar because of her life. She gets to travel. Gets married in her 70s. And lives this grand life.

Wow what a convoluted ending.... So Ricardo was actually sleeping with Archie. They were going to run away that night. Ricky was some random local help that left that night too. Lenora is pretending to be Mrs. Baker and had Virginia killed off but told people that the real Virginia was Lenora. They were being blackmailed by Berniece because she thought Virginia was sleeping with Ricardo and thay was his baby. The real Mrs. Baker moved to Canada with the baby. Virginia tried to kill herself. I'm sorry this plot is one step away from the evil twin did it and switch places with the good twin and took her life. Jessie is really Virginia's granddaughter. Kit's dad is Ricky and Ricky was paid off to leave Virginia alone. Ricky killed Virginia's mother. Virginia's mother killed Virginia's father.

Final Thoughts:
Sometimes less is more. There was just too much going on in this book and not in a good way. This book read like one long soap opera. I'll admit the beginning of the book started interesting for me and I was enjoying it but then somewhere down the line just too many insane things kept happening. Sadly the things happening were pretty predictable so I wasn't ever shocked when they did in fact happen.

Thank God this is the last book that the author has to write for his contract because I'd be curious to see what he comes up with when he isn't forced to write a book every year.

Recommend For:
• Mysterious stories
• Soap operas
• Complex storylines
• Timelines

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for this advanced copy of the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own thoughts

previous review
ANOTHER book from a female perspective. Maybe this one the main character will fall in love with a male handyman ghost. 🙄
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Reading Progress

January 23, 2023 – Shelved
February 25, 2023 – Started Reading
February 28, 2023 – Finished Reading
May 18, 2023 – Shelved (Hardcover Edition)
May 18, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read (Hardcover Edition)

Comments Showing 1-50 of 103 (103 new)

Werp And so what? Authors should write what they want to write...I really do hope she falls in love with a male handyman ghost.

message 2: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Bruh wrote: "And so what? Authors should write what they want to write...I really do hope she falls in love with a male handyman ghost."

And so what I'm allowed to review what I want to as a reader. Thanks for stopping by with your opinion.

Nakia's Hideaway Your reviews are the best! I had zero interest in this book and now it's negative zero. I hope Riley Sager does give us better stories now that his contract is up. But only time will tell.

You are better than me for sticking through this one. 🙈

message 4: by Jim (new)

Jim love your reviews! i gave up on Sager's books a while back. TTH.
i might try the drinking game this weekend, though maybe with 1/3 shots? 100 mentions?!?

message 5: by Jim (new)

Jim ha! love this review so much :)
i don't even bother with Sager's books anymore. they are just awful and skeevy.

message 6: by Stephanie (new) - added it

Stephanie Harris There’s something to be said for hate reading.

Natalie Lamm I am living for this review! Thank you 🙏🏼

message 8: by Gay (new) - rated it 3 stars

Gay I love your review! It was a much better read than Sager’s novel.

message 9: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica While I enjoyed the book more than you did, I so agree with you about that last, OMG she could walk the whole time twist. I can understand and appreciate a good bit of spite, but that is deranged level of spite. And then magically she's a well rounded normal person afterwards? Nooooo. And again, how could nobody notice? Plus if you don't whip out the "hey I can do things" bit when someone is trying TO MURDER YOU or when you NEED TO ESCAPE A COLLAPSING HOUSE then what's even the actual point.

Plus I still don't get why she had to leave Kit's house like that.

Or why her grandkid would ditch her after the murder.

Ashley This review is everything. The book was horrible. I was left with so many questions and so many "that was not necessary" moments. It just continued. And the ending was HORRIBLE.

message 11: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Nakia [Nakia's Hideaway] wrote: "Your reviews are the best! I had zero interest in this book and now it's negative zero. I hope Riley Sager does give us better stories now that his contract is up. But only time will tell.

You ar..."

Thanks for liking my reviews. Sometimes I think I am too harsh lol. A lot of people have liked this one but he just twist bombs you like he always does.

message 12: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Jim wrote: "ha! love this review so much :)
i don't even bother with Sager's books anymore. they are just awful and skeevy."

I am just at this point now where I hate read his books. I haven't liked any of them.

message 13: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Stephanie wrote: "There’s something to be said for hate reading."

For real lol

message 14: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Natalie wrote: "I am living for this review! Thank you 🙏🏼"

Oh, thanks! You are welcome. lol. I try not to be too harsh but say all the things people are thinking.

message 15: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Gay wrote: "I love your review! It was a much better read than Sager’s novel."


message 16: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Jessica wrote: "While I enjoyed the book more than you did, I so agree with you about that last, OMG she could walk the whole time twist. I can understand and appreciate a good bit of spite, but that is deranged l..."

God, yes that's what bothered me. Like, imagine just letting someone wipe your ass and giving up 60 years of your life. The fact that her feet were never dirty. So many questions about why! I just hate that he twist bombs us with things that don't need to be in the book, but he feels like he needs more and more twists. Less is more. Just work on making a story make sense.

message 17: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Ashley wrote: "This review is everything. The book was horrible. I was left with so many questions and so many "that was not necessary" moments. It just continued. And the ending was HORRIBLE."

That's what the author does. He twist bombs you with one thing after the other and none of it makes any sense. Why go 60 years and let someone wipe your butt? Why get dragged out of a building when you can walk? Why why why? This book is getting good reviews and I am just scratching my head.

Anusha Thatavarthi Ummm...why wouldn't you indicate there are spoilers in your review?

message 19: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Anusha wrote: "Ummm...why wouldn't you indicate there are spoilers in your review?"

Ummmmm back at you BUT right under trigger warnings I wrote *****SPOILERS*****

Anusha Thatavarthi okay, that's one me.

Lorna Such a good review! I’ve never read anything by this author and quite enjoyed the first quarter or so of the book, but by the end I was rolling my eyes. And your review summarises why perfectly!

Sarg78 Thank you - this review was way better than the book.

message 23: by Inga (new) - rated it 2 stars

Inga Exactly! Every single sentence of this review.

truedeceiver Thank you! I can’t bring myself to finish this book and now I don’t have to. Agree with all points. I can’t handle this convoluted plot with not a stitch of believability. I also hated the last one which read like a parody. I think my days of reading Sager are over.

Delia Jesus.

message 26: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Delia wrote: "Jesus."

What's your comment mean?

message 27: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror truedeceiver wrote: "Thank you! I can’t bring myself to finish this book and now I don’t have to. Agree with all points. I can’t handle this convoluted plot with not a stitch of believability. I also hated the last one..."

I wish I had your willpower to dnf Sager, but I just keep going because I need to see what ridiculous thing is next. I keep hoping that the next book will be a good thriller that isn't so off the top insane.

message 28: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Inga wrote: "Exactly! Every single sentence of this review."

Thanks for the comment. Just happy you knew where I was coming from.

message 29: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Sarg78 wrote: "Thank you - this review was way better than the book."

Awe thanks! I wrote the review as I kept reading. I spent more time writing the review and it took me so long to get through the book because I couldn't stop taking notes.

message 30: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Jessica wrote: "Lmao, I'm dying at this review. The typed out suicide note had me rolling."

Glad I could give you a laugh. Some real ridiculous moments in this book. Lol

message 31: by Ghoul (new) - added it

Ghoul Von Horror Lorna wrote: "Such a good review! I’ve never read anything by this author and quite enjoyed the first quarter or so of the book, but by the end I was rolling my eyes. And your review summarises why perfectly!"

The first part of the book was pretty good but he can't stop himself from going 100 steps too far. The 7 twists were not needed.

Helena Manawari Totally agree, except that I found the first part tedious but found the second part entertaining. Like, the plot twists were riddled with plot holes, but after dealing with Kit's frustrating thoughts and actions, the convoluted, soap opera-like ending was a better alternative to Kit's ridiculous conjectures.

I don't know if you've read Simone St. James, but The Sun Down Motel or her other works are much better than this one.

message 33: by Liz (new) - rated it 4 stars

Liz Warner I literally ate this book up but also this review resonates so hard haha

Gisselle Hermann I enjoyed the book but I also agree with everything you said. The ending was… a lot.

message 35: by Alma (new) - rated it 2 stars

Alma Also... take a shot every time "1929" is mentioned....

Cindy Newton So glad I’m not alone! HOW does this book have 4.19 stars?!? 🤦‍♀️ I’m glad it brings people pleasure—I just don’t get it. 🤷‍♀️

Denise Holaday SOAP OPERA is exactly what I thought about 1/3 of the way through. Then those last 100 pages were like some psycho rollercoaster. Good grief.

Suzie Q Ditto

message 39: by C.G. (new)

C.G. Twiles "And her sister just standing there letting herself be hanged." LOL. this is the kind of stuff that drives me nuts in books. But no one else seems bothered by them so I've stopped trying to hold myself to such a high standard.

message 40: by Maja (new) - rated it 3 stars

Maja Great review and I agree with all your points. I still enjoyed it, but precisely because it was light bordering on ridiculous. Though after the whole Ricardo-Ricky-Pat situation it became a bit toooo ridiculous, I agree. Would be better if we didn't have, well, any of the plot twists from that moment on (including that).

Sarah the layout of this review is immaculate. Love the bullet point summary style in the beginning!

Monet Rae Lol great review (you are talented!)

Brooklea Warren Ok I throughly enjoyed the book, but these points are valid. I do remember thinking it was odd that Archie was so young and hired on as a chef at such a notorious estate and that it was super unsettling that Virginia was so young AND that the cliff had been crumbling for decades yet it shifted several times in the same week lol But oh well it is fiction, right?

Colleen Cumberpatch This review is sending me 😂 you nailed it !

Paula (She Sniffs Books) Lord, why do people assume ALL male authors write about teen girls in a nasty way? Is it because the author is a man, and therefore, none of it could be true? Because I remember being a horny 17 girl, sleeping with dudes in the same way. This is the part of your review I don't get. Just sounds like a woman trying to point fingers at a man, for nothing, other then that he is man.
And I am very aware of the issues with have with male authors writing about girls and women but that was not the case here, at all. ✋️ Please go touch some grass. Thank you.

Susana Meyers This is the best review I’ve ever read and so on point!!

Molly This review really resonated with my experience of the book. Thanks for writing this accurate and hilarious review.

Shawna Perfect review! The house falling into the water with Pat and Lenora holding hands inside was the icing on the ridiculous cake 😂

message 49: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Bier this is hilarious

Karen I’m dying laughing at this review 😂😂 spot on in so many ways, although it did keep me turning the pages to find out wth was going on. Best Ghoul quote “imagine pissing and shitting yourself for over 50 years just to spite your sister” 😂😂😂

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