Michelle Ogden's Reviews > 8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go

8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty
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it was amazing

In Think Like a Monk, Jay Sherry shared what he learned in the three years he spent at a Hindu monastery as a monk. The book really helped me a lot. In fact I read it through three times and listened to his podcast for a year.

When he got married, he learned what it takes to make a relationship work. He wasn’t perfect but he and Rahvi talked things through and learned together what each other needed. When two people enter into a relationship they bring everything they have learned in their lives into it as well. You have to relearn things as a couple because you both come from different backgrounds.

In 8 Rules of Love, Sherry uses what he learned as a monk and applies it to love. Wonderful and practical advice. If you have felt unlucky in love you need to read this book, if you are in a relationship and are having trouble read this book, if you hope to be in a relationship, READ this book.
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December 22, 2022 – Shelved

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message 1: by Martika (new)

Martika Thankyou for the review. Its actually Jay Shetty.

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