Sara Ellis's Reviews > Ask for Andrea

Ask for Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli
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's review

it was ok

I think I’m in the minority but I did not like this one. The story of three young women that are killed by a serial killer. The story follows the ghosts of the women that are trying to make sure their killer is convicted. I found the storyline predictable and slow.
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Reading Progress

August 8, 2022 – Started Reading
August 8, 2022 – Shelved
August 8, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
August 8, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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James And I couldn’t even give it two stars. Boring and zero twists. It was so boring.

Nancy Zero twists? Y’all are nuts 😂

Nikki I am half way through trying to push forward. It’s very meh…I’m bored

Desiree A I’m with you it is meh. Missing umph!

Brittney I agree 100%!
I saw this book on BookTok! I was super excited about it! It was not a good read overall! I agree by having to push myself to finish the book!:(

Shelby ONeal Agreed the story line was slow. I was not a huge fan

Tammy I'm an hour in and bored out of my mind.

Lauren Pellerito Agree. Slow and felt a bit YA. Not for me.

Sarwah Creed It has taken me over a week to finish it, and that is with skipping over 200 pages. It is a bit cheeky to have so many blank pages in a book and number them as pages, but I'm thankful, because the title was so deceiving. I don't even know who Andrea is, nor do I care.

Nikki Arcoren Sarwah, the book doesn’t have many more pages.. it took you a week to read 100 pages? Yikes

Allie Pettola Not every book needs to have a twist. Some are just good stories that follow characters. This book was different in a good way

Sarwah Creed I was bored Nikki. Mainly, because it is labelled as a psychological thriller. I've noticed Amazon's changed it's cats now and stuck it in ghost stories, which is fine. If I thought I was reading a ghost story, then it would have been fine. But, I didn't, so yeah it was misleading which led to the disappointment. Especially, because because we don't know why he did it. I didn't even care who Andrea was, I mean what was the point of the title. Just a one-liner in the first chapter and the chapter at the end. Pointless.

message 13: by Mara (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mara Paguia Just finished. I was like where is andrea the whole time

Shelby Kaske Yall ask for Andrea is a code that you need help, good lord… its not an actual person smh

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