Alix Harrow's Reviews > Babel

Babel by R.F. Kuang
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it was amazing
Read 2 times

hahahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa i thought i was ready for this book! i'd read the poppy war trilogy! i'm familiar with the time period, with academia, with interrogations of empire!

reader, i was not ready. Babel is more ambitious, more brilliant, more upsetting, more satisfying, than i could have imagined. it's a love letter and a declaration of war. it's The Secret History on the scale of empire; it's Jonathan Strange with teeth.

god speed, babblers. <3
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July 13, 2022 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Lindsey I already had this on preorder but now I know to drop everything else when it comes in!

Alanna-Jane I wasn’t remotely ready either! Your description is perfect though.

Rebecca Petrilli “It’s The Secret History on the scale of empire” is the most apt description possible. Glorious!

April Your review is my favorite so far. I’m in full agreement and love your phrasing.

Michael-Ann Cerniglia Such an endorsement!

Joan Sours I’ll be a babbler, I loved this book! I can’t wait for the next book she writes!

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