Wen's Reviews > The Hacienda

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas
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5 stars
“I have a theory,” Andrés breathed, “about houses. I think . . . I believe that they absorb the feelings of the people who live in them. "

Every October I always go on the hunt for a good horror or a gothic romance that will sweep me away, and The Hacienda fulfilled both needs for me. I don't normally get creeped out by horror novels; text doesn't quite have the same power over me as a visual medium, but The Hacienda had some truly scary scenes and tense moments that had me holding my breath. The House itself is a character in this novel: a real, breathing entity with personality and history, not just a vessel for terrible things to happen in.

Okay--it's scary, yes, and the setting was absolutely gothic and gorgeous. But the real reason why I am obsessed with The Hacienda is much more shallow: the male lead is a hot priest who practices WITCHCRAFT, and he and Beatriz have unbelievable tension and chemistry. If you are looking for a romance that is Mexican Gothic + Rebecca + THAT HAND SCENE IN PRIDE & PREJUDICE...This is it. Highly recommend.

One extra note...But this novel had one of the most realistic representations of colorism I have ever read.

Isabel Cañas fed me well. If this is her debut, I cannot wait for what she comes out with next.
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Reading Progress

June 1, 2022 – Shelved
October 10, 2022 – Started Reading
October 10, 2022 –
page 28
7.95% "Our relationship was founded on one thing and one thing only: my world was a dark, windowless room, and he was a door.

Good start so far. Vibes are perfect for October. It’s already reminding me of crimson peak."
October 10, 2022 –
page 65
18.47% "Creeeepy"
October 11, 2022 –
page 90
October 11, 2022 –
page 100
28.41% "A moment passed. The dust settled. Reality settled: I was sitting on a dusty storeroom floor like a child, my knees pulled to my chest, looking up into the face of an unfairly handsome priest. I sneezed. “Salud,” Padre Andrés said solemnly.

Girls I am eating this up."
October 12, 2022 –
page 138
39.2% "Andrés filled the doorway of the rooms when I called his name. His eyes lit with eagerness at the sight of the steaming tray, and he stepped forward— His head met the top of the doorframe with a solid sound.

Miss author knows what she’s doing"
October 13, 2022 –
page 215
61.08% "“For if sin was all I had standing between myself and the darkness, I would take it.”"
October 14, 2022 –
page 266
October 14, 2022 –
page 300
85.23% "Things are happening very quickly"
October 14, 2022 – Finished Reading

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