Anastacia Reads Stuff's Reviews > Ask for Andrea

Ask for Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli
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it was amazing

It was such a good book. I read a lot of thrillers, so it's pretty hard at this point to give me something that I haven't seen before but this book right from the beginning gives you a trope that I have never seen before so.

In this book, you are following a man who is a serial killer, and he is strangling these young women that he meets on a dating site. And that part isn't new, right? We've seen that 100 times. But what is new is what happens to the girls after they die. They become and continue to be a part of the story and kind of lend their hand into him finally getting caught and you guys, it was so good, started listening to it at my tattoo appointment And I could not stop. Like I could not wait to get home yesterday so I could keep reading. I finished it in two days. The character development is great. You really develop a relationship with these girls that he has murdered throughout the whole book so that by the end you feel like you know you have such a connection with them and you're really sad to See what's going to happen. You also really, genuinely end up loathing this man. It was just so good. By the end of the book I had kind of like my heart was racing and couldn't wait to see how it was going to finish. But I also was like really sad for it, and because I didn't want to lose all these characters that, like, I really got invested in. It was it was just really good, just definitely something different. If you've read a lot of thrillers and you're kind of getting bored, I highly recommend picking this up, I don't think it's talked about enough and I definitely think you're going to be in for a really different kind of unique treat in the thriller world.
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Reading Progress

April 9, 2022 – Shelved
April 9, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
November 4, 2022 – Started Reading
November 9, 2022 –
65.0% "I found this book on Amazon unlimited and started it yesterday on a whim and I am so glad I did. This book is so good! It gives a totally different perspective and to normal thrillers and has an element that makes it unlike any other thriller I've read before. I can't wait to get home so I can keep reading."
November 9, 2022 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Debra (new)

Debra Terrific review!

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