Sadie Hartmann's Reviews > Dead Silence

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
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bookshelves: cemetery-dance

Review originally published at Cemetery Dance Online:
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Reading Progress

February 3, 2022 – Started Reading
February 3, 2022 – Shelved
February 3, 2022 –
page 0
0.0% "I turn away from Kane and quicken my pace, trying to ignore him and the odd mix of pride and hurt welling up inside me. Pride that I’ve managed to at least partially fool him; hurt because I still somehow expected him to see through the act"
February 3, 2022 –
page 80
23.32% "Oooooo CREEPY AF"
February 3, 2022 –
page 102
29.74% "100 page mark! The crew dynamic is great"
February 3, 2022 –
page 136
39.65% "“To fame and fortune bitches”"
February 4, 2022 –
page 165
48.1% "Ok, interesting developments. Character shits."
February 4, 2022 –
page 192
55.98% "Voller"
February 5, 2022 –
page 206
60.06% "Why are women always the unreliable narrator"
February 5, 2022 –
page 250
72.89% "…"
February 5, 2022 – Shelved as: cemetery-dance
February 5, 2022 – Finished Reading

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