Sadie Hartmann's Reviews > Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations

Apache Witch and Other Poetic Observations by Joe R. Lansdale
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it was amazing
bookshelves: cemetery-dance

APACHE WITCH And Other Poetic Observations by Joe R. Lansdale was released as an exclusive, limited, hardcover edition printed by Independent Legions for The Last Bookstore.
Joe R. Lansdale was generous enough to send me a digital file to read this summer and now that the exclusive editions have been released into the wild to collectors, I can mention that there are only
5 copies left available here:

Thank you to Kasey Lansdale for sending me one of the 180+ original copies.
This is an absolute must-have for any Lansdale fan & collector. Joe's poetry is a delight. If I wasn't laughing or cracking a sly grin, I was either wiping away a rogue tear or bookmarking the poem for later. In any event, this collection moved me emotionally.
Lansdale has a simple way of saying just the right things.

Writing and reading seem like/
the greatest things in the world/
and nothing matches them/
until your loved one calls you to bed/

Sex > Reading/Writing. Truth! Ha!

Lansdale also dips into his prolific experience with horror to deliver dark poetry that slaps you in the face.


I hate it,
The way you won't talk.
sitting there
in your chair,
for so long now,
with my axe in your head.

And there is just a full range of poetry for every kind of emotion. I enjoyed my time here so much. I love how accessible and relatable it all is and it reminds me that we don't have to put on airs or use flowery language to communicate a thought or a feeling to one another through lyrical prose. It can be simple. Straight forward. Means what it says and says what it means.
What else do you want from a poetry collection?
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Reading Progress

June 10, 2021 – Started Reading
June 15, 2021 – Finished Reading
November 10, 2021 – Shelved
November 10, 2021 – Shelved as: cemetery-dance

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Janelle Janson Great review, Sadie! I want 😭😭😭😭😭

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