Dukes Prefer Blondes (The Dressmakers #4)
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Read between September 13 - September 13, 2017
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Her beauty surrounded her like a great stone wall. Men couldn’t see above, beyond, or through it. They certainly couldn’t think past it. This was because men only looked at women. They didn’t listen to women, especially beautiful women.
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Remarkably fine figure, he was aware of his irrational self thinking. It proceeded to imagine said figure in its natural state. Such meditations were not conducive to clear thinking.
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His mouth pressed to hers and things happened in her head and spread over her body, alien feelings in a great, overwhelming rush, like a windstorm, and all the rules of ladyship, written in a massive tome in her brain, flew off the pages and vanished.
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It was almost more than she could bear. If he hadn’t been holding her, she would have sunk to the floor in a little puddle of whatever liquefied article remained of Lady Clara Fairfax.
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He caught her wrist. “Come here,” he said. “I am here,” she said. “Closer,” he said. “I do not see how I could be any closer.” “Think harder,” he said.
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