Comments on Best Steampunk Books - page 2

Comments Showing 51-54 of 54 (54 new)

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message 51: by Carlos (new)

Carlos Velez Phil wrote: "I'm in favor of the widest possible definition of steampunk. Genre police are boring. They're a big part of the reason genre fiction doesn't get the respect it deserves. If it has any technology—an..."

Hear, hear! Well said. It's nice to have a list of genres to help narrow down our search when we're desiring a certain tone or storyline, but when 'g-police' start deciding what is or isn't a particular genre, you might as well straightjacket the creativity available to the practice of fiction writing. Isn't that the great thing about SP in the first place; it gleefully mashes up elements of sci-fi, fantasy, and often dystopia to make their stories fly.

message 52: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka Michael wrote: "The Killing Floor by Lee Child is NOT steampunk and shouldn't be on this list at all - It's a Jack Reacher novel."

Deleted it, additionally checked for duplicates and the system's response was: 11 duplicates found and removed

If I get a list of books that don't belong on this list I'd be willing to delete them. (I'm rarely reading anything Sci-Fi in general but need a steampunk book for a challenge which is why I browsed this list at all). Fastest way to reach me is PM but I'll set this list in my GR-ToDo bookmarks shelf and will chack it in a couple of months to see if there are any (unquestioned) request to remove books from this list.

message 53: by Riley (new)

Riley Michael wrote: "The Killing Floor by Lee Child is NOT steampunk and shouldn't be on this list at all - It's a Jack Reacher novel."

it is steampunk stop being immature

message 54: by Riley (new)

Riley Ducky wrote: "When I read Clockwork Angel I felt that it was seriously lacking in the steampunk department. Yeah it was set in the right period but having one or two scenes that included automatons doesn't exact..."


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