Book Giveaway For Jaws

  • Jaws by Peter Benchley

    Release date: Jun 04, 2024

    Here is Peter Benchley’s classic suspense novel of shark versus man, which was made into the blockbuster Steven Spielberg movie. The Jaws phenomenon c ...more

    Format: Print book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 24 copies available, 6944 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jul 01 - Jul 31, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 59542
    Peter Bradford Benchley was an American author best known for writing the novel Jaws and co-writing the screenplay for its highly successful film adaptation. The success of the book led to many publishers commissioning books about mutant rats, rabid dogs and the like threatening communities. The subsequent film directed by Steven Spielberg and co-written by Benchley is generally acknowledged as th ...more
    More about Peter Benchley...

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