Sadie’s answer to “What was the first book that got you into horror?” > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Shane (new)

Shane Douglas Douglas Yes, same. I stole Salem's Lot from my dad, then Dead Zone, Carrie...

message 2: by Sadie (new)

Sadie Hartmann I love that, Shane :)

message 3: by Scott (new)

Scott Kirkpatrick Salem's Lot was my first Stephen King book. It made me a life long fan. It is still my favorite(I many now to choose from). I re-read it just about every fall.

message 4: by Father Lucifer (new)

Father Lucifer it was Misery for me.

message 5: by Michela (new)

Michela Mosca I am currently reading it, I am actually enjoying it!

message 6: by Jay (new)

Jay Mine was IT. That book changed my reading trajectory forever.

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