Shell’s review of Dead Med > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Freida (new)

Freida McFadden It is the same book revised with a different title. I put a note saying so at the top and bottom of the Amazon blurb.

message 2: by Jami (new)

Jami I believe Freida said she only changed 20% of the book from Suicide Med to Dead Med. So it's mostly the same book, just a revised version.

message 3: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Yeah it's the same book, just revised, changed title and republished.

message 4: by Shayde (new)

Shayde It's almost like you didn't read the authors note

message 5: by Jenn (new)

Jenn V It's the same book. She told her fan base if they didn't read S. MED then don't and only read dead med. And if you read S. MED then to know it's the same just changed.

message 6: by Sonya Justice (new)

Sonya Justice out the two books, which one do y'all like better?

message 7: by Mary (new)

Mary Kerperien I am excited to read this one. Thank you for the heads up but I always read everything so I probably would have figured it out

message 8: by Danielle (new)

Danielle IT IS THE SAME BOOK. Read the description! It was revised and renamed. Suicide Med no longer exists outside of EBay sales for over $100.

message 9: by Becca (new)

Becca Katherine This rating seems very harsh - when it it a revision or Suicide Med and not a new a book. Especially as this is noted in the review.

message 10: by Vicki (new)

Vicki Pickford Does anyone know what’s been changed from the original book?

message 11: by Lori (new)

Lori Clark its the same book, I have the original.

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