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Stormcrow Castle

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On visiting Stormcrow Castle, Helena Carlisle is disturbed to find that her aunt, the housekeeper, has disappeared. Helena takes on the role of the new housekeeper and it is not long before strange incidents begin to unnerve her. The castle's owner, Simon, Lord Torkrow, frequents the graveyard at night; the portrait gallery conceals a secret room; identities are hidden at a masked ball; and the key to the attic is missing. As the secrets unravel, Helena finds herself drawn into a world where nothing is as it seems and she must fight for her chance to love—and survive

224 pages, Hardcover

First published September 28, 2007

About the author

Amanda Grange

50 books707 followers
Amanda Grange was born in Yorkshire and spent her teenage years reading Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer whilst also finding time to study music at Nottingham University. She has had twenty-five novels published including six Jane Austen retellings, which look at events from the heroes' points of view. She has also had two books published under different names: Murder at Whitegates Manor (as Eleanor Tyler; a Regency cosy crime murder mystery) and The Rake (as Amy Watson; a very light and frothy Regency romance).

Woman said of Mr Darcy's Diary: "Lots of fun, this is the tale behind the alpha male," whilst The Washington Post called Mr Knightley's Diary "affectionate". The Historical Novels Review made Captain Wentworth's Diary an Editors' Choice, remarking, "Amanda Grange has hit upon a winning formula."

Austenblog declared that Colonel Brandon's Diary was "the best book yet in her series of heroes' diaries."

Amanda Grange now lives in Cheshire. Her profile photo was taken at the Jane Austen House Museum, Chawton. The museum is well worth a visit!

You can find out more by visiting her website at http://www.amandagrange.com You can also follow her on Twitter @hromanceuk and find her on Facebook

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May 10, 2024

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Note: this book has been rereleased as CASTLE OF SECRETS but I personally like the older title and cover better.

Amanda Grange is a new-to-me author. I actually found one of her books at a thrift shop and it had been critically panned. Bad average ratings don't usually scare me off, though, and when I had finished reading MR. DARCY, VAMPYRE, I actually found that I had had an incredibly good time, 2.89 average rating or no. I found out that a lot of her backlist is actually on KU, so I started downloading her books one after the other, and each was better than the last!

STORMCROW CASTLE is an absolutely fantastic book, which hits all the notes you would expect in a gothic romance. It's very Jane Eyre in nature, minus the governess bit, so if you enjoy books that have the Jane vibe, you will eat this up on a silver spoon.

Helena is engaged to this guy she's kind of ambivalent about, but when she goes to the castle where her aunt works, she finds out that her aunt has mysteriously disappeared-- to visit a "sick sister," except Helena, being her niece, knows that her aunt doesn't have a sister. Disturbed, she gets the brilliant idea to pretend to be the new housekeeper so she can infiltrate the house and get the intel on her aunt's whereabouts.

Lord Torkrow (doesn't his name sound like a Pokemon???) is the man who owns the castle, although everyone in town refers to him and his family as stormcrows, which seems to be a bird of ill-omens. Strange cries come from the attic, there's a rumor that he was in love with his brother's wife and caused both their untimely deaths, and now, with the missing aunt, Helena soon wonders if maybe Torkrow is a serial murderer-- and if maybe he might plan to do away with her, too.

I just had so much fun with this book. There's sinister graveyard shenanigans, secret rooms, masquerade parties, beautiful writing, longing looks, and, in tradition of Jane Eyre, a hero who is described as ugly at a first glance, which is very Edward Rochester. I seem to recall that the heroine was plain as well(?), and I really enjoyed that. Especially since, with all her detective work and banter, Helena gives the hero plenty of reasons to respect her beyond wanting to bang her because she's hot. (Not that that isn't sometimes the vibe, too.) I'm honestly shocked this author isn't more popular.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for MasterGamgee.
1,445 reviews22 followers
August 28, 2012
I'm torn about what to say about this book. In many respects, I really enjoyed it. But in others, it wasn't so good.

The atmosphere was creative and gothic-y enough, the descriptions of everyday activities and the responsibilities of the housekeeper were well described. In these elements I think the author shined.

However, the mystery was not the greatest. The housekeeper's questioning of the servants - like every time she saw them - was awkward and I didn't get a complete feel for any of the characters. The resolution was ho-hum and the build-up to the 'romance' was nonexistent. At least I didn't see why/what for.

I'm glad I read it because it has all the gothic elements I like - remote castle, distant hero, mysterious doings, alienated village people, but I found the story lacking in other areas.

Profile Image for Laura.
215 reviews
June 16, 2011
Ok- I was not impressed. The author obviously loves everything Jane Austen/ Bronte, but just can not compare to those greats. Stormcrow Castle was a complete wannabe Jane Eyre- you know the Gothic castle, the dark mysterious master/lord of the castle with a dark secret, a servant girl falling deeply in love with the master... It was so like Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte knew how to develop her characters so that you knew them. I never felt like I really got to know Lord Torkrow. I think I am done trying to give this author a chance. If I want something like Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte, I will just read them. You just can't do what's already been done before and done so well.
Profile Image for Emma Rose.
Author 10 books5 followers
March 14, 2017

This was very well written and a very enjoyable read. It kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat.
Helena is a very believable character.
Profile Image for Amy.
25 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2013
I am a big fan of Amanda Grange's writing, and this book did not disappoint!

The main character is a young lady called Helena Carlisle who goes to visit her aunt who is the housekeeper at Stormcrow Castle. Helena was raised in gentility but since the death of her parents has fallen on hard times and is forced to work for a living. She has received an offer of marriage from a man who is kind and decent and would look after her, but she doesn't love him and is unsure of whether to accept him. She goes to seek advice from her aunt, but discovers that her aunt has left the castle, with no forwarding address, to attend to a sick sister who does not exist. What is more, Helena is mistaken for the new housekeeper! She decides to go along with the misunderstanding for a day or two in the hopes of being able to find out more about her aunt's disappearance and to give herself an opportunity to question the other servants. But soon Helena is swept up in the castle's mysteries and secrets....

I really enjoyed this book. Amanda is well known for her Jane Austen stories, but this book was more similar in style to the Bronte sisters. She is really good at building up atmosphere and suspense in a way that makes you want to keep turning the pages. I really liked all the gothic elements and thought that Amanda used them really well. There are shifty servants, secret passageways, locked wings, and trips to the cemetery after dark. I also really enjoyed the description of the masquerade ball.

Although the set up was fairly typical I didn't find the story all that predictable; there were a few surprises in store and the last third of the book was quite exciting and not what I expected at all.

Of course, this is not just a mystery but also a romance, and I really liked this aspect of the story and even wish there had been more. Lord Torkrow was a very intriguing and enigmatic figure towards whom I had a lot of sympathy, and I enjoyed the interaction between him and Helena, and his kindness towards her. The supporting characters were also mysterious and enjoyable.

In all, this is a very interesting story which is beautifully written and I think it is quite timeless, in a way. Sadly it seems that these stories are only available currently as ebooks on the Kindle. I haven't got a Kindle, so my only option is to buy the reissued paperbacks. Unfortunately I'm not able to buy any new physical books at the moment as I'm trying to declutter, but I definitely hope to read more of Amanda Grange's regency romances. Maybe I will treat myself to another one at Christmas!
Profile Image for Esme.
213 reviews10 followers
April 30, 2013
Amanda Grange gehört zu den Autoren, die ihre Backlist als eBook neu veröffentlichen. Castle of Secrets ist bereits als Stormcrow Castle erschienen und eine Gothic Novel oder Regency Romance. Helena Castle tritt unter falschem Namen die Stelle der Haushälterin in einem einsam gelegenen Schloss an. Eigentlich wollte sie dort nur ihre Tante besuchen, doch sie erfährt, dass diese unter mysteriösen Umständen abreiste. Und so stellt sie ihre Nachforschungen an.

Diese Art von Gaslicht-Romanen lese ich ab und zu ganz gern, diesen nicht. Helena ist wie die meisten der Heldinnen in derartigen Romanen egozentrisch und elitär. Ihre ständigen Fragen sind so überhaupt nicht subtil. Auch sind die übrigen Zutaten zu forciert in die Geschichte eingebunden, der äußerst attraktive Schloßherr, der ein finsteres Geheimnis hütet, und es wird zuviel in das Verschwinden der Tante hineingeheimnist. Völlig frei von Überraschungen und trotzdem ganz nett.
November 12, 2013
This book was so good I couldn't put it down and read it all over the space of a couple of days. I really love the gothic romance genre but it is often difficult to find.

This book had all the classic elements, spooky dark castle on the moors, secrets, sinister servant, secret passages, noises in the attic... but still it kept you guessing all the way through.

I was attracted to the book by its cover and title, not realising I already own one of her books 'Mr Darcy Vampyre' which is on my to read list. I am definitely going to raid the rest of the libraries supply of Amanda Grange novels. They don't all look as gothic as this one though but I'm willing to find out.
Why can't more books like this be written
57 reviews
January 5, 2012
I would give this book more of a 3.5. It's about Helena Carlisle who goes to Stormcrow Castle to visit her aunt, who is the housekeeper there. However, Helena discovers that her aunt is missing and that she is mistaken for the new housekeeper. She doesn't reveal her true identity and stays on as the housekeeper in order to figure out what happened to her aunt. While I like the mystery part of the book, I thought the romance between Helena and Lord Torkrow was a bit weak. However, it was a fun and easy read.
Profile Image for Melissa’s Bookshelf.
2,180 reviews122 followers
November 25, 2012
3 1/2 stars.This was a fun gothic novel reminiscent of Northanger Abbey. It was a quick read and the heroine reminded me quite a bit of Catherine from N.A. with a somewhat overactive imagination. The only reason for the 3 1/2 starts instead of 4 is that I felt that the story was a bit rushed and the romance could have been more developed. On the whole though, I enjoyed it, especially the gothic elements. I really like Amanda Grange as an author.
Profile Image for C..
770 reviews118 followers
May 30, 2013
Nice Clean Gothic Suspense

Stormcrow Castle/Castle Of Secrects by Amanda Grange reads like the 'old school' Gothic romances I read many years ago,and it was a nice change of pace.

Great atmosphere and mystery kept me engaged,and loved that readers are not subjected to the far too common and IMO ridiculous 'love at fist sight' theme!

Recommend for those who enjoy suspense,mystery and creepy old castles in their romance.

I was loaned the Kindle edition from booklending.com
Profile Image for Natalie.
736 reviews19 followers
June 9, 2013
3.5 stars. This was a solid gothic type romance (more Jane Erye nods then Jane Austen), with interesting (if creepy) characters. The plot avoided being predictable. I liked Simon and Helena a lot, but everyone else was either weird or a bit part. This was an all around solid book, not too bad but nothing to merit a full 4 stars.
5 reviews
January 27, 2015
Promising plot fails due to shallow writing.

Every portion of this book seemed forced. The author seemed too eager to cram "gothic" into every moment instead of letting the plot and characters develop. Several truly eye-rolling scenes. Frankly the last chapters in their entirety were laughably overwrought.
Profile Image for Eliza Day.
17 reviews
May 21, 2008
Ah, the last page is graced with the first kiss, how refreshing in this day and age. And what more, is she is not a monotonous governess that you read about in every book, why, she is a housekeeper. Quite different and an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Sophie.
Author 2 books28 followers
December 31, 2012
Woah! Wasn't expecting that! :O
Great storyline, not as much romance as her others, but the story made up for it. I was trying to piece all the clues together throughout and came to completely the wrong conclusion! Loved how everyone's stories linked in. Clever :)
Profile Image for Katie.
467 reviews32 followers
June 15, 2013
I'm giving this a 3 star rating only because of the atmosphere and mystery, with a twist I didn't foresee. The romance was far too unbelievable, even for this genre. There was no progression, no good explanation for it.
June 20, 2015
Great read

Lots of mystery and intrigue with love and a happy ending!
People who thought they would never be happy, sad and
grief stricken. Yet hope came and freedom from a dark past.
Profile Image for Squeaky.
586 reviews4 followers
June 7, 2016
An engaging Gothic read, with all the Gothic parts- creepy castle, brooding Hero/Villian. Helena being the housekeeper added a bit more to the story- access to rooms, etc. I was fully entertained. Simple, read- nice story.
Profile Image for Stacy.
259 reviews5 followers
January 21, 2021
Though this is a newer book, it has the feel of the older vintage gothic romances. This one kept me guessing until the end. I have enjoyed reading books by this author, so far. I am looking forward to to reading more. She has earned her own shelf in my stack of books.
12 reviews
September 22, 2008
A very easy read, again a pretty standard Regency romance. I read it in a weekend, and was surprised at the end.
Profile Image for Jenny.
903 reviews3 followers
April 21, 2010
ok, i don't want to hurt feelings, but i didn't like it. i felt the story was contrived and obvious, the characters flat with no basis for their actions in the story, and the writing is juvenile ..
Profile Image for Hafiza.
629 reviews12 followers
July 7, 2015
Gothic romance published in 2007 as "Stormcrow Castle" now finding new life as an ebook.
Was free when I downloaded it.
Heavy on Gothic atmosphere but no chemistry/sizzle between H an h.
2 reviews
June 8, 2015

I kept reading hoping it would get better and it really didn't it was just boring the story dragged on the ending was rushed and there were typos I hate typos
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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