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Bound Feet

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On the night of the Hungry Ghost Moon, when spirits can briefly return to the living world, Jodi Wu and her best friend sneak into Portland’s Chinese Garden and Ghost Museum. Kneeling before the pond where Jodi’s toddler drowned one year before, they leave food offerings and burn joss paper—and Jodi prays that Ella’s ghost will return for the night.

To distract Jodi from her grief, the two friends tell each other ghost stories as they explore the museum. They stop at the main display, a centuries-old pair of lotus slippers belonging to a woman whose toes were broken and bound during childhood. While reading the woman’s story, Jodi hears her daughter’s voice.

As Jodi desperately searches the garden, it becomes apparent that Ella isn’t the only ghost they’ve awakened. Something ancient with a slow, shuffling step lurks in the shadows…

118 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 27, 2022

About the author

Kelsea Yu

11 books191 followers
Kelsea Yu is a Taiwanese Chinese American writer who is eternally enthusiastic about sharks and appreciates a good ghost story. Her short stories and essays appear in magazines such as Fantasy, PseudoPod, and Reckoning, and in various anthologies. Her novella, Bound Feet, is published by Cemetery Gates Media, and her debut novel, It’s Only a Game, is forthcoming from Bloomsbury Children’s in 2024. Find her on Instagram or Twitter as @anovelescape or visit her website kelseayu.com. Kelsea lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, children, and a pile of art supplies.

Photograph: ©Katy Weaver Photography

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Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 22 books6,233 followers
May 10, 2023
Part of my foreword:
"I helplessly allowed myself to get emotionally attached and it’s my hope that you’ll open up the secret places of your heart and allow this ghost story to wander in as well. I believe Kelsea Yu will have a long career ahead of her trademarked by her ability to combine horror with heart.

Upon finishing this story, I felt all these feelings bubble to the surface. Mostly, I was just so excited to be given this opportunity to share Kelsea’s first published novella. What a gift she has given to the horror community. Bound Feet is richly infused with Chinese folklore and culture by way of modern Chinese American women protagonists."
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,857 reviews6,066 followers
November 19, 2022
Wow, this was incredible. I was sucked in from the very first page and could not put this novella down! I was so entranced by the setting and plot and characters that all I could do was enjoy the ride, and what a ride it was. This story is full of folklore and culture, but all of that takes a backseat to both the terror within these pages and the beautiful depictions of a mother's love and grief.

In Bound Feet, our narrator is facing down the first anniversary of her daughter's death, and she and her best friend have decided to revisit the Ghost Garden where the little girl drowned to give offerings to her spirit. What begins as a tragic and heartbreaking tale quickly becomes so much more when Jodi's wishes to see her daughter one more time come true, but not in a way she could ever have predicted or hoped for.

The setting of the Ghost Garden is incredible, and Kelsea does a tremendous job of transporting the reader there, but the characters are even better. Jodi is such a sympathetic narrator and it's so easy to feel her grief and loss that I wanted desperately for her to see little Ella again. I was shocked by the terrifying turn of events that took place, especially with the shocking ending that played out. I won't spoil it, but if you've read it, all I'll say is that I don't remember the last time I was so saddened and so pleased by an ending at the same time.

Child loss is my only trigger, but I'm very grateful that I've been able to overcome that trigger in recent months because I would have hated to have missed this wonderful story. Kelsea blew me away with every single page and I'm so beyond excited to read more work from her because this was genuinely one of my favorite horror stories I've read in 2022 and I'm going to be recommending it for a LONG time to come.

Buddy read with Ashley! 💖

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.

Representation: Jodi and Sarah are both Chinese-American and a substantial portion of the story revolves around Chinese ghost lore and culture

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Profile Image for Catherine McCarthy.
Author 30 books300 followers
October 1, 2022
Straight up, I love Asian horror! As soon as I saw it, the title, cover and premise had me hooked and it didn’t disappoint.
The story takes place in Portland’s Chinese Garden and Ghost Museum. Great setting! The stage was set via the retelling of a legend, which gave it a Chinese folktale feel - another plus for me. And yet at its heart, this story is a tragedy. It’s a story of grief, a mother’s loss, but it’s also a story about friendship.
From start to finish, the dialogue is authentic, the pace excellent. I ended up finishing it over three sessions which could easily have been two if I hadn’t been disturbed. Grief horror, yes, but it’s not all doom and gloom, there are moments of humor between the two friends that feel so real.
I love novellas, in fact I think they’re my favourite form of fiction at the moment, and this one was great. A real tension-builder!
I’ve always found the tradition of binding feet fascinating and learned a little about it here. I was particularly surprised to read that when the practice was finally abolished it was the women who fought hardest against the decision. Fascinating! The parts of the story that dealt with this aspect were particularly horrific but very well done. I made many notes as I read, but some of them would count as spoilers so I’m not going to include them.
I loved the juxtaposition of the modern world and the ancient here too, and the fact that it was based on a legend added to the feel.
I don’t want to spoil the ending, but I loved the twist it took. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Tim McGregor.
Author 39 books376 followers
October 1, 2022
I am a sucker for strong narrative voice, great characterization, and stories nestled within stories. Kelsea Yu delivers this in spades with this tale of grief, anger, and hidden histories. I was delighted with the unexpected turns of the story and the sprinkling of folklore and ghost stories that we all carry with us. Bound Feet is glorious. Plus I got to buddy-read it with my pal, Catherine!
Profile Image for Nathaniel.
Author 27 books202 followers
September 24, 2022
This was a rough week for me. I cried a lot, I lost myself a little, and I didn’t read anything. Which is weird…since I normally read 5-10 books a week. It’s my comfort.
But this week it was not working.
So now it’s Saturday and I finished my first book of the week. I’m not in love with reading right now and I miss it terribly. This was fun to read since it’s a novella, but it didn’t ignite my love for reading like I hoped it would.
It’s still a good book. Kelsea Yu is definitely an author I’ll be reading more from. I’m very excited to see what she comes up with in the future. If you’re looking for a good horror for October, add this to the list.
Profile Image for Horror DNA.
1,181 reviews109 followers
October 16, 2022
Kelsea Yu’s Bound Feet is her first novella, the third in the "My Dark Library" series from Cemetery Gates Media. Set in Portland, Oregon, in the Chinese Garden and Ghost museum during the Hungry Ghost festival, Jodi Wu is a grieving mother whose beloved daughter Ella drowned a year prior. With her friend Sarah, the two leave offerings to Ella’s ghost and Jodi wishes to see her daughter again, just for a night.

You can read Zach's full review at Horror DNA by clicking here.
Profile Image for Joe Ortlieb.
Author 3 books9 followers
August 25, 2022
I received an arc for a honest review. Honestly Bound Feet is a good solid ghost story. Has enough back story to keep you guessing what's going on. I thought I had it figured out and wow what a twist. With an ending you don't see coming this is a ghost story to read.
Profile Image for Austrian Spencer.
Author 3 books96 followers
January 18, 2023
I loved the start of this novella, Kelsea presents the legend of the hungry ghost-moon ghost as a simplistic story, to then go on into the novel properly. It was a jolt to the senses, and made the rest of the book feel – authentic – I guess? It felt grounded in that legend, so the use of that format worked for me.

Weighing in at only 100 pages, I have to say that Bound feet packs a lot into the space available. There are some things presented as twists in the storyline that I saw coming right from the beginning, but Kelsea also managed to throw a twist in that I hadn’t anticipated, which was great. I always like to have my assumptions blown away.

The book is set up with heavy emotional content, and I think that’s important to know right from the beginning. I can think that there are going to be some people triggered by the content, which is explored as a main theme in the book – the loss of a child through negligence (drowning) and the emotional impact that had on the main character's life and interactions with everyone from the moment it happened. It’s a dark topic, and Kelsea does wonderful justice to the guilt and feelings of self-loathing and repentance the MC goes through with every waking breath.

Not being one of those people that are easily triggered, I do have to say this introspection was so important to the character, that the book did hang on to that defining characteristic its entire length. It becomes the motivational force for the character's decision at the end of the book, which ties (almost too) neatly all of the disparate threads left hanging. To a degree, I wanted closure on those feelings, I wanted the MC to be happy, but I kind of also wanted to scream “Get over it! There’s a damn ghost to deal with!”

The description of the Ghost and how reality is warped by her presence were well done and atmospheric, and the punchline-twist the ghost revealed got me – I didn’t see that coming, though I realized at the same time as the MC, so good pacing on the delivery there, Kelsea.

Hard to believe the novella is so short, the emotional content so strong, and the imagery so potent in only 100 pages. I loved the brief glimpse into Chinese American lives Kelsea depicted here, and would love to read more. There's a market here I would love to read more about, Kelsea.

And the tradition of bound feet – that’s a horror story all by itself.

I’m giving this 4 out of 5 ⭐ ‘s, and my thanks go to both Kelsea and Mother Horror for the review copy.
Profile Image for B M.
24 reviews3 followers
September 18, 2022
Bound Feet by: Kelsea Yu

I received an ARC of Bound Feet by Cemetery Dance for an honest review. This is the second book from the My Dark Library Collection by Cemetery Dance Media and they are two for two! I can’t wait to read the others in this collection!


Two people who became friends through the grief of a loss of a child decide to reconnect with their loved ones lost, by sneaking into a local Chinese Ghost Garden museum. On the one night of the year when communication is believed to be possible, due the the veil between both worlds being at its thinnest.

What happens while they are there, is more than either thought possible.


This is a great telling of a ghost story with horror and heart! I was hooked as soon as I finished reading the first page. Character development was excellent in this 120 page book. I really felt empathy for both the the main characters right away and as I read this story, I kept trying to guess how it was going to play out and was not expecting the ending I got. Throughout the book Kelsea describes what these characters senses are going through in such a way that I felt that I was there with them.
I would love to see a sequel that deals with the aftermath of this book.

Thank you to Cemetery Dance Media for the ARC and thank you to Kelsea Yu for a strongly emotional story.

Go pre-order you copy and check out the other books in the My Dark Library collection!
Profile Image for Paul Preston.
1,294 reviews
September 15, 2022
Wow. Get this book.
This novella is under 100 pages yet the amount of impact that Kelsea Yu is able to fit into it is impressive. BOUND FEET gets tense, and parents beware, this will crush you.
I want to talk about this book so much but I really think you need to go into it blind. Just know that hope and excitement quickly devolve into a frightening mix of terror and helplessness. The thought of what Jodi went through on that night twists my insides into knots.
Profile Image for Stephanie Parent.
Author 7 books47 followers
November 10, 2022
Kelsea Yu’s debut horror novella Bound Feet is the story of Jodi, a mother whose young daughter Ella drowned tragically, and Jodi’s attempt to call Ella’s ghost back to earth one last time. Child death is a topic very close to me, since I had a baby sister who died when I was three, so I knew this book would affect me deeply—and it did. Jodi’s grief is palpable throughout the story, and adds so much depth and meaning to this short but powerful tale.

I loved the way Kelsea Yu incorporated Chinese ghost stories into her own plotline. I’m not sure how much of the stories were taken directly from folklore and how much were invented, but I appreciated the emphasis on misogyny in the ancient world, the tragedy and desperation of so many women’s lives, and how this led to terrible outcomes that could cause a female ghost to hang on to this earthly plane for centuries, seeking revenge. It makes an effective backdrop for a modern ghost story, and Kelsea Yu’s writing certainly takes advantage of this ghostly atmosphere. I was particularly impressed with Yu’s use of smells, sounds, sensations, and the re-occurring imagery of rotting to bring her ghost story to life. It was truly a multi-sensory experience that made me shiver as I read.

I was also really impressed with Yu’s skill in plotting her story. She imagined to infuse the tale with emotion and character development while always keeping the story moving, and there were quite a few twists I didn’t see coming.

This is a horror story, yes, but ultimately it is a story about how we deal with the loss of those we love, with the inevitable disappointments and betrayals that life brings. It’s a moving and compelling tale that I encourage readers to pick up, and I can’t wait to see what Kelsea Yu writes yet!
Profile Image for Ai Jiang.
Author 59 books299 followers
September 15, 2022
An absolutely wonderful and eerie read filled with ghosts of the past, folklore, friendship, motherhood, and untold stories!
Profile Image for Horace Derwent.
2,342 reviews203 followers
Want to read
October 27, 2022

Profile Image for Josh.
1,710 reviews164 followers
January 16, 2023
BOUNT FEET by Kelsea Yu is on a whole new level when it comes to scares! This is just plain creepy, but, that's not the selling point. Equal parts horror and heart, BOUNT FEET tells a horrific tale of a child lost and a mother's desperate plight to correct the wrongs done to her young family. The backdrop to this story is Portland's Chinese Garden and Ghost Museum which plays home to some terrifying ghosts and compliments the narrative perfectly. BOUND FEET is a difficult book to gush over without accidently giving away spoilers so I'll stop writing...
Profile Image for Sarah.
110 reviews79 followers
September 27, 2022
Tonight is the night. The veil between the earthly and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest. Lay your offerings and wait for your loved one’s whisper.

In Bound Feet, friends Jodi and Sarah connect through the loss of their children. Fueled by grief, the duo sneaks into the Ghost Museum, a collection of pieces associated with spiritual tales, to leave offerings for their late children.

After hearing her daughters voice (..mama..), Jodi traverses around the Ghost Museum, only to be met with ghosts – immovable, disturbed obstacles -- from the other exhibitions on display.

By finding out hidden truths within the museum walls, Jodi desperately wishes this will bring her Ella back, even if just for one night.


Bound Feet is Yu’s powerhouse of a debut. Yu crafted a setting that immerses you in darkness, taking you step by step through a spectral physical location and an emotional journey. That palpable darkness was effectively infused with folklore, tragedy and character development.

Bound Feet is one of those rare horror books that has so much heart, you can’t help but feel moved and impressed. I want more from the author’s brain.

I enjoyed this one so much that I purchased a physical copy.

Thanks to Cemetery Gates Media for the physical ARC, to Sadie Hartmann and to Kelsea Yu.
109 reviews
August 31, 2022
Oh my god did I love this. The novella is pretty short, but it fits so well. The ending is a perfect wrap-up, and the main characters are both well developed.

Jodi is still grieving the loss of her daughter, so her friend Sarah, who also lost a child, takes her to a garden and museum where the child died to give offerings. Sarah doesn't believe in ghosts, but Jodi does, and has hope that she will see her daughter again.

When Jodi hears Ella's voice, she is ecstatic and tries to find her, only to discover another ghost trying to steal her away. The said ghost happens to be one from the stories that they read, but the stories were not completely accurate. Only with the realization of the true story does Jodi find out Sarah's secret . . . and find a way to get her daughter back.

This book is dark, but in a good sort of way. I like how tied to the story the Chinese culture is. Learning things about different cultures through writing is one of my favorite things. Despite the length being on the shorter side, there are a few unexpected twists and turns along the way.

Yu is such a talented writer. She kept me drawn into the plot and characters to the point of me not wanting to put it down. I am definitely going to check out more of her work, and I hope she continues to write more stories.

Definitely a recommend from me.
Profile Image for Booksasmeals.
66 reviews16 followers
October 22, 2022

Bound Feet, by Kelsea Yu, is teochew png kueh & guavas.

Under a rich and silver moonlight, planchettes of teochew png kueh line the Chinese garden floors like forbidden footprints. Pink like your cheeks, patterned like your vivid thoughts. An abundance of savoury flavors wait inside these delicate dumplings. They nearly burst at the touch— full of peanuts, garlic, shallots, and crunchy fried rice.

Farther away, scattered after these, all the way to the bridge, we leave plump green guavas. One breaks, an accident, I know, and the tart juice oozes from its peel, trickling over the bridge and into the water below. Koi fish bob and feast on the sweet, pink liquid that spreads like blood, and how was I to know what would happen? How was I to know what these offerings might do? And how was I to stop myself?

The veil between the living and dead is food.

We have left these offerings for you.

Fuzzy envy bubbles from my gut as I look at her body, that swollen belly. She leaves these things too, but it is not the same. She is not as wrapped up in this hungry dance as you and I. We are forever bound up together, bound feet in one single, small shoe.

I will take you from the night.

Because inevitably, the food rots. It hears us, smells us, feels us. The guavas roll, toward me, toward us, insidious in their leakage. The png kueh ruptures and spills forth its sludge, coats our feet in its slime.
This food will consume us, become us, until we decide.

We must be selfish in our pride.

@booksasmeals on instagram for more horror book reviews :)
Profile Image for Cass (only the darkest reads) .
372 reviews36 followers
November 25, 2022
On the one year anniversary of her daughter’s death, Jodi has a plan to reach out to Ella one last time: by visiting the pond where she drowned in Portland’s Chinese Garden and Ghost Museum.

Bound together by the tragedy of dead children, Jodi and her best friend Sarah plan to spend the night in the Gardens. To share memories and offerings and hopefully communicate with their kids one last time.

The opportunity is perfect as it’s the night of the Hungry Ghost Moon. The night where the veil between life and death is thinnest. But more than one spirit is longing for their attention.

What you have in Bound Feet is an incredible ghost story steeped in Chinese folklore. There is the overarching grief storyline, but we also get to explore grief in micro as expressed in historical retellings. Loss of friendships and lovers, siblings and children, and the sorrow of losing your own history.

The environment is vivid in both flourish and decay. So much is explored in so few words, but it doesn’t feel bogged down in exposition, and the final twist was such a surprise. It’s really an achievement what Kelsea Yu packed into this novella.

Thank you to mydarklibrary and mother.horror for an arc of this title.
Profile Image for Ri (colourmeread).
338 reviews55 followers
June 7, 2023
On the night of the Hungry Ghost Moon when ghosts can briefly go to the living world, Jodi and her best friend sneak into the Chinese Garden and Ghost Museum where Jodi's toddler died a year before. The two spend the night at the museum, sharing ghost stories and leaving food offerings for their loved ones in the spirit world.

I had no idea Ghost Museums existed and it was the perfect setting for this story. As the characters talked about Chinese folklore and ghost tales, I was there with them, a third listener intrigued and creeped out at the same time. It reminded me of scary stories around a campfire with the slightest noises making you jump, imagining things lurking in the dark.

Kelsea writes horror with heart, somehow compassionately mixing macabre with the grief and loss of a child, and how that affects Jodi's character and decisions. I did not see the end of this coming and I was pleasantly surprised! I usually feel like novellas could be longer but Bound Feet gave me everything I needed in the right amount.

To say I'm thrilled for Kelsea and more of her work is an understatement! Bound Feet is a must-read for your spooky stack this Fall or any season.
Profile Image for Christine.
179 reviews28 followers
September 27, 2022
I was lucky enough to read this early on and I can’t say enough good things. The story draws you in and you feel connected to the characters in a way that is often difficult for short stories to accomplish.
This story is perfect for autumn when you are looking for spooky vibes. I finished this book and had goosebumps all over 😳😱 I highly recommend this beautifully dark atmospheric read.

Profile Image for Anna Serra i Vidal.
876 reviews117 followers
October 11, 2022
As a mom, my worst nightmare is losing my child even though she is a bit older than Ella, Jodi's daughter.
This is a horror story with some cozy vibes set a year after Jodi looses her child. While she tries to do a ritual she might have woken up something much worse. Accompanied by her friend Sarah she breaks into the Chinese garden and ghost museum in Portland and tries to reconnect with the ghost of her daughter a year after her death.
Based in Chineese stories and traditions about ghosts and about the way to treat women and their feet to keep them under the thumbs of men, this short novella won't let you unscared. Kelsea Yu is a new voice that will become a great one. I loved the flawless style that grabbed me and didn't let me go.
Profile Image for David Veith.
532 reviews
February 17, 2023
An enjoyable, quick read. Has a very good pace overall as well. A tale of a mothers lose, and a families history based on a lie. Leaves you thinking, how far would you go for your own child?
Profile Image for Betsy.
Author 5 books12 followers
August 23, 2022
Bound Feet is a very unique, enjoyable novella. The story takes place in a Chinese garden and ghost museum, which makes for a very intriguing story. The journey the characters take offers a unique blend of psychologically processing grief of the loss of children and an exploration of Chinese folklore. On this journey through the museum, the main characters grapple with their identities as Chinese American women.

The complex characters lure the reader into the story and the supernatural component uplifts a world of mystery. I have a weakness for ghost stories and really loved the way Bound Feet dipped its toe into the realm of the supernatural.

Bound Feet is a beautiful, chilling novella that takes the reader on an unforgettable journey. Lovers of supernatural horror will definitely not want to miss this book.

Thank you Cemetery Dance for the advanced readers copy!

I am also posting this review on my blog: http://glamorousbookgal.blogspot.com/...

Profile Image for Laurel.
435 reviews47 followers
October 18, 2022
A fast, creepy, entertaining read that managed to surprise me at every turn. I love the setting, the opportunity for ghost legends throughout, and the overarching story was eerie and heartbreaking.
Profile Image for Josh Buyarski.
288 reviews9 followers
August 20, 2022
I did receive an ARC from Cemetery Dance for an honest review.

Ancient artifacts, deep family loss, friends bound together by tragedy, ghosts that cannot move on..all of these elements add up to make this an amazing addition to the Dark Library!

The main character, Jodi creates such a feeling of empathy, her grief comes through crystal clear.

The imagery of the Gardens was stunning. The stories connected to some of the artifacts really brought you into the exploration of the Gardens

The ending blew me away!
Profile Image for Danielle Vinson.
169 reviews8 followers
September 27, 2022
Bound Feet, by Kelsea Yu, is book 3 of the My Dark Library series, curated by Sadie Hartmann for Cemetery Gates Media.

I am an avid lover of Asian horror fiction so I knew that I'd love this one. Kelsea expertly weaves a tale of a mother's loss, sorrow, and hope. A trip to a Chinese Garden and Museum to reconnect with a lost child, on Ghost night when the otherworldly veil is thinnest, is so much more than it seems. A cherished friend has secrets; old secrets that hurt but ultimately heal. The visual imagery is stunning. Terrifying visions, olfactory stimuli, betrayal, unsettling scenes, a centuries-long grudge, and difficult decisions--it's all here for readers to feast on. I really enjoyed the use of Mandarin in the narrative and absolutely loved this story. The Afterword is a must-read. It's raw and honest and I love the author for sharing with us.

My thanks to Cemetery Gates Media, and Joe Sullivan in particular, for sending me a copy of this glorious book.
Profile Image for ginathebibliohoe.
63 reviews8 followers
November 12, 2022
Bound Feet by Kelsey Yu ⠀

i don’t know where to start with this one. i love chinese folklore, and the way kelsey paints with words in this, with the setting too, its haunting. i didn’t realize going in (i didn’t read the synopsis, i just knew it was part of @mother.horrors dark library and had to have it), there was death by drowning (a child, and big trigger for me since losing my brother that way) but kelsey did a lovely (?) job building this story and capturing my heart and attention. she was very delicate with all the details and i can’t say enough how much i appreciated it. ⠀

the characters you’ll meet are 2 friends, Jodi Wu and Sarah, brought together by loss of a loved one. ⠀
it’s set in Portland’s Chinese Garden and Ghost Museum (loved itttt!!). Jodi Wu’s daughter, Ella, drowned a year before at that Garden and Jodi wanted to go back on the night of the Hungry Ghost Moon, when spirits can briefly return to the living world. ⠀

but what turns up has other plans for them. ⠀

i hope if you have this book on your shelves, you bump it up (like, today! you’re welcome!) or if not, go buy it already! geez! it’s great!⠀

one more thing before i go, the author had a note at the end that made this book even more special to me, after what i went through in september (#iykyk). i appreciate her sharing that and how the book came to be and i cannot recommend it enough 🖤⠀

i wanted to share too, this is the best blurb i’ve ever read for a book:⠀

“utilizing graceful twists and turns, Bound Feet tackles grief and rage passed down through generations. Yu reminds us that the need for not only justice but truth outlives the body.” ⠀
-j.a.w. McCarthy⠀

Profile Image for L.P. Hernandez.
Author 24 books103 followers
July 27, 2023
(I don't give star ratings in my own genre)

Bound Feet has been on my TBR for months, and I wish I picked it up sooner. This story makes full use of its novella length, at first lulling the reader into a sense of peace as two friends, bonded by grief, sneak into a Chinese Garden after hours. Each has her reason for being there, reasons not apparent in the first third of the novella.

This is a ghost story. It is a grief story. It is a story about friendship and desperation.

Unfortunately, I cannot be too thorough with my review because almost anything additional I can say would be a spoiler. Read it in one sitting. Once you reach page 35 or so, it won't be possible to do otherwise.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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