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Ghost 19

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A woman moves to a town where she becomes obsessed with watching the lives of her neighbors while stuck in a house that refuses to let her leave in this first ever short story from the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Cold Cases.

Is there something wrong with Ginette Cox? It’s what everyone seems to think. When a doctor suggests that what she might need is less excitement, she packs up and moves from New York City to a house in suburban NY: 19 Howard Ave.

The town offers Ginette little in the way of entertainment in 1959, but at least she has interesting neighbors. Whether it’s the little girl with her doll or the couple and their mother-in-law, Ginette watches them from her window and makes up names and stories for them.

But it’s not all peaceful in suburbia. Ginette finds it hard to sleep in her new house. There are strange and scary noises coming from the basement, and she is trapped, either by a ghost or her own madness.

But when Ginette starts to think a murder has taken place and a mysterious man starts making terrifying appearances outside her window, it’s clear she must deal with whatever isn’t allowing her to escape this house…

80 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 4, 2022

About the author

Simone St. James

11 books16.1k followers
Simone St. James is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Book of Cold Cases, The Sun Down Motel, The Broken Girls and The Haunting of Maddy Clare, which won two RITA awards from Romance Writers of America and an Arthur Ellis Award from Crime Writers of Canada. She wrote her first ghost story, about a haunted library, when she was in high school, and spent twenty years behind the scenes in the television business before leaving to write full-time. She lives outside Toronto, Canada with her husband and a spoiled cat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,021 reviews
Profile Image for Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile).
705 reviews2,478 followers
October 6, 2022
Plot :3.5⭐; Audio Narration 4.5⭐

Set in 1959, Ghost 19 by Simone St. James revolves around off-Broadway actress Ginette Cox whose “nerves” and “breakdown” and subsequent hospitalization prompt her doctors to advise her to take time off work and away from any kind of excitement. Not wanting to venture too far from New York City, she rents a house in Meritville, a NY suburb, at 19 Howard Ave, where she spends her time spying on her neighbors from her window, making up names and stories about them as she goes along.

Her initial impression of the house is that it feels “impersonal” and “wasn’t lived in”. But as the days progress, strange noises from the basement and other eerie occurrences including a strange man looking in her windows have Ginette on edge. Her doctor dismisses her fears and prescribes her pills to help her sleep and the police don’t take her complaints seriously. Narrated in the first person by Ginette, the narrative is shared in alternating chapters between “Then” which takes us through the initial few weeks of her stay in her rented home and “Now”, 19 days into her stay when she is hiding in her kitchen, with a knife in her hands for protection speaking to the Detective who has previously visited her home in response to a frantic phone call from her. Compounding her fear is the fact that the house does not let her venture out the front door, holding her back, thus limiting her human contact to those who personally enter her home, dependent on her local grocery delivery for food and and in constant fear for her life. Is she losing her mind or is she right in assuming that something is happening inside this house, for which there is no easy explanation?

Fast-paced and entertaining, I enjoyed this novella (approximately 3 hours in audiobook format) and thought Brittany Pressley did an exceptional job in voicing Ginette and conveying her state of mind as she finds herself trapped inside the house she has rented. Normally I’m wary of books with spooky vibes (I admit to being a bit of a scaredy cat) but I really enjoyed Simone St. James’ The Book of Cold Cases and therefore decided to give this one a try and I’m glad I did!
Profile Image for Melissa ~ Bantering Books.
293 reviews1,674 followers
January 16, 2023
Is it a ghost or madness? A short story or a novella?

In response to the first question, you’ll need to read Ghost 19 yourself to find out. And as to whether Simone St. James has written a short story or a novella, I have no freaking clue. At 80 pages, Ghost 19 is a little too long to be a short story and a little too short to be a novella.

Whichever it is, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. It’s a quick, creepy read, and St. James had me on the edge of my recliner for the entirety of it.

Ginette Cox has recently moved into the house at 19 Howard Avenue after her doctor suggests she’s in desperate need of quiet. Soon, Ginette finds sleep nearly impossible due to unsettling noises in the cellar, and she realizes she is literally trapped inside the house, unable to leave.

Again – ghost or madness? My lips are zipped.

But I will tell you this: part The Woman in the Window and part Alfred Hitchcock, Ghost 19 is an entertaining, atmospheric, and spine-tingling short story. Er, novella.

Er, whatever you want to call it.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,439 reviews1,536 followers
January 26, 2023
Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you come to your senses.

Flip the switch and we're finding ourselves back in 1959 where life teetered on a completely different tier. We're surrounded by brawny men and the women who existed beneath their broad shadows. You get the picture. Just go about your business and don't make waves.

Enter: Ginette Cox who's had a mediocre acting career on the sidestreets of New York City. But memorizing lines and showing up on time has left her in a twisted heap. The doctors tell her to find a quiet place to rest and to completely shut down the stress. No heavy lifting.

A friend tells her about a small house for rent in upstate New York. It comes remarkably cheap.....no other renters competing to get in. Ginette grabs it.

But before Ginette can even unpack her suitcase, there's wonky things going on. Yeah, we've got that basement thang goin' on here.....scratching sounds and oh, the moaning. But Simone St. James approaches this one a little differently. Ginette develops Agoraphobia. She's too fearful to leave and stays in one room. We'll walk inside her head and there are a lot of sharp edges in there. Believe me.

And then there's a clear view of the neighbors who live behind Ginette. Her binoculars don't lie. Especially that little girl with the doll buggy who never lifts her head or the missing old woman who never ever comes out to the yard anymore. Looking out the window doesn't mean that someone is not looking in at you. WoWzers!

Ghost 19 is a creepy good read. We get snippets of Stephen King laced with headlines from reality. It's a bargain on Amazon for Kindle. Nudge Ginette over and peek through her binoculars. Why don't 'cha?
Profile Image for Kay.
2,179 reviews1,101 followers
November 15, 2022
1959 Meritville, NY. When former broadway actress Ginette Cox seems to be in a meltdown, her doctor advised that she needs less stimulation and to move to the burbs. She rents a house on 19 Howard Ave.

With not much to do, she starts watching the neighbors and making up stories about them. She starts hearing strange noises from the cellar. Is it all in her head or is the house haunted?

This was okay, unfortunately, I didn't love it as much as The Book of Cold Cases. It's a short listen about 3 hours long and kept me entertained. The release of this title is interesting where the audio version is out months before the print (Jan 3, 2023). Brittany Pressley did a wonderful job with the narration.
Profile Image for JaymeO.
449 reviews434 followers
January 8, 2023
“The problem is that no one will listen.”

Ginette Cox is an out of work actress who just wants to be loved and accepted. She is perceived as “mad” because she doesn’t follow societal norms of the 1950s woman, whose designated role is in the domestic sphere. Because she makes her own living, there must be something wrong with her. She is not maternal, a home wrecker, and a complete disappointment to her mother.

Told between alternating timelines of Then (three weeks ago), and Now (1959), Ginette moves to the quiet suburbs when a doctor prescribes rest and relaxation after she has a nervous breakdown.

However, 19 Howard Avenue has other plans for Ginette. As soon as she arrives, she feels physically ill when she attempts to leave house. Is she agoraphobic? Is it a side effect of her new medication? Is the house possessed? Or could it be unmarried woman syndrome?

Soon, she loses her sense of self and becomes a voyeur, watching her neighbors from the window. When one of her neighbors appears to be in danger, she is compelled to help, but does not have the means to do so in her present condition.

Detective Challis to the rescue!

Simone St. James has written the perfect novella. Part Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and part A.J. Finn’s The Woman in the Window, she explores gender inequality and mental illness through a fantastic unreliable narrator. There is so much depth to this story, that it could be studied and analyzed by English scholars. Ginette’s character is superbly written with crackling sarcasm and wit.

St. James is one of my favorite Gothic thriller authors and she knocked it out of the park with this one! I highly recommend this novella!

5/5 stars
Profile Image for Dee - Delighting in the Desert!.
400 reviews68 followers
January 18, 2023
4 stars - short & engaging ghost story novella - a bit derivative of "Rear Window" with a touch of "Mrs. March" thrown in. Being set in the late 1950’s, it also makes very relevant points about gender roles and misconceptions. While not my favorite of author’s, I still enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Rachel Hanes.
586 reviews519 followers
January 15, 2023
I absolutely LOVED The Book of Cold Cases by this author, so when I saw this novella available I couldn’t wait to read it! This story was interesting, but I feel like I’ve just read this same story too much lately…

Ginette Cox is a New York City actress who is ordered by her doctor to take an extended, and a much needed break. Ginette is lucky to find a house to rent very quick and cheap at 19 Howard Avenue. Well, there’s a reason Ginette was able to get such a good deal on this house…

As soon as Ginette settles into 19 Howard Avenue, she finds that she cannot leave the house. Some strange sensation is holding her back and keeping her inside. Since she cannot leave the house, Ginette decides to watch her neighbors through binoculars. She keeps track of what her neighbors are doing, and even what their names may be. She also sees a strange man who wears an outdated suit, walking through the yards at night.

Ginette also begins to lose sleep during her stay at this house. She hears strange noises throughout the house, especially from the basement. She also feels gusts of cold air passing through her body. Is Ginette imagining these things? Has Ginette gone mad?

For a short story, this was well developed. I was entertained, but I feel that this story has been done quite a lot the past few years. So unfortunately this wasn’t anything new for me. Regardless, it was still a quick read.

Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,340 reviews1,170 followers
July 3, 2023
the setup…
Ginette Cox is an off Broadway actress who was temporarily hospitalized after an episode where she was thought to have had a nervous breakdown. She’s released soon after but moves from the city to a small suburban New York town, renting a house at 19 Howard Avenue. It’s 1959 when women were often diagnosed as such but it isn’t clear whether Ginny truly has a problem or is just high strung. But when she develops a fear that prevents her from leaving the house and hears noises from the cellar that paralyze her, it seems that maybe she does have a more serious problem.

the heart of the story…
Is she crazy or is something more sinister going on? Ginette spends her days watching the neighbors from her window (serious shades of Rear Window), creating her own narratives about them. There was a part of me that didn’t take her seriously until some creepy things started to make me believe it wasn’t just her. There aren’t a lot of really dramatic moments, just a series of routine interrupted by possible paranormal phenomena.

the narrator…
Pressley is a favorite and she proves why here with her superior storytelling skills. She made a creepy story even more unnerving.

the bottom line…
I liked this story, a lot. Ginette is a perfect unreliable narrator because even she isn’t sure of her own mind. She’s highly imaginative, dramatic and proud of it, which muddles things even more. But I loved the neighborhood she created in her head, as it added to the mystery. For a short story, it engaged me quickly and kept me hooked through the very satisfying end. 3.5 stars

Posted on Blue Mood Café
Profile Image for Ginger.
862 reviews473 followers
July 22, 2023
This was a decent ghost story. 3/3.5 stars

It’s a short one and by the end, I wanted a bit more character development to the story along with a few more questions answered.

I still enjoyed this for what it’s worth.
Profile Image for Marie.
1,023 reviews336 followers
July 24, 2023
Spooks or Hallucinations?

Small backstory:

Ginette Cox moves into a new house outside of the city of NY as her doctor thinks she needs a change of pace. Ginette is not long in the house till she starts hearing noises coming from the basement. She also decides that her neighbors outside her window have interesting lives as she watches them and what they do from her side of the window.

As time goes on the noises in the basement turn into wails and crying to the point that she calls the police who come out and check the basement but they find no one down there except there are interesting scratches on the inside of the door. No one can explain what Ginette is hearing or what is happening but Ginette begins to wonder if it is all in her head and she might be having hallucinations or that her house might be really haunted!


This was my first time reading this author and I thought the pacing was a little slow in the beginning of the story as the story line goes back and forth between a "Then" and "Now" scenario of things that happened to main character, Ginette. This book was super short but I felt that it took a good while to find out what might have been haunting the house.

The ghost part of the story is not scary but I felt that the story never really touched on "who" was haunting the house. I was surprised at the ending as the book just kind of "ended" without wrapping up what was really going on within the house. I am left with lots of questions and no answers as with this book being shorter than a novella I am wondering if the author will at some point wrap up the story with another book.

This book read more like a prequel story which I have read books like that before in the past where you are given a taste of a story and then the book ends without knowing what actually happened, but then later on down the road another book comes out and the story continues on. It will be interesting to see in the future if another book comes out with this character and we have a book wrapped up with a bow. Giving this book three "No Answers - Only Questions" stars!
June 7, 2023
ANNNNNNNNNND...How can my fav author write something and I don't read it...WAITING!!!


For all you horror fans out there, Simone St James has hit the ball out of the park AGAIN….a short story perfectly capturing the quintessential elements of horror complete with sounds from the basement…YIKES!

It doesn’t take long for Ginette Cox to realize that the rest and recreation she had expected when moving away from the glitzy New York to a less exciting suburb that nothing is as it seems. The eerie vibe is brilliantly encapsulated by the author and of course, she is a master at creating that atmosphere of darkness and danger waiting to grab you around the corner. Unable to step away from the terrifying house and armed with binoculars in hand, it is not anything that goes bump into the night but the views across her window and her imagination that play riot with the reader’s senses.

Set in 1959, the story alternates between THEN and NOW, and heightening our terror as we see Ginette armed with a kitchen knife trying her best to protect herself from WHAT exactly??? As an ardent fan of the author’s works and having read all her published novels, Ghost 19 was not enough to satisfy my craving for a terror-inducing ghost story but it was a highly impressive feat by Simone St James to incorporate all the elements of the same in a novella, including a blink and miss romantic scene.

A Thrilling spooky haunted house it is!

This review is published in my blog Rain'n'Books, ##Goodreads, ##Amazon India, ##Book Bub, ##Medium.com, ##Facebook, ##Twitter.
Profile Image for Tracey.
602 reviews40 followers
September 3, 2023
This is an entertaining, well-written ghost story. It is fast paced with mystery and suspense, twists and turns, and a satisfying conclusion. I listened to the audio version of this short story, and the narrator, Ms. Brittany Pressley, has a lovely voice and does an outstanding job depicting the characters and their personalities.
Profile Image for Diana.
852 reviews690 followers
February 12, 2023
In GHOST 19, a Broadway actress suffering with mental health issues rents an ominous house in Upstate New York. I'm a big fan of Simone St. James's ghost stories, and her talent shines in this short and creepy novella set in 1959. The author created a sense of foreboding very quickly. Is Ginette really trapped inside the house by a restless spirit, or is the madness just inside her head? GHOST 19 is a spooky hors d'oeuvre-size gothic tale perfect for fans of haunted characters. ♥
Profile Image for Michelle .
362 reviews127 followers
February 19, 2024
It's 1959 and after Ginette Cox's breakdown she leaves her New York acting career to move to the suburbs. But once she enters 19 Howard Avenue she finds she can't physically leave the house.
This is my second Simone St James book. The writing is both atmospheric and compelling. Ginette is an engaging protagonist full of flaws and moxie. I enjoyed everything about her overly dramatic (and at times wildly under dramatic) attitude in the face of the strange happenings inside her new home.
I loved the beginning and remained fully engrossed for the first eighty percent of the book. But the end felt rushed and I was left a bit cold. I think it would have been an amazing full-length novel.
Profile Image for Kimberly R .
292 reviews
January 6, 2023
Ginette moves to 19 Howard Av. She starts spying on her neighbors and sees bad stuff happening. She also hears things in the basement. Does she actually see and hear this stuff or is she crazy? This was another great read by Simone St. James she never disappoints!
Profile Image for Jasmine from How Useful It Is.
1,466 reviews368 followers
November 19, 2022
Thank you PRHAudio for the complimentary audiobook!

A great audiobook. I enjoyed the narrator a lot. She has a nice clear happy voice. A bit of the ghost story but wasn't scary which I preferred.

This is a short story. 2 hours and 25 minutes audiobook. This story was told in a timeline, past and now. In the present, Ginette is visited by a police officer. He found her on the kitchen floor holding a knife. He wanted to know why she couldn't leave the house because agoraphobia was not something she had before she moved into her current place of residence which has been only for a short time. He thought she might be trapped in the house against her will. In the past she had some kind of mental illness breakdown. So she was recommended to move to somewhere quiet . She moved into this house and started neighbor watching everyday. She even got a boy visiting her often for groceries and neighborhood watching with her. (This neighborhood watching and the boy visiting her reminds me of The Woman in the Window-review posted on my blog link in bio). The past and present events will lead up to the present until the big reveal which I couldn't guess lol but was good.

I have only read The Broken Girls from this author and enjoyed it and I still have The Book of Cold Cases I bought from BOTM on my shelf to read.

Profile Image for JasonA.
337 reviews57 followers
January 8, 2023
Normally I'm a Simone St. James fan, but this novella fell a little flat for me. Like too many novellas lately, it felt like a short story that was fluffed up to become longer. There was a lot of background info that wasn't really relevant to the story, in my opinion, and could have been cut along with some other non-essential fluff.

I'm a little disappointed on the decision to place the novella entirely in the 50s. St. James typically uses time jumps from the present to the past, so some of it being in the past is normal for her. In this story, everything takes place in 1959. The flashbacks all jump to the few weeks and days leading up to the "present" in the story. The decision mostly seems to have been made so that no one listens to or befriends the main character, a woman of ill repute (she's an unmarried actress). The misogyny of the era was practically a main character.

Overall, the story just was confusing and the conclusion felt rushed. Some of the fluff could have been better used detailing the history of the house or the neighborhood. This definitely wasn't a good example of St. James's work.
Profile Image for Cassie.
1,545 reviews125 followers
September 11, 2023
Welcome to 19 Howard Avenue, Merrittville, New York. It's 1959, and NYC actress Ginette Cox has left the city at the suggestion of her doctor (a man, naturally), who thinks she could do with some rest and relaxation after she is hospitalized for a nervous breakdown. Surely a house in the suburbs, rented surprisingly cheaply, will be just the place for her to recuperate.

But soon after arriving at 19 Howard Avenue, Ginette realizes she is physically unable to leave the house -- and she definitely tries, especially after hearing strange noises coming from the basement. Unsure if her agoraphobia is due to side effects of her medication or something more sinister, Ginette turns to spying on her neighbors to distract herself. When one of them appears to be in danger, Ginette calls the police, desperate to help in any way she can. But will the police believe her? Can she even trust her own mind?

Simone St. James writes the best ghost stories. Not only are they eerie and tense and atmospheric, they always transport me to and immerse me in a different time, and Ghost 19 is no exception. While bringing the scares, St. James also uses a spunky first-person narrator to explore mid-century gender inequalities and expectations and old-fashioned notions about mental illness. I love stories with unreliable narrators, particularly if done well, and Ginette is an excellent one. St. James draws you into the maelstrom of her mind completely, leaving you reeling and uncertain who or what to believe -- until you finally learn the truth, in a bittersweet conclusion.

There are echoes here of Alfred Hitchcock and The Woman in the Window, but Ghost 19 stands on its own merit as a thought-provoking and haunting ghost story.
Profile Image for Sammie Reads.
943 reviews145 followers
September 10, 2023
Whew, that was like a fever dream!!! I love Simone St. James books, they’re always spooky and twisty and historical and ghostly! This was no different, but for such a short book, it packed a punch!
January 9, 2023
This novella was nearly a DNF for me. It seemed silly and the MC's coquettish affectations seemed a tad too cavalier. So, at first I couldn't connect, slowly I warmed and got swept up, and finally I fell in love.

MC Actress is getting over a minor nervous breakdown and, at the suggestion of her doctor and the intervention of a friend, takes up residence in a very low cost rental in Sleepytown, NY. There is a reason why the rent is so low and why the owner can't keep a tenant.

MC soon suffers sleepless nights where she hears moaning and scratching sounds coming from the basement. Also she finds that she literally and physically cannot walk out the front door to leave. She becomes somewhat of a recluse, never leaving the house and busy with binoculars, making up names for her neighbors and fanciful stories about them, reading lips, and chatting up (flirting) with the teenage grocery delivery boy. After letting her imagination run away with her, and after making some rather crazy reports to the police, she seems to connect with one of the police officers who comes to take her statement. He just might believe her outlandish tales, turning minnows into whales (Mulberry Street for all you Seuss loving fans).

Needless to say that an actress from the big city must also be a floozy and a drunk or drug addict - so she becomes the town's notoriety. In fact, she flirts with every man who walks through her door - but, we are rooting for only one of them!

Eventually, MC figures out what is going on. It took me just about as long to do so since the story goes back and forth timewise over a period of a few days or weeks (it's hard to tell). Will our MC Heroine be able to warn the little girl across the street in time? Did the neighbors across the way murder their mother/mother-in-law? Will our MC throw the grocery boy under the bus? By the end of the novella I was completely invested in all of the characters - excepting, of course, the ghost dressed in black!
Profile Image for Dona.
804 reviews117 followers
April 14, 2023
I found GHOST 19 by Simone St. James on the Libby app. Check for your local library on the app and read great books for free!📚

Ginette is a displaced actress, living on her own in the 1950s when even such a small thing could and did make her seem suspicious to all the people she encounters in her life, no matter how intimate. Neighbors. Police. Even her family. Perhaps living alone is something she would address, but every time she tries to leave her house, she experiences a horrible headache and stomachache, dizziness, a whole range of symptoms that don't relent until she returns home. Doctors and medications don't help and the only other person who seems interested in her survival and dignity is the young kid who delivers her groceries every few days. But she's tired of wasting away, looking out on her life and everyone else's, and trying to piece together the clues that might finally set her free.

This is a twisty ghost story, with its own chilling mystery. Why can't Ginette leave, what is keeping her trapped in the house? The story dangles at least one juicy red herring that I personally chased right after. I love how these make me feel when I read stories, when I get completely carried away by one! I think mysteries that utilize the red herring are always enjoyable. The ending was a surprise for me, though not surprising, since St. James lays all the evidence for it. I really enjoy how this one resolves. It's more than this, but it's also Ginette against 1950s gaslighting-women culture.

Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 / 5 flames in the curtains
Recommend? Absolutely, good ghost story!
Finished: April 11 2023
Read this if you like:
👻 Ghost stories
🔍 Dark mysteries
👤 Mental illness rep
🏘 Small town and neighborhood history
Profile Image for Destiny.
203 reviews119 followers
January 11, 2023
This was a fantastic little novella by Simone St. James. Imagine knowing you're trapped in a house with GHOSTS and being told you're just mentally ill and agoraphobic? That's the main plot of this short story.

The characters weren't overly developed, as they can't be in a 90 page novella, but our main character, Ginette, was likeable enough that you're rooting for her to figure out what's going on in this strange little house.

The creep level is definitely present and the ending, while somewhat predictable, is still super satisfying.

Overall, this could have easily been fleshed out into a full length novel, but truly was great for what it was!
Profile Image for  Bon.
1,341 reviews179 followers
December 8, 2022
A fantastic, creepy offering from one of my favorite authors, Ghost 19 packs a lot in a small package. Rear Window meets haunted house story with the added punch of an unreliable narrator, an intriguing failed actress with ailing mental health and tenant of a mysterious rental.

The combination of a residual and sentient haunting was terrifying. The slight romance and the pair's banter was a welcome counter to the dark ghostly business, what I've come to expect from St. James. While I wish this was a full story, I'm happy for any crumbs from her writing desk. The pacing was great and the plot just fleshed out enough to make the reader Feel the story's ending.

The narrator was a great choice, her velvety emulation of a bygone era showgirl reaching pitched hysteria and crooning, sensuous tones with equal skill.
Profile Image for Tori.
378 reviews7 followers
December 20, 2022
I … don’t understand why this was written. It’s just a cheap “Woman in the Window” knockoff.
Profile Image for Nicole.
495 reviews235 followers
January 7, 2023
I really enjoyed this novella. I wish it was a bit longer though I wasn’t ready for it to end so soon. Reading it in the dark freaked me out especially when that creepy clown man showed up. If you’re looking for a quick scare pick this one up!

Ginnette Cox moves to 19 Howard Avenue after suffering a breakdown. Unable to leave her home, she spends her time looking out the windows watching her neighbors. She speculates their daily activities and even their names. As the days turn into nights, Ginnette begins to feel uneasy in her home and she hears disturbing noises from the basement. She freaks out completely when she comes face to face with a creepy, oddly dressed stranger and things get weirder from here.

Ghost 19 is available now.
Profile Image for Rachelle.
383 reviews99 followers
October 6, 2022
"I open my eyes when I hear footsteps at the front door. A man's footsteps, heavy.."

LOVED this little novella!! It is peppered with Rear Window vibes, but in a more ghosty way. This was paced perfectly but I wanted more, these characters were just fascinating to follow!
Profile Image for daniela weber.
331 reviews90 followers
December 14, 2023
something of blanche 
dubois in ginette's voice 
made me flew through the 
pages to discover what on
earth was afflicting her. ;)
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,259 reviews727 followers
October 24, 2022
Ginette Cox has been advised by the doctor’s that she needs a little less excitement. After a hospital stay, she leaves the glamorous, hectic life of New York City and rents a house in suburban NY: 19 Howard Ave.

Since she is banned from watching TV, she occupies her time by watching the neighbors. She invents names for them and stories. At night, though, things go terribly wrong. Something is in the basement and wants out. A man dressed oddly is staring into her windows and she witnesses a murder.

Ginette’s fear felt real and her mannerisms and behavior only added to this atmospheric tale. Fans of Alfrick Hitchcock will love the vibe and build up.

The tale that unfolds has all the chills and thrills of a perfect ghost story and Brittany Pressley does a stellar job with our unreliable narrator. This was my favorite listen for the Fraterfest Readathon and it gave me chills. Lots of twists and very atmospheric. St. James has pushed her way to the top of my must read/listen list and I was impressed by this novella.

Grab your flashlight, your partner, and listen to this creeptastic tale. Maybe leave the bathroom light on. No gore, just creepy, spooky events that will raise the hair on the back of your neck.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer
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