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The House of Lost Wives

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Secrets. Lies.
And four missing wives.

1813. Lizzie's beloved older sister Esme is sold in marriage to the aging Lord Blountford to settle their father's debts.

One year later, Esme is dead, and Lizzie is sent to take her place as Lord Blountford's next wife.

Arriving at Ambletye Manor, Lizzie uncovers a twisted web of secrets, not least that she is to be the fifth mistress of this house.

Marisa. Anne. Pansy. Esme.

What happened to the four wives who came before her?

In possession of a unique gift, only Lizzie can hear their stories, and try to find a way to save herself from sharing the same fate.

368 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2022

About the author

Rebecca Hardy

2 books31 followers

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May 30, 2024

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THE HOUSE OF LOST WIVES was an impulse buy. I thought the cover was beautiful and the blurb sounded very Bluebeard-y. Then I checked out the sample and thought it looked awesome. Better yet, my friend lacy agreed to buddy-read this with me, because the only thing better than a gothic read is a gothic read with friends.

Lizzie is the daughter of a gambler/alcoholic and an enabler in Victorian England. She's gently-raised but her father's shittiness with money has steered her a little too close to the crime- and poverty-stricken parts of Victorian England, as we see right at the beginning when she and her sister cower in the face of shady repo men who take some of their family heirlooms after roughing up their dad.

Now an adult woman, Lizzie is about to be married off to the same man that her sister married... before she died mysteriously and suspiciously. Her parents don't care, though, because Lord Blountford has agreed to forgive her dad's gambling debts if he can marry her and that's too good of a deal to resist.

We follow Lizzie in her new soon-to-be-married life as she navigates the mansion and realizes that her husband had FOUR other wives. Also, she can talk to them... because she can see and hear ghosts. Which sounds like it should be twee, but it actually makes this feel like a fun grown-up version of Meg Cabot's Mediator series that really adds to the gothic vibe of the story.

As far as gothics go, this is a pretty gentle one. But it's really fun. The mystery kept me turning pages, there's a bit of a romance (several, actually), and the heroine's SA is handled BEAUTIFULLY. I really appreciated that it was off page and how realistic her PTSD was. It was handled very delicately and I thought that was great and wanted to make a point of calling that out.

I can't wait to read her other book.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for MaryannC Victorian Dreamer.
525 reviews111 followers
October 30, 2022
Set in 1813 England Lizzy's older sister Esme, has been sold to the elderly Lord Blountford to settle the family's debts, but a year later she has died under mysterious circumstances and now Lizzy herself is to become the next wife, the trouble is Lord Blountford's other wives have also died mysteriously. What happened to her beloved sister and what happened to the wives before her?
After the heartbreaking news that her sister Esme has died, beautiful, headstrong Lizzy has been ordered to replace her as the new bride to the cold hearted old Lord Blountford and is sent to Ambletye Manor in preparation for the upcoming wedding. Once there Lizzy seeks to uncover the truth behind these deaths when the ghosts of the former wives begin to appear to her but the servants and the lord's brooding but handsome nephew Charles are reluctant to share the secrets they all know. As the wedding looms near Lizzy continues her search for truth but Lord Blountford has become more dangerous and Lizzy is fighting a race against time before she becomes the next dead wife.
This was a pretty good read filled with a gothic atmosphere, intrigue and suspense. I also liked the author's after notes about how she had actually began this story as a 15- year old in hopes of becoming an author and I applaud her because her dream did come true. Recommended.

Thank you to author Rebecca Hardy for granting my wish request on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Marquise.
1,868 reviews994 followers
August 22, 2022
For the first few chapters, you might get the impression you're reading a "Bluebeard" type of story, but with ghosts. But, for a story that has the trappings of Gothic romances, it's surprisingly lacking in suspense and atmosphere. There are ghosts, whom the heroine can see, but where's the spookiness? They're all as amiable as Casper. Even that one ghost that was described as frightening isn't really so because it hardly does anything that would be scary or creepy.

There's a country manor, the "house of lost wives" in the title, but it doesn't get much onpage time. The village and the activities outside get more time, so there's simply no sense of place coming from a description that'd throw me inside the house and make me "live" it.

There's a "creepy lord," he's more of a mean petty criminal than a proper Bluebeard. Him and the villagers are the highlights of the story, because Lizzie and Charles are rather bland to me. Their romance is predictable because they make it predictable from the get-go, without much to keep us guessing. Also, the "mystery" of the killed wives is resolved too quickly. The pacing in general is quick, and that doesn't allow you to connect with the characters.

Overall, not the best mystery I've read. I got more out of imagining this as a Bluebeard retelling than as the Gothic mystery it intended to be.

I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Wendy(Wendyreadsbooks) Robey.
1,190 reviews69 followers
October 13, 2022
This story intrigued me from the very beginning. Four wives and a large country house with secrets and lies aplenty. Lizzie was a favourite character of mine - open and honest, she was a force of nature who would do anything for a friend in need regardless of status in life. Her quest to find answers in the house was a fascinating one and I really enjoyed the way in which she puzzled through the information she’d found and heard. The support from the village in such a short time was heartwarming. The Lord was a character I never warmed to- a purposeful decision I think by the author and his darkness only proved to show Lizzie as the light in the secrets of the house’s history.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Bailey.
Author 130 books289 followers
November 28, 2022
The story is a fascinating blend of historical fiction with magic realism. I loved the supernatural elements and particularly the way the ghosts appeared which I found completely believable. The characterisations were strong and Rebecca Hardy managed to get both inside her central character and make the other characters live, not easy when writing from a first person viewpoint. The romantic thread was satisfying and the climactic scenes completely riveting.

An impressive first novel in a mainstream genre. I look forward to more from this author.
Profile Image for ⚡Diana ⚡.
287 reviews15 followers
October 17, 2022
''Death tries to make strangers of us all, whether we are on the giving or receiving end. The real trick is not to let it tear you apart.''

It's 1800 and Esme, Lizzie's older sister, is sold in marriage to Lord Blountford of Sussex - a man old enough to be their grandfather. One year later, Esme is dead and Lizzie is sent to take her place as Lord's next wife. Their life has not been easy - their father is a gambler and their mother is a drunk. Days at Ambletye manor may seem easy enough at the first glace, but they are full of dangerous secrets, lies, romances and tragedies. What happened to the four wives who came before her? Can Lizzie unravel secrets with the help of ghosts, that only she can see?

I see that other reviewers have noted, that this was a creepy and frightening story, but for me, it was not that. Yes, it had an eerie and haunting setting, but I wish it was more gritty and scary. I believe that readers, who enjoy historical era murder-mystery reads, with a dash of romance, ghosts, lovable and vile characters, will find this story intriguing. It was an entertaining, fast and light read. As for the plot, I will not spoil it to others. I will say this - you will get to question characters and their motives. You will find some ugly truths, but in between all the mystery and tragedy, you will witness love, trust and friendship. And some light humor. Even though this story has a serious plot.

Thank you to Rebecca Hardy, Headline and NetGalley, for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts are my own and left voluntarily.
Profile Image for Taylor.
942 reviews5 followers
September 1, 2022
I loved this book! Through investigating and supernatural communications, Lizzie is able to unravel the truths of each of the first four wives of Lord Blountford.

Lizzie is a dynamic and powerful character who is so beautifully writing her own story while she helps other women tell theirs.

I can't wait to read more from Rebecca Hardy!

Thanks to Netgalley + the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Annette Jordan.
2,423 reviews61 followers
October 14, 2022
A gothic Regency tale with perfect spooky vibes for this time of year, The House of Lost Wives by Rebecca Hardy is fully of secrets, mystery and romance.
Lizzie and her sister Esme have always been close, especially since they can only rely on each other since their father is too busy gambling away every last penny he possesses and their mother is too busy trying to stay one step ahead of the creditors to pay attention. Eventually things take a desperate turn and Esme is effectively sold into marriage to the elderly Lord Blountford as a way of settling her father's debts . Lizzie is heatbroken at her beloved sister's fate, but this is nothing to the despair she feels when she learns that her sister has died and since her father has not changed his ways, she will be the next Lady Blountford.
Once she arrives at the remote Ambletye Manor which is set to be her home once married, she is shocked to discover that her sister was not the first of Lord Blountford's wives to meet a mysterious or tragic end , in fact she was the fourth and Lizzie is set to become the fifth mistress of the house. Immediately Lizzie's suspicions are aroused and the more she learns the more she begins to fear for her own fate. Unknown to Lord Blountford, Lizzie has a special gift, she can see and communicate with the spirits of the dead, but will what she learns be able to protect her from their fate?
This book moved along at a clipping pace , and since we learn the stories of each of the wives as the book unfolds there was plenty to keep my attention as a reader. I liked the characters in general, especially Lizzy and the ghost wives, but I wish there was a little more spookiness to their interactions with Lizzy. I also thought the setting had a lot of potential , an isolated manor house in the countryside should be the perfect setting for some really thrilling or scary moments but I think the author did not use it to its full advantage.
That said, I really enjoyed the book overall ,it was ideal reading for this time of year when the evenings are getting darker earlier and there is a distinct chill in the air.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nicola “Shortbookthyme”.
1,826 reviews139 followers
October 20, 2022
The House of Lost Wives was a very different read. It was entertaining in some ways and very strange in other ways. As I was reading the story, I was thinking to myself “how will I review this one?” I guess to sum it up, most of the story just seemed so far fetched and unbelievable. With that said, I did have to keep reading to the last pages just so I knew how it would end.
There is a supernatural aspect to the story that was somewhat intriguing.
I don’t want to give too much away in my review but the ending with the main characters parents just grated on my last nerve. There is no way I could forgive their previous behavior.
I recommend this as a historical mystery read that you will either like a lot or dislike a lot. Give it a go and see what you think. It will keep you entertained with a bit of eye rolling going on.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All thoughts expressed are my own.
370 reviews14 followers
October 15, 2022
I loved this book, and will definitely look out for others from this author.
Esme and Lizzie Dawson are sisters. Their father is an unsuccessful gambler, and the family are always in debt, the bailiff’s are frequent visitors, taking away possessions to repay creditors. Their mother is an alcoholic.
Esme is betrothed to Lord Blountford, a much older gentleman, as payments for her father’s debts. However, one year later, Esme has died, the debt is still outstanding, and Lizzie is lined up as the replacement wife.
Lizzie has a fine spirit of independence and stubbornness, she is forthright in her opinions and views, she is a rather wonderful character and role model. She is not impressed by these marriage plans, but can not see any escape open to her at the moment.
She is moved to Ambletye Manor to settle in before her nuptials, so she can get a feel of the responsibilities of running her future home. Once there, she discovers she will be wife number 5, and her main duty will be to provide an heir to the estate. All the previous wives have died at the house, possibly tragically, and all were young.
Lizzie has a special gift, she can see and communicate with ghosts, especially the ex wives. After speaking to Marisa, the first wife and Pansy, wife number 3, Lizzie decides to find out what happened to all the ex- wives, and possibly use that knowledge to prevent another death, hers!!
Each wife gets the chance to tell her own story. It’s not too scary a read, the ghosts are mainly curious and regretful, they are not threatening poltergeists.
We meet other sympathetic characters, Dr Price, a Vet, whom Esme used to confide in. Jordie, the young stable boy, who is teaching Lizzie to ride. He looks after his widowed mother and siblings, and is a real support to Lizzie. Captain Charles is the nephew to Lord Blountford, and a heart breaker.
This book is almost Dickensian in theme, family brought low , poverty, gambling, uncaring landed gentry, threatening bailiffs, and balanced by caring and kindness from servants ‘ below stairs’, and tradespeople from the village.
A tale full of friendship, compassion and determination not to be ridden over roughshod. A very likeable central character in Lizzie.
A five star read. My thanks to Netgalley and Headline publishers for my advance digital copy in return for my honest review.
Profile Image for Bookworm Blogger.
805 reviews26 followers
April 22, 2023
I’d like to thank NetGalley and Headline for approving me for an ARC of this book. Special mention to my friend Wendy for buddy-reading this one with me, I got to it eventually!

👰🏻After learning of her sister’s death Lizzie is sent to be the next bride for Lord Blountford. Whilst preparing for her wedding she starts to dive into the deaths of the former wives, including her sister. Known as somewhat of a troublemaker for speaking her mind, Lizzie was compassionate but rightly feared for her life. It was hard not to like her and support her own investigation.

🕵🏻‍♀️The mystery surrounding the deaths of the four wives had me intrigued from the start. I had many different theories as to what I thought had happened and the author found a unique way to guide Lizzie to the answers. I’m still not entirely sure what I made of that aspect, but it gave the story a different edge.

🐎Some of my favourite parts were Lizzie’s horse riding lessons with Jordie. The friendship they had formed was heartening, I particularly liked how it ended for them. In fact, the whole village feel of the story was lovely to see. At a time when Lizzie needed them they supported and encouraged her, she had clearly shown she was deserving of their trust.

👻This story had an eeriness to it and I feared what would happen to Lizzie on several occasions. There was tension and moments of darkness without being too scary or horrific. This will certainly please those that love a ghost story with a little romance and murder!
January 6, 2023
The story line was interesting and intriguing, though the main character, Lizzie, was the most extremely insufferable and annoying person ever. The style of writing reminded me of a 13 year old girl writing fan fiction for the first time.
Profile Image for Piper.
1,621 reviews17 followers
October 24, 2022
The House of Lost Wives by Rebecca Hardy
Earc: NetGalley
Publisher: Headline Accent
Publication Date: 13th October 2022
Genre : Romance, Women's Fiction, Historical history

Lizzie has just lost her sister Emse after been married to Lord B now it's Lizzie turn tk be married to Lord B. One thing she concern about is she's his 5th wife and no one knows what happen to the others they've a died mysteriously. She's their for the sake of her parents whom are drunk and gamblers and the Lord is now looking after her.

Lizzie is wanting to undercover the truth about what happen to the previous women including her sister. She finds some letters and is investigating this when she starts to speak to specters of the previous Wives.

Charles is Lord B Newphew and has been working for his uncle after coming home from been an officer.

An authors i will highly recommend.

#TheHouseofLostWives #NetGalley
#bookstagram #bookreview #goodreads @headlinebooks
Profile Image for Nessa.
1,685 reviews68 followers
September 9, 2023
I absolutely loved this book, thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish.

Rebecca Hardy was a new author to me but the title, blurb and book cover appealed to me and so I decided to give it a go.

Truly glad that I did as it was brilliantly well written. Highly entertaining, plenty of drama and suspense to keep the reader engaged throughout, not to mention the added element of the ghosts. The story really did pull me in and grabbed hold of me tightly. I loved the mystery and supernatural elements, was really well done I thought and not over the top, just right I thought. So well done to the author there.

I also enjoyed getting to know the characters, especially that of the main character Lizzie, who was well developed and portrayed.

I am truly looking forward to seeing and reading more books in future from this author.
Profile Image for Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner).
758 reviews178 followers
October 13, 2022
"One could never spend too much time inside a bookshop after all."

Looking for a simple historical fiction story with supernatural elements, romance and lots of secrets ? I recommend checking this one out!

The plot is intriguing, as secrets after secrets are revealed throughout the story. I really like uncovering the secrets to each wives, especially the third wife.
The countryside setting is a nice touch with good pacing as well.

The characters are likeable and pretty well developed. Lizzie is not afraid to always speak up her mind, I admire her friendship with Jodie too as she try to overcome her fear.

The ghosts added the spooky element to the book but they're not as scary as I thought they would be. They interact with the Lizzie just like a normal human being.

However, I wish there's more creepy vibes to create an eerie atmosphere in the story considering there are ghosts haunting in some places.
I also felt the romance progresses slightly too fast for my liking.

Overall, this is a fun, light, and entertaining read. The ending was wrapped up nicely too for all characters and I feel satisfied with how it ends.
I look forward to read more books from this author!

I received an advanced review copy for free from Netgalley, Headline and Rebecca Hardy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.
190 reviews
October 14, 2022
The House of Lost Wives was an original and enjoyable Regency paranormal book.

The story follows Lizzy the daughter of a drunkard and a gambler who are always one step away from total penury and debtor’s prison. Esme, Lizzie’s older sister is sold to Lord Blountford to settle their father’s debts. One year later, Esme is dead and Lizzie’s father is once again in debt. Luckily he has another daughter to sell. Lizzie is sent to Lord Blountford’s country estate Ambletye Manor where she is to become wife # 2, oh wait make that wife # 5. Lord Blountford has a distressing track record when it comes to wives. Well Lizzie has her own tricks up her sleeves, she can commune with ghosts and it so happens that her predecessors are ghosts. Lizzie is determined to find out what happened to the prior wives, including her sister. Throw in a handsome nephew, servants and ghosts and you have an ununsual Regency romance.

I really enjoyed the paranormal aspect of this book. Some parts of it did not really feel like they were taking place in Regency England, more a modern setting, but the book was enjoyable and perfect as a spooky fall read.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher Headline Accent and the author for the chance to read and review this book.
Profile Image for Denice Langley.
3,532 reviews35 followers
October 18, 2022
A very intriguing story line. In the early 1800's it was not unusual for a woman to be sold into marriage by her parents, especially if the parents had more children than money. So when Lizzie's older sister is sold to a man much, much older than she, it raised few eyebrows. At least she was escaping a less than happy home. Fast forward one year. Lizzie's sister has died and her parents are now selling Lizzie to the same much older Lord Blountford. But when Lizzie arrives at the manor, she finds she is not the second wife, she is the fifth. Insert spooky music here......
The House of Lost Wives was a very good read. Great back story, great characters, great buildup to the surprise ending. I enjoyed.....bet you can't guess......greatly! Definitely an author that I'll be following.
Profile Image for Angell.
191 reviews
June 17, 2023
Interesting second novel after accidentally doing another ghost/reaper story yesterday to spend today reading a period piece about a medium that tries to avoid marrying a probably loathsome older man that was her sisters widower that is surrounded by the ghosts of his former wives. It could have petered out in the second half but did still have some surprising and interesting choices for the final third. Decent story quite well written.
Profile Image for Louise.
2,815 reviews54 followers
August 26, 2022
I did enjoy this book, it entertained me for a few hours.
Elizabeth was a likeable spirited character.
Some of the transactions with the ghosts were a bit comical I thought, and there was a fair bit of finding things by chance that kept the plot going.
So, I didn't take it hugely seriously.
For a light entertaining read, it did just fine.
April 29, 2023
This is such a cosy read! It has intrigue and mystery, it has characters to fall in love with, it has romance and it has a tiny bit of spookiness. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and I am sad to have to leave the world of Ambletye Manor.
10.6k reviews175 followers
October 9, 2022
Imagine if your beloved sister was married off to a much older man to save your family from financial ruin, died, and now you must marry her widower. It's the 1800s and that's the situation Lizzie is in. Worse. she discovers that she's not the second but the fifth (!) wife of Lord Blountford. Luckily, she meets the ghost of his third wife before her wedding and is able to start to get answers before it's too late. Can she-should she- trust his nephew Captain Charlie? This is a gothic and creepy and paranormal and if it sometimes gets a little much, well, it's still a fun read that reminded me of the gothic romances I read in the 1970s. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. I enjoyed this.
Profile Image for Beth Younge.
1,079 reviews8 followers
October 4, 2022
I really liked this book and thought it was the perfect mix of spooky and historical fiction. The characters were written well and the twists and turns were done well. I thought that the characters grew and changed throughout the book and it made the book flow really well because of it. I liked the pacing in this and it helped keep me invested in the book and want to continue to read it. The action was done well and i found the plot done well with the ending interesting and not exactly what i expected, in a good way. The only criticism i have of this is that the tonal line of this was off in a couple of places but it didn't affect the book too much for me.
Profile Image for Catherine.
809 reviews4 followers
September 21, 2022
Lizzie’s father is a gambler and her mother is a drunk. To clear his debt her father sells her sister Esme to clear his debt. However, one year later her sister is dead and her father once again needs to clear his debts with the elderly Lord Blountford. So Lizzie is sent to become his 5th wife

What people don’t know is that Lizzie can speak to the dead in limbo. In the run up to her wedding she finds herself communicating with the previous Mustresses of the house and discovered how they died.

Marisa. Anne. Pansy. Esme all met early deaths. By freeing them can she save herself from a loveless marriage.

This was an easy read. At times it felt particularly slow. I think this would be suited more to teens/young adults.
Profile Image for E Julian.
43 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2022
Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for an Arc of this book!

“The House of Lost Wives” by Rebecca Hardy tells a tale of mystery surrounding two sisters in regency era England. The story follows Lizzie as she is made a pawn between men to fulfill her father’s gambling debts. She is forced to be married to an older man she despises who also happened to be married to her recently departed sister. Even worse, she is to become his fifth wife! What happened to the other wives before her? More importantly, what happened to her sister?
I enjoyed following the mystery and intrigue as Lizzie set out to find out the sinister happenings of Lord Blountford’s estate. Along the way, she uncovers secrets about her sister, the estate staff and even her future husband. She forms unlikely alliances, one in particular sparking with romance that causes a nearly life-altering shift that threatens to tear her heart apart.

I would recommend this book as a light, fun read with a sprinkle of paranormal activity.
650 reviews21 followers
September 10, 2022
Thanks to NetGalley and Headline for the advanced copy of this title in return for an honest review.

It’s part regency novel, part gothic thriller, part ghost story.

I did think, given its premise, that it would be frightening, but it’s not particularly - the ghosts appear as a sort of comfort, a friend rather than foe.

It’s easy to read. If you’re like me, you’ll be so lost in it that you’ll find yourself at the end before you know it. But what a satisfying conclusion it is.

I really enjoyed all the different characters. That’s not to say they’re all pleasant characters, in fact, a number of them are quite vile indeed, but they’re excellently written. If you’re going to write a nasty character, then in my opinion, you go hard or go home. I’ve got no time for wishy washy baddies. The main protagonist of Lizzie is a fabulous character from beginning to start. A woman in the 1800s was expected to stay silent and follow a man with no questions asked. But she is not that kind of woman, and that’s refreshing.

Given it’s quite serious plot, it was surprisingly funny and lighthearted, with real moments of love and trust and friendship.

I admit that some bits were perhaps slightly unbelievable but I think it works in this situation. I think I would have preferred a bit of resistance to Lizzie’s paranormal confessions, but I can overlook that because I feel it’s really well written.

It’s such a brilliant, absorbing novel with great storytelling, and I would happily recommend it to anyone, particularly for a cold, foggy, autumn evening.
Profile Image for Heather Thorup.
83 reviews10 followers
August 16, 2022
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for randomly selecting me to receive an ARC. The opinions expressed are my own. 18th century in London, Lizzie and her sister Esme are trying to survive with their parents. Their father is a gambler and their mother a drunk. The sisters had each other but not much else after the creditors were paid. Esme is to marry Lord Blountford and live in the country. Lizzie eagerly awaits an invitation to stay but when news does come, it is of her sister's death. Lizzie isn't given long to mourn before being informed that she is now to take her sister's place as Lord Blountford's wife. Repulsed by the idea but knowing it was the only way to save her parents from living on the streets, she goes.

The estate is huge and the grounds surrounding it. Lord Blountford is three times her age and aloof. Left to her own devices until the wedding, she sets out to discover the surrounding grounds. She stumbles upon five graves and a sense of foreboding and mystery. Not long after she makes the acquaintance of a ghost. Lizzie has the gift of seeing and communicating with ghosts that haven't moved on. The ghost introduces herself as Pansy, Lord Blountford's third wife. Shocked, Lizzie tries to find out more but the ghost doesn't divulge much.

Lizzie is dogged in her pursuit of finding out what happened to the wives, including her sister. During her investigation, she makes friends with several people from the village. The stable boy that teaches her horse riding becomes a good friend. Lord Blountford's nephew, Captain Charlie, has become a quiet and welcome friend. But things become more sinister as things come to light. Lizzie has more interactions with ghosts and the more she finds out about her soon to be husband, the more she fears for her future. The ending is exciting and satisfying. I loved the atmosphere of the book, the setting and storyline. A gothic paranormal-ish mystery romance that was well done.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
180 reviews6 followers
September 12, 2022
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this advance copy. This was a great read - a lovely mix of historical fiction with a healthy dose of the supernatural thrown in. I would class this as an easy read, but this did not in any way detract from my enjoyment and actually would be a great book for readers to delve into this genre. It all comes together very nicely at the end leaving you with a warm satisfied feeling. I feel this would make a great gift as its a lovely easy read and cover looks sumptuous!
Profile Image for julie.
607 reviews12 followers
August 21, 2022
1813. Lizzie's beloved older sister Esme is sold in marriage to the aging Lord Blountford to settle their father's debts.

One year later, Esme is dead, and Lizzie is sent to take her place as Lord Blountford's next wife.

Arriving at Ambletye Manor, Lizzie uncovers a twisted web of secrets, not least that she is to be the fifth mistress of this house.

Marisa. Anne. Pansy. Esme.

What happened to the four wives who came before her?

In possession of a unique gift, only Lizzie can hear their stories, and try to find a way to save herself from sharing the same fate.
Wow totally gripping really enjoyable read totally recommend
Thank You NetGalley and Headline
I just reviewed The House of Lost Wives by Rebecca Hardy. #TheHouseofLostWives #NetGalley
Profile Image for julie.
607 reviews12 followers
August 21, 2022
1813. Lizzie's beloved older sister Esme is sold in marriage to the aging Lord Blountford to settle their father's debts.

One year later, Esme is dead, and Lizzie is sent to take her place as Lord Blountford's next wife.

Arriving at Ambletye Manor, Lizzie uncovers a twisted web of secrets, not least that she is to be the fifth mistress of this house.

Marisa. Anne. Pansy. Esme.

What happened to the four wives who came before her?

In possession of a unique gift, only Lizzie can hear their stories, and try to find a way to save herself from sharing the same fate.
Wow totally gripping really enjoyable read totally recommend
Thank You NetGalley and Headline

I just reviewed The House of Lost Wives by Rebecca Hardy. #TheHouseofLostWives #NetGalley
Profile Image for Karen Smith.
246 reviews12 followers
August 14, 2022
Thank you to NetGalley and Headline Accent publishers for the early access to this book.

Started slow with some slight repetitions of phrase but once in to the story it really grabbed me, some great characters along the way especially once we were in Suffolk.
Set in 18th Century England the protagonist is Lizzie, a young woman with a loving sister and flawed parents. We see her sister married off to an elderly Lord with Lizzie shortly heading off to the same country estate. There were some elements of the paranormal but handled in a way that made them equal characters rather than terrifying spectres or ghouls. Stick with the start and you'll find yourself enjoying it greatly.
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