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Wait Till Helen Comes: A Graphic Novel

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In this graphic novel adaptation of master horror storyteller Mary Downing Hahn's spookiest and most popular tale, two siblings must save their stepsister from the clutches of a vengeful ghost.

When their mom remarries, Molly and her brother, Michael, try to make friends with their new stepsister, Heather. But Heather only wants to make trouble for them. She lies and tattles and misbehaves, and somehow they always get the blame. They know she's trying to drive a wedge between her father and their mother so she can have her father all to herself--and it seems to be working.

Then, Heather starts playing in the graveyard behind their new house. She claims she can talk to a ghost named Helen, and her behavior gets even stranger. Michael doesn't believe in ghosts and thinks their new little sister is just looking for more attention. But Molly isn't so certain, especially when Heather threatens that Helen is going to come for them and make them sorry.

It seems as though things can't get any worse--but they do.

When Helen comes.

160 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1986

About the author

Scott Peterson

304 books39 followers
Scott Peterson got his start in comics as an editor on the Batman line of comics, working with the legendary Dennis O’Neil. He edited DC’s flagship title, Detective Comics, and launched the first of the the Adventures sub-genre of comics, The Batman Adventures. He later went on to edit for WildStorm, where he oversaw such titles as WildCats, Midnighter, A God Somewhere and North 40, as well as Scooby-Doo and Looney Tunes. As a writer, he has been published by Disney, Scholastic, Golden Books, HarperCollins, and DC Comics, including a four-year run as the regular writer of The Gotham Adventures. He is the author of Batman: Kings of Fear with art legendary artist Kelley Jones, and the original graphic novel Truckus Maximus.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 282 reviews
Profile Image for Tonya.
582 reviews118 followers
September 20, 2022
This graphic novel adaptation brought back memeories of my early years of teaching. My students enjoyed this ghost story as much as I did. The illustrations of this revamped version add an extra layer to the already spooky tale of a lonely ghost befriending a lonely girl. Together they make a malevolent pair full of sadness and regret. I highly recommend this new adaptaion. This graphic novel is entertaining with the perfect amount of horror that will keep readers of all ages engaged. Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's Books for my copy.
Profile Image for Stay Fetters.
2,258 reviews158 followers
July 7, 2022
"Your mother is a witch and she makes daddy unhappy. I wish she were dead... and you and Michael, too!"

I remember reading this novel when I was a kid. I was a Goosebumps, ghost, horror-loving kid who thought that they weren't afraid of anything. That these monsters lurking in the dark should be afraid of me. When I saw that they turned a classic ghostly tale into a graphic novel, I was ready to travel back in time. I wanted to slap on a bracelet, put a scrunchie in my hair, grab some dunkaroos, and a squeezit and read this with all the lights out.

This story made me fascinated with cemeteries more than I already was. There was something about going on an adventure with a spirit just as Heather did that always made me excited to visit the graves in a cemetery. Now as an adult I'm glad that none of that has happened. My love of cemeteries is still going strong.

The graphic novel adaptation was a great addition to the ghostly horror tales of Hahn. It caught everything so perfectly and paired with great illustrations made it well worth the read. The new generation of horror fans will love this.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
198 reviews
July 7, 2022
I read the original when it came out and am thrilled that they made this into a graphic novel. This allows reluctant readers to read a wonderful book. Great Middle School graphic novel!

Thanks to HarperCollins Children Books for an advanced copy via NetGalley.

Profile Image for Janie.
94 reviews2 followers
September 15, 2022
It ended nicely enough, but boy were so many of the characters deeply unlikeable for 90% of the book. The mother seemed inefficient and didn’t even talk over moving with her children, Dave was AWFUL to the kids and calling them monsters and constantly taking his daughter’s side? If I were a mother and someone talked about and treated my children the way Dave did in the book I’d lose my shit. I was both deeply frustrated with the fact that Heather has clear trauma that nobody was really acknowledging besides Dave saying she’s “sensitive” and the fact that she’s absolutely insufferable for most of the book. Molly was okay - even though I really couldn’t figure out how old she was supposed to be - but this just felt like a family that should have like…talked to each other at any point before they got married.

I did like the old school children’s horror vibe though, even if the dialogue involved felt a bit dated. Thank you to netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,857 reviews6,066 followers
July 15, 2022
I grew up on Mary Downing Hahn's books and loved them as a kid, so I had to give this adaptation a try!

The artwork was nice and the storytelling is decent, but the thing that surprised me the most about this adaptation is how aged the dialogue feels! Wait Till Helen Comes is a book that released in the 80s originally, so I assumed the adaptation would be modernized a bit (as is the case with most graphic adaptations I've read of older kids' books), but that wasn't the case here.

I struggle to imagine the average kid today being able to connect to the characters or dialogue. It also felt like the spooky elements were tamed down to be more of a paranormal fantasy story, which is disappointing when you think about how few horror graphic novels there are for kids! I'd recommend this for kids who like ghost stories but are very easily frightened, but I wouldn't recommend it for the more committed horror-loving kids in your life.

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.

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Profile Image for Brea Lanae.
110 reviews
March 8, 2024
Wtf kind of mother is she? Telling her kids it’s their responsibility to watch Heather all day and ensure she’s safe. “We count on you and Michael to take care of Heather.” Like no ma’am, that’s the parent’s job, not your children’s. Then allowing Dave to talk to her children the way he does. Shitty parents all around. Why marry a man who doesn’t even like your kids? And why marry a woman with children if you seem to hate her kids?!

Heather, although traumatized and needs therapy, is a horrendous little shit. Even with her trauma and guilt, I still couldn’t stand her or her crappy dad. No redemption arc granted because I despised every character even at the end. 😹

This is a marriage that shouldn’t have existed tbh and since the entire story revolved around unlikeable characters, it just made for a miserable and frustrating read. It’s just complaint after complaint literally the entire book. I know I’m not the target audience, but sheesh.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Peacegal.
10.8k reviews107 followers
October 17, 2022
This is a perfect title for the Halloween season!

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this junior graphic novel. It was like a walk down memory lane of the ghost/scary story books I read by the metric ton in grade school. The main character's frustration with her younger sister and her ghostly "imaginary friend" was palpable throughout the story, creating a compelling, race-against-time read. I also greatly appreciated that the story engages kids without talking down to them, offering some genuine shuddery moments--and that no aspects of the book try too hard to be hip, resulting in a timeless feel.

Note: After searching this book title, I realize there's a reason WAIT reminded me of a book I would have read as a kid...it's the graphic novelization of a junior novel published in the 1980s, and I'm almost positive I did! But I'm so glad the creators didn't try to "update" it with modern technology/slang...aside from an offhand remark about how we shouldn't believe in ghosts in the 21st century...there is no indication that this story takes place any time later than the '90s at the latest.

Profile Image for Cris.
2,236 reviews21 followers
April 19, 2023
Wait Until Helen Comes

What a spooky story, perfect for middle school students! The story and illustrations are right on point! I will be looking for more work from Mary Downing Hahn.
Profile Image for Candace.
59 reviews
November 1, 2022
A frustrating read. The kind where no one uses their better judgment. Staple of the genre, I guess. I liked the art. Repetitive in some places. Dave can go kick rocks in his bare feet.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for McKenzy Hupke.
184 reviews
February 24, 2023
What a great middle grade graphic novel! Almost dark elements enough for me to believe that Wait till Helen Comes should really be YA truly.
Profile Image for Vern.
54 reviews
January 27, 2023
As I was reading “Wait Till Helen Comes” it immediately put me in the mind of Goosebumps. I wish I would have known about it when I was in my whole RL Stine phase it would have really added to my TBR stack (as if I needed any help in that department). But it seems to be a great adaptation of the in print novel. Maybe I even give it a read.
Profile Image for Bobbie  Bomber.
603 reviews91 followers
September 1, 2022
True rating 3.5

First off I'd like to think the publisher for sending me a copy of this in exchange for a honest review.

Okay first off I will be honest I had never heard of this the book that this graphic novel is based off of so I went into this pretty blind but the cover really drew me in.

I really did like the graphic novel format for this book it worked really well I am interested in reading the original story at some point the artwork was great I can imagine that it's going to look wonderful in full color this advanced copy only had a few pages in full color the rest were black and white but it didn't take away anything from the story but I will imagine that the full coloring will really add to it.

Okay now on to the actual story I'm going to have a really hard time reading this one I am going with a 3.5 because while I did like it there was just so many frustrating points in this I have a feeling if I would have read this when I was in the age range this is more for I'd probably like it more but as an adult I won't lie I got kind of frustrated throughout it especially with the parents especially with the stepfather he was just too terrible of a person to really care about I believe his name was Dave and he was just awful and it felt a little too over the top awful like I said like you don't like him same goes for the mom she's very frustrating and unlikable too and like I said I think it's just because I'm older that they just come off really irresponsible.

The story though is very creepy I really liked it the artwork was great I would love to read the full story to see if anything was really cut out the ending felt a little rushed and the middle track a little bit I was really my only complaint for the actual likes story I loved that we did get to see other people in the town learn more about everything that was kind of going on it had a very Victorian Gothic Horror story fell to this which was really great and I think is really awesome to get younger kids into that genre since it can be a little slower for people I always feel like a lot of people don't appreciate the gothic horror genre for the fact that it can be seen as slower but I really thought it worked wonderful in here.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,695 reviews71 followers
August 15, 2022
Wait Till Helen Comes is the first horror novel I read back in elementary school, and to this day the book scares me so badly that I have to keep it tucked away on a shelf with the cover hidden. So why did I request this ARC? Because the original novel also formed a major part of my early reading experience, and it so perfectly captured the fear of forgotten places and unknown beings that it helped to shape my tastes for years to come. I still read every new novel that Mary Downing Hahn puts out.

The graphic novel does a very good job of adapting Hahn's original novel from the 1980s, and part of what works is the way the time is largely left ambiguous - there's one mention of the 21st century and Molly wears a helmet when she's riding her bike, but beyond that it could take place anywhere from 1970 on up. This nebulous time placement helps to enhance the creepiness of the story while highlighting the fact that Helen and Heather's experiences are simply human. Both of them are scared little girls who blame themselves for things that are not their faults, and when Molly finally understands that, she's able to help both of them. This isn't an experience unique to the 1880s or the 1980s; it's human, and that's something that the art of the graphic novel gets across very well, particularly in its use of color.

The original Wait Till Helen Comes means a lot to me, even forty years after I read it. I think that this new version of it will do the same for elementary-age readers today, and hopefully also encourage them to check out the original novel and some of Hahn's other books. I'd love to see The Old Willis Place from the same creative team.
Profile Image for Krystl Louwagie.
1,446 reviews14 followers
October 24, 2022
This was OK. Overall themes/messaging are great, but execution felt fumbled. I read (and loved) this novel as a young human and I think the story is solid. But the graphic novel came a crossed as something that was clearly adapted from something else and not envisioned very well for this medium. The text is HEAVY and I'm guessing word-for-word to some of the novel. The same things are said over and over with too many words and not enough expressive pictures. The pictures feel like a simple accompaniment to this story, but not an integral part, and that's what graphic novels ARE. The story shouldn't even make sense without the pictures, but I feel like the text beats you over the head on this one. It's OK, but too wordy to be efficient/elegant/succinct, and the tiny text being crammed into bubbles is distracting and obvious. The art is fine, but also feels pretty sterile, not alive.
Profile Image for Bri.
131 reviews46 followers
July 4, 2023
1.5? not even a mildly interesting ghost story could save this tbh. the characters are either insufferable or incredibly bland. it took forever for the ghost story to start ghosting. the horror lacked personality or anything unique to it. this is also a really text heavy graphic novel which i think contributed to the artwork not being especially memorable. because a lot was told to us, there wasn’t a need to show us, so the art felt really repetitive sometimes. I think what helped were a few scenes of truly very pretty art and the potential the ghost story aspect had, but i just couldn’t get into this
Profile Image for Jill.
1,151 reviews25 followers
October 28, 2022
This was so good! Heather and Helen were so creepy throughout the whole thing. I really loved the artwork - it was so detailed but it didn't get bogged down by all of those details. This was a fantastic spooky story with a mix of family drama thrown in.
Profile Image for Kara.
Author 1 book65 followers
January 29, 2023
The graphic novel version of this story is a faithful adaptation of the original novel that was beloved to me as a child. I'm glad to see that 36 years later, Helen has returned to haunt a new generation of kids.
Profile Image for Gemma.
306 reviews24 followers
April 15, 2024
This was a great ghost story. The right kind of spooky with a well-developed plot.

I'm on a roll reading, short reviews it is for now. Lol
Profile Image for Kris (My Novelesque Life).
4,668 reviews204 followers
February 28, 2023
2022; Clarion Books/HarperCollins

Wait Till Helen Comes is based on the chapter book by the same name. The original middle grade novel was published in the mid-80s and was (and kind of still is) one of my favourite books as a kid. I can't even tell you how many times I read this book. I recently reread the book with a friend who had never read Mary Downing Hahn. And, I have to say, as I read the book, my maturity was slipping away a bit. I was really angry at Jean and Dave (the parents) and how they treated Molly and Michael and the whole stepfamily dynamics. Aaaaand, Heather? Ugh, I felt even less gracious with her. Reading this one last night, it brought it back up. That is probably a sign of a good writer and the feelings I had at the time I first read the book. I liked the illustrations in the book, but the time and setting was a bit obscure. It did not hurt the story, and in fact, could fit any decade. I, personally, wanted it to be the 80s when I first read it and enjoyed the campiness of the story.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through Edelweiss. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***
Profile Image for Dione Basseri.
995 reviews42 followers
July 7, 2022
Well, I finished this book and IMMEDIATELY put the author+artist's other book, "Took," on hold at my library! AND checked out all Hahn's audiobooks from my library. Just wow!

The tweens and early teens this book is aimed at will be absolutely terrified, but even as an adult, I was a bit chilled! The pacing of this book is really great. It's got that standard horror beginning, a family moving to a new house, ready for a new start, with just that little bit of spooky phenomenon to draw you in. A bit of a gap of supernatural stuff, to establish characters and setting. And then a steady feed of encounters, each increasing the stakes and the horror, until a great resolution.

The artwork is moody and fills the page well. No blank backgrounds to save time, each space feels consistent and real. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the artists made maps of each space before they got to work. For such a short story, the characters in the family are given a good amount of development, and even the few extra background characters steer WELL clear of being tropey or stereotypes.

Advanced reader copy provided by the publisher.
Profile Image for Ryan.
5,016 reviews28 followers
October 31, 2022
Wait till Helen comes is a modern classic that came out when I was still in middle school. I can remember us handing it around going “You have to read this” and read it I did. I was excited to see that these books are being made into graphic novels and enticing a whole new batch of kids into the dark and stormy world of Mary Downing Hahn. This story works much better than her novel “Took” in graphic novel. I’m not the biggest fan of the artwork. It seems a bit old-fashioned but overall, it works. While the graphic novel is wordy and heavy on the dialogue, the story is conveyed in such a way that you want to keep turning the pages I think the graphic novel is good, but the original book is better.
Profile Image for Gabriela Pop.
816 reviews166 followers
August 12, 2022
There is something so fantastic and comforting about this classic horror setting - a creepy new house, a weird child, messy dysfunctional family dynamics and the ghostly influence staining their new lives. This particular take would be appropriate for the more young or cowardly amongst us, as it relies on tension and buld-up more than outward scared-out-of-your-mind-horror (which makes Helen's particular design choices so compelling), yet it does check off all the spooky boxes. Much as I appreciate the horror elements and the visual art style (which I VERY MUCH DO!!), I think it's the truthfullness and authenticity of the character relationships that steals your breath away most - you know this family, you understand this family, and you don't quite know how you'd ever find a worthwhile conclusion to their stories, but you'll likely be delighted with where we leave everyone off at the end of the novel. Such a fun, satisfying read.
Profile Image for Joanne.
1,502 reviews37 followers
November 28, 2022
Classic comic book adaptation of a classic kids’ ghost story from the 80s that I missed somehow. The cover of the original paperback looks like it came right out of Grady Hendrix’ Paperbacks from Hell. It’s quite the hoot and discovering it via Thriftbooks is possibly my favorite part of this afternoon.

The story is kind of nasty-lots of family tension from the get-go. I think the stepdad would probably would be a nicer dude if written today. 80s kids were tougher I guess! Haha. Again, classic comic book treatment. Good if not imaginative art, good cinematic pacing. Lettering looks like Blambot. Solid effort.
Profile Image for M.
276 reviews12 followers
December 4, 2022
Oh, nostalgia! Like so many others, Wait Till Helen Comes was one of those beloved books of elementary school, the book that set me up to be fascinated with abandoned buildings and locket's contents, had fantasies about finding stories on microfiche in the library that would lead to unveiling some hundreds-year old mystery. This was incredibly well adapted; those pictures were so close to how I imagined then when I was a kid.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kate.
Author 15 books868 followers
January 26, 2023
This novel version of this story is one I remember as being truly scary, and this graphic novel edition definitely keeps the creep factor. While the artwork was a little too crowded for my taste, it was clean and had some haunting imagery (like Helen's body at the bottom of the lake...). There's a sense of helplessness for both Molly and her brother, and their stepsister Heather came across as evil in that way only little kids can. This was a very true retelling of the novel and makes me want to read the book again just to feel that creepiness that only Mary Downing Hahn can create!
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
50 reviews
March 30, 2024
the graphic novel version of one of my most favorite books from childhood that my mom told me about! i was laughing awhile ago while she was saying all of my favorite books back then were so creepy. going into this i didn’t remember too too many of the specifics (since it’s been nearly two decades lol wow) besides the main storyline and the reveal of what actually happened to heather. but i read this today on a flight and i could really see how this story probably spoke to the death-related anxiety that literally controlled me as a kid……. i will have to reread the original novel soon!
Profile Image for Savannah Marchant.
36 reviews8 followers
February 4, 2024
Never read the original Wait Till Helen Comes but I'm not sure if I would like it now that I read the graphical adaptation. The story was meh. The children complained almost the entire time in the story and it got on my nerves. That's basically how the story progress. Someone complained and then someone complained back and a fight started. I felt bad for the ghost at one point cause I wouldn't wanna hear all the crying and bickering. 🤷‍♀️

Didn't scare me one bit.
Profile Image for Caroline Phipps.
40 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2024
This family dynamic was so toxic Jesus Christ

An entertaining ghost story though, although a bit repetitive at times especially in the last third of the book. Lovely illustrations by Meredith Laxton. But every time the family argued made my head hurt. Have they ever heard of a baby sitter or day care or something?? I get wanting your older kids to watch the younger kids but neither parent did not even LISTEN to their children. They all need therapy
Profile Image for Raven.
761 reviews
April 1, 2024
Oh boy this book was creepy.

To be fair it dealt with grief and the themes around it really well. Especially with how children act out when grieving or afraid, or in this case all of that plus living with a terrible secret.

I really wish there had been most consequences for that stepsister she was a right little shit but other then that the plot was engaging and the art was really well done!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 282 reviews

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