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Lords of the Armory #5

A Remarkable Rogue

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Fans of Bridgerton and steamy, mysterious Regency romance will swoon for USA Today bestselling author Anna Harrington's newest book!

• A deadly organization determined to overthrow the government
• A rebel with a secret she'll do anything to protect
• The steadfast soldier who'll defend her at any cost
• Sizzling attraction that could burn them both

Lady Sydney Rowland, Baroness Rowland, has spent a lifetime keeping secrets, one of them being her young son. Now that the husband she despised is dead, she'll do anything to get her son back and protect him however she can. And that includes risking her life when she's coerced into working for a revolutionary group determined to overthrow the government.

Captain Nathaniel Reed has heard of Sydney's involvement with Scepter. Though he quickly learns that Sydney is innocent, he's determined to keep the secretive widow at arm's length despite the attraction that burns between them. But when she turns to him for help, nothing will stop him from coming to her aid and showing her exactly what she means to him...

288 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 26, 2022

About the author

Anna Harrington

41 books736 followers
I fell in love with historical romances and all things Regency—and especially all those dashing Regency heroes—while living in England, where I spent most of my time studying the Romantic poets, reading Jane Austen, and getting lost all over the English countryside.

When I read my first Regency romance in 2012, I was hooked and longed to create my own independent and spirited heroines and dashing heroes. The best part of writing historical romances is falling into history—to live in the world of Regency England through my characters, with dazzling balls, beautiful dresses, and gorgeous houses that I would otherwise never be able to experience. I love the period’s rich history and find that all those rules of etiquette and propriety can be worked to the heroine’s advantage…if she’s daring enough to seize her dreams.

In addition to earning my degrees in the U.S., I have studied theatre in London, Mexican history in Guadalajara, and Spanish in Ecuador. I am an avid traveler and have enjoyed visiting schools and volunteering with children's organizations in Peru, Ecuador, Thailand, and Mexico, and I have amassed thousands of photos I unleash on unsuspecting friends who dare to ask about my travels.

I love to be outdoors! I've been hiking in Alaska, the Andes, and the Alps, including one week spent dangling off the via ferrata in the Italian Dolomites, and I love whitewater rafting (when I don't fall in!). I earned my pilot’s license at Chicago Midway (To all the controllers in Chicago Center—I greatly apologize for every problem I caused for you and Southwest Airlines), and it is my dream to one-day fly in a hot-air balloon over Africa.

I adore all things chocolate, shamelessly dive into ice cream of any flavor, and guzzle Kona coffee by the gallon. A Doctor Who fanatic (everyone says my house is bigger on the inside), I am a terrible cook who hopes to one day use my oven for something other than shoe storage. When I'm not writing, I like to spend my time trying not to kill the innocent rose bushes in my garden.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews
Profile Image for PamG.
1,045 reviews707 followers
June 30, 2022
Anna Harrington provides readers with a historical fiction tale that includes romance, danger, and suspense in A Remarkable Rake , the fifth book in the Lords of the Armory series. Set mostly in London, England in the summer of 1817, this novel features Captain Nathaniel Reed and Lady Sydney Rowland. Nate is with the King’s Horse Guards. He and his half-brother Alexander (Alec) Sinclair, Earl of St James have been tasked by Clayton Elliott, the undersecretary for the Home Office to find the men responsible for attempts on the life of the prime minister and to overthrow the government and monarchy. Their organization is called Scepter and rumors say Lady Sydney is involved with them.

Lady Sydney is obstinate, fearful, unpredictable, complicated, and independent, but at the same time, her secret has made her vulnerable. Nate is heroic, selfless, determined, dedicated, and honorable, but he also suffers from grief and guilt. Both characters transform and grow during the course of the storyline. Characters from previous books in the series have secondary roles in this one and add continuity and familiarity.

This book has a solid plot, with great character depth, extraordinary characters, and a fascinating mystery. The author captured the characters and cultural lifestyles of the times and brought them to life. This beautifully executed story had characters that felt emotionally rich. With some unpredictable moments in the story, it gradually builds momentum until its action-filled conclusion. While the main mystery is solved in this book, there are still several threads that could be used in future books in the series. Besides the instant attraction and gradual romance between the two main characters, the author weaves in some deep themes related to family, forgiveness, selflessness, social classes, trust, fear for others’ lives, political unrest, and much more.

Overall, this was a moving and memorable novel with some pivotal stressful and emotional moments. I am looking forward to reading more from this author. The series is best read in order.

SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca and Anna Harrington provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. This is my honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way. Publication date is currently set for July 26, 2022.
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,086 reviews1,756 followers
April 26, 2023
✨I have a math question for you: If you have one (1) half-naked man, one (1) pail of water he pours over his head, and two (2) hands he combs through his dripping hair, how many wet things are in the room???✨

I liked this hero soooooo much better than book 4 and just the whole setup in general a lot better. I mean really this man is a sex god.

I can’t get the image of Nate pouring a bucket of water over his hard, hard body while making direct eye contact with Sydney out of my head. I really can’t. That was the tipping point for me when I absolutely lost my mind for this book.

I’ve read three books in about a three day period that followed this same plot and by far A Remarkable Rogue was my favorite of the bunch! It had steam, chemistry, and a devastatingly ravishing hero, while the mystery and action kept had an energy about them. I read it super fast and I didn’t see the villain reveal coming!

I want to go back and read the first few in the series to see if I can’t find another favorite. The writing was sharp and I really just can’t get over Nate!!! Ugh he was just so good. A good person and even better in bed! Both main characters had a lot of personal issues they were dealing with, so I can see where this would be a heavy book for some! However, I thought the relationship just worked so well and contrasted the darker elements nicely. The angry yearning really did its work here.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 🌶🌶🌶/5
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,129 reviews892 followers
May 25, 2022

This is a very clear 3 stars book for me. There were elements that I adored, and elements that didn't really work for me. But overall I was entertained throughout and enjoyed the experience.

👍 What I Liked 👍

Nate: I could almost fall in love with Nate myself. He was sweet, attentive, protective and brave. He felt like a true character and I instantly connected with him and wanted what was best for him. I liked his evolution throughout the story.

Plot: Throughout this series Sceptre has been a constant threat. But in this book I felt like we got even more Sceptre than before. We got closer to the heart of the operation, which was very enlightening and fascinating. I can't really figure out if this was to be the end of the series, but if it is, I would be okay with that based on the plot of this book.

Smut: Maybe it was just me, but I felt like Harrington gave us a lot more smut in this book than in the previous ones. And it was hot. And steamy. And I liked it.

👎 What I Disliked 👎

Sydney: Sadly, though Nate was a star for me, Sydney never really got under my skin. I couldn't really connect with her at all. She felt a bit bland to be honest.

Flow: There were some times when I felt like the flow of the book was disturbed by some random scenes, that (for me) felt thrown into the mix without context or prelude. It messed the flow up for me and made me retrace my steps a couple of times to try and figure out, if I missed something along the way. In an otherwise really good book plot-wise this was a bit of a bummer.

ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for ChasingLeslie.
409 reviews83 followers
April 9, 2022
Captain Nathaniel Reed is on the hunt for information about Scepter, a shadowy figure with secret ties to the organization determined to overthrow the government. A lead has him investigating Lady Sydney, Baroness Rowland. Sydney has spent years keeping secrets...the biggest one a secret child she is determined to protect. Nate needs to get to the bottom of the blackmail scheme, but can the two trust each other and work together to catch a killer?

This is the fifth book in the Lords of the Armory series. It revolves around a group of military men and government agents tasked with bringing down a treasonous group. The individual pieces are resolved at the end of each book, but the larger investigation continues through the whole series. This book can mostly stand alone, although I recommend reading book four where Nate and Sydney were introduced into the storyline.

This was another fantastic addition to the series! Nate and Sydney were easy characters to connect with. They had both been married and, although their previous relationships were completely different, they both continue to be weighed down by their pasts. They are both assessing the other, trying to decide how much faith to place on each other. It doesn't come easily, but it felt authentic and their early attraction grows as they have build trust in one another. The intrigue and the heat built beautifully throughout the story.

Tropes: Widow/Widower, Spy/Govt Work, Protector, Secret Baby

Steam: 3 (there were actually four scenes plus a fantasizing scene, but a few were close together)

* I received an ARC and this is my honest review. #ARemarkableRogue #NetGalley
Profile Image for Missy.
878 reviews
August 11, 2022
One of my favorite scenes of Nate Reed, the hero.

From Chapter 6:

Goodness indeed! *swoons*

The chemistry between these two is off the charts! However,...Nate still mourns for his dead wife (and child) so he holds back from bedding the heroine, Sydney. Fortunately, we don't have to wait too long for a kiss (at the 25% mark) nor for the first love scene (around the 60% mark). We get a few more love scenes after that first one. *happy dance* He is the illegitimate son of the Earl of St. James (now deceased). His half-brother (currently the Earl of St. James) was the hero in the previous book and makes a cameo in this book. Nate and Sydney have cameos in the previous book but I believe you can read this book alone. A minor subplot in this book is the Sinclairs trying to become better acquainted with Nate and welcome him into the family but he refuses to meet them halfway.

Sydney is also a widow, but I believe she no longer mourns for her dead fiance, Michael. He died before they were married. Then her parents forced her to marry a baron because they coveted a title. He eventually passed away. The evil organization Scepter (that's been present in each book of this series) is blackmailing her, and Nate is trying to find out if she is working with them. I like that Sydney knows she wants Nate and won't be second to another woman (his deceased wife). As with most widows in HRs, she doesn't want to remarry. She was an okay character, I guess. lol.

I also like that they both

There were two instances where I thought, "Um, Where is Nate to protect Sydney???" but then I rationalized, "You know what? He can't always be there to protect her. He can't be that perfect of a hero." lol

So, yeah, a nice end to a series. 😊
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,780 reviews522 followers
July 23, 2022
Series: Lords of the Armory #5 it can be read as standalone
Genre: Historical Romance
Trope: different class, dead ex
Topics: mystery-solving, secret society, crime, damaged hero, widowed heroine, to love again
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Release Date: July 26, 2022

I don't enjoy the dead ex trope and here both hero and heroine have a dead ex, so their romance was a little underwhelming for me. I didn't quite believe it. Also, heroine wasn't making sense to me, on one hand, she seems brave but on the other, she is a coward making excuses in a situation that makes her stupid. I could never get on board with her decisions.

The secret society plotline kept the story moving and it was interesting.

Overall, it was an okay read for me. Quick! Enjoyable! Enjoyable! Funny!

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of the book. This is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,832 reviews89 followers
July 25, 2022
Fifth in the series. Dynamic read with verve!

Ok this was both terrific, and occasionally terrifying. Captain Nathaniel (Nate) Reed of the King’s Horse Guards, natural son of Earl of St. James much to his dismay (there’s a history there!), dubbed the hero of the battle Toulouse after Waterloo.
Flushing out the leader of Scepter is his game, the widow, Baroness Sydney Rowland is his aim. Obviously a member of that revolutionary movement, why else her involvement with persons of interest who’ve had their life threatened? Except Sydney has a very good reason for her actions and being caught in the home office. Not that she’s ever going to expose them, ever!
This story has its own momentum and fascinating spin around the central theme of exposing the Scepter villains. The title is matched in its tension, unique storyline, and fascinating attraction between the lead characters. The frisson between the Captain and the widow is divine.
Another taut tale about the members of the Armory, a reminder of their mission and their battle with Scepter:
“—The Armory, Where Evil Fears to Tread." A place for ex soldiers, a sanctuary, where these loyal men will, "band together and use [their] skills to shut down Scepter and to help those in need, wherever they might be, no matter the threat." (from An Inconvenient Duke Lords of the Armory #1)

A Sourcebooks ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
Please note: Quote was taken from an advanced reading copy may have been subject to change
Profile Image for Jill booksandescape.
637 reviews52 followers
July 29, 2022
I received an advance ebook copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for review.

A Remarkable Rogue by Anna Harrington is the fifth book of the Lords of the Armory. Lady Sydney Rowland, Baroness Rowland, has been keeping secrets. The biggest one being the existence of her young son. Her hateful husband now deceased, she yearns for contact with her child. Things take a terrifying turn when Sydney is blackmailed into working for a revolutionary group known as Scepter. Captain Nathaniel Reed is concerned by her involvement, but quickly learns of her innocence. Nate is determined to fight the attraction he feels for Sydney. But when she needs his help, there’s no going back.

I really enjoyed this dark, mysterious, and romantic story. I loved how despite the high stakes and tension, Nate and Sydney were able to find time for tender moments.
Profile Image for Elizabeth McFarland .
427 reviews52 followers
August 15, 2022
The Lords of the Armory series has been so great and A Remarkable Rogue did not disappoint. Our hero is closing in on the power behind Scepter and falling in love too.

Sydney and Nate were wonderful together. It was nice to see them working through past grief and learning to trust in love again. The inclusion of Sydney's son made this a very emotional read with a highly satisfying ending. What a fantastic addition to a well written series that I'm sure I will revisit in the future.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Niki (mustreadalltheromance).
1,174 reviews94 followers
August 8, 2022
3.5 stars rounded up.

Lady Sydney Rowland, Baroness Rowland, has secrets to protect, most importantly that of the existence of the young son she can’t acknowledge publicly as her own. Now widowed and finally out from under the control of the husband she loathed, she just wants to be left alone, but when she’s blackmailed into working for a revolutionary group working to overthrow the government, she cooperates in order to keep her son safe.

Captain Nathaniel Reed knows Sydney is connected to Scepter and sets out to find out just how deeply involved she is. When he realizes she’s innocent, he becomes fiercely determined to protect her while also keeping her at a distance and ignoring the clear attraction blossoming between them. But when the threats against her turn more serious, Sydney turns to Nate for help, and he’s immediately determined to help her and show her just how much she means to him in the process.

Nate may just be the perfect hero. He’s a former soldier with some PTSD, sensitive, still mourning the loss of his wife and their infant son and wracked with guilt that he was away at war and not there to help them. In short, he’s that hero that you just want to hug and cuddle and take care of and it makes him instantly likable. Add in his tendency to be protective over Sydney even when she pushes him away and Nate is nearly irresistible. Sydney, on the other hand, I found to be quite a pill. Her behavior and hesitancy to trust Nate at first is totally understandable and relatable, however, it goes on much too long after their relationship has progressed, and I felt like she should’ve been beyond that. She also gave Nate a lot of mixed signals that I wasn’t crazy about, being alternately hateful to him and then all over him. That erratic behavior and refusal to confide in him got a bit annoying and I felt like it crippled their relationship trajectory and made it seem like she only wanted Nate for sex, even when he was quite clear that he wasn’t one to sleep around indiscriminately or without commitment. This was yet another of his characteristics that I found irresistible and that made me even more annoyed with Sydney for jerking him around and disregarding his feelings. Then she had the nerve to wonder why he wasn’t giving her much attention after she so coldly refused him. It was just offensive that she refused his efforts to make their relationship permanent and had the audacity to compare him to her previous husband when she’d had time to come to know Nate so well and had to know he possessed a superior character in every way. I was just left feeling that she didn’t deserve him if she still couldn’t banish her fears after how much he’d proven himself to her, plus she had the absolute gall to point out their differences in rank/social status, despite having praised him previously for making such a name for himself as a war hero. Give me a break.

The bottom line here is that I adored this hero, and I loved the storyline with us finally getting more information about Scepter and what seems to be their ultimate downfall. The heroine brought this down for me, but I still enjoyed this story and I’m pleased with it as a wrap-up to a series I quite liked and would most definitely recommend.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Blog link: https://mustreadalltheromance.blogspo...
Profile Image for Jess | jadecanread.
771 reviews142 followers
August 2, 2022
Note: This is book 5 in a series, but I read it without having read the preceding books, and was able to understand what was going on without getting lost.

The book opens up with Captain Nate Reed shadowing then confronting Lady Sydney Rowland, suspected accomplice to Scepter, a dangerous organization set on overthrowing the government. From their first encounter, sparks are already flying. The chemistry between these two is instant, and the dialogue is easily flowing and witty. Sydney denies any connection with the rebel group but Nate can tell she's not telling him everything. The investigation keeps Nate within Sydney's orbit, but once he learns she's innocent and is being blackmailed, he sets out to protect her and her secret.

Nate is such a swoony hero, I'm absolutely smitten. While he's honorable, quick to spring into action, and determined, Nate's still grieving and feeling guilt over the death of his wife. Sydney is independent and living an opulent, social life, when all she wants is to be able to openly embrace her secret. The two slowly trust, become vulnerable, and develop genuine feelings for the other. This coupling is healing for both of them, and helps them overcome the insecurities they have.

Along with the romance, there's some espionage and action mixed into the story. I think this would be a great read for anyone interested in getting into historical romance!

Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jenna  (Reading Rebel Reviews).
893 reviews49 followers
July 15, 2022
A Remarkable Rogue exceeded all my expectations, becoming my favorite book in the Lords Of The Armory series. There is action and intrigue, but the story's heart is character driven. Nate and Sydney have both been in love and suffered a tragedy. This is a second chance romance for both of them. Nate and Sydney have pain and guilt in their past that they struggle with. Nate and Sydney’s journey is one of healing and trust.

This is the fifth book in the Lords Of The Armory series. The series has a continuing theme of an anti-government organization called Scepter. Scepter is trying to overthrow the monarchy. Nate and Sydney are thrown together due to Scepter’s plotting. I love how this story had espionage and peril, yet Nate’s honor and strength and Sydney’s determination and resilience were showcased. The characters were allowed to breathe. The attraction and passion between the couple were sensual and riveting.

I think this might be the last of the Lords Of The Armory series, as everything is wrapped up nicely. I enjoyed each of these novels. However, Nate and Sydney resonated with me on a personal level. Anna Harrington has the uncanny ability to create a mysterious, sensual, romantic adventure that keeps the reader eagerly turning the page. This is the crown jewel in the series. I recommend reading all five books – each is excellent. Nate and Sydney’s happily-ever-after was hard won but so worth the journey! I look forward to wherever Anna Harrington takes us next!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Janet.
4,458 reviews48 followers
July 21, 2022
Lady Sydney Rowland, Baroness Rowland, has spent a lifetime keeping secrets, one of them being her young son Robert. Now that the husband she despised is dead, she'll do anything to protect Robert however she can. And that includes risking her life when she's coerced into working for a revolutionary group determined to overthrow the government. Captain Nathaniel Reed has heard of Sydney's involvement with Scepter. Though he quickly learns that Sydney is innocent, he's determined to keep the secretive widow at arm's length despite the attraction that burns between them. But when she turns to him for help, nothing will stop him from coming to her aid and showing her exactly what she means to him.
This is the fifth book & finale of this wonderful series. It could be read on its own but ends are tied up & villains revealed so I’d recommend reading the series in order. Oh my! Nate was everything you want in a hero, strong, caring, loyal protective, gorgeous, need I say more! I adored him. I liked Sydney but she was like a Dresden doll, nice to look at but no real substance. I loved the chemistry between them & how they gradually let go of the past & moved forward. There was also the bringing down of Sceptre & I was engrossed in how things were resolved. I’ve loved The Lords of the Amory & am sorry to say farewell to them & hope that the author decides that Sceptre rears its head again & needs completely disbanding
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read
Profile Image for Lisa C.
953 reviews21 followers
June 4, 2022
Incredible story of finding the courage to believe in love again. Baroness Sydney Rowland has only found heartbreaking loss whenever she has loved someone and is determined to never feel that again. Then enters Captain Nathaniel Reed. Nate has also known loss and keeps to himself and his work for the Armory (a group of former soldiers working to take down an evil group, Scepter, from overtaking the government). Loved these characters and couldn't help feeling for their losses. The intrigue of the story will keep you on the edge of your seat, and the romance will have you sighing in pleasure. Another hit in this series.
Profile Image for Julie - One Book More.
1,182 reviews207 followers
April 28, 2022
A Remarkable Rogue is the fifth book in the Lords of the Armory series, and it’s a suspenseful historical romance! Captain Nathaniel Reed is searching for the leaders of Scepter, a revolutionary group eager to overthrow the government, and he believes Sydney is involved. Tasked with investigating Sydney, Nate doesn’t expect to be drawn to the mysterious woman, but when she asks for his help, he can’t refuse her. Can Sydney help Nate take down Scepter, and can Nate protect Sydney before it’s too late?

Anna Harrington is such a fantastic storyteller, and it’s easy to fall back into this immersive world of espionage and romance. It’s such a romantic and intriguing series, and I loved Sydney and Nate’s story! They are both well-developed and interesting protagonists, and Sydney and Nate both go on emotional and physical journeys, and both have suffered so much in their lives. They’re definitely the kind of characters you want to root for, especially when contrasted with the vile antagonists who stand in the way of their happiness.

Of course, my favorite part of the story is the swoon-worthy enemies-to-lovers romance. Sydney and Nate have amazing chemistry, and their growing feelings for each other are fantastic. You can feel their connection from their very first meeting, and that spark only grows as the story progresses. Sydney and Nate face many obstacles, including Scepter, secrets, lies, and more. Plus, Sydney’s terrified of losing her independence and giving her life over to a man, and she has someone else to protect. Nate also doesn’t want to marry. They are slow to trust each other, and burdened by their respective pasts, they have a lot to work through. Past wounds still need a bit of healing when this pair first meets. However, the more they fall for each other and care for each other, the more they rethink their feelings about commitment and marriage. Their feelings prove stronger than all the conflicts that stand in their way. Like the other relationships in the series, this relationship is filled with chemistry and longing, and I was totally there for it!

I really enjoyed this story and the series as a whole. It’s exciting and intriguing, and the characters and romance is fantastic! I would definitely recommend the book to readers that enjoy historical romance or romantic suspense. Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Kaye.
3,726 reviews54 followers
June 18, 2022
This is the fifth book in the Lords of the Armory series and the story picks up immediately after the previous book A Relentless Rake. The main story can be read on its own but the series has an overarching threat that finally concludes with this book. Captain Nathaniel Reed, is a war hero and an aristocrats by-blow. He is working for the home office to find Scepter, the person or people behind the plot to assassinate the prime minister and overthrow the government. Lady Sydney Rowland is a young widowed Baroness. She is wealthy and philanthropic but she has secrets. Nate knows she blackmailed mathematician Henry Everett (the previous book) but it turns out she is being blackmailed herself. Nate vows to protect her but must know her secrets.

There is instant attraction between Nate and Sydney but I like that they don’t get steamy until they know and understand each other better. Both have had losses in the past and that gives them an extra bond together. As I mentioned this book does finish the Scepter plot that has weaved through all five books in the series. I’m assuming this book will end the series or it could continue with a love interest for Jake’s half sister. Either way I will be happy to read whatever is Anna Harrington’s next historical romance. Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Diana N..
627 reviews32 followers
July 26, 2022
So...Nate's character definitely singlehandedly made me like this book!
I don't know if it was the hot romance or just his good stand up guy personality.

I always like characters that have to get through their past, but somehow Nate and Sydney brought out the emotional side through their romance(and to me as a reader).

Typically I really like more plot driven romances, but in this case the romance really was the shining star. The Scepter plot was there about blackmail and worry of danger, but that part was just OK and really just fueled the romance.

I ended up liking this book more than the previous one in the series purely based on the fantastic connections between the characters. Captain Nate for the win!

Thank you to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for providing a copy of this ARC for my honest review.
Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,294 reviews131 followers
July 20, 2022
What a wonderful story! I loved Nate and Sydney. They both had broken hearts and learned how to move on after loss. Watching Nate fight with himself over his feelings had me wanting to just hold him LOL

We find out who is behind Scepter in here. Or did we? We definitely learned why Scepter is trying to start a revolution. The person they arrested - I don't want to give anything away - denied being Scepter, but admitted to being with Scepter. So that is why I wonder if we really have the mastermind behind it. Add to the fact that Clayton Elliott does not have a book and he NEEDS a story, I just wonder if this is the last we will see of the Lords of the Armory.

Profile Image for Ami.
6,005 reviews491 followers
July 7, 2022
2.5 stars

I have been loving Lords of Armory series from Anna Harrington for the past four books - so it pains me to say that this latest installment is my least favorite; in fact, I can't say that I like it much.

First, the characters - either Nate nor Sydney impressed me. I think throughout the book I get to dislike both back and forth. Sydney keeps crying out the words "I can't" ... like, "I can't tell you my secret", "I can't trust you", "I can't be a good ", "I can't marry you because marriage takes a way my freedom" ... it grates on my nerves. Nate keeps saying that Sydney is one brave woman; I just can't picture it.

While Nate is demanding all the time ... and let's face it, Nate practically wants Sydney because of sexual attraction only. I don't believe that Nate falls in love with the whole Sydney personality (again, he says she's brave and kind... I just don't see it).

Their relationship is on flimsy basis and everything happens so fast (from attraction to having sex to "I love you"), I don't believe in it. I don't think they have any chemistry at all. I keep skipping pages because I'm bored. The only plot that slightly catches my attention is Nate's relationship with his half-brother's family, the Sinclairs.

In addition, I'm frustrated with how the author is dealing with the Scepter plot. I know that this series is first and foremost a romance series; but the whole secret deadly organization investigation is going too long. I feel like it barely scratches the surface!!

I think the next book will be the last? I hope it is more satisfying than this one.

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.
2,057 reviews11 followers
July 17, 2022
Scepter has reared its ugly head again. We found out that Sydney was being targeted and Nate sent to arrest her in the last book. The adventure begins. Is she or isn’t she an agent of Scepter? Besides all of the suspense, which I love, this story has side storylines which I found very interesting and refreshing. I love how both Sydney and Nate had previous loves and cherished those loves. No hating of their previous loves. Like I said, refreshing. The love story is so sweet that you will root for their HEA. Seeing all of the guys from The Armory is always a pleasure. Is this the end of Scepter or is there another story? Not telling.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Ellie M.
131 reviews8 followers
May 20, 2022
I found the previous book a sweet and easy read, and the first chapter of the second one had a witty dialogue to get my attention so I looked forward to reading the full book but it didn’t live up my expectations. Everything happens too fast: falling in love after 2 meetings, having sex already… so where to go from there? I love a build up and the character development but here the story was quite flat and superficial. The side story of the blackmail, treason and secret child didn’t hold my attention, and I have skipped pages just to get to the end. It says that the author is an award winning writer but I just don’t see it. The writing is nice but it doesn’t seem that a lot of effort was put in writing this book. I personally prefer quality over quantity.

Thanks to Netgalley for a free copy in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Read with Pitties.
501 reviews12 followers
August 20, 2022
I loved this darker historical romance!! We have Sydney who is finally out of her abusive marriage after her Husband dies. It is not her first time dealing with grief when the man she was engaged to 6 years ago past away. And she was forced to Mary the Barron. But Sydney has a secret she has been hiding from the London ton, and someone has found out and they are black mailing Sydney or they threaten to hurt what she cares about most. Her secret son Robert. Captain Nathaniel is working on a case that leads him to Sydney and at first he doesn’t know what side she is on and she doesn’t trust him but as things keep on happening to her he realizes she needs his protection. This was fast paced novel with great character development, lots of twist and turns 🌶🌶🌶 and the sweetest HEA. This is part of a series but I read the last one first and didn’t feel like I was missing anything! Thank you to the publisher of this book for a copy for review!
Profile Image for Beena.
436 reviews6 followers
June 5, 2022
This was exactly what I thought it would be, generally light-hearted, a little bit emotional and an overall good read. I've come to expect just that from Anna Harrington's work. This book was really easy to read and like most of Harrington's books, had a way of hooking you in and keeping you interested. Overall, this was an enjoyable read and I would recommend it to readers looking for a light and fluffy romance, with a little bit of spice. The chemistry between the main characters was off the charts!

I'm looking forward to reading many more by Anna Harrington!

Thank you to the publisher for kindly providing me with an ARC via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Carey’s Reviews.
572 reviews23 followers
June 2, 2022
4 Stars! Loved the hero, Nate, in this book. The heroine, Sydney, not so much. She annoyed the heck out of me and wasn’t as strong of a main female character as I like. This is the 5th book in the ‘Lords of the Armory’ series and can be read as a standalone. Blackmailing, kidnapping, sneaky snakes, organized crime known as Scepter, danger, and falling in love all wrapped up with a great HEA ending. Anna Harrington is always an entertaining read in my opinion. She tells a story like no one else can.
*I received this at no charge & I voluntarily left this review.*
Profile Image for Gloria Pastorino.
Author 78 books51 followers
April 4, 2023
My first book of this author and I’m already hooked by her writing! Her characters are real, breathing people who come alive on the page and I felt their suffering and every emotions they felt. I loved the intriguing mystery and the action that beautifully complemented the love story. I also appreciated the keen assessment of the political views that motivated the characters. The lovemaking scenes are steamy, but packed full of emotion and I particularly loved Nate and his kindness and protectiveness. I’m following this series with great interest!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Heather Moll.
Author 11 books140 followers
May 21, 2022
I read the last book in this series and struggled to respect that hero, but I was intrigued by his half brother Captain Nathan Reed so gave this installment a try. The fast paced treason, blackmail, and secret son plots were enjoyable, even if the romance was too insta-lust for me. If you’re here for the espionage, it’s best to read the previous books, particularly number 4.

In 1817, Nate is trying to learn how much the baroness Lady Sydney Roland knows about the Scepter’s assassination plot against the prince regent and prime minister. He still mourns his late wife and is angry about being an illegitimate son.

Sydney isn’t with Scepter, but she is in the middle of a blackmail plot. Her only goal is to protect her hidden illegitimate son and move on after being widowed by her manipulating husband.

Not sure about the title because Reed isn’t a rogue at all. Nate is coping with insecurities and resentment with being illegitimate, but I had issues with this hero just like in the previous book. He lectures Sydney on how she needs to be a mother to her illegitimate child without acknowledging the sacrifices she made for him. He’s not as judgmental as the last hero, but even with the spy plot maybe this series is a pass for me.

I received an arc from NetGalley
Profile Image for KatieLittleLibrary.
134 reviews16 followers
September 29, 2022
This was a fun read. It had a sexy hero and a strong heroine. I liked the mystery aspect and there were some scenes that I was living for!!! It was a solid historical romance and I would recommend it to fans of Lorraine heath!

Thank you to netgally and publisher for an eARC of this title!
Profile Image for Victoria Lewis.
168 reviews10 followers
May 26, 2022
Thank you Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was my second Anna Harrington and she’s moving up on my super official ‘HR auto read authors list’. If you like high stakes and swoon worthy dramatics - this is for you. We kinda hit it all - explosives, kidnapping, blackmail, a few attempted murders, etc, etc.

While the action was packed - it didn’t take away from Nate and Sydney’s chemistry and I really liked their relationship unfolding and learning to trust each other.
Profile Image for Jessica .
187 reviews2 followers
August 24, 2022
I unabashedly love when the hero and heroine and drawn together by their trauma. Does that probably mean something about me? Yes, but give me more anyway.

Nate and Sydney were perfect matches for each other and I loved watching them learn how to move forward after tremendous losses to come together.

Anna Harrington's character work always impresses me and this was no exception. I do wish there had been a couple more scenes of them getting to know one another outside of the constant danger and trauma bonding, but I love this series so much regardless.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews

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