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Mestiza Blood

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From the lauded author of The Queen of the Cicadas (which picked up starred reviews from PW, Kirkus and Booklist who called her "a dynamic and innovative voice") comes a short story collection of nightmares, dreams, desire and visions focused on the Chicana experience. V.Castro weaves urban legend, folklore, life experience and heartache in this personal journey beginning in south Texas: a bar where a devil dances the night away; a street fight in a neighborhood that may not have been a fight after all; a vengeful chola at the beginning of the apocalypse; mind swapping in the not so far future; satan who falls and finds herself in a brothel in Amsterdam; the keys to Mictlan given to a woman after she dies during a pandemic. The collection finishes with two longer tales: The Final Porn Star is a twist on the final girl trope and slasher, with a creature from Mexican folklore; and Truck Stop is an erotic horror romance with two hearts: a video store and a truck stop.

240 pages, Hardcover

First published January 18, 2022

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V. Castro

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews
Profile Image for Mark.
Author 3 books27 followers
July 24, 2024
I love short stories. I really do. And Mestiza Blood is one SOLID collection of stories. This was my first time reading V. Castro, and I didn't know what to expect. She does not stray away from any subject matter, and her work goes into some dark places. But I was pleasantly surprised that most of these tales were imbued with a sense of hope. This is a kind of horror I'd like to read more of, and I've already got The Queen of the Cicadas downloaded onto my Kindle.

My favorite stories are probably "Nightmares & ICE" and "Cam Girl Sally." Both serve as great examples of Castro's skill in mixing horrific elements with emotional character moments. There were a few pieces that didn't work as well for me, which is to be expected from any collection, but in general I'm very happy with this book. The stories I didn't enjoy as much were mainly due to personal triggers; these were all well-written from a technical standpoint.

In terms of overall cohesiveness of Mestiza Blood, it might be worth noting that the first 60(ish)% of the book is made up of twelve shorter stories, while the rest is comprised of two longer works ("Truck Stop" and "The Final Porn Star" at about 40 pages apiece; not sure of the word counts, so these could be either novelettes or novellas). I liked this structure, as it allowed me to get acclimated with Castro's style by exploring the shorter pieces first, before jumping into the slightly longer works.

V. Castro is an exciting voice in the horror genre, and this book is perfect for anyone who enjoys darker-themed short stories. My only warning is that her style can be intense and graphic at times, so be prepared for that before picking up this collection.
Profile Image for Mariana.
422 reviews1,802 followers
January 15, 2022
Nota real: 3.5
Una colección de relatos muy divertida. No es totalmente el tipo de horror que suelo preferir, yo me decanto por lo atmosférico y fantasmal y Mestiza Blood abunda en sangre, sexo y criaturas pesadillescas. Si bien hay comentario acerca de temas como migración y discriminación racial, no se sienten forzados y me parece que funcionan bien. Este libro es maravilloso para quienes disfruten del horror onda Troma/video nasties. La mayor parte de los relatos son de horror, aunque hay algunos en los que permea la ciencia ficción.
Creo que V. Castro es una voz muy interesante dentro del horror y que vale la pena leerla.
Profile Image for Coos Burton.
841 reviews1,423 followers
September 28, 2021
Quiero agradecer a Netgalley y a Flame Tree Press por el ARC que me dieron a cambio de una reseña honesta.

Esta antología tiene una mezcla interesante de elementos: folclor mexicano, sensualidad, horror por montones, drama, y mucha acción. Se acerca mucho al pulp, a lo bizarro. Realmente me gustaron mucho las historias, creo que todas tienen un buen desarrollo y profundidad, y todas están marcadas por la cultura mexicana (que es lo que más me fascinó). Primer libro que leo de la autora, y definitivamente no el último.
Profile Image for Hail Hydra! ~Dave Anderson~.
305 reviews145 followers
November 11, 2022
Everything that occurred had been filmed. Everyone would know la Lechuza, that monsters are real. I couldn’t stop shaking. There I was, the final woman, the final porn star. But I survived.
Profile Image for Jason.
1,272 reviews126 followers
January 28, 2022
In 2021 my top read of the year was by an author I had never heard of before, V. Castro, The Queen of the Cicadas was stunning, I was blown away by it’s violent beauty, so I had high hopes for her next book. Mestiza Blood is an anthology of urban legends and folklore based in a modern setting and it is bloody good fun, each story has been meticulously written so that it is strong enough to stand on it’s own, I can assure you there is no weakness in this book. One feeling I kept having when reading was that this could be a book of trailers, each story is good enough for me to want a full length book made from it, even the longer stories left me wanting more.

One of Castro’s strength’s is that she can write proper good characters, her female leads are always strong and she writes about their beauty so vividly you can picture them perfectly and where some writers who manage to create a strong female lead end up falling flat with floppy male characters, Castro steps up and produces a male that you can appreciate whether they are good or evil. So which of the stories was my favourite? Impossible to choose! I really enjoyed the 3 longer stories, Castro slowly builds up the tension until the final scene full of violence and gore, the ending of The Final Porn Star was genius. With all short story collection a lot hangs on the first story, will it be good enough to make you wanna race through the others or will it be so weak you’ll be unable to focus on the others? “Night of the Living Dead Chola” gives the book the perfect start, it sets the tone for what is about to comes, it has that blend of vengeance and heartbreak that you’ll soon come to expect from the rest of the book, it also felt like the perfect stepping stone to move from her last book to this one.

In amongst all this violence Castro covers some sensitive subjects, racism, human rights (ICE) and gender inequalities, she uses the characters strengths to stand up to these injustices and it seems that Karma steps in now and then to assist. Castro even gives us a glimpse of the future where you can transfer yourself into a foetus before you die so that you can live again, it raises a lot of questions about whether this was right or not.

These stories are creative, I really enjoyed reading what direction Castro was going to take things and I loved that she surprised me again and again. I think Castro has done it again, front runner for my favourite book of 2022 and one of my favourite horror writers ever!

Blog review: https://felcherman.wordpress.com/2022...
Profile Image for Brittany (hauntedbycandlelight).
327 reviews107 followers
December 9, 2021
It’s no secret that V Castro is one of my favourite authors. From the moment I picked up 𝗛𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗣𝗥𝗔𝗬 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗦𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗦, to 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗗𝗘𝗦𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗧𝗛 and lastly, 𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗗𝗔𝗦, I have been hooked on her writing. V is truly a force to be reckoned with.

So I’d like to thank @flametreepress for my ARC copy. This collection comes out 𝗝𝗔𝗡𝗨𝗔𝗥𝗬 𝟭𝟴, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮 and you really won’t want to miss it.

If you know me, then you know that I often struggle with short story collections but this collection of short stories is fantastic. It’s loaded with grief, revenge, folklore, predators, and strong women. Her characters are often sexually charged and it’s something that I appreciate about her writing. I also LOVE the elements of folklore that she includes.

Another thing I’d like to note is that her writing stays consistent, no matter which book you choose. I highly recommend you check her out.

V is the face of spooky but make it sexy.

Some of my favourites from this collection:

🥀𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗗 𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗢𝗡 (my fave)

4 ⭐️
Profile Image for Amanda.
248 reviews18 followers
December 29, 2021
I absolutely loved this book! Gobbled it down in a couple of days while sick. If you are all about the "strong female lead" this book is a parade of them. This was a great mix of stories from horror to science fiction. Parts had me laughing out loud and some just had me going hm... Like any collection there are some not as good as others, but the two longer ones are definitely worth the collection alone. It's set up well, with deeper make you think stories followed by fun romps. The Final Porn Star was by far the best. I'm giggling just thinking about it while writing this.

There are lots of descriptions of sex, gore, body horror and more, so avoid if those things are deal breakers for you. Otherwise, pick this collection up.

Thank you to V Castro, Flame Tree Press, and Netgalley for an advance ecopy in exchange for an honest opinion
Profile Image for Becky Spratford.
Author 4 books645 followers
January 5, 2022
Review in the January 2022 issue of Library Journal and on the blog here: https://raforall.blogspot.com/2022/01...

Three words that describe this book: vengeance, unflinching, familiar tropes with new perspective.

Draft review:

Castro returns after a very busy 2021 with her first collection of violent, erotic, and visceral tales driven by vengagance and featuring familiar Horror themes, reinvigorated by an application of the Chicana perspective. The opening story, “Night of the Living Dead Chola,” sets the tone perfectly, as a murdered woman rises from the dry Rio Grande River bed, to seek revenge on the living. Castro continues to unveil horrors both real and supernatural, written in language that is simultaneously brutal and beautiful, engaging all five senses into sentences that make the characters fly off the page and into the reader’s brain, where they lodge, forcing all to think about the larger, real world implications at the core of every monstrous encounter. Because Castro’s prose shines brighter the longer she monopolizes the reader’s attention, the decision to close the book with the two longest and strongest stories, “Truck Stop” and “The Final Porn Star,” makes for a satisfying conclusion.

Verdict: This collection provides an excellent introduction to Castro’s style of unflinchingly raw, unapologetically sexy, and unsettlingly realistic supernatural Horror. While not every reader will love every story equally, taken together this is a solid volume of terrifying, thought provoking, and fun tales. Readers seeking more should seek out the work of Gabino Iglesias and Cynthia Pelayo.
Profile Image for Mar at BOOKIVERSE .
345 reviews233 followers
December 29, 2021
3.2 stars


You would probably enjoy "Mestiza Blood" if you are in the mood for disturbing content and enjoy Latin American folklore and culture and the goriest horror subgenres like body horror and slasher like Things We Lost in the Fire, The Dangers of Smoking in Bed: Stories and Her Body and Other Parties

However, the darkness of those books doesn't really compare to Mestiza Blood's! The only books I've read as disturbing "Mestiza Blood" are The Girl Next Door and Living Dead Girl

Other books that come close (but not quite!) because they contain similar disturbing content and imagery are: Follow Me to Ground, Pan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, and Angelfall

When I requested this ARC I was expecting something like "Things We Lost in the Fire", which is one of my favorite dark books of all times.

"Mestiza Blood" is nothing like it though. It's a Hispanic book that covers similar dark and graphic themes and imagery but that's about it. Unfortunately, "Mestiza Blood" didn't have a much Hispanic culture as I was hoping for and it wasn't really my type of book.

I like body horror and slasher but not 200 plus pages of it, non-stop. I like it sprinkled here and there to enhance a story and bring to life the dark side of the characters and human nature. BUT, each of these short stories cover, like... ALL OF THE DARK THEMES IN THE UNIVERSE!

So, it's not a pacing I truly enjoyed since there is I had no time to digest, savor and ponder one gruesome scene when I was already deep into the next one. The writing style isn't my favorite either since it's purposely choppy to create the kind of disturbing imagery the book goes for.

However, you can tell a lot of work went into crafting these stories and I'm sure there are many readers that will thoroughly enjoy them.
Profile Image for Emily.
109 reviews18 followers
November 24, 2021
V. Castro's Mestiza Blood is a brilliant, spine-chilling, Latinx force to be reckoned with, and all rolled together into 14 short stories. Tales filled with grief, revenge, motherhood, the supernatural, and Lantix empowerment, V. Castro brings something unique to the table and leaves readers wanting more. As a Latina, most of these stories brought something closer to my heart, and I could relate to the experiences, the lore, and traditions. But Mestiza Blood isn't just catered for someone like me, there is a story for everyone in here, and that is a feat all on its own. Although I will have to admit that some of V.'s stories were stronger than others, the collection itself was overall a win. With Mestiza Blood being my third V. Castro read, I would like to note she is very consistent with her writing, and her storytelling is impeccable. I personally would recommend anyone reading my review to give Mestiza Blood a read, and make sure to let me know if you loved it as much as I did. Happy Reading! x
Profile Image for Sassy Sarah Reads.
2,069 reviews282 followers
January 25, 2022
4 stars (rounded up from 3.75 average). I read this collection of stories in one sitting. "Night of the Living Chola" is the best thing I have read so far in 2022. This was a short story that packed an emotional punch and captivated me in every way. When I have more time I will elaborate more on each short story in this collection, but just know that this is a collection you do not want to miss by a horror author you need to keep your eyes on.
5 stars: "Night of the Living Chola", "Donkey Lady Bridge", "Street Fighter", "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", "The Cold Season", "The Latin Queen of Mictlan"
4 stars: "Nightmares & ICE", "Dancehall Devil", "Mal de Ojo"
3.5 stars: "The Last Final Porn Star"
3 stars: "The Demon in My Eye"
2 stars: "Cam Girl Sally"
1 star: "Pentagram Peep Show" "Truck Stop"
Profile Image for David.
395 reviews
October 23, 2021
Long before reading Mestiza Blood, I had the pleasure to hear Violet Castro read a short piece of her work at StokerCon. I could tell from listening to her read she had intense passion for her craft. I've read plenty of horror stories by women writers, but I can't say I've read many by women minorities. Reading from her perspective is eye opening to say the least. V. Castro's female protagonists are at times jaded about the world, and probably rightly so. Navigating a male dominated system as seen from the female characters perspective was interesting. I dug that she had strong female characters. I really enjoyed many of the stories in this collection. My personal favorites were as follows; The Demon in My Eye, Cam Girl Sally, The Cold Season, and The Final Porn Star.
Profile Image for H.V..
352 reviews16 followers
November 1, 2023

One of the most engaging things about Mestiza Blood is the complexity of the characters. It’s always exciting to see protagonists with the agency to make choices that are both constructive and destructive (sometimes simultaneously). There’s also excellent world-building in this collection, and I hope that Castro is considering expanding some of these short stories into longer novellas or novels. 

Fans of folklore, urban legend, and mythology will find a lot to love in Castro’s collection. Many of her stories are set near or around San Antonio and in the Southwest and are informed by Castro’s own Chicana experience. For example, the story “Donkey Lady Bridge” is based on a real place near San Antonio. The monstrous La Lechuza is featured in “Nightmares & ICE” and “The Final Porn Star.” “The Latin Queens of Mictlan” is based on Aztec Mythology (Mictlán is the Aztec Underworld), and the narrator of “Night of the Living Dead Chola” owes her resurrection to the Aztec goddess Mictēcacihuātl. There are even fallen angels reimagined in “Pentagram Peep Show.” 

Reading Mestiza Blood made me want to learn more about the legends, lore, and mythology of the Southwestern United States and Mexico. If anyone has suggestions for good books or documentaries, please send them my way.

Mestiza Blood is also a very sex-positive collection. One of the ways her protagonists express agency is through being generally unapologetic about pleasure and comfortable with themselves and their bodies. It’s refreshing to see how much more common stories like this are becoming in horror and fiction in general. 

Castro also writes about the ongoing racism, suffering, and human rights violations that are all too present in the world, focusing particularly on Southern Texas around San Antonio (where she grew up). The theme of people marginalized in multiple ways (by gender, occupation, immigration status, etc.) harnessing their individual and collective rage to challenge and remake the unjust world around them resonates throughout Mestiza Blood. Though justice doesn’t always triumph in the world (or in Castro’s stories), many of the endings are cautiously optimistic. There’s suffering, but there’s also a sense that an ultimate cosmic reckoning is coming. 

I found all the stories in Mestiza Blood creative, engaging, and bloody, but I’ve highlighted my favorites below. I try not to give too much away, but if you want to enjoy the collection without any potential spoilers, I recommend you stop reading now and order your copy!   

 Donkey Lady Bridge:

Synopsis: Jackie didn’t believe the stories about the ghost called the Donkey Lady until late one night when she crossed the haunted bridge alone. Though Jackie is terrified, she’s also sympathetic. She learns that the Donkey Lady used to be a woman named Diana, and she wants to help the wronged spirit. However, things don’t turn out how Jackie expected.   

Like many of Castro’s protagonists, Jackie approaches the uncanny with compassion and sympathy despite her fear, recognizing that Diana has a deep hurt which keeps her from resting even after death. By insisting on uncovering Diana’s story, Jackie reminds us not to remain silent in the face of powerful wrongs.

  The Most Wonderful Time of the Year:

Synopsis: The narrator is overwhelmed by the demands of family and motherhood. Around the holidays, driven to the breaking point by the need for an absolutely perfect Christmas for the kids and her inability to track down a popular toy, she summons a demon to help her. 

Mothers often face impossible expectations to be everything to everyone. Castro perfectly captures the resentment and rage that this quest for perfection engenders and how damaging it can be. This one is a new favorite holiday horror story for me.

  Truck Stop:

Synopsis: Sonora never knew her mother. She was named for the Sonoran Desert where she was found next to her mother’s dead body. Sonora has a secret which she keeps (literally) close to her chest. Over time, Sonora grows more confident in herself and her body, but when she learns she may not be unique, she has to make some tough choices about who she’s going to be and the kind of world she wants to live in.

“Truck Stop” is the longest story in the collection, and I’d love to see it expanded into a longer work. Sonora has the confidence, power, and potential community support to catalyze global change and help the downtrodden and the marginalized, and I’d love to see what she could make of the world.   

Overall, Mestiza Blood is a deeply satisfying and authentic collection that will appeal to both horror readers and fans of speculative fiction. I strongly recommend it and Castro’s other work, and I’m looking forward to what she writes next. 

I was given an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa.
478 reviews22 followers
January 13, 2022
Mestiza Blood is a lovely, strong collection of short stories by V. Castro, someone I already love. There’s a story in this collection for everyone: zombies, science fiction horror, mythology and urban legends, real life horrors such as shootings and ICE.

My favorites are as follows:
-The Demon in My Eye
-Nightmares & ICE
-Dancehall Devil
-Pentagram Peep Show
-The Final Porn Star

If you haven’t read any of V. Castro’s work, I strongly encourage it.

Thank you to Net Galley and Flame Tree Press for the chance to read this advanced review copy. Mestiza Blood releases on January 25th.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,478 reviews91 followers
March 10, 2022
V. Castro has quickly become one of my must-read authors. Her work is truly fantastic! And it’s everything great horror should be: social commentary, feminism, sexuality, folklore, and, as the subtitle says, “a vision of the Chicana experience.” And it’s all creepy as hell!

That Chicana experience is very specific—it's the experience of being a woman who lives in the United States but comes from Mexican roots— and it runs through all of Castro’s work. Her tales are steeped in classic legend and lore, even when the basis for the story may not be exactly a traditional legend (this was the case Queen of the Cicadas, which had me googling the legend to see if it was indeed real. It wasn’t, but it also wasn’t far off from so many known stories of its kind.) That experience means that her work often also tackles the generational differences in experience and expectation between immigrants and their children.

I have also found that motherhood is particularly prevalent in a number of her stories, and Mestiza Blood is no exception. In one, Satan herself is the main character. In another, a woman whose parents have recently been picked up by ICE is doing everything she can to avoid authorities while also taking care of her baby, and she's offered what appears to be an impossible choice. In still another, a woman finds out her child has been cursed.

Another big theme, which makes sense as a woman, and as a Chicana, is revenge. Women getting revenge on those who have done them wrong.

While my own experiences in life may be different than Castro's, no woman goes through life unaware of the dangers that seem to lurk around every corner for us. So I have to say, there is definitely a sense of satisfaction in seeing some of the characters get their just desserts in these stories!

If horror has a job to do, aside from scaring and entertaining, I think, like all fiction, it should offer different perspectives. I like fun, but I also like a little meat to chew on. Substance that takes me out of my own experience and puts me into someone else’s. And of course, since it’s horror, I want it to come through with the scares. But not just jump scares! Actual, chill you to the bone scares!

Mestiza Blood is the kind of collection you'll be tempted to zip through, considering that once you've been ripped through one story, you're propelled directly into the next. But I'd argue this is the kind of collection worth savoring. There's a lot going on under the surface of each story. Castro has a lot to tell the world. And it's only in really examining and pondering over each story that I think some readers will have those dawning experiences, touching the true heart of each story if they really try!

Castro is a blazing new voice in the genre whose work offers all of that and so much more! I really can't sing her praises highly enough. I think that she's one of the authors of the genre who is pushing boundaries with each new work. And I think she's a really powerful storyteller!
Profile Image for RoseDevoursBooks.
291 reviews52 followers
October 6, 2021
"My belly is hungry for his insides. It stokes my appetite for a bloody stew of caldo. I will devour him the way he devoured me".

After reading and loving "Goddess of Filth", I knew I just had to read this new horror anthology. It's a unique blend of creature feature stories based on Mexican Folklore and stories about love, lust, violence and revenge. This collection has it all! including some steamy monster erotica.

I was captivated by all of these stories! It started off with "Night of the Living Dead Chola" where the protagonist is a corpse coming back to life seeking revenge, which had me HOOKED from the first few sentences. My only main issue is that I wanted more! Seriously, it happened with a lot of her stories where I get so invested that I get upset when it's over. But then I realize it's okay because her next stories were just as gripping and satisfying.

V. Castro has a wonderful way of writing details that bring her characters to life. It's so immersive, relatable and deliciously terrifying. If you love imaginative horror with buckets of gore and a side of sexy, then this is the book for you.
Trust me when I say her work is addicting and I will make it my mission to read all her stories.

*CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, miscarriage, prostitution, graphic sex, gore.

Thank you to the author, Netgalley and Flame Tree Press for an e-arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Mestiza Blood will be available January 18th, 2022.
Profile Image for Rachel.
541 reviews12 followers
January 16, 2022
Looking for a fresh take on the horror genre? Well, look no further. V. Castro is the answer to all your reading desires.

𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗮 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱, a short story collection of nightmares, dreams, desires, and visions focused on the Chicana experience, was brilliant.

𝗙𝗲𝘀𝗵. 𝗣𝗼𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁. 𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹.

𝗙𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗵 - V. Castro takes familiar horror themes and rips them wide open, exposing raw, erotic, and relatable stories with strong women at the helm.

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 - V. Castro set out to share the Chicana experience through horrific tales, and she nailed it. By exposing how women experience the world coupled with supernatural twists, this collection is not only a wild ride, but compels the reader to think, reflect, and commiserate with the characters.

𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 - The grisly scenes of horror drip with vengeance and satisfaction so much it becomes palatable.

As with any collection of short stories, some are stronger than others. Overall, I enjoyed each story but felt especially drawn to Night of the Living Dead Chola, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Truck Stop, and Dancehall Devil.

If you are a fan of grief, revenge, and folklore horror with women who are forces to be reckoned with, then this collection is for you.

I’d like to thank Flame Tree Press and V. Castro for my eARC. Be sure to check of Mestiza Blood for yourself later this month.
Profile Image for Paulina M..
569 reviews20 followers
January 16, 2022
Enjoyment: 4
Overall Rating: 4.43

Mestiza Blood is a short story collection focused on the Latinx cultural experiences in the United States. Each of its 14 stories evokes folklore and urban legends and weaves them perfectly with the contemporary life experiences of Mexican Americans.

This is my first Castro book, and I was taken by surprise at how graphic and gory some pages were. I recommend checking trigger warnings but going for it anyway. Castro's prose is so engaging, haunting, intriguing, and raw. I appreciate how she commits to each of the stories - Mestiza Blood has a little bit of everything: social commentary, gore, heartache, gore, erotica, and each delivery is like a punch in the gut that you actually enjoy. Also worth mentioning is how empowered her female characters are. I'll definitely re-read this book and seek more of Castro's works.

My favourite stories are:

Donkey Lady Bridge
Dancehall Devil
The Final Porn Star

Disclaimer: In exchange for an honest review, I am thankful to Flame Tree Press and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of Mestiza Blood.
Profile Image for amy.
49 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2022
Review based on an ARC received through NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review, many thanks to the publisher and author!

Mestiza Blood is a collection of short stories from V. Castro, an author who usually deals in horror with an undercurrent of sex, folklore, feminine rage, and social issues. This particular collection is made up of 14 stories, most on the shorter side with 3 that are longer than the rest. This collection is not exactly subtle with its’ metaphors, though in this case it works to the stories’ benefit: they’re quick, easy to read, thought provoking, and fun as hell. My favorite story out of the collection is probably Truck Stop, the second last and one of the 3 longer stories; it’s about a woman who has to make use of her unique gifts to make her way in the world, though those gifts have saddled her with a bit of fame and notoriety she wasn’t expecting. All in all, I very much enjoyed this collection, and would definitely recommend it to fans of horror who are fans of or don’t mind explicit gore and sex; one of the only downsides is that I felt some of the shorter stories could have been a little bit longer, to develop their themes more.
Profile Image for Heather Freeman.
162 reviews12 followers
January 24, 2022
Wow. V. Castro hit it out of the park once again, this time with an absolutely staggering collection of short stories that range from gory anti-fascist mutant uprising to no-holds-barred, bloody fables where the strong woman wins despite all forces working to the contrary. Reading it will take you through nearly every emotion, from the strongest catharsis to weeping with joy to weeping with sorrow to giggling from her bleak, wry humor. It's SO diverse in the way the stories work, but they all cohere into something really fascinating, a ferocious treatise on Latina rage and power and persistence that is wholly unique. (Castro's other books are deeply concerned with this too, but they don't deal with it in so many ways in the same text.) I'm for sure not done processing this (particularly the last pair of slightly-related stories...the splatter horror there is really something!), and I don't think I will be for a very long time, but I'm so glad I got the chance to read this, and I can't wait to re-read it.
Profile Image for Paul Preston.
1,294 reviews
December 22, 2021
“String of saliva dribbled from open lips, revealing teeth that resembled a forgotten cemetery.”
Stripped down and raw, stories that leave you wondering and wanting. The collection is a mixture of dark fantasy, tension, sensuality, terror and the cruelest sides of humanity. There is a wide variety of stories, some that were so unique that I craved to know more about that universe with others felt so real that I was sure V. slipped in some non-fiction parts. Castro can be an evocative temptress with words, stoking the fires of lust and desires while showing the human side of sex workers. A few stories had me picturing V. as the main character and left me feeling a bit flustered watching her perform. Really had me relating to Blake from The Final Porn Star. I’m not going to explain that one, you’ll have to read it to understand
Profile Image for Ellie's .
192 reviews2 followers
January 4, 2022
I am proud to have picked this book and that it is my first book of the year. I've enjoyed every tale, they've made me laugh with joy as I remembered my Abuelita. There was one of the tales in particular that hit me the most, the one about Ariela. I am Ariela. My purpose is Ariela's achievement. Somehow I can't bear to disregard hope after reading about Ariela and her daughter.

📑This ARC was granted to me through NetGalley and approved by Flame Tree Press in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
Profile Image for Cobwebby Reading Reindeer .
5,451 reviews313 followers
January 22, 2022
When I want earthy Hispanic Horror to chill my bones, I have two authors I turn to:
Silvia Moreno-Garcia and V. Castro. For edgy, in-your-face, take-no-prisoners, female-authored Horror, I know where to find it. MESTIZA BLOOD is V. Castro's newest collection, and if the pieces here don't "wake" you, just give it up. Ms. Castro can dig deep into the Earth, or fly among the Stars: an indefatigable imagination. Just don't expect to sleep soundly. Now you'll know the source of all those Voices you can scarcely decipher.
Profile Image for Victor.
212 reviews
December 23, 2021
This is a stellar collection of stories meshing Latinx culture and experience with horror. Castro’s imagination is wicked smart, her prose unflinching and honest, and her characters are REAL.

Some of my favorite stories are:





Profile Image for James.
3,623 reviews27 followers
September 8, 2022
An excellent collection of short stories with Chicana protagonists. They range from horror to dystopian SF no two the same. There's a few that might make a good novella or novel. Looking forward to more.
Profile Image for Claudia .
226 reviews9 followers
May 21, 2024
(3.9 rounded up)

This was a really interesting collection of short stories. They range from gruesome and disturbing to Mexican urban legends and porn stars.

I enjoyed all of the stories, although some were better than others. My favorite was Night of the Living Dead Chola.

I'd love to see some of these stories as fully realized novels, like The Cold Season. I think it had a really intriguing premise that could have been further explored.

I'd highly recommend this collection to anyone who likes their horror stories weird, gory, and with a feminist twist. These stories aren't for someone just getting into horror, though.

I'd also highly recommend the author's other books, especially Goddess of Filth, Queen of Cicadas, and The Haunting of Alejandra.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews

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