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Ada Palomino #2

Song for the Dead

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My name is Ada Palomino.
By day, I'm studying my ass off at design school in Portland, Oregon.
By night, I'm slaying demons and ghosts who have dared to slip through the Veil.
Or at least, that's what I should be doing.
The problem is Jay, who also happened to be my immortal guardian and now ex-boyfriend, was banished from being with me.
And now my new trainer is a previously dead friend of mine that I helped bring back to life.
With both of us nursing broken hearts, we embark on a road trip to New Orleans to help him win back his long lost love.
As if that’s not tricky enough, we’re also being hunted by a demon with a grudge, and I’m not sure if all the training in the world is going to help me.
One things for sure, the more complicated our relationship gets, the scarier things become.
Whoever said love is a battlefield, never had to fight demons at the same time.

290 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 25, 2021

About the author

Karina Halle

114 books17.6k followers
Karina Halle is a screenwriter, a former music & travel journalist, and the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today bestselling author of River of Shadows, The Royals Next Door, and Black Sunshine, as well as 70 other wild and romantic reads, ranging from light & sexy rom coms to horror/paranormal romance and dark fantasy. Needless to say, whatever genre you're into, she's probably written a romance for it.

When she's not traveling, she and her husband split their time between a possibly haunted 120 year-old house in Victoria, BC, their sailboat the Norfinn, and their condo in Los Angeles. For more information, visit www.authorkarinahalle.com

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Profile Image for ReadingTilTheBreakOfDawn.
1,593 reviews77 followers
February 27, 2021
"...Life is pure and precious and we cling to it because there's nothing else like it. So they all say."

Hot Damn! Karina, what did you do?! I'm going to keep this review on the shorter side as to not ruin one bit of this story and the journey she takes us on. BUT know this.....Ada Palomino's story began with Veiled and you HAVE to start there. This is NOT a standalone. And if you've read the EIT series, I would highly suggest reading the novella Ghosted and Came Back Haunted. It will give you insight to a main character in Ada's book and it will flow better.

We are back in Ada's world which starts in the PNW with Max, a character from the past that her and Perry pulled out of Hell. He always has a purpose in these books, whether you like him or not (although I've always had a slight crush on this antihero). He's now taking over training Ada and her abilities. But the majority of the book takes place on the road. One big road trip from the PNW to New Orleans. Two lost and broken souls trying to heal but being chased by demons. And holy crap! This road trip was high adrenalin, heart-poundingly good, but left me full of anxiety and nervous of what was going to happen next. Add in the tension and the banter and I was full on in!

I'm dying.
I'm so alive.

This is EXACTLY how I felt throughout the whole damn book! I've loved watching Ada grow up in these books and see how she's changed and become one badass little chick. And Maximus? What can I say about this "Ginger Jedi"? He just keep surprising me. And Karina? What the heck, woman?! She surprised me and kept this book moving full steam ahead. It was a total trip filled with major tension, heart break, kick ass fight scenes and so much good and fun banter. Even when I was filled with so much nervous anxiety, I still was given the laughs because of the damn fine banter. But what killed me?! That damn ending!! It is a total cliffhanger, but I am soooo down for it. I can't wait for more! Bring it Ms Halle, you sword wielding demon slayer!

"You're everything and the only thing"
Profile Image for AJ.
3,065 reviews1,025 followers
February 25, 2021
4.5 stars!

This is the second book in the Ada Palomino series, which spins off from (and is very closely tied to) the Experiment in Terror (EIT) series. I loved the first book in this series, Veiled, which gave us the story of Perry’s little sister, Ada, and it’s been a while since that book came out, but I was still right there with Ada and all of her badass smartassery as her journey continues.

The events of this book take place after the newest EIT book, Came Back Haunted, and contains huge spoilers for the entire EIT series. There is enough background to get you by if you haven’t read that book - or the rest of EIT - but just be aware that huge plot points will be revealed when you read this one. If you’re an EIT fan, make sure you’ve read Ghosted and Came Back Haunted before diving into this one.

Also, just note that this review contains some spoilers for the EIT series, because OMG, this storyline came out of nowhere, and it’s a shocker!

Firstly, after falling in love with her supernatural guardian/trainer/mentor Jay in the first book, he has now chosen duty over her and has left, breaking Ada’s heart and leaving them both devastated. So in this book, she has a brand new love interest, and…

OK, now that my freakout is somewhat abated… just wow.

This book overlaps briefly with events from Come Back Haunted and carries forward one of the big surprises from that book – Max is back from the dead, and because Ava used her supernatural badassery to save him from the veil, the two of them share a special connection. And with Ava all broken-hearted and without a guardian/trainer to help her with her demon slaying, who could be better to step in to help her? Of course, a newly-resurrected Max.

Max has unfinished business, and given that he and Ava can’t be too far apart at any time, she accompanies him on a cross-country road trip from Portland to New Orleans, and here is where the fun begins.

Karina Halle writes the best banter – especially in this series which is chock-full of smartasses – and the conversation flies free and easy between Ada and Max. They were friends before, but she was only 15 when they first met, and now she’s all grown up which makes things even more entertaining. They’re also both nursing somewhat broken hearts, dealing with the changes to Max and what that means for him and for Ada, and they’ve got a bunch of demons chasing them down. It’s all happening, and it’s a wildly exciting ride.

And in the middle of it all, there is this unfolding romance, which hasn’t even been hinted at before now, until we start to see little glimmers of… something.

“Everyone always leaves me … I’m always left behind.”
He exhales hard, his breath moving my hair.
“I have to admit, you’re breaking my heart here, Ada,” he says after a moment. “I’m not going to leave you.”
“Because you can’t?”
“I wouldn’t even if I could.”

I honestly didn’t know what to make of it, because it was something I had never considered, but the longer they roadtrip, the more time they spend together, the more they open up to each other, I started to feel it. They have a great friendship, with a wonderful sense of playfulness, and slowly the chemistry starts to build.

“Sweetheart,” he says to me, his voice causing a cascade of shivers down my spine, “you’re all I fucking think about, all the damn time. I’m thinking about you even when you’re right here in front of me.” He pauses. “To say I want you is a fucking understatement.”
I open my eyes.
“Then find your balls and do something about it.”

Ada is such a sensational character. She’s always been a scene-stealer, and she shines in her own story. She’s bold, brave and confident, she has a wicked sense of humour and holds nothing back, and she’s so much fun. I loved being back with her, and the way she handles Max and their situation is just gold. And Max has been such an enigma throughout the entire EIT series. You love him, you hate him, you have no idea how to really feel about him, but in this book we see a whole new Max, and damn, I was impressed!

“What do you want?” I ask, …
“I have what I want.” He kisses me deeply, pulls back to look intently in my eyes. “You.”
“And what am I?”
His gaze drops to my mouth, to my cheek, to my nose, back to my eyes. “You’re everything and the only thing.”

He’s funny, he’s sweet, he’s swoony, and damn, he’s filthy (and apparently quite skilled in the bedroom… and elsewhere). He is everything that I love in my romantic heroes, and I was happily swept up in everything that was happening between them. Is it fast moving? Sure. But their connection is strong, their situation is extreme, and when there is supernaturalness at play, you can get away with a quickly developing, super sexy romance, so I was fully on board.

And when you add in the chaos that is happening around them, it creates a fantastically fun story.

Nothing could be hotter than this, watching this man expertly wield a medieval-looking sword in the middle of Royal Street, decapitating demons left and right.
Be still my fucking heart.

This was a surprising read, but I’m loving the direction of Ada’s journey. The book moves very quickly, with lots of action and excitement. The paranormal stuff is creepy but entertaining, and is wrapped up nicely, but it takes a background to the unfolding romance which is just gorgeous.

“I want you.”
“Always?” I tease.
“Always, evermore, and on and on.”

The book ends on a huge (and very unwelcome) cliffhanger. I’m desperate to see where it all goes from here, and can’t wait for the next instalment in the series.

4.5 stars!

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Simii Khanom.
335 reviews
February 25, 2021
3/3.5 stars

This book took a huge turn from what I remembered from Veiled and it picks up after Came Back Haunted. There’s been a big change which TBH took me a very long while to digest. Despite it, I found myself enjoying the journey as well as the banter between the main characters.
It focuses on the aftermath of Ada’s terrible break up with Jay and saving Maximus, (who’s been the infamous antagonist between Dex and Perry) the undead from Hell.
I had such a love-hate relationship with Max during EIT days. He intrigued me at times but then most of the times he turned to be shady which put him on my shit list. Although he did die trying to protect Dex and Perry which made kind of made me forgive him, so imagine my surprise that he was brought back from Hell and being skeptic as hell about it.
However, his character actually turned out to be better by showing more depth emotionally and mentally and also being remorseful for his past actions against Dex and Perry. I give him huge points for that.
Ada was still cool and badass as ever, albeit suffering from a bitter break up with Jay. I genuinely thought Ada and Jay were endgame but seems like destiny (ha! The keyword used throughout this book) had other plans after all.
I never expected Ada and Max at all but somehow, along the way, they suited one another.
I’ve felt like this before in couple of other books I read in the past when they took a certain route like that and same way, it took me time to understand and digest it. I don’t despise it, I began to accept that changes happen.
I’m also glad Karina Halle addressed about this change and understood more clearly why she did so. I am whole-heartedly team Ada and wish for the best.

Overall, this book was not my most favourite nor did it click with me like the EIT series. Something about it I found a bit lacking but from the cliffhanger at the end, it got me hyped. So hopefully it should be better :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Betül.
1,034 reviews282 followers
February 26, 2021
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

- 3.5 stars -

The announcement of this book being written came as a pleasant surprise. I enjoy Karina's paranormal novels a lot so I looked forward to seeing which direction she would take with Song for the Dead. I don't remember a lot from Veiled (I have a bad memory plus it has been years since I read it). But I was reunited with Ada in the novella Ghosted and novel Came Back Haunted, so I up to date on the situation. I went into this book open-minded but I also had some predictions and expectations. I have to say that I was on edge throughout the book because I had no idea what to expect. If you read Ghosted/Came Back Haunted then you know the developments regarding a side character coming back to life. He was one of my favorites so I was happy to see him play a big part in this book.

So why did I rate this book 3.5 stars? I just felt some things just developed a bit too fast. I was already surprised by some new developments, so I would've liked more time to get used to the idea. I didn't have a strong connection with Ada since it had been years since I read Veiled, so I wasn't opposed to the direction the author took the story. Honestly, I liked it and I thought it was a better fit for Ada's story. I know I am being super vague, but I just don't want to spoil anything. I do look forward to seeing what will happen next, especially the ending has me ready for the drama. Overall this was a sexy, action-packed and fun paranormal romance. Ada is a great character and I can't wait to see her grow even more as a character, and the decisions she will have to make in the next book.
Profile Image for Kera’s Always Reading.
1,703 reviews71 followers
February 23, 2021
Five flaming-eyed stars!!

Karina Halle literally broke my brain while answering all my prayers at the same time when she decided to continue books in this little universe of hers with the Ada Palomino series and the Experiment in Terror series. This second book in Ada’s series was immaculate!

Ada is this firecracker of a woman. She is a demon slayer with strength and sass for days! But she is heartbroken when her guide- her Jacob, the man she fell in love with, leaves her alone to be a Jacob to another person. She is drinking, numbing the pain any way she can... being reckless just to feel. When she accompanies Perry and Dex into this house where their old friend, Max is basically trapped in Hell, Ada is the one who can free him.

Now, Max is back and he is training Ada. Together, they make the drive from the Pacific Northwest to New Orleans so he can take care of some unfinished business. Through this journey, they are fighting demons left and right... and discovering all sorts of things about each other- and themselves.

This was epic! Ada was amazing and it was the absolute best thing ever to see Max in a whole different light. We have always got these versions of him through EIT but this was just everything! He is this character that you love and hate and love and hate. If you don’t just completely love him after this book, though, the only question I would have for you is... who hurt you?

And this ending... KH is trying to kill me. And I’d let it happen...
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,303 reviews167 followers
February 26, 2021
Sometimes an author changes a characters path or partner (or worst case kills them off - which thanks goodness was not the case here). Sometimes that upsets the reader but in this case, this book, these characters I didn't mind at all.

Its been a while but we finally get the second book of Ada Palomino. We as a reader knew where things were left hanging at the end of Came Back Haunted. Ada had come a long way with her powers and managed to pull Max from the hell of the void. They go on a journey that changes the trajectory of both of their lives. Lots of emotions and soul searching in this one but also plenty of paranormal cray cray with demons galore.

With the way this one ended it gives me hope that there for sure will be more books in the future.
Profile Image for Maja.
107 reviews24 followers
February 27, 2021
~ Oh my, oh my... 🥰 My heart is so happy right now, so, sooo happy 😊 I want them together 🤞🖤🤞 And yes, this book has no so welcome cliffhanger... I really enjoyed with this ride and I can't wait for next books from "EIT" and from "Ada Palomino".

~ Like you said Karina: "I liked the twisted idea of Max and Ada together. No, I loved it.".
Well, I loved it too! It's perfect. From friends to lovers. Not insta love/lust or love at the first or second or third sight. THEY TOOK THEIR TIME!
But... It's not the end... It's not the last book in this series.... Sooo, will they be together until the end and are they each other destiny? I want to believe they will and that they are 🤞😊

~ And now...
If anyone, AFTER THIS BOOK, tells me that MAX is not THE RIGHT and THE PERFECT guy for our Ada (or any other single lady (like me 🤫) out there) or that he is/was a villain (yes, he made some mistakes in the past and bla, bla, bla), I'm going to send them a virtual punch, THE BIG ONE!

This is why:
*** “Max…do you like me?”
“What? Do I like you? Darlin’, what are you talking about?”
“I mean, do you like me. Like, as a person?”
“Of course I do. Why would you even ask that?”
"Because, everyone always leaves me. Jay, Jacob, Perry, my mother. I’m always left behind.”
“I have to admit, you’re breaking my heart here, Ada. I’m not going to leave you.”
“Because you can’t.”
“I wouldn’t even if I could.” ***

*** “Ada, there’s a very thin line that I don’t want to cross.”
"Because it’s against the rules."
“The rules? I’m my own person. I don’t have any rules to follow. And if I did, I’d break every one of them.”
“But not for me.”
“Sweetheart, you’re all I fucking think about, all the damn time. I’m thinking about you even when you’re right here in front of me. To say I want you is a fucking understatement.”
“Then find your balls and do something about it.” ***

*** “Then I’ll make myself clear. I know I could take you inside, fuck your brains out. Make you come, make you scream, make you beg for more. Lord knows I’ve been dreaming about it from day one. And I’ll do it. I’ll blow your fucking mind. So as long as you know what this is to you. What I am to you. I’m your rebound, Ada.”
He nods, studying my lips.
“But what if you’re more than that?”
“I’m afraid that’s all I ever can be to you.”
I reach up, running my hand over his hair, not understanding. I know that this might seem to a rebound, but…it’s not. There’s more to it.
He straightens up slightly, putting space back between us.
“I’m going to see Rose. And before that, you’re going to see Jay.”
“I’ll take the couch,” he says, putting his suitcase in the tiny living room.
“What?” I ask, my ribs feeling tight. “Why?”
“Think it’s better that way,” he says, glancing at me briefly, giving me a small smile that doesn’t meet his eyes." ***

*** “You should have left me in the house. I would have been pulled back. Back to where I deserve to be.”
“Hell!? You don’t deserve to be in Hell, Max.” “And you have no fucking idea who I am, Ada! What I’ve done. You think you can just live for hundreds of years and stay a good person, with no consequences. I have done things I deserve to suffer eternally for!”
“I know you, Max, I’ve looked inside you. I know what you have to live with, I know you’re suffering right now. So much. But we’ve all done things we regret doing. I know you’re a good person, I see so much good in you, you’ve just buried it away. You’re alive now, you’re here, you’re free. This is your second chance.”
“I’m not free! I’m chained to you. I’m nothing but a burden to you, Ada.”
“You’re not a burden, how dare you say that! I care about you so much, so, so much. I will keep you here, Max, I will keep you safe.”
“No! You need to leave me here. This was the point of it all. To leave me here.”
“If I leave you, you’ll die.”
“I know.”
“Then it’s not going to happen. I won’t let you give up on yourself. I will be the one that saves you no matter what you try and do.”
“Please! Just let me go.” ***

~ Well... See... He is a gentleman. He doesn't take advantage of her. He cares and cares a lot! He gives her a choice, and gives them time to think and realize what they both want and feeling. He trusts her! She trusts him. They are fighting the same battle with Demons and emotions. She for him, he for her... They don't give up! Ada and Max are ready to sacrifice their own happiness and life for each other. THERE IS A HOPE! 🤞❣️🤞

~ And one more thing...
Honestly, I've never seen him like a villain... He was just lonely and sad person in previous books with some bad luck and choices (they weren't all bad). He deserves a second chance, we all do... Right? We all make mistakes... He deserves his HEA (with Ada, ofc). 😁

*** “I used to think you were a villain, you know.”
“Oh yeah? And now what do you think? Still the villain?”
“No. You’re just a man.”
“Well, good. That’s really all I want to be. There’s something to be said for being a simple person living a simple life.” ***

*** There’s nothing here but pain. So much pain. So much darkness. With only one tiny light burning in the center of it. And in that kernel of light, I think I see me. So small, so fragile, flickering. It’s the only thing that’s goodhere. The only thing that carries hope.
And it’s so close to being swallowed by the black. And I’m afraid. I’m so afraid.
But I’m not afraid of him. I’m afraid for him. Of what he might do to himself. ***

*** “I’m starting to think I got the shit end of the stick, Ada. ”
“I know you did. You’re stuck with me now, and the love of your life got engaged to someone else. And while we can’t do anything about me at the moment, maybe Rose just... Maybe she just needs to see you again. She thought you were dead. People react weird when people die. She probably needed to move on. The thought of you being gone was too much for her to bear.” “Maybe, or maybe she was just ready to cut me loose.”
“You’re breaking my heart, big guy,” I tell him, putting my hand over his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. ***

*** “I don’t get it.” He clears his throat. “What?”
“How you could be in this same body for centuries and not have a scratch on you?"
“I heal fast.”
“Apparently so, not even a scar.”
“I carry my scars on the inside.” ***

~ P. S.
They are also very funny together with awesome chemistry 😁

*** “Max!” I cry... “I need to shake her.”
“And I need to stay alive.”
“So do I. If you die, I die.”
“How romantic.” ***

*** “You’d ruin the shirt if you slept in it.”
“I thought you hated my shirts.”
“I don’t hate them,” I tell him, smiling as I continue to unbutton the rest of his shirt. “They’re very much you. And because they’re very much you, I don’t want them ruined. K?” ***

*** A hand at my forehead. Skin on skin. I feel him now. I know it’s him. Lips now at my forehead. His lips. A forehead kiss? Okay, I need to wake up for this. ***

~ And Rose and Jay... I have never liked them. I don't now why. I just don't feel them. Jay will be here 100%, but I also think we will see Rose again.

~ I think there is still a lot of good material for this awesome horror/action/paranormal series with awesome romance and OW/OM drama.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Weronika -  Little Steamy Reads.
636 reviews105 followers
February 26, 2021
“Do this for me. Stay for me.”

Well... I didn’t see that coming for sure! The continuation of Ada Palomino's story blew my mind and I'm sitting here with my mouth agape, wondering what the hell happened! This book turned out to be the complete opposite of what I expected, but I loved every minute of this surprising journey.

Ada is such a kickass heroine. She’s sassy, brave, funny AF and I adore her! She gives as much as she gets and holds nothing back. I hated to see her heartbroken, so I was really glad how things were playing out for her in this book.

Now Max... This enigma of a man turned out to be so much more than in the EiT series! I really didn’t expect that I will swoon so hard over his character. He’s sweet and funny and so sinfully dirty.

They say that the best way to forget someone is to get under someone else, and the journey in Song For the Dead includes two broken hearts. Is it possible for them to find solace in each other's arms? Between slaying demons and figuring things out, these two delivered such a witty banter and sizzling chemistry that this book turned out to be incredibly hot and entertaining at the same time!

I really want to give Karina a little side-eye because of the ending, lol. I was *this* close to throwing my Kindle through the window! I need more asap!
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
1,989 reviews2,436 followers
March 1, 2021
I have a lot of different feelings about this book that I am having trouble sorting through. I'm going to hold off on a rating and a review for now. I think I might need to read the next book whenever it comes out to process this one.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,730 reviews588 followers
February 27, 2021
With Song for the Dead, the second Ada Palomino book, Karina Halle moves the series in a direction that is vastly different to what readers imagined after Veiled. I’ll be honest and say I was tentative about it. Fortunately, as is so often the case with Karina Halle, I came to love the way things grew in this one.

Although Song for the Dead can be read if you’ve only read Veiled, I believe a better understanding will come if you are following the Experiments in Terror series. There was enough information given in this one to ensure I understood everything, but the love-hate people have with the love interest in this one did not exist for me. I feel I would have enjoyed his development a bit more if I better understood him, but it was not enough to take away from my enjoyment of the story. Not at all.

In fact, as is so often the case with Karina Halle books, once I started this one I could not put it down. There was plenty packed into the pages to keep me hooked, ensuring I could not get enough of the characters and the story. Things moved at a rapid pace and in unexpected ways, details were added that sucked me in deeper, and everything left me eager to see how everything played out. Then the cliff-hanger hit, and now I’m waiting for the next book.

Without a doubt, Karina Halle has left me – once again – eager for the next book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,133 reviews8 followers
February 28, 2021
Yes. Yes. Yes. More of This.

Song for the Dead by Karina Halle was incredible, amazing, fantastic...I can't give higher praise. But I'm totally biased as a super fan of Halle's, but also of the Experiment in Terror books. This book is about Ada, the little sister of Perry, who is the main female character in the EIT series. This is Ada's second book.

Ada is a demon slayer. She's been trained by a couple of "Jacobs" these supernatural ginger haired guides from the veil. And then she fell for one of them. Oopsie.

Max has been around for a while...he's a family frenemy who's been out of town for a few years, when he pops up unexpectedly he needs Ada's help and then the evilness surrounding them accelerates. 

Hello vague review. Sorry! 

I loved this so much. I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for this book (it's been nearly 5 years) and I'm not disappointed at all. It was SO good. It was worth the wait. I love Ada. I love her demon slaying ways. I love her complicated love life. 

And Max? I love him. I've always loved him even when he was an evil dude back in the EIT days. Dreamy book boyfriend, there you are. Again. I can't wait to see what happens in the next installment of this world whether it's in Ada's or Perry's. So, yes. Please. More of This!

If you like paranormal romance that can at times scare the piss out of you, start with Darkhouse, the first Experiment in Terror book and keep reading. Ugh. So good. 🧡 

😈 👿 😈 👿 😈/5 demons to slay 
Profile Image for K.
212 reviews64 followers
March 4, 2021

Ok, so you can obviously tell that this book did not work for me. For others it might, for me....

And here's why...
(1) The last that Maximus knew Ada was 15. FIFTEEN. He was surprised that a fifteen year old suddenly had the body of a nineteen year old, but it didn't seem to matter to him much cause hello
Eww, gross.

(2) Max was with Ada's sister. Ada's sister.
Yeah let's not.

(3) Hello repeat. Can anyone say Perry's book 5?

Why go there? Was it really necessary? I mean seriously? Are you kidding me? No? Great.

(4) In my opinion it ruined the whole story line. The whole thing. I cringed throughout this whole book once I realized the direction it went. Not even joking. I mean I can understand adding in a whole angst angle. I can understand Jay going away for work, or a breakup, and them trying to work through it. What I don't get is Maximus. I mean really? Didn't know another way to do it, just had to insert him in there again.
I mean he couldn't have just been a friend/teacher right? Then the way the breakup happened was weird, it had a whole "off camera" feel to it. It didn't flow and it didn't have enough of a buildup. Not to mention Ada didn't try very hard at all. She just let him go.

This book just did not work. At all. Nothing about it did. Including the eye roll factor....

(5) And their whole "fighting" demons thing, it was kind of......awkward? Unbelievable? Strange? I don't know what word I'm looking for here.

Others may like this. Me? Not so much.
Profile Image for Jessica.
498 reviews58 followers
October 14, 2022
Buckle Up book friends, this one was a wild ride start to finish.

Ginger Elvis ✔
Inner turmoil ✔
Swoon and snark ✔
Demons, demons, demons ✔
Left us wanting the next book right freaking now ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
Profile Image for Karen.
1,184 reviews42 followers
July 5, 2023
These stories with the younger Palomino sister are nice because we get to see how her older sister's problems affected her. The stories intertwine with other books, characters, and scenarios. I enjoyed the original series this was spun off from and am sad to see it go but hope we get at least one more on this one. I have been more than entertained by this author for years and hope to continue enjoying her writing.

Ada Palomino, sister to Perry and sister-in-law to Dex has grown up a lot in the past 3 years and has not grown up in many ways as well. By day she studies design at a design school in Portland, Oregon. But by night she is a demon and ghost slayer who goes after those who dare to step through the Veil. But Ada did something she was not expected to be able to do, bring Max back to this side of the Veil alive after he had died saving Dex in New York. Now Max needs her in more ways than one and she must help him even if she feels she is not worthy.

Just a few thoughts. Jacobs remind me of the white lighters from Charmed, they have charges who they both train and protect. Ada's behavior can be a bit schizo, she can act older and younger than she is at any time without warning.

Based on my own scoring system I give this book 4.6 stars because it hits all the points I like except for the fact that it kind of ends on a cliffhanger, I really dislike cliffhangers.
Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,234 reviews1,693 followers
March 9, 2021



Star Rating : 4/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : Yes

Hero : -

Heroine : Ada

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 6/10

Heat Rating : 6/10

Triggers Involved : Really freaking scary!

Plot Summary :
Ada is back! After Jay was banished to be with her, she is on her own. Things take a twisted turn when she starts hanging out with Max.

There is not much I can say about the story line without giving away major plot line twists. So I fully recommend you guys to get into this one without knowing any spoilers!!

Overall Opinion :
Holy shit. The chills this author gives me!! Her EXPERIMENT IN TERROR is my absolute favorite and I loved the hell out of those characters. Ada was a side character in that series and her own story is even more twisted and amazing!

Karina's stories just hook me in and literally give me shivers. She is the best paranormal romance writer! Her series and the way she writes just forced me to imagine everything that was happening in this series and I could help but Shiver at certain scenes. Just so scary! The ghosts and the suspense, all the murder and the heartbreaking is so damn addictive.

Highly recommended by me to all the paranormal romance lovers out there! Trust me, just pick up this take. You won't regret it!

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Profile Image for Steph.
1,346 reviews3 followers
April 18, 2021
Definitely enjoyed this one a bit more than the first book. I loved Ada’s progression and how much more confidant she was this time around. And by the end, I really liked her and Max together.

So... even though book one came out in 2016, I only read it a few weeks ago. I was completely invested in Jay and Ada as a couple and couldn’t wait to see what was next for them. So I have to admit, I was really shocked when they broke up right at the start of this book and then Max is her new love interest? 😵 This made is quite hard for me to accept them as a couple.
But the author did write a note at the end of the book explaining her reasons and I totally get it. So I guess we just have to go with it.

I really like Max. I don’t think I did at one point because of Dex and Perry but I can’t remember what happened 🤦‍♀️😂

The storyline was good, but same as before, it didn’t grip me like I’d hoped it would.
I enjoyed the book overall, it was fun, sweet, sexy and creepy as hell too. So I’ll definitely be continuing with the series to see what comes next for Ada and Max 😍

“Your energy is what pulled me out. Your energy is what’s keeping me here. I was dead, Ada. Now I’m not. As long as you’re with me, or near me, I’m alive. When you’re not here, I fade away. Believe me, we’ve all seen it.”


“Stop,” I tell him. “Max…”
He’s breathing hard, giving me a harried look. “I don’t know what happened.”
“You don’t? Your fucking Jedi shit went to the dark side, that’s what. You officially went from Skywalker to Vader.”


‘I run my thumbs over his cheekbones. “You won’t hold me back, Max. You’ll hold me exactly where I need to be. Please.” I lean in and kiss him softly on the lips just as a tear spills out from my eye. “Please,” I say against his mouth. “Do this for me. Stay for me.”


“I have what I want.” He kisses me deeply, pulls back to look intently in my eyes. “You.”
“And what am I?” His gaze drops to my mouth, to my cheek, to my nose, back to my eyes.
“You’re everything and the only thing.”
Profile Image for Kelly .
765 reviews22 followers
April 5, 2021
Little 15 is all grown up and I adore her!!!! For some reason I did not love Ada's first book. I did read it back in the day, I think I was just on a pure DEX high and wanted nothing but Dex and Perry at the time. Came Back Haunted had me won over and I was so looking forward to Ada's book. This had everything I love in a Halle classic, Love, sex, laughs, heartstrings pulled, danger, adventure and of course my favorite of all Demons scary Fing things! For me I never thought Max was a bad guy and I always enjoyed his banter with Dex. I really fell for him in this book and am so excited to see where these two go. Lots of Adventure in the future I hope and lots of steam!!!! Wow some sizzle going on in Song for the Dead!!! I love the vulnerability shown from both characters and the development of their relationship was perfect! If I had to wait as long as I did for Dex and Perry I may have expired!! Such a great spin off to EIT. Karina Halle is back and her imagination and love for this series and characters show. Thank you for giving us these fantastic people to keep falling in love with. :) 5+++++++++++++++
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,738 reviews38 followers
March 5, 2021
An absolutely fantastic addition to this series! I had to go back and re-read Veiled to make sure I was up on the events of the story, and once I started reading this book I could not put it down. Not gonna lie, my heart was a bit broken for Ada and her heartbreak, but she's still the feisty and sassy badass we love, and seeing her bounce back in this book. And that is due partly to Max, who's all sweet and sexy with a bit bad boy all mixed up. He's got his own broken heart to deal with, so it only seems natural that they'd be drawn to each other, given they're both going through a similar emotional upheaval. And now I can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Jackie.
895 reviews
March 2, 2021
Wow. I was skeptical about this one after re-reading veiled and then Come Back Haunted. I figured Halle was going to go this route and I wasn’t sold. Well once again Halle proves she can weave a story and a relationship and make you love it even when you never expected to. Actually it went exactly where I didn’t know I needed Ada’s story to go. I was seriously sad when I finished it because I wanted more. Waiting for book 3 is going to be rough!
Profile Image for Danielle.
185 reviews3 followers
February 27, 2021
Addicting adventure and demon dust.

Karina writes like I feel- intense, with wit, levity and sex woven into every moment. And music. Oh the music. I’m powered by fiction, music, and desire. So too are her words and this novel was the penultimate of the experience of each. I absolutely adore Ada, and this road trip of adventure and fantasy was beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve never read a KH novel quite like this, but I never want to stop.
Profile Image for Paula.
738 reviews89 followers
October 24, 2021
I preordered this book and it sat on my kindle for almost 8 months unread. I’ve been in a sort of reading slump but decided this book would be a great October read.
I loved this book. It makes me remember how I felt reading EIT, which will already be my favorite adult paranormal series ever. I loved the direction this went in and I’m all for the twist. I can’t wait for the next one!!
Profile Image for Kristen Anderson.
900 reviews6 followers
April 4, 2021
Wow. Just...wow. If you would have told me 5 years ago that this is where the story would be taken I definitely wouldn’t have believed you. I probably would have laughed. Man, how times change. This was just perfect. Karina never ceases to amaze me with her storytelling. Between the banter and the settings and the things that I never thought would have happened but did-I loved every little bit of it. I cannot wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Mary.
3 reviews
March 1, 2021

Spoiler alert... definitely team Max! God I love that ginger and Ada together. I can’t wait for Ada’s next book.
Profile Image for Cinthia.
268 reviews6 followers
April 3, 2021
“And if he can, he’d see there’s no darkness here, only light. Light for him, light for my life, light for everything.”

When I first heard that Ada would be getting another book, I was beyond excited! I’ve been craving for more of her story and even more so since reading Came Back Haunted. And let me tell you that Karina didn’t disappoint with the newest installment of Ada’s journey! I’ll even admit that I loved this book much more than the first book. It took me completely by surprise. Nothing could’ve prepared me for the twists and turns this book would take. But I loved every bit of it. Song for the Dead is a action packed and compelling love story that will have you begging for more! Additionally, Karina’s consummate storytelling had me gripped from beginning to end.

One of the things that I loved about this book was the side of Max that I hadn’t really seen through the previous series. In the beginning, Max was the kind of character that you loved to hate. But seeing Max in this book had completely changed my opinion of him and it made me sympathize with his character even more. Even though I would’ve preferred getting his POV in the book, I felt that I got better understanding of his character which made me fall in love with him even more. I also loved the chemistry and bond between Max and Ada this book. And I’m even more curious to see what will happen next with these two especially after that cliffhanger!
Profile Image for Toni.
Author 4 books22 followers
February 26, 2021
Let me start out by saying I am a ride or die EIT reader from the beginning. I can’t get enough of the series so I’m definitely glad that Karina has branched the series.

Let’s dive into the novel!

******(This is where spoilers begin)*****

It jumps right into a Haunted House and includes Ada, Perry, Dex, and a witch friend pulling Max out from the Veil. I felt that this was rushed and ended too quickly. But I will say that the monologue recap during this scene worked really well.

We skip ahead, Max is rescued, and ends up becoming Adas trainer.

We find out the because Ada saved Max from the Veil and pulled him out, she is literally keeping him alive.

“I’m literally keeping him in this world. I brought him to life. And if I’m not around, he’ll fade away.”

This is some serious deep shit. And along with the serious deep shit leaves seriously deep emotions.

“I’m worried…that there’s something fundamentally wrong with me that makes people leave, or die, or forget me. Maybe I’m not meant to have people in my life. I seem to screw up my relationship with Perry and my dad. I can’t keep any friendships because I’m so fucking weird, so different that no one understands me. And I can’t keep love…I had someone that I thought understood me, understood what I have to live with, this affliction, and they didn’t love me enough to stick around.”

So, although it’s a HUGE responsibility keeping someone alive, Ada feels a sense of belonging.

This is where a lot of foreshadowing happens! Ada and Max embark on a journey to good old New Orleans. During this journey they’re attacked by demons who are attracted to Max.

“Do the things you’ve dreamed about doing. Our days here are numbered”.

This was a captivating, fast-paced, action packed, paranormal (and spooky), romance with an emotional heart-felt HEA.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Allison Rettman (Nelson).
98 reviews6 followers
March 5, 2021
This is the second installment of the Ada Palomino novels and I AM HERE FOR IT!
So in November of 2020 I became obsessed with KH's Experiment in Terror series...then I discovered that Ada had her own book! I was thrilled to find out a second was coming out in the new year, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint!

Things I loved:
- The characters. The characters in these books have great chemistry, even when they don't like each other. Karina does a great job getting you to feel all kinds of emotions when it comes to her characters.
- The road trip-esque plot! It was fun to go place to place and see it all through Ada's eyes. I liked being able to see Ada grow up through Perry's eyes in EIT, and now seeing things as 19 year old Ada does is refreshing and exciting.
- Maximus's storyline is very interesting. He's another character from EIT and I hated him, loved him, hated him again, and now love him all over. He's all over the place, and that southern accent is to die for.
-The fact that KH had them go back to NOLA was AMAZING. Even though they didn't spend a lot of time in NOLA, I could picture the scenery in my head with the way it was written. It's a vibrant place and I really want to visit now.
- The continuity of the story with Max and Rose. I'm glad this was revisited. I was very emotional about it.
- Ada being a kickass Demon Slayer...what a queen. I can't wait to explore more of her abilities in future books.
-That Cliff Hanger....U G H WHY! I am so antsy for the next book and need it now!
- The angst and sexual tension was so worth it. Fabulous as always, KH!

Things I didn't love:
- I wish the book was longer! I could have easily read a few hundred more pages about Max and Ada's journey!
- I didn't love Perry and Dex's tone in this book. I think it may be because we're seeing them through Ada's eyes, but they were really annoying to me and very overbearing.
- I would have liked to see more demon action throughout the book, but that's just personal preference!

Overall, this book did not disappoint! I loved it so much and can't wait to see more from the Palomino sisters! (Maybe even more from Dex's POV - KH if you read this...hint hint- )
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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