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Ghosted is an all-new EIT novella told from Dex's POV.
It should be read after Dust to Dust (after Veiled, preferably) and before Came Back Haunted.
It's available in the All the Love in the World anthology on Amazon, as well as by itself in paperback, and at Nook, iBooks and Kobo.

First published October 27, 2020

About the author

Karina Halle

114 books17.6k followers
Karina Halle is a screenwriter, a former music & travel journalist, and the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today bestselling author of River of Shadows, The Royals Next Door, and Black Sunshine, as well as 70 other wild and romantic reads, ranging from light & sexy rom coms to horror/paranormal romance and dark fantasy. Needless to say, whatever genre you're into, she's probably written a romance for it.

When she's not traveling, she and her husband split their time between a possibly haunted 120 year-old house in Victoria, BC, their sailboat the Norfinn, and their condo in Los Angeles. For more information, visit www.authorkarinahalle.com

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Profile Image for Renegade ♥.
1,339 reviews
December 5, 2020
4 to 4 1/2 stars

Don't let her. Don't let her.


"Do you not realize what that money can do for us?"
"Do you not realize that this could destroy us?!" Her voice is high, shrill, and there's fear washing over her, radiating outward like a tidal wave.


Her solution, the way she's adapted to try and be normal, to just survive, is to look the other way and pretend it's not happening.
I should understand this, but deep down, in my gut, it worries me.
These things, this other world... it wants you to look at it.
And I'm afraid that it will get angrier the more we ignore it.

vintage horror Haunted House scary gif horror gif creepy gig theghostdiaries •

"It's a bad idea, Dex."
"I already told you why. Don't you listen to anything I say?"
"Let's pretend I'm a f*ckwit and you need to explain yourself again."
She lets out a long heavy sigh, putting her head briefly in her hands. "Fine. I don't want to because I'm scared. Okay? You happy now?"
"Happy that you're scared? No, baby. That doesn't make me very happy."
Honestly, I didn't expect her to just admit it like that. She's tough as shit and has been through so much, that it takes a lot for her to just be vulnerable, even with me, after all this time.


Go inside.


"You know, what you fear will harm you," [he] says to me. "If you want to do this, you have to go into it with no fear."
I laugh. "Right."
"I'm serious."


"Are you drunk? What's wrong with you?"
The question should be, what's right with me?
Right now? Everything.

Pin on Poetry

[Her] palms are on my chest, pushing me back.
We break apart.
I stare at her, feeling f*cking crazy and wild, breathing hard.
She stares back at me in complete confusion.
"What has got into you?" she says, her eyes huge. "Dex."


It's like it's been... waiting for us.


Don't let her. Don't let her.


Maybe this isn't a good idea?

Ya think?

Welcome back, Dex and Perry. *smile*
Profile Image for Tricia.
675 reviews29 followers
November 21, 2020
I missed Dex and Perry! This was a perfect little intro to them stepping back into the EIT world. I can't wait for the full length novel that comes in just a few weeks!
Profile Image for Picky_Book_B1tch.
623 reviews57 followers
December 21, 2020
Reading this was like coming home. I love this couple and this series. I'm looking forward the even more from old favorites. I've missed Dex and Perry so much.
Profile Image for Betül.
1,034 reviews282 followers
December 27, 2020
Ghosted features characters from the Experiment in Terror Series, Veiled and The Devil's Duology. And this story is told from Dex' POV. It was so awesome to be back in this amazing world Karina has created. I was very excited to see what my favorite characters were up to. Even though it has been a couple of years since I have read the EIT series it felt very familiar and it was like being reunited with family. Dex and Perry are such a great couple, and I loved seeing how they were doing. They have fears and doubts about things and I can't wait to see how Karina will explore this more in their upcoming (full-length) book!
Profile Image for Pam.
1,550 reviews54 followers
December 7, 2020
I am so excited to be back in this world. I loved being inside Dex’s head again. After reading this, I am even more excited for Came Back Haunted.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,185 reviews200 followers
December 14, 2020
MAN, I like spending time in Dex's head. He leans a little toward manic and he's wildly in love with Perry and BOY DID I MISS THESE TWO! (Do I smell a re-read of the EiT series in my future? MAYBE I DO. It smells like ghosts and demons and simmering sexual tension, if you ask me.)

But let's talk about Dex's current adventure into the world of the supernatural. He's settled into married life. He's happy and healthy and he loves Perry like WHOA. And the moment he gets a whiff of something supernatural drifting in his direction, he's intrigued. Perry, on the other hand, isn't as intrigued. In fact, she's downright terrified to step into that world again. Dex, not wanting to distress his lady love, tries to let it drop.

But when Dex has something on his mind, he has a hard time letting it go. And he's thinking about ghosts and the veil and how *exhilarating* it was to be on the hunt for what was coming next. To be fair, it's not all about him. He's worried about how Perry is trying to avoid any part of that world and how that could potentially bite them in their collective butt if the other side ever tries to push them on it.

So they end up at a haunted house on Halloween and EVERYTHING changes. Yessss. Hellllllo, re-read. I can almost feel you coming at me.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Rachelle.
3 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2020
Ah, what a brilliant and captivating read! Within the first few pages of this novella, Halle ensnares the reader deep within the sarcastic mind of our beloved protagonist, Dex Foray. A POV which never fails to illicit both bursts of laughter and the urge to reach for a tall glass of water to quench a sudden thirst. If you have previously read the Experiment in Terror series, this novella will welcome you home with a warm (yet chilly) embrace back into the supernatural world of Dex and Perry while also giving a look at how both characters are doing after the time which has passed since the last glimpse we were allowed in either Dust to Dust or Veiled. Each page is readily devoured, and by the end of the story you cannot help but to crave more. Do not pass up the chance to enjoy the suspense and passion which always follows the Palominos and Forays.

GhostedKarina Halle
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,252 reviews13.4k followers
December 16, 2020
Thank GOODNESS I can dive into Came Back Haunted!! I am addicted to Derry!

My sexy pervert is back!

“That sex heals me, it’s a balm on the wounds I bury deep. It quiets the chaos of my mind. And it strengthens that bond between us when we’re going to need it most.”

“All I hear is the rush of blood in my head. The dry rasp of my breath as I try to breathe. And all I feel is something deep inside me coming alive again, hitching a ride on the adrenaline that’s pumping through my veins. I look down at Perry to see if she feels it too, the electricity, the heat, the desire. The…purpose. Because f*ck it if Atlas wasn’t right about that. She’s breathing hard, her hand to her chest and she looks scared. Really wish that didn’t turn me on so much, but this house has f*cked with me a bunch of different ways already. And I want more.”

Us Derry fans will always want more too!!
Profile Image for Karen.
1,184 reviews42 followers
June 4, 2023
This is a series that I started not long after I joined Goodreads on the recommendation of a fellow reader. I can never thank them enough for giving me the heads up on this fantastic series that kept me riveted for hours of reading enjoyment. The truth is I am still very much enamored with this series and these characters for a number of reasons, the main one being that they are so like people I have in my life and they just make me happy and smiley when they appear. I was so glad to get new stories after fearing they were truly at an end.

From the above, I guess you can get that I think the characters are very well written to a degree that makes them more like friends than simply words on a page. The locations are relatable because they are within cities that can be actually looked up and toured if you had a mind to. The supernatural stuff is handled in a way that gives it some legitimacy as well as being scary at some points, though you still have the element of fantasy.

Every day could be seen as Halloween for Dex and Perry Foray, married ex-ghost hunters. This year though is different because the veil, the doorway between the living and dead worlds, is even thinner than normal. When a once in a lifetime opportunity is presented to them in the form of a request to contact the late wife of a desperate man they are hard-pressed to decline. But in trying to help they create something they cannot undo.

This is told from Dex's POV and should be read before Came Back Haunted and after Dust to Dust and Veiled. A few spicy scenes are included, but hey, it's Dex and Perry.
Profile Image for Steph.
1,346 reviews3 followers
December 24, 2020
A great reintroduction to EiT!
I absolutely loved the story of Dex and Perry and cannot wait to start the new full book 😍
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,134 reviews
December 28, 2020
I loved having a chance to dive back into the Experiment in Terror universe. I always adore Dex’s perspective and it was interesting to see where he had changed and where he hadn’t changed. I look forward to the next book in the series. I liked having an older short story as a bonus at the end too.
Profile Image for Caro Acevedo.
1,250 reviews16 followers
December 15, 2020
I wish I could say I liked this novella but I didn't.
Oh, god. So, Who were those people trying to be Perry and Dex?
I didn't recognize the characters in this novella.
Dex was beyond selfish, trying to get away with what he wanted one way or the other without much care.
Perry getting into peoples minds and shutting out the others. Making Dex think that sometimes their marriage was one-sided.
A lot of things happened in this really short-length story that I didn't like.
I felt like they reverted to the very start of the series when each one was basically fighting for their own interests without carring much for the others.
I'm scared now to read Came Back Haunted.
I really hope I'll enjoy it.
Wish me luck.
Profile Image for The Glassed And The Furious.
1,020 reviews29 followers
February 13, 2021
Why, oh why did Karina Halle feel the need to go back to this series? It's been six years. We had nine books. Dex and Perry, their lovable quirkiness and creepy ghost stories were done. We followed them through the ups and downs, got their happy ending. All was good with the world. Why go back? Sometimes, a series just needs to be finished, and I think we can all agree that it finished on a high note with Dust to Dust.

Now, first of all, I have to admit that ever since the EIT series finished, I have become increasingly disappointed with Halle's work. She would continuously pump out 5 to 6 books a year, all of them a copy of one another, all of them some smut romance, with bland characters and no real story behind it. It kind of felt like she was just publishing the same book, over and over again, change some names, turn a hunky Rugby player into a hunky Prince, or just some other hunky rich dude and done. But, I loved EIT. So every now and then I would check out what books she's published, to see if maybe at some point she could come up with something new again that would become a favorite of mine... What I was not expecting was for her to go back to EIT and, in my opinion, ruin that series.

I didn't read Veiled, I admit, because to be honest Ada was never a character I was interested in or cared for. But at least it could have been a new direction of this series. Lay Dex and Perry to rest, start something new with Ada as a badass demon hunter. I could have respected that. But instead, we're back to Dex and Perry. Supposedly, they're happily married. Though it doesn't feel like it. There is no chemistry. There is no healthy relationship. There is no spark.
Dex used to be funny. His comments and insults were always childish, but you could connect to him, understand him and laugh at his silliness. That is gone. Now we have a mid-thirties guy who is just ridiculous. I hated him. I hated Perry. And all the while reading this, I was wondering why why why do we need to drag up the Palomino family drama again. Just no.

Now maybe I am being unfair because this is only a short novella. Maybe I have to give the tenth installment of this series a go and get some of that EIT magic back. But I do have to say I am going into this biased because I honest to God don't understand why this series was dredged up again.
Profile Image for Ann.
247 reviews39 followers
December 7, 2020
I love Dex Foray’s POV!!! This book left me wanting more!! I was hooked into the storyline within a few pages and I need to know what’s going to happen to my Dex and Perry and their new quest to help someone.
“Don’t let her.”
Ahhh cue the nerves and excitement!!!
Profile Image for Kera’s Always Reading.
1,703 reviews71 followers
December 9, 2020
I didn't know how badly I needed new Dex and Perry until I had new Dex and Perry. It's that feeling of slipping into that favorite article of clothing after years, when you didn't even know it was missing. This was short but very much the balm I needed before diving into the brand new full length book 10 of the EIT series!!

This was a quick novella, originally part of the holiday anthology from Karina Halle titled All the Love in the World, but I nabbed the single novella in paperback when I bought all the new covers for the EIT series. Told from Dex's point of view, which is always great, we are three years into Perry and Dex's marriage. They no longer film Experiment in Terror, having put that chapter of their lives behind them after the tragic sacrificial death of Perry and Ada's mom. But, when Dex is recognized on the street by a man who begs for his and Perry's other worldly communicative services to contact his deceased wife in exchange for a large sum of money, Dex is chomping at the idea. Perry, not so much. The possibility of getting into their old groove puts a fire in Dex's belly and a pep in his... pants...

Convincing Perry to go along with the idea is harder than the tent in his drawers... but this is only the beginning of a whole new chapter of their lives and I cannot wait to see what happens next in Came Back Haunted.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,065 reviews1,025 followers
April 8, 2021
4 - I LOVE EIT - stars

This novella was originally published in the All the Love in the World anthology, featuring characters from the Experiment in Terror series, Veiled and The Devil's Duology,

I loved being back in this world!!! And this story is written entirely from Dex’s POV, which means the whole thing is just gold! I cannot express my love for this man. Hilariously sarcastic and crude, confident yet emotionally vulnerable, and madly in love with his now-wife, Perry, being back in his unique perspective was just amazing!

This spooky little tale appears to be the beginning of the story that will be told in Came Back Haunted, and I am already hooked! Scary and exciting, and already all kinds of sexy, I can’t wait for more!
Profile Image for Amanda Grooms.
669 reviews6 followers
January 17, 2021
I loved this, as I’ve loved all the EIT books. Dex’s POV is always entertaining, though I fear what may come for Perry and Dex. The whole idea was so sketchy— a guy confronting Dex on the street and offering him 100k to contact his dead wife. I mean, holy god, that’s a shit ton of money, but the red flags are literally everywhere! Going into it with no real research, no idea of who these people are, or WHY he wants his wife contacted? It kinda pissed me off that Dex didn’t tell Perry and Ada about Daniel being haunted by Ingrid (and what she had to say), because it was so obviously pointing at the seance. I know he didn’t want to scare her off, but it sounds like there was a completely valid reason for Perry to be scared off, even if we don’t know exactly why just yet. It can’t be good, right??? And what is the Atlas guy’s deal?? Why wasn’t Harry Cox there during the actual visit if he was so desperate for questions to be asked of his dead wife? This was super entertaining, but I felt like there were a lot of potential plot holes here. Again, probably waiting for the next book, but this was great anyway. I have Came Back Haunted to look forward to next!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kayla.
98 reviews1 follower
July 5, 2022
Eek! I'm so happy my babes are back after so long! (Even though I'm binging the whole series in less than a few months, I understand that a lot of you had to wait YEARS for this to come out).

Perry and Dex are back after Dust to Dust (and Veiled). Since their wedding and the end of EIT, they've been living a semi-normal life. One day a man approaches Dex asking him and Perry to help him communicate with his dead wife. Even though they're done with that life, this man's desperation pulls them in. Now they're about to embark on a new journey that will be one Hell of a ride.

I really love that this book is sort of a prologue for Came Back Haunted. It goes through all the motions of setting up a really big story, and while it leaves you with some closure, it makes you want so much more.

Also...Atlas Poe. Black Sunshine anyone? I'm so fucking happy that Halle has managed to entwine her paranormal books into one universe, and I'm so excited to see how everything plays out!
Profile Image for S.
355 reviews
December 2, 2020
Perry and Dex are back!

Ghosted brings us back into the world of Experiment In Terror and the familiar characters we have grown to love. Dex and Perry have retired from ghost hunting and are living in marital bliss until and offer drops into their laps that Dex can’t refuse. Immediately the strange things begin to happen when they decide to take on this one last job.

As always, EIT does not disappoint. With the addition of Ada and Jay and cameos from Sage and Dawn it’s like visiting with a bunch of friends in a creepy world. This is a phenomenal transition book into Come Back Haunted. I hope this is the beginning of a new set of stories in the series and not their final bow. I recommend starting at the beginning of this series and making your way to Ghosted. You won’t regret it.
Profile Image for Silvia.
1,195 reviews
April 10, 2021
Dex and Perry - automatic 5*

Just seeing the names Dex and Perry rates an automatic 5* by me. Die hard fan, yeah that’s me, lol. This short packed a powerful punch as it included Ada, Jay, Daniel, Rebecca, Dean and Fat Rabbit. Dex and Perry get paid a humongous amount of money to speak to a man’s dead wife, think they can pull it off? Come on...it the dynamic duo, what can go wrong besides just about everything! I loved this this romp in para-abnormality plus I got my perv Dex fix, life is great.
Profile Image for Wendy LeGrand.
1,150 reviews49 followers
December 2, 2020
Man, how I have missed the adventures of Dex and Perry!! I was so excited to get to their story first when I picked up the All the Love in the World Anthology.

It was fun to see that Dex hasn't changed, and he still acts like...well, like Dex! And Perry is still the grounding force that tries to keep Dex in line, with not much success, but what would be the fun in that?

I'm really stoked now to read Came Back Haunted!!
Profile Image for Tiffany Johnson.
1,173 reviews31 followers
January 9, 2021
Loved it and it was just the urge I needed to read Came Back Haunted as soon as I finish an ARC in my queue. This was classic Dex, like the right amount of pervy and snarky and excitement needed to get me pumped and ready to enter this world with these two again. I have a feeling it's gonna be dyamite!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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