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The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump

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Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett reveals the real story behind Hillary Clinton’s deep state collaborators in government and exposes their nefarious actions during and after the 2016 election.

The Russia Hoax reveals how persons within the FBI and Barack Obama’s Justice Department worked improperly to help elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

When this suspected effort failed, those same people appear to have pursued a contrived investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undo the election results and remove him as president.

The evidence suggests that partisans within the FBI and the Department of Justice, driven by personal animus and a misplaced sense of political righteousness, surreptitiously acted to subvert electoral democracy in our country.

The book will examine:

How did Hillary Clinton manage to escape prosecution despite compelling evidence she violated the law? Did Peter Strzok, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and others obstruct justice by protecting Clinton? Why was there never a legitimate criminal investigation of Clinton in the Uranium One case? Are the text messages exchanged between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page evidence of a concerted effort to undermine the electoral process? Was there ever any real evidence of "collusion" between Trump and the Russians? Did Trump obstruct justice in the firing of Comey or was he legally exercising his constitutional authority? Did the FBI and DOJ improperly use a discredited "dossier" about Trump to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump associates? Should Muller have disqualified himself under the special counsel law based on glaring conflicts of interest? Was fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn unfairly charged with making a false statement?

With insightful analysis and a fact-filled narrative, The Russia Hoax delves deeply into Democrat wrongdoing.

286 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 24, 2018

About the author

Gregg Jarrett

5 books67 followers
Gregg Jarrett is a New York based American news anchor, commentator and attorney. He currently serves as legal analyst and offers commentary across both Fox News Channel and FOX Business Network. He joined the Fox News Channel in November 2002, after working over ten years for local TV stations affiliated with NBC, ABC, PBS and national networks Court TV, and MSNBC.

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Profile Image for Cheryl.
540 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2019
I wasn’t sure what to expect from the Russia Hoax. Would it be a Republican propaganda piece contrived to make Hillary look bad and Trump look good? Or would it be a thoughtful look at the facts and the law. I was very pleasantly surprised that it is the latter.

Jarrett, a former trial attorney, does an excellent job of presenting evidence that is in the public domain, documents that have been subpoenaed, congressional testimony that has been released and cites the actual federal law by the exact statute number and paragraph including the exact wording of the law so the reader can see that he is not spewing political propaganda. He makes an effective legal case using evidence, that a crime has been committed, or not. Some may say that he has a political agenda, and that may be true, but when he quotes liberal lawyers and law professors such as Professor Emeritus of Harvard Law and Democrat Alan Dershowitz and Professor Jonathan Turley of Georgetown Law and many others who basically make the same case, it’s very hard to discredit his legal arguments as ridiculous.

Reading this book it makes it very clear that there was a two-tiered system of justice in the handling of the Hillary Clinton email case and the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Time after time protocols were ignored or laws received a tortured interpretation in order to exonerate Hillary, while there was never any evidence of a crime to warrant the DOJ spying on the Trump campaign. Evidence of a crime is required to launch a criminal investigation. For example: In the Watergate scandal, there was a burglary at the Watergate Hotel, which eventually resulted in the appointment of a special prosecutor. The Mueller investigation has from the start, been an investigation in search of a crime. Dershowitz and Jarrett both argue that collusion is not a federal crime. It’s a political problem not a criminal one. The Sherman Anti Trust Act of 1890 prohibits “collusion” to fix prices or establish monopolies, but there is apparently no federal law that prohibits political collusion, and at this point, while Mueller has indicted various people for various crimes, none of those crimes include collusion with Russia (not a federal crime) and there is no evidence of collusion which was supposedly the reason for the appointment of a special prosecutor.

The sad part of this book is that I am certain that the people who should read it will never take the time to read it. They will dismiss it as lies because they don’t want to read things that might undermine their political orthodoxy.

I recently read Jon Meacham’s book “The Soul of America” and Meacham quotes Eleanor Roosevelt. His passage is very appropriate here.

"Ever practical, Eleanor Roosevelt offered a prescription to guard against tribal self-certitude. "It is not only important but mentally invigorating to discuss political matters with people whose opinions differ radically from one's own," she wrote. "For the same reason, I believe it is a sound idea to attend not only the meetings of one's own party but of the opposition. Find out what people are saying, what they are thinking, what they believe. This is an invaluable check on ones' own ideas... If we are to cope intelligently with a changing world, we must be flexible and willing to relinquish opinions that no longer have any bearing on existing conditions." If Mrs. Roosevelt were writing today, she might put it this way: Don't let any single cable network or Twitter feed tell you what to think."

Unfortunately, too many people do exactly that.
Profile Image for Maru Kun.
221 reviews522 followers
Shelved as 'not-to-read'
August 12, 2018
Interesting to see this book is top of the New York Times bestseller list this week although it still has very few ratings on goodreads.

Also interesting that randomly clicking on about ten of the five star reviews on the first goodreads page brought up, three of those ten accounts have only ever shelved or read one book on goodreads (ie this book) each when the account was opened in July 2018.
Profile Image for Jeanette.
3,643 reviews724 followers
October 9, 2018
Researched with sources and since publication much of this book has been document supplemented in the news endlessly. As if nothing else in the world was happening, at that.

The FBI/ DOJ over the period of the last 12 years has been politicized. And this book gives you dates and correspondence and answering to inquiry releases for the Hillary Clinton server and Trump Collusion probes. Both.

There was and there is a long term cabal toward "know better" inner circle coup to obstruct and to eliminate the Trump presidency itself.

But after reading this and seeing some of these hearings and inquiries on C span in real time? I think the first half of the book understates the amount of manipulation and negation (and obscuring for the facts that Obama had full knowledge of the extent for what was happening to "classified" information within Clinton's Trust etc. This is prison consequence law breaking in 5 specific categories of felony). Hillary Clinton simply did not believe she was obliged to follow the law and that she was special and had her Presidency coming. Period. It was not something that was done for mere convenience either as she declares numerous times after the 5 years of distributing classified material to people who did not even have a lowest level security clearance. It was done to enable the Clinton Foundation's money flow and also to obscure sources. All of the later players in this were all involved from that era over 9 years ago now. Especially Mueller, who had a key role in the Uranium One deal.

The Russian Hoax against Russian collusion is the second 1/2 half of the book. It's exact, but not as specific in material, IMHO, as the first scheme of the title. Some of those players are just as much on the same page now obscuring their "inner government" overpower cabal. I could list all the 9 or 10 names again. You've heard them all, so I won't. Most of them, like Brennan were hand picked Obama operatives.

This details well the "legal" papers and means of getting the FICA court to instigate and initiate the second half of the title- "the frame". There are least 7 to 10 more players who have "understandings" of long term with each other that are still in the second process. That's the true collusion.

The media news never differentiates between talking to Russia or Russian authorities of any kind and colluding with them. As if they were the same thing? They are not. Nor would be even closer communication, even if it did exist. Now, before 2016 or in the future- they (media/ left) use an "all are some and some are all" fallacy to any possible "meeting", as well. The definitions of "obstruction" and "colluding" here in the book (exact sources and date timed documents)are more exact to how the infamous "dossier" was fabricated. It, IMHO, still does not meet any FICA requirements. That's a key that will play out eventually as a poison tree, IMHO. Do not forget all of these people knew each other and were tight to other undercover and persuasion methods throughout the last 15, some 20, years. All solidly "on the same page" for and in the Strzok/ Page emails onus, as well.

That some people think that this is propaganda speaks for the depth of what sending an interpreted (opinion and not journalism) media message- enough times and in enough ways will get people to believe, IMHO, when they want to believe it. Trump hatred is so overpowering (always was and not only from Democrats or other leftists), that the very logical and common sense humanity to normal process laws and loyalty to the Presidential office itself has been lost, IMHO.

Regardless, these DOJ organizations sections have ruined countless peoples' lives because they have either "stood in the way" of getting some goods on Trump to eliminate him from office or have been used as example fodder to their authoritarian dictates (Martha Stewart was one of those). Only "they" decide who is justified for either "help" or condemnation or prison. And these same people talk about "conscience" issues! That's truly a window. People who were never elected negating numerous American citizens of their very civil liberties. It's fully displayed in "the illegitimate appointment" chapter- how that convoluted "we know we will get rid of him" changing musical chairs adjustment- worked.

I have immense faith that in time, the American people will vote with what they have seen here in our FBI/ DOJ. It will be held in central mind by the majority. Right now American citizens are observing the steps and listening to the exact methods and changing factors of onus detailed here- especially with Rosenstein.

The book has some quotes that are priceless. They have subverted the rule of law to their own ends. Never elected- and with many key individuals never having their very identities revealed for years and years after the facts.

"A government of laws, not of men." -John Adams "Novanglus Papers" No. 7 (1774)

What "rule of law" they are following is only theirs and not ours as Adams defined them.

The Founding Fathers have to be rolling in their graves. They were the most suspicious (over all other components of life) of government itself: powerful, non-elected, arrogant governments.

The cover picture of the hardcover book is 6 star. Facially and realistically.

This has been added some time later as people have commented or others have asked me about this book in email or other discussions. You should all know the following and it isn't on just this book's thread either. But notice this- all of you.

The 1 star "reviews" are not reviews of this book. I read the book. And have been loaded here on profiles with no picture and this review only as the sum total of that profile. They are trolls and like so much in the current politico - they have nothing to do with actual defined to this book discourse, discussions, logic or any "truth" in what the book details. And are the usual leftist low road slander and dirt. What a surprise, huh!
1 review
May 2, 2018
Major bit of propaganda. Continues pushing the narratives in the active measure campaign being used by Trump and the GOP to obstruct justice.
Profile Image for Amora.
205 reviews177 followers
September 10, 2020
Gregg Jarrett is by no means a Trump loyalist or sycophant. Indeed, Jarrett repeatedly criticized Trump in person on Fox News while he was running for President because he took issue with his rhetoric and character. So why in the world did Jarrett decide to write this book? Simple reason: the rule of law is under attack.

Here Jarrett tells the full story of how the collusion narrative was formulated and how it’s fraudulent and unsubstantiated. The players exposed in this book include James Comey, Andrew McGabe, James Clapper, Rod Rosenstein, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Robert Mueller himself. Hundreds of citations are provided and tons of interviews are included. I very much enjoyed Jarret’s writing style!

Edit (9/10/20): I corrected a few grammar mistakes here.
1 review
July 25, 2018
The premise that the FBI is equal to the KGB is outrageous. I have spent as much time fact checking as reading. This is pretty scary propaganda if American voters actually believe the stories being put out by Fox and the uber rich.As an independent voter I was hoping to find some solid information here. Its basic premise is untrue. What a shame so many people will be assuming they are getting facts. This is the lowest level of journalistic integrity. I would not bother spending money on this book. Free copies are readily available online or at the public library.
1 review1 follower
July 26, 2018
I have heard so much about this release, I read this book from cover to cover once I could get my hands on it. I've thought all along this witch hunt was simply an effort to take attention away from Hillary's crimes, and I was right! Jarrett explains detail by detail, with over 700 footnotes, how the deep state worked to cover up Hillary's misdeeds and then framed Trump based on a fake dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. A must read!
2 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2018
In his book, ”The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump,” attorney Gregg Jarrett details how the FBI and DOJ worked to exonerate Hillary Clinton in the use of her private email server and to frame Donald Trump for a bogus “collusion” with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.
The facts are clear. Hillary Clinton set up a private email server at her home in Chappaqua, New York, and conducted official business on it. She sent and received classified emails, some of which were marked Secret and Top Secret, all in violation of the law. She destroyed thousands of emails that were under subpoena and she had her server wiped with BleachBit. She also had many devices physically destroyed, despite the fact that at her initial news conference she claimed she owned only one device.
What did the Director of the FBI, James Comey, do in response? He wrote an exoneration memo months before he concluded his investigation and interviewed Clinton and scores of others. (It was Peter Strzok, the man who showed his contempt for Donald Trump through his texts with Lisa Page, who engineered the change in the characterization of Clinton’s actions in the memo from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”) Then, in order to avoid having to take the heat herself, Lynch had James Comey make the decision not to prosecute Clinton. This, after the infamous meeting on the tarmac between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. Later, after he was fired, Comey leaked a memo of a meeting with President Trump to a friend who in turn leaked it to the press, with the express intention, he later admitted, of having a special prosecutor appointed to investigate Trump for obstruction of justice because of an alleged attempt to exonerate former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
Jarrett is at pains to point out that there is no legal definition of “collusion” in federal law except in anti-trust cases, so a search for collusion between Trump and the Russians by special prosecutor Mueller is a search for a violation of a law that does not exist.
Jarrett criticizes AG Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russian investigation, since, Jarrett asserts, a criminal investigation had yet to be launched and so it did not meet the standard for recusal. This resulted in the appointment of Robert Mueller by Ron Rosenstein, a conflict of interest because Mueller is close friends with Comey. The only indictments Rosenstein have produced have been for Michael Flynn for not telling the truth to the FBI about his Russian contacts (not for having contacts or for “collusion” itself), Paul Manafort for actions years before his contact with the Trump campaign, and 25 Russian nationals for attempting to influence the election (with no involvement of any American citizen).
I agree with the ultimate conclusion of Jarrett, that Comey, Lynch et al. acted to exonerate Hillary Clinton for her email server, and frame Donald Trump for no other reason than that he was elected President of the United States. This “investigation” has as its goal to sully the reputation of Donald Trump and weaken his presidency. I believe this shameful attempt will backfire: as the American people realize that Mueller has nothing on Trump, they will see this charade for what it is.

Profile Image for Perry.
61 reviews10 followers
July 28, 2018
Here is an excellent lay out of the current Russian, Trump scandal. I say scandal because the media chooses to make a scandal out of it and a circus out of anything Trump does. I thought I had seen most of the facts or things that had gone on with this issue. Actually Jarrett does a fantastic job detailing so many things that should really disturb a person if they believe that everyone deserves to be fairly treated by the legal system. His timeline and research is quite impressive. A full fourth of this book is references for the case he makes.

If a person hates Trump, has a left political view, generally likes the more liberal media and thinks they just cant read this then I would encourage them to read the epilogue first. The epilogue details in Jarrett's words why he decided to write this book. Approach it from an open mind and you might find yourself looking at the Russia collusion probe a little differently.
Profile Image for John Magee.
367 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2018
This is a book Democrats, liberals, progressives and all those on the left don't want you to read. Gregg Jarrett does a great job fortifying his claims with verifiable laws he quotes directly from USC codebook itself and from current events. After reading this, I'm shocked at the extent to which the Clinton political machine was successful in degrading the FBI, the DOJ, the DNC and the Obama Administration into fractured corrupted crony political units devoid of rule of law. America dodged a huge bullet When We the People chose Donald Trump over Queen Hillary. So put on your red MAGA hat and meet me at the next Trump rally where we'll chant *LOCK HER UP" and "BUILD THAT WALL" together. After reading this, you'll understand why so many Americans are so enthusiastically in support of our president.
Profile Image for Misfit.
1,638 reviews316 followers
August 20, 2018
This has to be the most one-sided whack-a-doodle version of history I've come across

Add to all that nonsense (there's a whole lot of nonsense) the text is heavily littered with adjectives to make every evil plot by the democrats sound even more evil. This is adjetive abuse at its very worst, I can't think of a romance author that can even come close to matching what's in this book.
Profile Image for donald cooper.
7 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2018
A must read for all Americans

A most revealing account of greed, obstruction and lying within the top law authorities in the land. Absolutely sad and unthinkable.
Profile Image for Paul Parsons.
Author 4 books7 followers
August 1, 2018
Because I love this country (United States of America), I truly hope this book is wrong. Sadly, I believe it to be very accurate and well documented. Hillary Clinton should be jailed for the rest of her life. Bob Mueller and James Comey are no less guilty of betraying their country. How President Trump can still function in the face of all this criminal activity is admirable. I hope Gregg Jarrett follows with another heavily footnoted book focused on the Clintons. I fear he would be very much risking his life to do so.
September 4, 2018
Phenomenal Book

Phenomenal book. A must read for every honest thinker. Well researched and defended. Irrefutable evidence and facts driving every page. Are you bold and intellectually honest enough to read it?
2 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2018
This is a must read. While many of us have watched and monitored news and testimony, it seems like most of the media will not cover the Clintons nor Donald Trump factually. Greg Jarrett really lays out the case of the many illegal acts done by the Clintons, the hatred for Trump and the corruption of our legal, intel, and Judicial systems. Actually come to think of it, it kind of looks like senior leaders of the FBI have been less than stellar for a good many years now.
This book clearly shows that there is not the same justice system for everyone.
This book clearly shows the abuse of power by some who supposedly serve but in reality covet power and control.
This book clearly shows where the collusion with Russia occurred and it was not the Trump Camp but rather the DNC and the Clintons.
This book clearly shows the fraudulent case and war being waged against Donald Trump.
Put your emotions aside, read the book, check out the references, look for the facts, understand how the powerful become corrupt. Then make up your own mind.
I for one want Mueller, Comey, the Clintons, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Susan Wright, Ben Rhodes,
the Podesta Brothers, and even President Obama to serve the time that their misdeeds have earned them.
I believe that we all live under the same justice systems and that it should be leveled equally.
I believe that we need to look closely at how the intel community and other federal government departments were weaponized under the Obama administration and bring them back to being non partisan and honorable. We have lost so much trust for our Federal government because of individuals like The Clintons and the Obamas. And... it has terrible damaged our Country.
534 reviews10 followers
August 3, 2018
It is hard to know where to begin with the information found in this book. I have followed Gregg Jarrett for over a year as he has carefully laid out the information regarding Hillary Clinton and how this led to the Russia investigation and the attempts to take down President Trump. Jarrett has now documented his findings in this amazing book with forty one pages of notes. This book is not a hit piece but a well documented roadmap that shows we have a legal system but we do not have a justice system...or at least one that is fair. Jarrett was never a huge supporter of President Trump but he saw something that truly bothered him with the Clinton email investigation and he decided to follow the trail of abuse of power and he has been relentless in his quest. This book is a must read for anyone wondering how this investigation got started and what has transpired along the way. Many will be shocked and angry by what you find. I have no doubt that Jarrett will continue his investigation and am hopeful there will be a follow up to this book.
Profile Image for Robert Melnyk.
372 reviews19 followers
January 18, 2019
Very interesting and informative book describing the facts about the "Trump/Russia Collusion" story. The incredible depth of corruption within our government, especially the Justice Department is very scary. Everybody should read this book to fully understand what actually happened, and what is currently happening with this situation. Unfortunately, those who really should read the book will never read it because they are so grounded in their ideology that they refuse to look at reality. That is scary as well.
Profile Image for Owlseyes .
1,727 reviews277 followers
Want to read
July 26, 2018
Mr Steele said he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”

By 2019, all to be clarified, as Putin enters the USA and the "Russian witch hunt" is over. That's my wishful thinking guess.

15 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2018
A great summation of a great conspiracy

Gregg Jarrett breaks down the alleged conclusion between Russia and the Trump organization. One, collusion is not a crime and second, to date there is no evidence President Trump colluded with anyone. When all is said and done and no one from the FBI or the DOJ goes to prison this will have been THE GREATEST CRIME.

Profile Image for Clark.
746 reviews21 followers
September 1, 2018
A lot of research went into this book and Gregg Jarrett, a lawyer himself, has presented facts that can be denied only by those who don’t want the truth to be revealed.
Note: This is simply a review of the book, not a political opinion.
Profile Image for David.
21 reviews7 followers
August 11, 2018
Although this was written by someone who is associated with Fox News, he backs up every statement with verifiable facts, many with multiple sources. What is clear, is that many people could, and should, be charged with various crimes. There is overwhelming evidence that numerous people, for whatever their reasons were, intentionally created 'facts' that had no basis in reality or in truth. Others used this 'information' to intentionally subvert the political process, and to create the appearance of wrongdoing, or outright illegal acts. There have been countless sections of the criminal code broken by various individuals that it is difficult to keep track of them all.
Profile Image for Katie Hilton.
1,018 reviews4 followers
September 9, 2018
This is an important book. Folks need to realize the extent of wrongdoing in the FBI and Department of Justice that protected Hillary and continues to plague Trump. Shocking disregard for the rule of law.
80 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2018
Outstanding Analysis and Damming Evidence

OK Jeff Sessions, get off your ass and start writing up indictments. The proof is laid out for you in this wonderful book, and it is high time you begin to earn your pay. First, put an end to the illegitimate Muller fiasco. Next, fire Rosenstein for incompetence. Clear out the remaining Obama political appointees throughout the DOJ. Reopen the Hillary Clinton's cases. Look into charging Obama's Intelligence Chiefs and other individuals who colluded to sabotage the Trump Presidency. If you cannot or will not do this, do the honorable thing and RESIGN!
Profile Image for Julie.
33 reviews
August 26, 2018
This book told the real background story of the Russian hoax. I am angry that Hillary Clinton has not been prosecuted for all the criminal activities she has been involved in throughout the years. The Democrats lost the election and are going against the will of the American people who duly elected the President of the United States, Donald Trump. It shows us how corrupt they are. If they don't win, they will persecute the person who does win just to get their way. They do not care what the American people want.
Profile Image for Patrick Duran.
201 reviews4 followers
December 4, 2018
Excellent book! Jarrett explains each step of the fraudulent investigation in exact detail and lists the precise statutes that were violated by Hillary Clinton and FBI officials. This should be mandatory reading for all Americans so we can hold the government accountable, but as the author states at the end of the book, the people who should read it most likely will not.
Profile Image for Joan K.
157 reviews
September 12, 2018
Alot of research went into this book, and the truth is very interesting. The lies and manipulation and deceit by certain people to push their agenda just boggles the mind. It actually makes me angry and disgusted. I am glad to have read this book. It is good to be informed.
21 reviews3 followers
August 30, 2018
Thorough examination of the Hillary Clinton cover-up

He cited all his sources and gives all the references. This should be the gold standard for all political commentary
Profile Image for Scott Pierson.
6 reviews
November 21, 2018
Interesting read - can not fathom the corruption and dishonesty described.

Amazes me why no charges were filed against Hillary and how Trump is being investigated - no legal grounds for this action
Profile Image for Bettie.
9,989 reviews
Shelved as 'noway-josé'
May 3, 2018
Description: Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett reveals the real story behind Hillary Clinton’s deep state collaborators in government and exposes their nefarious actions during and after the 2016 election.

The Russia Hoax reveals how persons within the FBI and Barack Obama’s Justice Department worked improperly to help elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

When this suspected effort failed, those same people appear to have pursued a contrived investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undo the election results and remove him as president.

The evidence suggests that partisans within the FBI and the Department of Justice, driven by personal animus and a misplaced sense of political righteousness, surreptitiously acted to subvert electoral democracy in our country.

The author drunk interviewing on TV

Fox’s Gregg Jarrett on Alcoholism Recovery: I Wouldn’t Be Here Today if Not for Roger Ailes. The best people must be so tired of winning.

The book will examine:

How did Hillary Clinton manage to escape prosecution despite compelling evidence she violated the law?
Did Peter Strzok, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and others obstruct justice by protecting Clinton?
Why was there never a legitimate criminal investigation of Clinton in the Uranium One case?
Are the text messages exchanged between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page evidence of a concerted effort to undermine the electoral process?
Was there ever any real evidence of "collusion" between Trump and the Russians?
Did Trump obstruct justice in the firing of Comey or was he legally exercising his constitutional authority?
Did the FBI and DOJ improperly use a discredited "dossier" about Trump to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump associates?
Should Muller have disqualified himself under the special counsel law based on glaring conflicts of interest?
Was fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn unfairly charged with making a false statement?
With insightful analysis and a fact-filled narrative, The Russia Hoax delves deeply into Democrat wrongdoing.
Profile Image for Linda.
416 reviews
August 21, 2018
This book should be required reading for every voter in America, but make sure you've taken your blood pressure medicine before you begin it. I was saddened, disappointed, and angered to read about the perfidy of those in positions of power in our country. It affirmed for me how blessed we are that Donald Trump was elected our president instead of Hillary Clinton. Make America great again in 2020!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 287 reviews

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