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Double Princes

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The twins had filthy, dirty mouths but they were royalty … and I couldn’t resist.


When I burst into the room, I never expected to find Holt and Hayden standing there. Royal princes of Slovania, they were tall, gorgeous, and worst of all, arrogant as all get-out, making me boiling mad, my insides churning. But that didn’t stop them because they wanted me …

At all times …

In all possible ways …

Creamy and ready just for them.

Note: This is a standalone book with a guaranteed HEA. This book includes a complimentary copy of His Tight Little Brat for your reading enjoyment.

261 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 28, 2016

About the author

Cassandra Dee

209 books1,265 followers
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46 (10%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
September 2, 2016
Ok so this book started out very jilted. Early on I thought I can't do this. The way the author writes her chapters were just off for me. When the next chapter restarted it would often backtrack to go over what happened from another characters POV. With so little actually happening in the story this was unnecessary. The characters were not at all enjoyable to be honest and when I got to about 38% I checked how much longer I had left and skipped..... a lot. Turns out I barely missed much and was able to catch up in two sentences and finish the book. So I guess I kind of read it, with a skip in the middle.

On a side note, please tell me this author is from another country because the use of words like 'cunny' seemed just ridiculous.
Profile Image for Sofia.
325 reviews64 followers
August 5, 2018
"Hey Aifos, I want some brainless porn recommendations. What do you suggest?"
- Double Princes, for sure.

This book must be one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a long time. And why is it to stupid and brainless you ask? Well, the whole plot is just unbelievably obnoxious, the characters are all egotistical idiots and the sex scenes, let's not lie to ourselves and say we haven't come across this book because you just really needed to read a good book, the sex scenes are so dimwitted? Well, Cassandra Dee was very original coming up with all sorts of synonyms and metaphors for dick and pussy. Girl, I admire your skills, but sometimes it was just plain ridiculous. No, thank you.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,276 reviews
February 19, 2017
Should have stop writing after part 3.

I couldn't finish this after reading the first chapter of part 4. The story was okay up until then. Then it just turned into nonsense. I was willing to over look the childish references during the sex scenes, (15 inch donkey dong, really?) but had enough when they were on their honeymoon and we find out the true nature of why they were at that location.
Profile Image for Laura  Redmon.
490 reviews16 followers
August 30, 2016
Double the Crowned Heads, double the snugness!

That's exactly what Summer is in for when she goes to Slovania to participate in a program for underprivileged kids who desperately need surgery.

Summer is at the camp as a linguistics expert, for Operation Smile. While there, she meets stunningly gorgeous Twin Brothers, Hayden and Holt, Surgeons there to help the kids. Summer is totally enamored with the two brothers, but she doesn't think they were even remotely interested in her... until she goes to the showers to try to clean blood off her uniform. Boy was she in for a surprise, a double surprise. The Twins were showering and this is the part where it starts getting steamy... in the shower.

After that day in the shower, the camp was infiltrated by Rebels. Summer and her friend are sent home.

Summer tries contacting the Twin Doctors to no avail. Eventually, she gives up and tries moving on.

Next thing she knows, her mother is inviting her to Slovania to meet her boyfriend, Crown Prince Halson. Little does she know, it's for their wedding... and the twin brothers she had a shower ménage with?
Halsons Brothers and Crown Princes of Slovania.

Things are about to get carnal up in there... Doubly Carnal for Summer and her Double Princes!

Cassandra Dee never fails to write the best ménage stories. She always makes it interesting and engaging, not to mention Hot as all H£LL... Definitely can't put down her books until I devour every morsel.

****I received this Author Copy in exchange for an honest review.****

Laura Redmon
Cutting Muse Blog Review
Profile Image for April Symes.
5,013 reviews441 followers
September 4, 2016
This was a fantastic read that has so much going on. Where do I start? Twin brothers Hayden and Holt who are doctors performing the surgeries for Operation Smile , while we meet Summer who is the at the camp as the linguistics expert. She is there getting experience for college and she meets the twins and boom, it is insta-lust for all. She thinks they aren’t even interested in her but they really are- they have this passionate night of sexual abandon and then all is interrupted later when the camp is taken by rebels. Due to this Summer and the college students are sent back home. Summer tries contacting the Twin Doctors but never heard back from them. She thinks it was just a quick fling but when it is meant to be, a way will be found.
Thing is- The twins never told Summer who they really were. Its about to bite them when Summer unexpectedly comes back into their life care of her mother. I loved the passion and the angst expressed when she finds out who they are and the attraction shared by them toward Summer. I also like the back story of Summer’s mother and her suitor. This was a fantastic story which kept my interest – I can’t wait to read more stories involving the Donkey Club and their love hookups. It is exciting and so unique. Summer and her men have one of the most illicit sexual hookups in this book and I needed a cold shower afterwards. Ms. Dee has a way with words and with her couples.

My rating: 4.5 stars ****
**I was given an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Samantha.
1,139 reviews6 followers
October 15, 2016

I hate leaving bad reviews but I'm going to have to say I did not like this book. It started off okay then we started with words like cunny. Donkey dong. Rods and poles. Yeah no thanks. I was actually kind of disgusted with the twins. Okay they are man whores but worse is they talk about how much they get around and how there surprised they haven't gotten anyone pregnant yet and how they leaving girls dripping with their both of their... um you get where I'm going. Like ew! Nasty unsafe and irresponsible man whores. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind sex and all the stuff that goes with it but this book was just way to much and over the top nasty. It was also unrealistic. The guys acted like they had to have her then in the end when all is reviled they pretty much abandon her. And her mom is a piece of work. Sorry but no.
354 reviews
September 21, 2016
Almost didn't finish. Just not for me. Donkey dongs, rods, warm cavities--descriptions were distracting cause I thought they were dumb. The plot, what there was of it, could have been great...but it wasn't.
Profile Image for Marissa Teng.
Author 5 books20 followers
October 9, 2016
with words like "cunny" "dong" "fuckpole" and "girlie" i dont see how anyone could finish reading this.
Profile Image for Heather.
244 reviews29 followers
March 16, 2017
This was a bit of a mess. The chronology and plot barely make sense and the ending is abrupt and has no real conclusion until the epilogue which makes it very HEA-y.
785 reviews6 followers
February 6, 2017
Double Princes:A Twin Royal Romance by Cassandra Dee

The book was good I always enjoy my Sheikh and Mafia a nd Prince books they are my favorite books yours great writer the story is good and different to you will enjoy it also can you believe two a Princes at one time you have got to read it enjoy Margie
Profile Image for Mia.Mi.Jou.
246 reviews100 followers
May 10, 2021
this was honestly the worst book I´ve ever read so far... I don´t even know where to begin. It was just bad. all of it. the plot, the main characters. oh, okay, the writing wasn´t so bad, it was just mediocre.
June 27, 2021
Double Princes

This is definitely a story for over 18+ and has very graphic details throughout the story. It has very graphic scenes and not for the general public. It is more graphic than what I even thought it would be.
Profile Image for Angala Fox.
662 reviews15 followers
January 7, 2017
I love Cassandra Dee's books. I always get pulled into the story and don't want to put the book down until I've made it to the last word.
Profile Image for Epiphany.
584 reviews9 followers
March 15, 2017
I loved this book. The characters were well written and the story line is a lot of fun. This is a fun, quick, sexy read. I look forward to reading more from this author. I recommend this read.
Profile Image for Sarah.
28 reviews
January 2, 2018
"donkey"...... are you kidding me? I now hate that word, that's so bizarre.

In general, the mc was weak and it didn't make the story exciting or interesting.
Profile Image for Isabelle MBTL .
749 reviews58 followers
September 6, 2016

Double Princes

A Twin Step Royal Romance

Cassandra Dee


double princes



review by



Erotic; sexy; hot read!!!


***Warning! This is an erotic romance! Totally fictional, with crude language and lots of sex. If you, like me, enjoy erotica, keep going!***

This was not my first book by the author, so I enjoy these reads, but is not for everybody. If the most important part of a book is the plot, this is not for you. You must like erotica and enjoy a hot ride now and then.


review 1


I like the cover and the title. I would buy this book without reading the blurb. I can see two guys and the words twins, that would lead me to ménage, which I love. I knew this would be a sexy ride, that I also enjoy. I still believe it should have something to make them royal. That's why the loss of one star.
For me, this is a fast-paced, fun read, with lots of steamy scenes, that kept me guessing and wanting more until the end.
I had fun with the characters. It's totally fictional, but funny. The boys are dogs and they don't deny it. They are hot, randy and dirty. Scorching hot!
The steamy scenes on this book are amazing. Panty-wetter, cold-shower hot! Jumping my husband kind of scenes. Very raw, crude, with detailed descriptions, but creative with some fresh ideas.
This is pure entertainment. It's one of those books to read in between hard, tense stories. You get what you pay for. Fun, erotica.
I was hooked from the beginning and I read in almost one sitting. It flows very easily.
Almost to the end of the book the plot got some twists that were exciting.


Review 2


The plot is totally fictional. You cannot believe or relate to anything. A stripper that is very conservative; lol; DP with 2 15 inch. :) Future queen arriving drunk to her wedding. LOL
I wish that the transition between chapters were done a little better. I love duo/trio P.O.V, but maybe it didn't have to be going back into the scenes all the time.

Touch that and it's like pushing the red button on a control stick. by Holt


You MAY buy this book because you enjoy the author's work; you SHOULD buy this book because you have read other books from the DOUBLE series; you MUST buy this book if you want a few hours of fun and heat!!!


I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

 This review was originally posted on More Books Than Livros
Profile Image for Heids Van.
287 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2017
Not my favourite of her books, but still a really good read, i rated according to my favourites.
Profile Image for Raj.
1,514 reviews8 followers
March 10, 2017
-3 stars

Written in 1st Person Multi POV
It was recommended to me
It was hot at first, then I started skipping...
then the love scene happened again which since then I started skipping more...
It's not that interesting and I'm not really fond of the writing style.
Profile Image for Donna Feibusch.
1,645 reviews20 followers
September 14, 2016
An Awesome Read!

I loved reading Double Princes, all about Dr. Holt & Dr. Hayden who are twin brothers and the babies of the royal family & Summer Miller an intern translated on the Operation's Smile mission in Slovinia. Summer was on scholarship that was how she was able to join the medical mission in Slovinia and get college credit while working with under-privileged children who need cleft palate surgery. Their were thirty doctors and nurses all from the states doing a three month stint over the summer. Also joining the mission were the two twin princes's of Slovinia who also happened to be doctors. Nobody on the mission knew who Hayden or Holt was and that was the way they wanted it. Of course they did enjoy spending time with Summer, but in the end she had to leave Slovinia with the other two interns when they were tied up during a rebel invasion of the area. The author wrote an incredible story, and the characters brought said story to life! If you like hot and steamy stories and like getting wet, then this is the book for you! The second book is called His Tight Little Brat Collection, all about Madeline Johnson an eighteen year old girl who has saved herself for her boyfriend Michael, and is giving it up on,prom night at the Le Fleur Elyse luxury hotel in the honeymoon suite. You see Maddy's stepdad Conrad owns the hotel, and he is aware of her plans for the evening. So before meeting her boyfriend Maddy's heads to the hotel to make sure everything is to her satisfaction and to drop off a few other things. When she gets up to the suite she makes sure the champagne is in the fridge, she places the chocolates also in the fridge, places the flowers in the various vases around the room with everything to her satisfaction. She then heads into the bedroom to put a couple of things in the bedside draw, while she's entering the bedroom she notices a women and a man getting it on. Turns out the man is her boyfriend & her arch-nemeses. Both turn to her and say, this has been happening for over a year. And you, are you just not my type her boyfriend says to Maddy's. Maddy is so mad and yells to get out and don't ever come back, and then collapses on the floor. When she comes to the hotel dr is just finished examining her and she's alright physically, but not mentally. Her stepdad Conrad is sitting next to her and says you are going to be all right. Read this series, because it will make you laugh, cry, sigh, shake your head and cum up a storm! It's a page turner and will keep your attention from start to finish, just like the first story in this book.
Profile Image for Jenny Harris.
4,080 reviews31 followers
September 3, 2016
I received this book as an ARC for an honest review.

In this book we meet Summer Miller and Holt and Hayden Halborg. Summer is on a summer intern project to Slovania to be a translator at a medical camp. They are there to fix clef pallets for some of the local children. Summer is just excited to be out of the country and knows with the limited funds that she and her mother have there would be no other way to see this country. Summer knows if anything was to happen with these two gorgeous men it would only be a fling but figures they would go for someone skinny not a full figured woman like her. But what happens when what she thinks will happen doesn’t match up with what could happen? Will she let something amazing pass her by or will she grab hold with both hands.

Holt and Hayden are just working in this camp to appease their father the king. They are both plastic surgeons and very good doctors but their father has other plans for them. So when they agree to go to this camp and work they do so without the press. They figure staying out of it for a while should be enough for their father. Little did they know they would meet a woman who would change everything for them. There is just one thing the boys have their secrets and they wonder will their secrets drive the woman they found love with from their arms or will they find a HEA?

This is a spicy read that flows really well though you have 3 people with points of view. This author really makes sure the reader understand who is either having the thoughts or is speaking. There is a great dynamic that shows us not everything you see is what you get. I want to tell you more about this book but don’t want to ruin it for any readers. I will say I would recommend it.
Profile Image for Lisa.
421 reviews13 followers
September 7, 2016
Summer is interning as a translator while on a trip to the country of Slovania. She and a couple other girls are there to translate between Slovanian patients and American doctors during Operation Smile--where the doctors are fixing children's cleft palates. Summer isn't like her other classmates in that she didn't grow up with money. She works hard for scholarships for college and was awarded a special grant in order to go on this trip. She's worked hard and studied even harder to learn about the people and their history. What she didn't count on were the two hot twin doctors that set their sights on her!

Twin doctors and princes to Slovania, Hayden and Holt, love watching the curvy translator Summer. When they finally get her alone, they take her to sexual heights she's never experienced. When things take a turn for the worse with the local rebels, Summer and the other student interns gets sent home. The twins never reveal their secret to Summer about who they really are, but send her off with a great memory.

After being back in the states for a while, her mother informs her that she and Summer are going on a long weekend to Slovania with her mom's new boyfriend, Prince Halson. Imagine her surprise when she finds out who Halson's brothers are!!

Cassandra delivers even more surprises with this book of twins. I definitely liked the story line better in this compared to Double Bang. The twins in this book are after more than just fame and fortune, and Summer is a lot smarter than the average coed.

**I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Janice Bold.
409 reviews
September 19, 2016
I received this book in exchange for an honest review. I wasn't quite sure what to expect of this book, but I did enjoy the book once I had finished it all. First we have Summer, she's a linguistics student at College studying to be a translator. She had chosen Slovenia because it's language was one of the most unique and she wanted to become a UN translator. Summer had received a scholarship to go to Slovenia on an Operation Smiles mission as a translator, all the while earning credit towards her degree. Summer's room mate also was able to attend the mission so at least she had a friendly face along for the journey. Summer happens to run into the handsome twin Doctors on the mission, Hayden and Holt. The sparks and chemistry are electric. But little does Summer know they are keeping a secret from her, a big one too! Summer, her room mate and the other intern get sent home after an incident so that the mission doesn't suffer. Summer thinks she will never see "her twins" ever again.

Summer has been raised by a single mother. They are more like friends than mother daughter seeing as Candace had her when she was so young. Summer is used to her mom's flights of passion and craziness so she is not too surprised when her mom surprises her with an all expenses paid trip to Slovenia to meet her mom's new beau. When the enter that restaurant later that day, Summer receive's a huge surprise.

This was a great read and I cannot wait to read more by this author.
Profile Image for Michelle Austin.
2,760 reviews41 followers
September 4, 2016
Double Princes was a hot and heavy 5 star read.

Summer is working for the program "Project Smile" in Slovania. While there she meets the twin brothers Hayden and Holt who are the doctors performing the surgeries. When Summer finds herself locked in the showers with these two hot doctors, things steam up pretty fast. All I can say is the shower scene was OMG, hot.

Hayden and Holt are royal playboys who share all of their women. They hadn't intended to be with Summer but the opportunity presented itself and they took it. Literally.

If a pretty girl ever needs a boob job or butt lift, Hayden and I are your men, bring those jigglers our way.

Just when Summer thinks she has seen the last of Hayden and Holt, she is gets a huge surprise.

This was another great hot and sexy M/F/M read from Cassandra Dee. She really draws you in with her writing and the men are always hung and hot. Beware: Don't start a book later in the evening, you will be in for a late night because you won't want to put it down. I can't wait to see what comes next. Thank you!

"ARC Provided for honest review"
Profile Image for Tiffanee.
120 reviews3 followers
September 4, 2016
This book is about Summer, an eighteen year-old college student who is studying foreign languages, and Holt and Hayden, Royal twin Princes of Slovania and doctor's. Summer, Holt, and Hayden meet when they all are participants in Operation Smile in Slovania's mountainside. Summer is a linguistics expert, and she has no idea that the twins are Princes of the country she is visiting. After an exchange with the prince's in a shower, Summer along with two other female Operation Smile worker's are attacked. Soon after going home she learns her mother is dating the Crown Prince of Slovania and she heads back with her mother were she gets the shock of her life. Summer and the Prince's had great chemistry between the three of them and I liked the way they came together. This book was a really fun read and I can't wait to read more by this author. I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Natalie Hayden.
148 reviews2 followers
September 7, 2016
I hate giving less than five stars because the book had intrigue but it was not for me. I know this book can fit some people's bill but the only way I can describe it was porn in a book. Sex was the focus, and the plot was secondary. If you want to read a story strictly for sex, this is definitely the book for you. I was wanted a bit more romance, but that was just my style of a book.

Another turn off was the nicknames that were used consistently through the book for the body parts. Donkey Dong and Gazongas make it sound like a prepubescent boy wrote the book. Using those terms occasionally is okay but when that is the only way the book refer to body parts can be a deterrent.

I don't want people to get me wrong it is a good book if you are looking for a steamy novel to get you juices flowing but as for a story, it was a bit lacking. I may try another book by this author, but the slang was a distraction.
1,250 reviews23 followers
August 31, 2016
Hot read from Cassandra Dee! When Summer meets the twin doctors of Hayden and Holt that's all she think they are. Hayden and Holt are the twin sons of the king of Slovania. When they come together in the shower in the Kolstya Mountains while working a relief effort to help with cleft lips and palates. After an episode finds Summer and two others wrapped up and left, it is decided they should return to America. When she leaves Slovania she thinks that's the end of her relationship with the twins, but a chance second encounter thanks to her mom meeting the twins oldest brother has them back in each others lives. This was a great read with twists and turns, a rebel uprising lead by surprising people and an ending that is just perfect. I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for zoegrl.
598 reviews4 followers
September 15, 2016
Wow Interesting

First, let me say I love menage themed stories! Love a big dick, & shoot Two?? LOL The more the merrier.
What was weird to me was the language. Don't get me wrong I also love dirty talk. It was just strange dirty talk, dong? Cunny? Is it because this is geared towards a younger audience? I'm kinda thinking out loud here.
I enjoyed the storyline it was more than just about sex, which I love. The end kinda fell short. Now I'm not a writer so I don't know exactly what was missing, I just know that something was. And I forgot about the other book, so I was looking for more at 63%.
I know I got critical, but I still enjoyed this story. It was different.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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