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Lucille: A Bluebeard Retelling

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When a handsome, blue-bearded stranger saves Lucille from being attacked in the dark streets of Paris, she knows better than to trust him. Monsters stalk the city at night, and demons can wear a beautiful face. But a magnetism draws Lucille to the stranger—a pull that she can’t resist. He’s hiding secrets, and she wants to unlock them.

Will his secrets be her downfall…or the key to a new life?

Lucille is the folktale Bluebeard you know and love, retold as a dark fantasy romance. It contains explicit content not intended for readers under eighteen.

95 pages, Kindle Edition

About the author

Dakotah Gumm

5 books28 followers

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May 29, 2024

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LUCILLE is a pretty solid gothic novella. It's a Bluebeard telling with vampires and vampire hunters, set in France. The historical details were great and I thought the author managed to capture the Victorian "style" with her narrator, Lucille, who, even though she is often TSTL, is very young and sheltered, so I could sort of tell myself that her behavior made sense. After all, she doesn't have TikTok and fake news to make her skeptical and jaded before her time.

Bluebeard is probably one of my favorite fairytales of all time so I'm always a little picky when it comes to retellings. This is a good one, although the pacing felt off. Lucille decides she loves Jakob very quickly. So quickly that when she said she did, I was like, "What?!" The ending also felt super abrupt, especially the climax, which felt like it should have been drawn out a little more to give the reader time to both dread what was happening and process going on.

Based on the blurb, this is also being branded as a dark fantasy romance, but this doesn't really feel like a dark fantasy or a romance. It feels more erotic horror or gothic paranormal. I thought maybe you could argue that it was possibly an HFN since there is a sequel but then I realized that the sequel is about another couple, so there isn't going to be a whole lot more development between these two, since it ends on a note of tragedy and manipulation.

Overall, this was pretty solid and I do think that readers of gothic and horror fiction will enjoy it. Her follow-up novel, SONG OF THE DEMON COURT, was a lot better, so it was nice to see where she started and how much she improved-- especially when it comes to world-building details and character development.

3.5 to 4 stars
Profile Image for Holly Hewitt.
25 reviews3 followers
February 3, 2023
No spoiler portion of the review:
I received this as an arc in exchange for an honest review. The writing is clean, clear, and professional quality. The plot is straight forward, a vampiric retelling of Bluebeard. It kept my attention and I read the entire story in one sitting. I enjoyed it, until the end in which I was slightly disappointed. Endings are hard, and it’s not often I find stories that land the finale for me, so this small criticism doesn’t hurt my overall score for the novella. I think dark romance lovers will enjoy this story most.


Just as the original Bluebeard, Jakob’s plans align with the classic story and that disappointed me a bit and is why this isn’t five stars. I found it hard to like him after that or root for the relationship. I would also have liked to learn more about the room and what happened exactly. I wanted to find a way to forgive Jakob, but found I couldn’t. Does Jakob owe me an explanation? Apparently not, he’s a vampire villain, and this reader will just need to accept that!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Author 6 books48 followers
January 27, 2023
A beautifully written and intriguing story about a naive young woman falling in love with a handsome stranger. The woman, Lucille, has so many clues that this stranger isn't the good guy he appears to be, but she just doesn't get it. I was actually pretty riled up that she didn't uncover his secret, which, I think is a testimony to how much I cared about the story, its world, and its characters. Lucille is very blinded by love, and her character feels all the more realistic for it. I wanted to give her a good shake. It was the equivalent of being so into a tv show and that you want to throw a shoe at it when the character makes a wrong turn.

Lucille was so full of passion and adventure. I just couldn't get enough, and will be anxiously hoping for another installment!

The setting was beautifully described and so so immersive. I highly recommend this book to paranormal romance lovers!
Profile Image for Coy Raven-starr.
43 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2023
What a ride!

I was excited to have the opportunity to ARC read this book by new author, Dakotah Gumm. Prior to reading this, I had never heard of the tale of Bluebird and after reading this retelling, there is no need to look for the original. This author has laid a dark dreamscape before us and it will be interesting to see how she continues weaving this web.
Profile Image for K.L. Mielke.
Author 9 books6 followers
December 29, 2022
This was such a cool retelling. Combining supernatural elements and a troubled family into a world that felt almost like a dark, steampunk-ish England, this is hands down my favorite version of BlueBeard.
2 reviews
September 30, 2023
Love it!

Riveting from start to finish. Can't wait to read so much more from this author. Because I also need to hear more about this sister...
Profile Image for Imara219.
402 reviews16 followers
May 5, 2024
Dracula Vindicated at Last

I mean daangggg why is the sister such a huge hater? If you ever watched Dracula as a child and thought, man I wish Nina picked Dracula just go on ahead and read this one and feel vindicated. This is a serial. It has a HFN ending but I'm happy. Thank goodness Lucy is at least 21. The romantic build-up was lovely. The smex was steamy and erotic and it was nice watching their love endure
Profile Image for Holly Wright.
Author 1 book3 followers
February 8, 2023
No spoiler portion of the review:
I received this as an arc in exchange for an honest review. The writing is clean, clear, and professional quality. The plot is straight forward, a vampiric retelling of Bluebeard. It kept my attention and I read the entire story in one sitting. I enjoyed it, until the end in which I was slightly disappointed. Endings are hard, and it’s not often I find stories that land the finale for me, so this small criticism doesn’t hurt my overall score for the novella. I think dark romance lovers will enjoy this story most.


Just as the original Bluebeard, Jakob’s plans align with the classic story and that disappointed me a bit and is why this isn’t five stars. I found it hard to like him after that or root for the relationship. I would also have liked to learn more about the room and what happened exactly. I wanted to find a way to forgive Jakob, but found I couldn’t. Does Jakob owe me an explanation? Apparently not, he’s a vampire villain, and this reader will just need to accept that!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
January 27, 2023
I genuinely don't know where to start with this novel. Let me give you context: I am a very "bitter" (for good reason) not-youthful person. When I was younger perhaps I would have looked at this protagonist and rooted for her and her chosen love.

As an adult though, by page two and pretty much near to the end I was screaming SOMEONE GO GET THIS GIRLS SISTER AND HAVE HER STAKE THIS GUY IN THE EYE" and "Run. Run! No not with him! RUN AWAY FROM HIM." and "This is one negligent sister, her lil sis is about to get eaten by a vamp."

Alas, we would not have a story without the protagonists strikingly bad set of decisions to wander off with what is clearly a malicious predator of a fuck boy. Lets call him a serial killer of fuckboys (as a charismatic vampire), though I suspect he might take quite the offense at this.

I just couldn't root for this relationship. The main man was clearly a sociopath and little ms. scrumptious was walking right into his snack time. And not in a good way.

I finally had relief when the sister showed up. STAKE HIM I screamed. STAKE. HIM. "Grab that little girls hand and runnnnn. Then do not let her out of your sight until you can properly and thoroughly educate her. With hands on labs."


Because the love story fell along lines that I just can't get with as a jaded adult whose seen a bit too much, I honestly did not want to read further. But, at only cozy length I pressed on. As a 65 page cozy it wasn't a waste of my time, it was pretty interesting (and ngl I screamed at the plot twist. A house shakeing WHAAAAAAAAA. A gasp heard round the neighborhood.)

But probably not something I'd choose to read had I known it had a successfully fully embraced predatory relationship between a young naive woman and an elderly predator masquerading with perfect V-lines. (I was warned to be fair, I just didn't have a full grasp) because frankly I've had my lifetime's fill of socio-cultural obsession with predatory partners of young dumb kids as romance.

I probably won't read further in the series (the end is set up for more novels) with one exception.

See I know I'm not going to get what I want, but what I want is this sister to hunt them dowwwn and then murder this guy as he deserves. I want her sister (the protagonist) to realize not just what a colossally bad mistake this was, but that this guy never deserved a thing of hers, to understand on some level that he is a predator, took advantage of her, for her to understand this fully and completely, let go of that naive attraction, and then, heck, maybe stake him herself. And not sadness for him, not one ounce of compassion. Perhaps only sadness for her and what she lost and the lies she was told.

Maybe her sister stakes her, maybe her sister has to come to new terms with her because maybe she IS fundamentally changed, maybe a whole book is her recovering her humanity. I dunno if there are good vamps and bad vamps in this world because the only vamp you really meet on any level is an evil psychopath that needs....shall I say it again? Immediately staked.


If I could read a book with this underlying underpinning, that the young ingenue comes to understand what she is worth and what reality is, and the taint of a moldy vamp man gets his in the end with no redemption, I would gobble this series down.

Alas I can't be sure where the author is taking it, so I'm going to keep an eye out, because I could definitely do some hot revenge reading in this fictional world. Stabbity stab stab. I just can't do brainwashed "this is love". I cannot. Too many fuckboys in real life getting away with massive shit for me to have empathetic, sympathetic or compassionate bandwidth.

The author does a really good job of setting up the absolutely naivete and succumbing to charisma of the main lead from her youth and complete lack of experience. So ultimately whether think its good or bad will depend on future writing on the story that clarifies whether the author wants us to be starry eyed with the protagonist or knows lil girl is screwed due to her sheltered life and either digs her out of the hole or at least doesn't try to have the reader pretend the hole is heaven.

I guess right now its got a shrodingers three star because I'm not quite sure...
Profile Image for Eryn McConnell.
245 reviews31 followers
October 27, 2023
This was billed as a Bluebeard retelling and it did not disappoint. A lovely story.
It is beautifully written, with sumptuous details of costumes and places in Paris. It is short - and as such the characters are touched upon lightly.
I liked the dynamic of Jakob and Lucille, the spirit of her vampire hunter sister and of course the mysterious other members of the nest.
Now - on the other hand, Lucille is VERY naive and it is frustrating. Jakob is obviously a bad guy! It would be great to see a series where Lucille decides to claim her own destiny apart from her husband but that's just me. The author gets that innocence across very well.
It's not their fault that I am a jaded soul and am now firmly #TeamVampHunter.
Profile Image for Rachel.
60 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2023
This was an amazing retelling of a folk story that I have to look up! I didn’t know what it was originally based on and I was pleasantly surprised with the supernatural element to it. The was the author was so descriptive on how the female character felt about the mysterious man. It created a scene for sure!
Profile Image for Chey3995.
1,476 reviews50 followers
April 17, 2023

Lucille stumbles across a man named Jakob which saves her from being alone at night where he claims there are monsters. She soon finds herself seeking him out and unprepared for what is to come for her life.

I was not prepared for how much I was going to love this plot! Lucille and Jakob are so good together, and despite his situation, he's so sweet with her. They share a couple steamy scenes that are pretty quick, but give you that little bit of spice.

There is so much left unresolved and so many questions that need answers. I felt like this book was just a teaser for something bigger (hopefully?) And that we will get answers in a future book? If not then the way this ended will irritate me even more than it does now!

Overall rating
4 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
2 🌶 🌶
Profile Image for McKenzi Bell.
47 reviews1 follower
March 13, 2023
I don’t know anything about Bluebeard and what his original story may be like, so I don’t have a way to compare the two. But I will say this story was good for how short it is. I feel like the two MCs’ love was rushed, but sometimes that’s how love goes. I do love that the FMC’s sister’s job caused her to be sheltered and ambitious at the same time and causes strife with the MMC towards the end. And I enjoyed how in love the FMC was (you’ll understand what I mean towards the end). The steam was good, I would’ve loved more.
6 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Dakotah puts time and effort into her research and writing and it shows in her world building. It feels like visiting Paris as you read this book. It FEELS like you’re creeping through the shadows of Paris with Lucille. Out on adventures in the dark of night and being taken on spicy midnight trips to libraries.
I am left wanting more of this world and craving the next book in the series, which I simply cannot wait for.
Although Lucy is a bit naive, I fully believe because of her sheltered life, it is a believable character trait. I can’t wait for more.
21 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2023
Lucille: A Bluebeard Retelling was a great read that fully immerses you in the story, as it wanders through the night streets of Paris. This is not my go to genre due to its dark nature and the level of spice so I can’t give it a full 5 stars but it is well written, the characters are well developed, and it definitely makes me not want to walk around Paris alone at night - thankfully Lucille has Jakob to escort her!
Profile Image for Heather Carter.
Author 11 books31 followers
March 20, 2023
Dakotah Gumm paints a vivid picture with words in this novella retelling of the classic Bluebeard tale- with a twist! I enjoyed the spice and the intrigue, and there were parts where I literally gasped.
I look forward to reading more from this author!

*I received an ARC copy of this book and I'm leaving a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Yuy.
26 reviews
March 20, 2023
I sometimes struggle with short stories. Due to their length, I have a hard time immersing myself into the world. But not this one!! Dakotah Gumm did an awesome job sucking me right in! It's an excellent story and I love this reimagined bluebeard!!
Profile Image for Lisa Rhonemus.
19 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2023
A sheltered girl falls in love with a protective stranger in the night. This was a quick read with a hint of spicy and mystery though the main plot is obvious. It does leave you wanting more which I believe the author intends to provide with a sequel.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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