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Return to Mariposa

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Kitty Whitehead has never gotten over her banishment from Mariposa, the family home in Spain. When her glamorous cousin Bella comes up with the daring suggestion that they take each other’s place, she reluctantly agrees, for the chance to say goodbye to the house and her estranged family.

But turning mousy Kitty into the glorious Bella is harder than she thinks, even if everyone seems to be fooled. Everyone but her hateful almost-cousin Ian, who’s getting too close to the truth and too close to Kitty, as he invades her dreams and makes her question everything she’s ever known to be true.

Someone is out to kill Kitty...or Bella. Who wants her dead, and why? Could Bella’s old enemy turned lover be the greatest danger she’s ever faced?

A modern story of romantic suspense and masquerade, where no one is as they seem.

286 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 2, 2024

About the author

Anne Stuart

197 books2,029 followers
Anne Stuart is a grandmaster of the genre, winner of Romance Writers of America's prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, survivor of more than thirty-five years in the romance business, and still just keeps getting better.

Her first novel was Barrett's Hill, a gothic romance published by Ballantine in 1974 when Anne had just turned 25. Since then she's written more gothics, regencies, romantic suspense, romantic adventure, series romance, suspense, historical romance, paranormal and mainstream contemporary romance for publishers such as Doubleday, Harlequin, Silhouette, Avon, Zebra, St. Martins Press, Berkley, Dell, Pocket Books and Fawcett.

She’s won numerous awards, appeared on most bestseller lists, and speaks all over the country. Her general outrageousness has gotten her on Entertainment Tonight, as well as in Vogue, People, USA Today, Women’s Day and countless other national newspapers and magazines.

When she’s not traveling, she’s at home in Northern Vermont with her luscious husband of thirty-six years, an empty nest, three cats, four sewing machines, and one Springer Spaniel, and when she’s not working she’s watching movies, listening to rock and roll (preferably Japanese) and spending far too much time quilting.

Anne Stuart also writes as Kristina Douglas.

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May 20, 2024

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Anne Stuart is one of my favorite authors, so when I found out completely by accident that she had released a new book (very quietly, apparently, and with zero fanfare), I was SHOOKETH. Especially since she appeared to be going back to grassroots by making this a first person gothic (whaaaaat??) and it has the most Colleen Hoover-looking cover I've ever seen that wasn't slapped on a Colleen Hoover book.

RETURN TO MARIPOSA is about a woman named Kitty, who has the most bizarre chain of degrees I've ever seen: BA in English, Master's in contemporary Spanish lit, and then 3/4 of a PhD in, I kid you not, "plant eugenics" with "an emphasis in olive trees." She tells us, the readers, that she got this degree because she comes from a super rich family that lives as expatriates in Spain on a massive estate called Mariposa, with an adjoining and successful olive tree farm.

But for some reason, Kitty is ostracized from the family. It's not super clear why except her mother made her leave early one summer and apparently her grandfather decided to Take That Personally(TM). Every year through her cousin, Bella, Kitty has asked to come back and every year (through Bella), she is told no. In addition to Bella, she also has two adoptive stepcousins, both brothers, named Ian and Marcus. When they were young, Kitty had crushes on both of them, but they didn't like her because she was chubby. Instead, they called her "Podge" because she was pudgy, and treated her like shit. What assholes.

Anyway, now the grandfather is dying and Bella gets the BRILLIANT idea that they should Parent Trap the shit out of their dying grandfather as a chance for Kitty to make amends and get closure while incognito. This plan is ridiculous, but Kitty, longing for home, doesn't question it. But almost immediately, her return starts to feel super sus. Apparently Bella was dating a mobster, and grandfather maybe doesn't hate Kitty as much as everyone thought, and both of the stepcousins are still very hot. Also, someone might be trying to kill her for reasons. HUZZAH!

This book takes a while to get rolling and it is BIZARRE. First of all, no way is this woman twenty-eight. This woman who uses words like "blandishments" and "sobriquet" and has apparently had sex but never been kissed with tongue??? (As an adult, she is SHOCKED to be Frenched; like, girl, you're acting like a dick sprouted from his mouth Alien-style and beejed you???). She is also SO resistant to the idea that she might be in danger. At one point, she says "no one is trying to kill me!" after a stranger at a bar literally takes her aside and tells her he wants to kill her AND someone tampers with the brakes of her car. People are so quick to call heroines TSTL, and throw the term around like rice at a wedding, but I'm afraid that Kitty might actually be a whole-ass onigiri.

That said, this was addictive to read and so cheesy that I couldn't put it down. Is it plausible? NO. Did I read it anyway because my fave wrote it? Yes. Ian is douchier than a lot of her other heroes and I didn't really like him all that much, but he has a lot of the hallmarks of a classic Anne Stuart Hero(TM). The sex scenes were also more descriptive than the usual Anne Stuart novel and I thought Stuart did a good job showing the angst of crushing on a guy who was unattainable and treated you like garbage when you were young. (Honestly, first crush might be a favorite trope of mine.) I also thought there was some halfway decent foreshadowing and some interesting plot points that felt like nostalgic throwbacks to old school gothic romances.

I wouldn't recommend this to people who are new to this author, but if you like her books already and enjoy a classic old skool romp, then you'll probably find this as entertaining as I did.

2.5 to 3 stars
Profile Image for Aarann.
840 reviews73 followers
July 16, 2024
This would have been a 4 star read, but in the second half of the book Kitty suffers a severe case of "too stupid to live." Like, what additional proof do you need to know that your cousin set you up as herself and someone is trying to kill her? Her car's brakes failed shortly after being serviced, you were told several times that she was dating a dangerous mobster that she never mentioned to you, strange men are following you around and eyeballing you, and one of them, who clearly didn't know who you were, threatened you graphically to your face. Is it this one?

This heroine would be all, "Nah, what a kidder!"

"I'm sorry sweetie, do you have an itch on your neck?"

"Oh look, he's showing me his baseball bat!"

Like, I would have absolutely loved this book if Kitty had shown some freaking sense in the second half, but instead she keeps wandering off on her own, getting followed by strangers and knowing it and insisting to herself that even though people are actively calling her "Kitty" that she's fooling everyone into believing she is Bella. I kept waiting on someone who had been in college for 11 years to connect the dots that either she wasn't fooling anyone into thinking she was Bella (and her grandfather and Ian both seemed to sing it from the mountaintops) or someone thought she was and that person wanted to kill her. I'd have preferred it if she'd clued in to both.

As for the romance, I didn't hate Ian, he seemed like a decent gamma hero, but that ending was seriously abrupt. I needed at least a few more pages to understand a lot of his behavior after Kitty's secret was out. He made a crack at the end about how he was more observant than she was, but personally, I totally got why she didn't know he loved her. He blew hot and cold all the time and the book never really explained why. Unfortunately that seems to be a theme with Anne Stuart's books -- she doesn't have much time to actually give us that feel good feeling.

So what could have been 4-stars lost one due mostly to TSTL heroines, but also to an abrupt, wait-I-have-questions ending. I really enjoyed the tone of the book, and the chemistry between her and Ian. I even could have overlooked Kitty not realizing she wasn't fooling Ian or her grandfather if she just hadn't tried to stick her head in the sand on the danger she was very clearly in.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lisbeth.
423 reviews4 followers
May 17, 2024
This turned out to a be a review, while I was still reading it, but I just had to let some thoughts out of my overflowing brain:

Mind you, spoilers ahead..


The start of this book reminded me of a reversed copy of another book by the same author that I did like: Shadow lover. The big question in that book being: is he or isn’t he?
In this case the question is: Does the family discover that Kitty is posing as Bella? If yes, they must have known this from day 1 with all the clues Bella-beast is shedding around.

Kitty posing as Bella is a disaster as Kitty, or named by her cousin as Podge, continuously forgets important Bella facts like Bellas age, her accent. Kitty forgets Bella is supposed to have been absent for 5 years, not 13 years like Kitty herself. Kitty has been in a cave accident, not Bella! Etc.. Whenever Kitty is grasping at straws she reminds herself of the following mantra: WWBD, What Would Bella Do? The worst advice you can give yourself girl. Arghh!

Reading this it’s like ticking off a bingo card on a merry go round. Forgets age, blunders around with contact lenses, forgets to be nasty to staff. Ah yet another clue handed out! Thank you Podge.

80% in
Does Ian realise Bella is Kitty or doesn’t he at this stage? I’m getting dizzy by all the twist, turns and slip of tongues. I did think he did, but Ian is acting so weird right now that I suspect he doesn’t.

Kitty is in my honest opinion a very very stupid woman, no sorry, she is very very gullible. Kitty is molding herself fervently into the image of her beloved cousin Bella who is nothing but trouble. Kitty doesn’t have a personality, she is …well plain stupid, there is no other word for Podge. The perfect doll for Bella. There, it’s said.

If it turns out that Ian knew from the start Bella was Kitty, then he is welcome to her. But why on earth would he be into Kitty? But in case he didn’t, then Ian is as stupid as Kitty and again..welcome to her.

I continue the ride..at least it’s in an Alfa.

Ok finished! Happy for the happy ever after. Just don’t let her off the premises.

3 stars as I kept on reading, the characters were a bit more fleshed out. And I don’t know 4 stars are too many, 2 to few. So 3 it is.
Profile Image for Phyllis.
322 reviews20 followers
June 13, 2024
5++++++++ I love this latest romance by Ms Stuart. It has one of my favorite romance trope, long missing family member and fake identity. Long love the queen of romantic suspense, Anne Stuart.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lena Marie.
14 reviews
May 11, 2024
"Return to Mariposa" by Anne Stuart is a captivating and engaging read that immediately draws you into the story. From the very first chapter, the chaotic nature of moving and the abundance of belongings create a sense of anticipation and curiosity. It's like being right there in the midst of the action, feeling the excitement and uncertainty that comes with starting a new chapter in life.

Anne Stuart's writing style is impeccable, with a perfect blend of dark humor and steamy romance. The way she intertwines these elements adds depth and complexity to the story, making it more than just your average romance novel. It keeps you on your toes, eager to uncover what lies ahead for the characters.

Speaking of characters, they are well-developed and relatable. You can't help but become emotionally invested in their journeys. Whether it's the strong-willed protagonist or the enigmatic love interest, each character has their own unique charm and flaws, making them feel like real people you could meet in your everyday life.

The plot is intricately woven, with unexpected twists and turns that keep you guessing. It's a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from heartwarming moments to heart-wrenching revelations. Anne Stuart knows how to keep readers hooked, and I found myself eagerly turning the pages, desperate to know what happens next.

In terms of the overall reading experience, "Return to Mariposa" is a book that you won't be able to put down. It's a perfect blend of romance, humor, and suspense, making it a must-read for fans of the genre. Anne Stuart's talent shines through in every chapter, and it's no surprise that she has achieved significant success as an author.
Profile Image for EvilAntie Jan.
1,455 reviews13 followers
May 6, 2024
Stuart Gem

A new book. I was totally surprised, but welcome this book with open arms. What a riveting story a classic Stuart. What a taunt cleverly written book. Another gem another classic.
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