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Girls Weekend #3


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You’re invited to the wedding of the year . . .

Lurielle didn’t dream of her wedding day as a little girl. Hard to think about a far-off future when she was too busy trying to get through her awkward adolescence at the Elvish club as invisibly as possible. Unlike every other elf she knew, she did not have binders of wedding plans ready to be activated at a moment’s notice.

Now the orc of her dreams is telling her he’s going to build her a bridal fire they can see from space, leaving her unprepared and completely out of her depth. It doesn’t help that the engagement of one of the Cambric Creek elite has gripped the entire town in the throes of wedding mania, and as Khash catches the fever, all Lurielle wants to do is elope.

At least she can count on her friends to help her through the most mortifying highs and lows of dress shopping . . . at least, she thinks she can.

Ris isn’t sure how she managed to get so lucky. Ainsley is everything she wants — her crops are watered, her skin is clear, she’s getting her back blown out weekly, and she’s ready to be the best bridesmaid in the history of matrimony. But when his support system vanishes, the carefree no-strings-attached Ainsley she loves seems to disappear overnight. In his place is an orc who wants more than Ris thinks she’s prepared to give.

It’s hard to focus on someone else’s happily ever after when her own is going through such hard growing pains. Thank the stars Silva is there to help with the wedding planning minutiae . . .

For as long as she could remember, Silva had daydreamed about her dream wedding to the tiniest detail, and now she’s ready for the new future she’s planning — Silva of the Nighttime and the orc of her dreams living their best life together, because nothing is going to stop her from getting what she wants.

Nothing, except for the truth Tate hid from her so thoroughly.

Choosing between what her heart wants and what she needs to do isn’t easy, but as the secret she keeps grows large enough to swallow all of Cambric Creek, Silva doesn’t need to wonder which choice Tate would have her make.

It’s hard to plan someone else’s happily ever after when you don’t believe in them anymore.

Invitations is the third book in the four-book Girls Weekend series, which should be read as a series.

376 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 30, 2024

About the author

C.M. Nascosta

30 books3,238 followers
C.M. Nascosta is an author and professional procrastinator from Cleveland, Ohio. As a child, she thought that living on Lake Erie meant one was eerie by nature, and her corresponding love of all things strange and unusual started young. She’s always preferred beasts to boys, the macabre to the milquetoast, the unknown darkness in the shadows to the Chad next door. She lives in a crumbling old Victorian with a scaredy-cat dachshund, where she writes nontraditional romances featuring beastly boys with equal parts heart and heat, and is waiting for the Hallmark Channel to get with the program and start a paranormal lovers series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Katie.
138 reviews28 followers
July 1, 2024
When did everyone get so selfish?

Lurielle and Ris were unbearable in this. The way they treated Sylvia is so horrible. They belittled her choices and her relationship behind her back and only reached out to her if they wanted something from her, then got pissy bc she was pulling away.

Lurielle only cares about her stupid wedding and Ris spent the whole book treating Aisling like shit then getting mad at him for standing up for himself.

And poor Sylvia is going through hell over there in the corner but no one cares bc apparently she is too young and stupid for her problems to matter.
Profile Image for Julia Spells.
3 reviews
July 4, 2024
Spoilers and content warning for genital mutilation.

First off, I really wish the content warning at the beginning had been more clear. Just saying "BITING" for (consensual?) genital mutilation is not good enough. That scene between Silva and Tate where he bites and, from what I can surmise, tears  her clitoral hood was disturbing. Him checking in afterwards does not make him a good partner. I hope a more thorough content warning can be added.

I will say I do enjoy the Cambic Creek books as a whole. I find them fun with interesting characters and relationships. Nascosta does a refreshingly novel job of making a complicated social and magic society. Even better she doesn't just have her characters be entirely likeable to readers or friendly towards other characters. I'm strongly reminded of Jane Austen's Emma and how Austen wrote the titular character knowing most readers would not like her. I am awed at Nascosta's boldness to make her characters real and multifaceted. Like real people they all have their own personal tastes and opinions on the other members of their communities. For the most part, all the characters have strong personalities. Cambric Creek as a universe does an impressive job of balancing a wide cast of characters - all pretty different from each other - and making sure their relationships are varied and unique. Sometimes hostile, sometimes friendly, sometimes just annoyed with each other. 

The romances are, of course, delightful to read. 

The Girls Weekend series clearly sits the strongest in the Cambric Creek worldbuilding. Fun little cameos of characters or mentions of other protagonist and their continued lives throughout. It was fun to see Vanessa from the Hemming Brothers series crop up especially with the added irony that it was her wedding to Grayson hampering Lurielle's wedding. Just a nice touch for people who have read more of the Cambric Creek universe. 

For myself, personally, I always love seeing Ladybug pop up. Flatout, her series, Wheel of the Year, is my favorite. I do think that's Nascosta's stronger series in Cambric Creek but Girls Weekend does bring a lot of fascinating lore to the world overall. 

Girls Weekend is, admittedly, more ambitious and experimental in writing style than Wheel of Year due to its three character perspectives while Wheel of Year sticks to one. Changing perspective, however, is not a new tool by any means, especially in the romance genre, but Nascosta feels like she has - with full knowing intent - put three books into one. 

While each character is clearly in the Nascosta flowery prose and has the (sometimes a bit too long) tendency to fall into reverie, the character's stories feel vastly different in tone. Lurielle's storyline is a bit more sweet. Her story and the tone made me think more of Nascosta's other novel Sweet Berries. Ris's storyline has more of a modern edge with her romance being funnier and more honest overall. Silva has the strong trope of spoiled princess breaking her gilded cage with a dangerous bad boy with horrible communication from both sides with a heavy dose of Fae lore to give it an even darker edge. Their story reminded me tonally far more of Run, Run Rabbit which, while not my total cup of tea because of the toxic relationship between the main characters, was much darker and heavy but very well written.

While I like that Nascosta chose to give very different stories and tones, I'm not sure it was the strongest choice the further into the series we get as I found the tonal shifts to be jarring. In Invitations in particular the tonal shifts were far more acute because so much time went to Silva whose storyline is considerably darker than Lurielle or Ris. A good chunk of time would go to Silva and then it would pop back to Lurielle trying to plan a wedding or Ris realizing her dating expecations, once again, need to change. I think the contrast betweent the darker thread and the two more modern ones cheapened all of the stories overall. While I can understand that combining three different types of romance novels into one can be an interesting challenge, and worked well for the first book, I feel like it wasn't as strongly executed in this book and, for me, made it frustrating and hard to stay invested. It was like someone coming up and switching my plate out from under me between every bite flipping from saccharine ice cream (Lurielle) to fresh, modern sushi (Ris) to a dark, heavy ribeye (Silva).  At this point all three women just need their own standlone to tie up their stories.

Even more frustrating was the continued heavy reliance on Silva and Tate just blatantly not talking about really anything. Most of their scenes relied on either Silva making up either overly happy dreams or imagining the absolute worst of Tate (who has been nothing but faithful to her just cryptic and commitment shy). Just like in the other books she keeps trying to shy away from making any real choices or opening up to anyone else about her feelings because...I don't know? The princess can't let anyone else in? I'm truly just always frustrated with Silva and her lack of motivation to do anything. This would be fine for a first book with her, just like it was for Lurielle and Ris whose character development I have enjoyed even with all of their flaws. But as much as Silva likes to gripe about how other people only see her as a doll she doesn't do anything for three books to change that. I liked Silva in the first book - I love a plotline that forces a character out of their ivory tower - but Silva is so inactive in her own story. Lurielle and Ris in comparison are truly main characters. They mess up, have flaws, have successes, they learn and push and fight and live. But Silva for three books now is just a doll and I'm honestly tired of reading about her. The worst part though is that her storyline is the most magical plot heavy with its Fae story which I do like a lot. Truly I'm confused as to what Silva and Tate even have as a real foundation for a relationship. Their relationship in comparison to the other ones throughout the series just seems so flat and based purely on mystery which really weakens after the first book. Now, of course, Silva is also accidentally pregnant which just adds on that extra layer of tired tropes. 

I'm curious as to how the next and final book will be but this particular one left me rather unsatisfied in comparison to Nascosta's usual books. I do highly recommend reading the other stories of Cambric Creek.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Krista.
661 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2024
This one was just sad…everyone was going through it and then the girls were all being kind of terrible to each other.
Profile Image for Anne-Marie Romance Reader).
101 reviews23 followers
July 1, 2024
I'm still crying after finishing this amazing book. I have missed the Girls Weekend characters so much. And I went into this latest book knowing I was about to be put through an emotional wringer in the best way and it more than lived up to expectations.

I don't know how CM Nascosta manages to make three completely different women all seem so relatable, the only answer I have is magic. Every time we switch POVs the character somehow speaks to a different facet, from Lurielle's struggle with self worth to Ris' struggle to know what she wants from life and a partner to Silva's struggle to reconcile the person she wants to be with the expectations of those around her. I cried along with their heartbreaks, laughed along with them at the happy moments, and cried again at their joy.

The relationships aren't always perfect, they take work. And for me that's the real strength of the book, we get to see imperfect people doing their best to be perfect for each other. And it is by turns sweet and spicy. The after all both elves and orc have needs and this book definitely has the spicy times along with the sweet romance and emotional moments.

This series is like a perfect little slice of life soap opera and reading it will bring out all the emotions and leave you feeling like you've caught up with old friends after some time apart. We even get to see some other Cambric Creek friends dropping in for cameos. I am absolutely feral to read the next and final book and see how it comes together in the end.
Profile Image for Carolyne.
96 reviews
July 2, 2024
I couldn’t stand Ris and Lurielle this whole book, and their partners were even worse some of the time. I couldn’t get over talking about Silva like she was a complete mistake and a terrible person for being with Tate. I really would’ve enjoyed a book just about them. I get relationships take work but I hated reading about Ris treat Ainsley like crap. At least he stood up for himself and they seem to be getting somewhere. The only time they reached out to Silva was to ask for stuff, they couldn’t even stand up for her when asked about her relationship!! At least the guy at the end was willing to step up and just be with her because he likes her.

Idk I just couldn’t enjoy 2/3 of this book but will be reading the finale just for Silva and Tate. My poor girl went through so much and had almost no one, instead having to go back and be the other version of herself…
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
82 reviews
July 7, 2024
This series has just been a bit long and we’re still not done. I skimmed most of the book and the amount of typos I found, while not even reading closely, was really annoying. Elvis for elvish, did know for “didn’t know” - these were rampant.
Profile Image for Anne M..
28 reviews
July 1, 2024
I love following the character growth of these couples. I listened to the first two on audio and read this one on my kindle so I’m thankful I had the character voices in my head as I was reading. The story is a great continuation of the other books. My only criticisms are a transition to a flashback that caused me to go back and reread trying to figure out what happened and where we were in the story and there were multiple missed editing issues. As a former copy editor, I have a pet peeve for multiple mistakes in books. The story is fun as always and I love seeing them grow into their relationships.
Profile Image for ElfQueen.
454 reviews
July 6, 2024
Wow I have no words. WTF is happening with Silva and Tate? Their love story has become so unpredictable and while in the first two books, I was so shipping them, I’m done with the drama. I just want an HEA for them already. And in some ways, this book made me look at Silva in a different light. I don't necessarily know if I like her or not but I guess her living in Lalaland all the time kinda drives me up the wall.
On another note, there were so many moments that I loved in this book and can I just say that Tannar was such a good guy and I felt bad for him because he’s just getting suckered. It’s torture that I have to wait for the final book.
Lurielle and Khash definitely made me laugh + I really loved how he should up for her when she accidentally bumped into her ex. His backhanded compliments were just top tier.
Then there's Ris and Ainsley. I loved them the most. I loved their easy relationship so when it turned differently and Ainsley wanted more and she didn't get it. I was so pissed at her. What was stopping her from just letting her heart make the decision? Ainsley is just a perfect guy for her.
One thing that kinda griped me is that I feel like this book needed a very thorough edit. Some sentences did not make sense. There were quite a bit of typos and it just felt a little harried in my opinion. I still love the story but that needed to be fixed and I'm not gonna lie, this Tate origin story is dragging out too much for me. I just want to know now!
Profile Image for Rachel Thompson.
96 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2024
The Girls Weekend series has been one of my favorite fun reads. Then this book came along and hit me with ALL the feels! I was not prepared. I want to hug these women. Also impressed how smoothly characters from the other book are integrated. Top notch story weaving.
Profile Image for jennifer | offmyredcarpet.
433 reviews21 followers
July 8, 2024
The character and relationship development in this series is truly superb. Nascosta shows us that complexity of character very much extends to our beloved favorites giving us relatable human characteristics and reminding us that even good people have the capacity to sometimes be thoughtless. Basically, some of our characters are going to act in shitty ways and some are going to be self absorbed. It’s relatable-but-make-it-modern-fantasy and oh yes let’s add a layer of danger and intrigue from the fae realm.

We do finally learn the ‘why’ behind Tate’s holding back of himself and I’m eager to see how Nascosta solves it in book 4. This book is going to hurt your heart but Nascosta will patch us up with Reunions this fall when everyone gets their HEA.

Dislike: a confusing flashback and it not initially clear that is what was happening. Frequent typos in the form of correctly spelled words but the wrong word entirely and several instances of misspelled names. It’s enough to be distracting.

Lots of cameos in this one: Vanessa (Run, Run Rabbit), Ladybug (Wheel of the Year series), Grace (Sweet Berries), Philomel (Hexxenacht), Azathé (Two For Tea). We meet the MMC for Nascosta’s upcoming release He Loves Me Not. And if you’re not reading Wheel of the Year series, too, consider it. Everything is converging.
July 3, 2024
4.5 stars. I love this series, and I loved this book. The best of the Girls Weekend series by far, with deeper storylines and more emotional connections. I love this author and her no holds barred way of writing. I had to deduct a little though and I am sorry for it because it shouldn’t affect the story, but it kind of did. I am such a stickler for details and this book had SO MANY typos. Who edited this?! It was distracting and I am sad about that because otherwise this book was everything. Tiny spoiler not affecting plot: I loved the crossovers with a few familiar characters from other books!
11 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2024
I do really love the cozy Cambric Creek universe, and the story is super compelling! I cannot wait for the finale! That being said, there were soooooo many typos, I don’t remember that being an issue in her previous books. It had a tad more angst than the others as well, but it’s to be expected as she gears up for the ending.
Profile Image for Jodie.
15 reviews
July 1, 2024
I love how interconnected this world is. There are so many characters I recognise from other stories. My one complaint is there are a LOT of errors in this book and there were times I couldn't actually figure out what it was supposed to say because the wrong words were used so many times.
Profile Image for T Rojo.
558 reviews14 followers
July 2, 2024
Goddamnit I can’t wait until fall 😭
Profile Image for Vesper.
5 reviews
July 8, 2024
First 2 books of Girls Weekend are one of my faves, but this one... I don't know.
I'll get into details below, but non-spoilery thing is the sheer number of typos and sentences that didn't make sense to the point I was wondering if this is an ARC uploaded by mistake...? Dunno.

Spoilers ahead.

I'll start with my biggest issue, which is Silva and Tate's storyline. I know it's readers' favourite, but to me, they're simply aggravating. Their whole plot is based on miscommunication trope (hello, avid romance reader in book 2, Silva!) and daydreaming about the same things through 3 books straight, which makes it unbearable. Tate is this mysterious guy, we get it, but it's been over a year: can you two just please talk? Your "problems" would be solved instantly.
And then, the cherry on top, our FMC starts vomiting - yeah, we all know what it means and I really hoped to be wrong :( Accidental pregnancy is hated almost unanimously.
Also - I get biting, but biting one's clit until it bleeds give me strong Haunting Adeline vibes, which was so weird in this rather sweet romance series.
I really liked how Silva developed as a character through the 2nd book, but in Invitations there's no growth to speak of.

Lurielle mainly bored me with wedding preparations, but the cameos from other books were a nice addition. I thought we'd get more wedding itself, but what we got was actually lovely and moving, so that's a good thing.

I was looking forward the most to Ris' story, but in general she treats Ains like shit and then is very surprised that he pushes back. I really loved to see more interactions between Tate and Ains and what we got made me laugh out loud, so my appetite got somehow sated :D

All in all - there are many words in this book, but not much plot or character development to speak of. The characters became so self-centered in such a short span of the story, that I don't recognize them.
Silva's MIA and no one gives much shit, Lurielle has a whole wedding to plan and no one to help her, and Ris, who didn't have problems with boundaries is swarmed by her bf to the point she didn't notice either of it?
I don't buy it :D

I'm looking forward to the series finale in Autumn :) I hope that we get to see the girls that are actually friends again :)
Profile Image for Jody Lee.
426 reviews7 followers
July 3, 2024
As Eloise Bridgerton says (on tv), the clock ticks, time is coming for us all! All three women in this book of interconnected stories feel the passage of time (their non-elf mates have much shorter lifespans). Whether its a ticking clock, sand in the hourglass, or the terrifying imagery of a pendulum swinging dangerously low, they are constantly aware of how little their time will be spent with their loves.

Lurielle and Khash has been my favorite couple throughout this series - he is so supportive of her, and has her back completely. Somehow is love language is service, words of affirmation, physical touch, and whatever all the other ones are probably. His impeccable takedown of someone on Lurielle's behalf was a delight.

The relationship between Ris and Ainsley was the least interesting to me in the other books, but it's been great seeing their communication and how close they are. I could see their issues coming like a freight train, Ris needed some hard truths spoken, and when they were by her mom she was able to receive it.

Take and Silva was the dominant relationship of this book, and the big question going into book four. I was exhausted (possibly because it rang so very familiar) by her jealousy and insecurity when Tate tells and shows her how he feels, but maybe that's because she can sense a big secret.

Nascosta continues to do her usual time stutter thing here, and it is most effective with this braided together three-heroine story for sure. I love it.

My only ding is that the book could have used a pass from a proofreader to catch a fair number of word choices that wouldn't have been caught by spell-check, but were clearly incorrect and not the one she meant. She can send an e-arc my way next time, because I can't turn of my nit-picky eye even when I want to!
Profile Image for SmuttyVanne.
95 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2024

I have been anxiously waiting for this read 📖 for a minute. 

I felt like I was reading three different romance novels with a friendship novel intertwined with the friendships between Ris, Silva and Luriella during Invitations 💌. 

The three couples all in different relationships and stages in their lives: 
🖤Silva and Tates dark romance. 
💖Ris and Ainsley’s, friends with benefits to love romance. 
💝And Luriella and Khash sunshine romance. 

I love the parallel between the girls friendship to real life girl group friendships. Sometimes we have up, sometimes we have down, sometimes different things going on in our lives can change our friendship dilemmas.

💝Luriella and Khash are planning their wedding while Luriella twists herself silly regarding her long lifespan as an elves 🧝‍♀️ and having to live out part of  her life without Khash. 
Their love is so grand, their joy and laughter is contagious. I just love Khash.
Omg tears for Luriella and Khash love at the  wedding 🥹. 

🖤Since the beginning of this read, foreshadowing of where Silva and Tate relationship was heading toward was there. 

Silva’s pain and anguish of Tate being gone is palpable. 

💖Ris and Anisley are going through a transformation that Ris is a little blinded to and until  Ainsley starts grieving the loss of his friendship with Tate, and wants something real with Ris. A real committed relationship with Ris.

Of course Nascosta brought the spice level 🌶️🔥🧯 that we all crave for her. 

I cried 🥹. I blushed ☺️. I grieved 😢. And now I cannot  wait for the Girls Weekend series. I can only imagine what CM. Nascosta has in store for us. 

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
July 4, 2024
You gotta love going into a book knowing it's going to knock you off your axis in all the ways you expected, and a few that you didn't as well. I laughed. I cried. I had several Whoppi Goldberg "you in danger, girl" exclamations.

The girls are back and things are seemingly great. But Ris and Lurielle are feeling the longevity of their long lives, compared to the comparatively short ones of their orcish lovers and it's a heavy burden to contend with. Silva is finally feeling confident enough to push Tate into her elvish sphere in a more meaningful way. To marry Silva of the Daytime and Silva of the Nighttime; to be just Silva, only for Tate to hold her at arms length again.

Everyone goes through some growing pains in this one. Learning that relationships have to evolve to survive. That communication with a partner is great, but you also need to make sure you're still on the same page together. That laughter and support through the hard times is even more important than in the easy times. And that counting on tomorrow isn't a guarantee.

I'm positively vibrating with excitement to see how this all wraps up in Reunions at the end of the year!!!
Profile Image for Anomaly.
13 reviews
July 10, 2024
Invitations review -

4.5 🌟 rounded up to 5.

As much as I've enjoyed reading this book immensely, there's still glaring issues like typos so a editor is needed to proofread it to fix the typos and how the women have completely prioritises their relationships over their friendships. I disliked seeing how they've let each other down in so many ways.

I really like how annoying Kash amd Lurielle are together as a couple, how Ainsley stood his ground with Ris after telling her how he truly felt about their relationship and I was starting to like how Silva is taking action but I still find her relationship with Tate shaky, they didn't seem to have much in common so I have trouble understanding what type of dynamic they both have with each other, it felt like a dark romance at times but not quite because it doesn't cross that line aside from that terrible biting scene.

I'd love to see more progress in their friendships with each other, check on each other more and more character development for Silva to grow more than just an elf who seems like a pretty doll who can fool people and develop more of a actual relationship with Tate. I look forward to see how Ris and Ainsley's relationship progresses, how Lurielle basks in her marriage glow with Kash and Silva's determination to go get her man back.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for JaywhyGee Reads.
123 reviews10 followers
July 6, 2024
Silva & Tate, Lurielle & Khash, Ris & Ainsley all have my heart

4.5 ⭐️/5
3.0 🌶️/5

I’m gonna need that fourth book soon (fall 2024!! Let’s go!!) because Silva and Tate have me in a chokehold and I’m obsessed with them. I’m obsessed with the fae stories in this world and this additional layer to the Silva & Tate story has my mind racing!!

The couples relationships are evolving and with the evolution there are more and more real world consequences. Reading the first two books is a requirement for Invitations and being back in the world of these three elves and their respective orc partners is like coming back home and slipping into old friendships.

We have hot spicy scenes, emotional roller coasters, realities of life and death, and coming to terms with family dynamics.
Profile Image for LivingReadGirl666.
44 reviews4 followers
July 9, 2024
Girls Weekend book 3 continues to follow 3 coworker friends as they navigate inter-species relationships, adult friendships, challenging family dynamics, and tough choices. I enjoyed seeing the Cambric Creek universe across Cambric Creek, Wheel of the Year and Girls Weekend series braid together. I was, however, emotionally unprepare for the amount of angst I experience. I was crying for Elf to Orc lifespan inequality but also for toxic family that even though you wish it could be different, it isn’t and the only choice you’re left with is no or low contact with them. I am also familiar with being the black sheep and wearing a parents’ criticism on your skin until it worms its way under your skin and it’s a part of you. Seeing characters like me both hurts and heals. I’m now impatiently waiting for Reunions in autumn of 2025. 5⭐️ despite my emotional distress
July 6, 2024
I think at one point or another each character annoyed me (except maybe my sweet baby Tate). However, I can definitely see where each character is coming from with their thoughts and actions.. even if I don’t agree. I think a lot of the issues between the 6 main characters would be nonexistent if they just opened up about their truths (and not just to their partners). I hope the last installment ends with happy endings for all.. and that includes the girls friendship getting stronger and the men all getting along ( I really think they could if they actually tried to understand each other) bleah, men, big babies!
Profile Image for Ashley Wilmer.
16 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2024
GOD. WHY. I was so furious for Silva by the end of this. I hope she absolutely goes feral and wrecks shop in the last one.

I’m officially over Lurielle and Khash as characters. I still want to give Ris and Ainsley the benefit of the doubt, but they are no where near in my good books. I am very excited for “He Loves Me Not” now.

That being said, I still loved this book. I enjoyed the cameos of the other Cambric Creek characters and settings. I wasn’t quite as bereft at the end of it as I was at the end of Divine Rivals, but it was the same kind of feeling.
Profile Image for DemetraP.
4,710 reviews
July 5, 2024
Huge cliffhanger ending. Also a pretty depressing book.

There are 3 couples, and the author jumps around between the couples.


One elf heroine is in therapy and hates her mom. She has a special crying pillow. Elves live much longer than orcs, so her husband will die long before she does. She cries about it a lot.

Another elf gets pregnant. Her boyfriend was taken by the fae. She is very sad and agrees to marry a different elf guy, who promises to raise the child he knows was not fathered by him.
6 reviews
July 8, 2024
A continuation of some fun parts, some boring parts, and some disgusting parts. When “writing” using voice to text, if one doesn’t speak clearly and concisely, incorrect words and misspellings can run rampant. Very important for one to reread, edit, and proofread one’s product before self publishing for one’s paying customers. Would it be acceptable to buy any new product that has numerous flaws in it? If a new book is purchased for thine self would a lot of misspellings and incorrect words earn a high score from thee?
July 9, 2024
Amazing as always

I thankfully stumbled upon Cambridge Creek books from a TikTok. I have consumed every book in the series since. By far the Girls Weekend series is my favorite. I’m in love with the Silva and Tate love story. I will be very impatiently waiting for the next book!!! If this is your first Cambridge Creek book you have been warned that it isn’t possible to not binge the entire series!!
10 reviews
July 2, 2024
When I say I couldn't wait for this 3rd installation of the Girls Weekend series, I was not kidding. I devoured the book in less than a day and I am already awaiting the final 4th book.

I love CM Nascostas books. Especially this series. I am also team Tate 100%. If you are too, just brace yourself. I'm really hoping they all get their HEA in the final book.
23 reviews
July 3, 2024
Didn’t like the negativity towards others; I found these parts completely unenjoyable and emotionally stressful. Numerous editing issues as usual including completely incorrect words and lots of typos again. Who is editing your books? Lol. As a former editor, proofreading your work is crucial prior to release, in order to avoid continually making remedial amateur mistakes.
Profile Image for Zanet.
53 reviews
July 6, 2024
I'm a sucker for well written books, especially romances.
This was another great read. The whole series is good. I'm super focused on Silva's storyline but it's all good. Plenty of realistic thoughts, feelings mixed with fantasy characters.
I wish the 4th book was already out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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