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The Light Sublime Trilogy #2

A Red Winter in the West

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It is 1871. The landscape of the American West keeps getting colder and weirder in this highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning novel The Massacre At Yellow Hill. Three years after the supernatural calamity that befell Yellow Hill, the Miller family finds themselves living in Abilene,Texas. There, the new life they hoped to find has been fraught with change and hardship. As a family they struggle to endure the challenges of time, circumstance, and the pestilential cold smothering the Texas landscape. In those years Carson Ptolemy's life has changed too. No longer under the tutelage and provision of his father Gilbert Ptolemy, Carson directs the whole sum of his anger and young courage toward destroying the Society of Prometheus. But the occult society is old and powerful and vicious, and every day that passes brings them closer to ushering into the world a pantheon of nightmare gods known as - The Nine. The fated threads of the Ptolemy and Miller family intertwine again as they face enemies new and old, casting all their strength against beings of tremendous and malevolent power in this action-packed horror adventure set on the American frontier. A Red Winter in the West is the second book in C. S. Humble's That Light Sublime Trilogy.

339 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 18, 2023

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C.S. Humble

8 books136 followers

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Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 22 books6,233 followers
July 26, 2023
July 24th: My Patreon exclusive review from last week:
Other Books I Enjoyed by This Author: The Black Wells Series (Book 1: All These Subtle Deceits, Book 2: All the Prospect Around Us and That Light Sublime Trilogy (Book 1: The Massacre at Yellow Hill)

Affiliate Link: https://www.cemeterydance.com/redwint...

Release Date: July 18th, 2023

General Genre: Supernatural, Cosmic/Cult, Horror, Western, Epic Adventure

Sub-Genre/Themes: Good vs. Evil/Light vs. Dark, Vampires & Werewolves, Cult/Worship, Friendship/Fellowship, Chosen Family, Love Conqures All, Humanity, Bravery

Writing Style: Character-Driven, Fast pace, Ensemble Cast, Richly detailed/descriptive

What You Need to Know: You need to know that there is so much more out there in the universe of books than what is traditionally published from agented authors. And it’s overwhelming to navigate the volume of new books that get released every month. The temptation would be to stay inside the lines of heavily marketed books by familiar names. But the terrible risk in doing that is missing some extremely talented writers putting everything they have into books that you might fall in love with. If you have ever read a traditionally published book and spent good money on it, only to feel very disappointed by the lackluster writing, storytelling, and plot development–you know that basic books come in fancy packages.

So let me urge you to listen to me about this trilogy. If you enjoy investing in characters with your whole heart and that feeling of being whisked away into the setting of the book you’re reading, and if you love it when the stakes are impossibly high because evil is so great but there are fellowships of good people banding together to save each other and mankind, these are for you. I have been enjoying them with a few others who have also fallen in love and together, we have been urging people to discover for themselves how amazing this trilogy is, so that’s my invitation to you now.

My Reading Experience:
In order to have the fullest reading experience, it’s important to read book 1, The Massacre at Yellow Hill. Book 1 introduces readers to primary characters you will invest in whole heartedly. I’d even go as far as to say this could be marketed as an epic coming-of-age Western/Horror simply because one of the main protagonists grows up right on the page. And you know how I feel about my coming-of-age horror. It’s safe to say, Carson Ptolemy lives in my reader’s heart.

So yes, book 1 is an important set-up for the story and for optimum emotional investment. Similar to the way the Lord of the Rings trilogy is lined up, book 1 brings to light an insidious darkness growing in power. Readers will witness the beginning stages of this evil threat and how the characters we will come to know and love, will eventually band together. The fellowship, if you will. And if you’re at all familiar with LOTR, you know that book 2 is the harrowing journey toward facing unadulterated evil. A Red Winter in the West does not hold back. Prepare to lose your heart along the way.
But also, just allow it.
The chapters have important headings so that you know where you are in the story as it follows different groups of characters as they are handling their individual conflicts that will ultimately converge.
There are multiple enemies and several heroes with strong leaders in both camps.
The best part is the storytelling–it moves along at the perfect pace. There aren’t any lags or filler, or unnecessary details, everything feels intentional and significant; a well-plotted tale. Every gut punch is like a heat-seeking missile…Humble never misses the mark.
Another attractive aspect of this trilogy are the conversations and the way people gather around a meal, or smoke their pipes, or some other intimate activity of community in order to have deep, meaningful conversations. The dialogue always feels so demonstrative of the individual characters, revealing their heart and motivations. They all sound different too. Humble knows how to give his characters a unique voice.
When new characters are introduced, they are memorable to the reader–not burdensome. Some books have a growing cast-list of faceless, voiceless people that add nothing to the forward movement of the story, but in these books, everyone serves a purpose.
I could go on, but really, it will get too spoilery.
The best part of reading these books is the emotional return on your investment and all the reading discoveries that await you.

Final Recommendation: That Light Sublime Trilogy is like if Ray Bradbury, Joe Lansdale, and Stephen King combined their styles to write The Lord of the Rings. Horror with heart and soul.
"Humble writes with rare passion in the tradition of Robert E. Howard and a young Stephen King." - Laird Barron, author of The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All

Comps: The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King–Epic Advenure/Weird Western/Loveable Characters, This trilogy is like a Western ‘Salem’s Lot + The Lord of the Rings (but with Vampires & Werewolves instead of Orcs and An evil, cosmic diety worshipping cult instead of a Necromancer & his followers) there are even some elements of The Chronicles of Narnia, with evil ushering in an eternal winter and the destruction of mankind so that ghouls and monsters can rule.

July 7th-16th: Review coming this Monday to Patreon! But I want to say something to readers. Have you ever read a traditionally published book with a lot of publicity behind it and the author is considered a "big name" in the industry and it just doesn't satisfy? And you feel like you have to keep trying their new releases to "make it work" and unlock the "mystery" behind why everyone seemingly loves this author...like maybe you're missing something?
You're not missing anything.
Being traditionally published or having a recognizable name doesn't mean those authors are more talented that self published or indie published authors. In fact, if you read this trilogy by C. S. Humble you will realize the undiscovered, severely underrated, often times, overlooked talent the industry misses entirely. But lucky us. Readers have all the power in the world and can take the control over the genre by lifting up the work that deserves to be best sellers.
Full review to come.

Update from November 27th-December 3rd, 2021: "This book is everything I want for my reading experience. I felt it all. I’ve invested in the characters (some from the first book, some new ones) so fucking hard.
Annie, Orrin, Carson, Sarah, Larry, Sven, even my sweet Vanilla. 🖤
I felt anger, fear, love…
I cried. I wanted to scream at my kindle. I had to take emotional breaks. Definitely books one & two together are in my favorite reads for the year. More review to come, this is just a placeholder."
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 22 books6,233 followers
November 1, 2023
Other Books I Enjoyed by This Author: The Black Wells Series (Book 1: All These Subtle Deceits, Book 2: All the Prospect Around Us and That Light Sublime Trilogy (Book 1: The Massacre at Yellow Hill)

Affiliate Link: https://www.cemeterydance.com/redwint...

Release Date: July 18th, 2023

General Genre: Supernatural, Cosmic/Cult, Horror, Western, Epic Adventure

Sub-Genre/Themes: Good vs. Evil/Light vs. Dark, Vampires & Werewolves, Cult/Worship, Friendship/Fellowship, Chosen Family, Love Conquers All, Humanity, Bravery

Writing Style: Character-driven, fast-paced, Ensemble Cast, Richly detailed/descriptive

What You Need to Know: You need to know that there is so much more out there in the universe of books than what is traditionally published by agented authors. And it’s overwhelming to navigate the volume of new books that get released every month. The temptation would be to stay inside the lines of heavily marketed books by familiar names. But the terrible risk in doing that is missing some extremely talented writers putting everything they have into books that you might fall in love with.

If you enjoy investing in characters with your whole heart and that feeling of being whisked away into the setting of the book you’re reading, and if you love it when the stakes are impossibly high because evil is so great but there are fellowships of good people banding together to save each other and mankind, these are for you.

My Reading Experience:
To have the fullest reading experience, it’s important to read Book 1, The Massacre at Yellow Hill. Book 1 introduces readers to primary characters you will invest in wholeheartedly. I’d even go as far as to say this could be marketed as an epic coming-of-age Western/Horror simply because one of the main protagonists grows up right on the page. And you know how I feel about my coming-of-age horror. It’s safe to say, Carson Ptolemy lives in my reader’s heart.

So yes, book 1 is an important set-up for the story and optimum emotional investment. Similar to the way the Lord of the Rings trilogy is lined up, book 1 brings to light an insidious darkness growing in power. Readers will witness the beginning stages of this evil threat and how the characters we will come to know and love, will eventually band together. The fellowship, if you will. And if you’re at all familiar with LOTR, you know that book 2 is the harrowing journey toward facing unadulterated evil. A Red Winter in the West does not hold back. Prepare to lose your heart along the way.
But also, just allow it.
The chapters have important headings so that you know where you are in the story as it follows different groups of characters as they are handling their individual conflicts that will ultimately converge.
There are multiple enemies and several heroes with strong leaders in both camps.
The best part is the storytelling–it moves along at the perfect pace. There aren’t any lags or filler, or unnecessary details, everything feels intentional and significant; a well-plotted tale. Every gut punch is like a heat-seeking missile…Humble never misses the mark.
Another attractive aspect of this trilogy is the conversations and the way people gather around a meal, or smoke their pipes, or some other intimate activity of community to have deep, meaningful conversations. The dialogue always feels so demonstrative of the individual characters, revealing their heart and motivations. They all sound different too. Humble knows how to give his characters a unique voice.
When new characters are introduced, they are memorable to the reader–not burdensome. Some books have a growing cast list of faceless, voiceless people who add nothing to the forward movement of the story, but in these books, everyone serves a purpose.
I could go on, but really, it will get too spoilery.
The best part of reading these books is the emotional return on your investment and all the reading discoveries that await you.

Final Recommendation: That Light Sublime Trilogy is like if Ray Bradbury, Joe Lansdale, and Stephen King combined their styles to write The Lord of the Rings. Horror with heart and soul.
"Humble writes with rare passion in the tradition of Robert E. Howard and a young Stephen King." - Laird Barron, author of The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All

Comps: The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King–Epic Adventure/Weird Western/Loveable Characters, This trilogy is like a Western ‘Salem’s Lot + The Lord of the Rings (but with Vampires and werewolves instead of Orcs and An evil, cosmic deity worshipping cult instead of a Necromancer & his followers) there are even some elements of The Chronicles of Narnia, with evil ushering in eternal winter and the destruction of mankind so that ghouls and monsters can rule.

Profile Image for Ross Jeffery.
Author 27 books329 followers
July 18, 2023
A Red Winter in the West takes everything we learnt from The Massacre at Yellow Hill and shoots it with a bucket full of steroids - delivering a story for the ages!

This might just be one of my favourite Western’s ever written, second only to Wraiths of a Broken Land - and they share some subtle brilliance - both break your heart, both are unrelenting, both are raw and bleak, both expand your experience as a reader, putting you at the mercy of the writer, and both are unflinching in their execution.

The book is an emotional rollercoaster - and a ride I never wanted to end, but all good things must, but I for one have already bought my ticket for the next ride, to find out how it all ends!

I’m a huge fan of Humble’s words, he’s one of the only writers which can horrify me and then break my heart, usually on the same page. He’s a master of the genre, and a voice which is so unique, it’s hard to make comparisons in the genre, although many have tried to do so - but he’s a writer who is uniquely him, and is a voice that has been missing from the horror genre for some time / his grasp of language and human emotion is unparalleled… it makes me sick (I’m joking here) - Humble writes the books we all wish we could write!

If you’ve not discovered Humble’s brilliance, I highly recommend you dive in!

There are a number of writers currently producing Western’s, it’s had a resurgence of late, especially in the horror sphere - but let me tell you now, dear readers - ‘A Red Winter in the West’ is the novel that won the West… raw, emotional, unflinching and devastating.
Profile Image for Paul Preston.
1,294 reviews
November 28, 2023
Holy shit! Jaw-dropping! I’ve got to collect my thoughts…

Okay, let me start off by stating what an outstanding book this was. I’m doing that because my words expressing my visceral reaction may come across as ambiguous.
I cursed out the author so many times while reading this book, even at one point going on social media to let him know how much I was swearing at him.
Exasperation. Shock. Devastation. The sudden brutality caught me off guard at times and I had to reread a passage thinking that I obviously had to have read it wrong. There were eye-popping sections that I couldn’t sit still for. Reading while pacing the kitchen, running my fingers through my hair, absolutely dumbfounded by what was happening. There was no mercy, nothing was sacred, and I ate it up like flame to a fuse.
“Pain and loss salt the fields of youth, forcing children to become adults long before they’re truly ready.”

Don’t you dare reject this book thinking that everyone is putting out westerns now. This series is so much more; creatures, cults, vampires, and cosmic play just as much if not more in this book than setting and time period.
Profile Image for Catherine McCarthy.
Author 30 books300 followers
July 16, 2023
N.B. I do not rate on Goodreads.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—I’m fairly new to the Western Horror genre, but through writers such as C.S. Humble, Joe Lansdale, and Coy Hall I’ve learned to love it.
What Humble offers here though is not just Western Horror, it’s something far more. Here we have an original and in-depth take on cults, vampires, and even the cosmic.
Through his ‘That Light Sublime’ series, Humble has created another world, another religion, a cult with its own laws, rules, and goals, and that world sweeps the reader off their feet. This one (Book Two in the series) reminded me of one of my all-time favourite TV series—Penny Dreadful, so that earned another tick from me.
Without a shadow of doubt, character building and world building are two of Humble's strengths. I defy you not to fall head over heels for some of the characters. But be prepared for heartache, as there’s plenty of that too. So much so that there were several points in the story where I wanted to scream at him for what he did. (I’ll say no more because of spoilers.)
There’s a nod to the author’s Black Wells Series here too, so while I'm at it I recommend you take a look at that as well as I highly recommend it.
I eagerly await Book 3.
My thanks to Cemetery Dance and the author for providing an ARC of this novel.
September 22, 2023
I can't get enough of C.S. Humble's work. As good a story teller as Stephen King, it takes me longer to read his work as I savor every Chapter. ARWITW is no different. Gunslingers (as good as those of the line of Eld!), evil, violence and surprises; its has echos of 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Buy it now.
Profile Image for Adamsfall.
208 reviews17 followers
December 4, 2023
This trilogy is incredible and I can’t wait to dive into the final book
Profile Image for Thomas Joyce.
Author 7 books13 followers
June 24, 2021
While book one took place exclusively in the Old West of the US, predominately the two small towns of Yellow Hill and Big Spring, book two seeks to expand the scope of the action. Those who survived the eponymous massacre of book one have spent the intervening few years haunted by the horrors they witnessed and stories of the greater threat posed by the Society. Their world has grown increasingly darker and colder, the normally warm climate becoming ever frostier while sightings of strange creatures and news of savage attacks continue to circulate. For the heroic members of Peregrine House, led by Judge Ellison, the horror is only beginning.

There are returning characters from book one who take separate chapters to explore their own development since the events in Yellow Hill and where they are currently in the fight, before the actions of the Society bring them closer together to face their enemies. Without spoiling the story of the first book (you really ought to read it…), I can say that Humble continues with his wonderful ability to create well-rounded characters with whom we either sympathise or detest, depending on which side of the fight their loyalties lie. Returning characters are consistently great, with the new development and challenges they face clearly taking their toll on them, but also giving them great potential for growth, which Humble conveys very well.

The threat of the Society also experiences great growth as we discover more about their insidious plans and the implications, not only for our protagonists, but also for the Earth. While book one skirted the idea of cosmic horror, book two fully embraces it. The ultimate goal of the Society and the horrific practices they use to torment their victims taps into the themes of the cosmic, with the secret society and their worship of something terrifyingly greater than our comprehension, the use of arcane magic to complete their rituals and the sacrifice of their enemies.

And there shall certainly be sacrifice before the end of the book. For those that have read the first book and followed the survivors through the sequel, becoming emotionally invested in the heroes, heartache awaits. Humble does not shy away from wielding the axe when it comes to the protagonists. Not everyone is destined to die by the end of this book – we do have book three to come, after all – but no-one is exempt from a bloody end in the fight for the human race. A dark, bleak tone is maintained throughout with few opportunities for levity or comic relief. It may seem like a strange parallel to draw but, considering it is the second part of a trilogy and ending on a very bleak note, it is reminiscent of The Empire Strikes Back. Despite surviving the events in Yellow Hill, the protagonists feel the full force of the villains of the story as they try to strike back, to quash this resistance, and leave the world a darker place.

Much like with its predecessor, Humble works to deliver the action at a tremendous pace. Each character arc is allowed to develop naturally in each separate chapter before they become tightly entwined to form the one, strong main thread of the story. The lulls are few and far between and utilised to great effect to further develop the characters, or explore the history of the Society and how they came to be opposed by the Peregrine Estate. Also, moving the action from a small town in Texas to Colorado and Chicago allows Humble to explore city life and how the characters adapt, as well as introducing exciting aspects such as the Gunfighter’s Guild (doing so through the story of Sven and Larry was simply wonderful) and the Red Kingdom (which will surely be explored further in book three).

I was excited to see what this author would deliver after his thrilling debut, and Humble doesn’t disappoint. He has taken a strong opening section for the trilogy and built on it by further developing already strong characters while introducing some equally well-written newcomers, both good and evil. He handles both sides of the epic battle with a great deal of care and attention. Motivations are clear and the character interactions are compelling, the dialogue true to the time of the setting while being relatable to a modern audience. Scenes of confrontation between the two sides are action-packed and leave the reader breathless, and the author doesn’t hold back with the descriptions of the horrific injuries some face in the line of duty. Fans of the weird western genre who enjoy their stories with equal parts action and horror told with captivating characters will LOVE this book – I sure did! But they’d do well to read book one first. Based on the first two books, The Survivors Trilogy could well become a classic of the genre.
Profile Image for Leann N Hakala.
143 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2024
DAMN! It's a good sign when you yell at a book, right? Still loving it. Great action, horrifying events, stomping on the reader's heart, it has it all. To #3--soon!
52 reviews5 followers
August 17, 2023
I was so excited for this book that I accidentally ordered two copies! (If anyone wants one, let me know. I only need the one.)

I have been a huge fan of C.S. Humble's for a long time. I love his Black Wells series, and this is quickly rising up to be a new love of mine. This book continues the story of the Miller family (namely Annie Miller) and Carson Ptolemy three years after the events of Yellow Hill. I can't say too much about their respective plot-lines without getting too spoilery, but suffice to say, it was brilliant.

What stuns me time and time again with Humble's writing is his clear love of humanity. He shows his understanding of emotion this time through revenge; the poison and narrow sightedness it affords us, followed by the reprocussions of swift action. In a world threatened by darkness, only justice, hope, and love will allow out heroes to prevail.

I can't wait for the series' last installment. Bravo!
July 16, 2023
I’m so emotional right now!! This second book in that light sublime trilogy brought back my favorite characters and another suspenseful storyline!! C S Humble’s writing is just beautiful and poetic and his characters have become like family to me! This story has us diving deeper into the society that is bringing about the end of our world as we know it and it’s up to Carson and the Peregrine estate to stop it. At times heart wrenching, this story just wouldn’t let me go! A book you won’t be able to put down!
July 8, 2023
Thank you to Cemetery Dance for providing a review copy.
A Red Winter in the West is the kind of book where, as I'm reading it, I'm thinking to myself, wow this book is really, really good. I wasn't overly familiar with horror westerns until I read the first book in the trilogy, The Massacre at Yellow Hill. This second book has solidified my love for this sub-genre. I'm eagerly awaiting the last book in the trilogy.
Profile Image for Robin  Dickert.
94 reviews13 followers
February 1, 2024
'They worshiped beings of unknowable power, monstrosities whose sheer force of presence was enough to drive the human mind to lunacy.'

Vampires, werewolves, gunslingers, and occultists skirmishing and dying about some ancient gods. The writing very richly and beautifully tells the story of a few brave souls trying to stop the end of the world. This series has great characters combined with lots of death and destruction. Young Annie Miller could lead a list of best and most badass women in Western fiction.

'They were human once. How much of that humanity remained?'
Profile Image for Bob Wilson.
Author 6 books16 followers
February 22, 2024
Good action, creative story

Before I read this, I wouldn't have guessed that a paranormal western would be to my liking. But the author does a great job making it work, and work well.
Profile Image for Graeme Wilson.
6 reviews
November 26, 2023
The final book of the trilogy is out in just a few short days but it feels like aeons. Bloody excellent series, love it!
Profile Image for Sarah.
167 reviews4 followers
August 27, 2023
This series has gripped me so hard. Humble has such a way of writing characters that you care about and want to root for all while dumping them in the middle of a horrific, monster filled world.

I loved this continuation of the story. I was so excited to be back in this world and be with the characters again. I’ve never been to Texas but I feel like I have now. At least a small part of it.

This story plays out so vividly in my head that I can see it like a mini movie. Being with Annie and Carson again felt like coming home and I was so excited to see where they were taking me next. This story is so brutal and there were parts that made me cringe. The writing is so great and even poetic at times. Humbles words flow together so beautifully and made me feel so many different emotions.

I already can’t wait for the third journey into the West.
Profile Image for Nadine Stewart.
Author 7 books16 followers
November 26, 2023

✨฿ØØ₭ ⱤɆVłɆ₩✨
𝐀 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭 by 𝘊.𝘚. 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦.

❄️ This is the second book in The Light Sublime trilogy. I recently finished The Massacre at Yellow Hill which I devoured. This follow up was no exception. Absolutely fantastic.

🩸 This story picks up three years after the events that ended 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘠𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘏𝘪𝘭𝘭. But those events have unleashed more monsters into the world and a cold front that is slowly blanketing snow across Texas in the middle of the summer. It’s up to Judge Ellison’s agents to destroy “the Society of Prometheus. But the occult society is old and powerful and vicious, and every day that passes brings them closer to ushering into the world a pantheon of nightmare gods known as - The Nine.”

❄️ I can’t say too much more without spoiling the series for y’all but I will forewarn you not to get attached to any of the characters. Humble shows no mercy when it comes to who lives and dies. But as my coreader pointed out, that only adds to the harsh reality of the situation and the time period in general. Only a few more days now, I think, until the final book in the trilogy releases and I am anxiously awaiting my preorder copy to arrive in the mail. I look forward to reading more from Humble and from Cemetery Dance Publishing in general. If you like western/supernatural themes then definitely go grab this series.

Profile Image for Gracchus.
39 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2023
We again have vampires and the secret occult society. These are two different parts. A hero had a lot to suffer. I had to wince at a violent torture scene, but I have got accustomed to the suffering of the captured hero, otherwise I would have interrupted the novel. The story was compelling and interesting. The characters were also good and interesting. I didn’t understand the reasons for occult society to call up evil godlike beings. What are the advantages for these people? Also, I didn’t understand the use of the word dutch. I understood eventually. For Netherlands and German people, the word Dutch was used by English speakers in the paste. Why was Sven Erikson called a Dutch son of a bitch? I'm looking forward to part 3.
Profile Image for Horror DNA.
1,181 reviews109 followers
October 18, 2023
What sets C.S. Humble apart from many other writers is his unshakable belief in the power of humanity. A Red Winter in the West is a story of perseverance and strength. In a world of the worst evil to be found in both humankind and the supernatural, Humble shows the undying light at the center of the human soul.

You can read Zachary Rosenberg's full review at Horror DNA by clicking here.
Profile Image for Josh Buyarski.
288 reviews9 followers
January 12, 2024
This series is just sublime!

A western with vampires, an eldritch cult and the end of the world looming.

There is so much heart in these books too, as much gore as there is personal connection.

I read the final book before the first two and let me tell you, even knowing what was going to happen I was on the edge of my seat.

76 reviews2 followers
August 31, 2023
The second installment in the That Light Sublime trilogy has created a 21st century must read literary masterpiece.
Prepare yourself to have your emotions swing from the highest highs to the lowest lows, and everywhere in-between.
Profile Image for Eric.
272 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2023
A thrilling, fast-paced middle entry in this series that brings wholly unexpected twists and occasionally shocking moments. Love the characters and settings, but I’m learning not to become too attached to any of them (mild spoiler?) Still some dodgy editing/typos, but fewer than the first book.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,353 reviews6 followers
March 14, 2024
This book really, really needs a proofreader. It's a pretty good story, pretty well written, but then some weird word choice happens or some funny usage error comes along to bump you right out of the story. It's really quite unfortunate, because the hard part - the storytelling part - is really quite good.
Profile Image for Melissa.
53 reviews
August 4, 2023
Wow. One of the best horror series I’ve ever read, so far. Up there with The Dark Tower.
Profile Image for Xroldx.
766 reviews6 followers
September 3, 2023
So far this trilogy is such a great read. Strong characters, lots of action and horror, grotesque monsters and vampires making the west even wilder.
Profile Image for Tabatha Shipley.
Author 13 books79 followers
November 3, 2020
What I Did Like:
-Turning the Society (essentially regular humans) into the horrors of the world instead of focusing on paranormal was good. The real horror in this world is definitely rooted in THEM and that’s scary.
-Again, the western setting for this story is amazing. I love taking that setting and playing around with supernatural and horror stuff inside it. It makes the story different than everything else available in these genres and that’s cool.
-Weakness of characters. I like that this cast isn’t perfect. They aren’t all making every shot they take, they’re not all super strong. They’re real and flawed, which are two of my favorite things for characters to be!

Who Should Read This One:
-Western fans who are interested in throwing in some horror may like this one.
-Remember, this is a series. I’d suggest you start with The Massacre at Yellow Hill. If you like that one, give this one a go!

My Rating: 3 Stars. This one is good, but it sits at a weird niche of paranormal, horror, and western.

For Full Review (including what I didn’t love): https://youtu.be/1uoYpVzux5c
Profile Image for Robert Kluver.
Author 1 book26 followers
March 5, 2024
The sagas of Annie and Carson continue. The stakes are high as the fate of the world rests in their hands. No one is safe in this unpredictable and exciting middle chapter. Looking forward to book #3.
Profile Image for Todd Wright.
83 reviews4 followers
December 21, 2023
Could not have been more excited to read this one. Took the story so much father and writer than I could
have hoped!
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