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The Three #3

Wild and Free

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Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with a hole in their soul, yearning for something they don’t understand.

Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his.

But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.

For Delilah, she’s not only coping with fantasy come to life, but a mingling of very different families. Not to mention, she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster.

Abel and Delilah together fills the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world.

Or die trying.

684 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 29, 2014

About the author

Kristen Ashley

125 books38.8k followers
Kristen Ashley was born in Gary, Indiana, USA. She nearly killed her mother and herself making it into the world, seeing as she had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck (already attempting to accessorise and she hadn't taken her first breath!).

Kristen grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana but has lived in Denver, Colorado and the West Country of England. Thus she has been blessed to have friends and family around the globe. Her posse is loopy (to say the least) but loopy is good when you want to write.

Kristen was raised in a house with a large and multi-generational family. They lived on a very small farm in a small town in the heartland and existed amongst the strains of Glenn Miller, The Everly Brothers, REO Speedwagon and Whitesnake (and the wardrobes that matched).

Needless to say, growing up in a house full of music, clothes and love was a good way to grow up.

And as she keeps growing up, it keeps getting better.

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,936 reviews33.2k followers
February 24, 2017
1 *Val is STILL Shaking her Head Star*

***Spoilers Abound - Enter At Your Own Risk***

Me after trudging though reading this book:


This is a sad, sad, SAD day.

Because today is the day I not only sub-four star, but ONE star a Kristen Ashley.

In the face of this epic tragedy, I would like to observe a moment paragraph of sadness in honor of the sad, slow death of my unwavering faith in Kristen Ashley, which has now...well, beyond wavered.



Thank you. *gives self comforting pat on back*

Now, a few points to make before I get into my review...

1) I don't think I have ever been this excited about a book before in my life, which I made pretty plain here on GR. I loved both the first and second (Callum, you are a GOD) book in this series and I was beyooooond excited for this third, final installment.

Now I know some people might think I am merely experiencing disappointment in the face of too high expectations, which I wish was the case; however, after the recent disappointments that were Frankie and Benny's less than stellar The Promise and Butt Plug Gate AKA Deacon I had already started to subconsciously alter my KA expectations.


2) Also, before the official release of this book, my good GR friend Naomi received an ARC for this and rated it a 3-star. She told me she was...under-whelmed to stay the least. Thus, being that the bar was already pretty low in my head, what did this further give me?


Before I get ahead of myself, I just want to say that I love Kristen Ashley and always will. She has supplied me with hours upon hours of entertainment over the course of the 47 books of hers that I have read. I LOVE so many of her characters and stories and I will continue to read them over and over again.

So with that in mind I will try to be diplomatic and thoughtful in my review.


So I'll begin.




This book was so fucking SHITEOUS that I, I just...


Obviously I was full of shit about being diplomatic. That's just not my style. #sorrynotsorry

But I digress.

My thoughts during the first 90% of this thing?


This book had SO MUCH going on - seriously everything but the kitchen sink was in this thing. It's like KA took a poll on "hot topics" in romance - M/M? Bikers? Vampires? Werewolves? Witches? Wraiths? Other random magical bullshit? Anal play? BDSM? - and said, SURE, LET'S JUST FUCKING THROW IT ALL IN THERE, CROSS OUR FINGERS, AND HOPE FOR THE BEST.


Seriously, this book was one big identity crisis.

Why the fuck am I getting Chaos Series type characters and clipped, caveman biker-speak in my PNR Three Series?

No seriously.

Why? It made me feel like a fish out of water the whole story because my kindle said I was in Three Series world, but my eyes kept saying, "Kindle, you're a fucking liar." As a result of this, the tone was choppy for me and just never settled.

Now with all these shenanigans, you would think there would be a lot of excitement and action. But, for a story that had SO MUCH going on?

Nothing much seemed to happen. Ever.


For real though, I fell asleep reading this. At 3pm yesterday.


There are SO many things I didn't like about this TRAIN WRECK.


So I will just hit the "highlights" on my shit list.

1) Lilah.

What. A. Fucking. Idiot.

And she is supposed to be the "best of the Three?

Yeah, I bet.


Yes, Lilah. You're a fucking rainbow.

This flat, one-dimensional giggling asshat annoyed me SO much.

What 30 year old, BIKER BITCH actually uses the phrase "HOLY SHITOLY" as a part of her everyday vernacular?


2) Jian-Li and Constant "Other Women" Reminders

Not only did we have to deal with the waste of space that was Lilah, we had to deal with Jian-Li, Abel's mother/sister/daughter(?) who supposedly had romantic feelings for him in the past but is now his 60+ something motherly figure.


Cause that's not awkward or anything.

But most annoying? It wasn't enough that Abel admitted to Lilah the day they meet that he fucked and drank from another woman - in the same bed Lilah sleeps in that night - earlier that same afternoon.


We had to be reminded constantly about all his conquests, his bitches, and how he had had A LOT of them.

We get it. You are just oh so desireable, blah, blah, blah.


You know, sometimes inference is better than actually knowing.


Because of all this, Lilah's idiocy, and the slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am insta-love that was this relationship, I just wasn't buying it. I wasn't invested in them at ALL and I truly had no interest in them as a couple or as individuals.

In fact, the only parts of the book I actually liked (besides Yuri's random side romance) were two scenes toward the end that depicted Lucien/Leah and Callum/Sonia - two of my all time favorite KA couples. But even that wasn't enough for me to grant this thing an additional pity star.

3) Campy cliches a la True Blood

Many times during this book I honestly felt like I was watching True Blood - and not in a good way. With the addition of witches, bruja's and their sacrifices and testing ceremonies, and the public outing of the immortal population (not to mention the ridiculous news coverage scenes), I felt like I was in Bon Temps and Snookie was going stroll up to my table and ask me for my drink order at any minute.

4) "Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby..."


Oh, man. The constant use of this term has never bothered me before in past books, but this in conjunction with the other annoyances made it read like nails on a chalk board here.

And if it wasn't baby, baby, baby, it was the aforementioned "Holy Shitoly..."


...The constant, clipped, formulaic KA biker speech - from Abel, Lilah's ridiculous biker family, and even Lilah herself...


...Or the constant melodramatic gushing about how hot, handsome, and cute everyone is.


And don't even get me started on the constant, constant, constant use of the term "Honey."

I LOATHE this endearment in my romance books. I know it's personal preference. And you can call me picky, but when I read my love interests calling each other by this term, all I can think about is my Grandma.

And what she said when she saw my first tattoo.


And what with the constant overuse of endearments in this shit show (Button? Really?) I figured why not just go ahead and add that gripe to the pack of straw on my camel's already overloaded back.

5) The Finale.

Dearest Finale,


Honestly, this thing was so ridiculous, I don't even want to talk about it.


I will say one thing: Bunnies.

For real.

At the end of the day, I am still a Kristen Ashley fan.
I will still voraciously re-read all of my KA favorites.
I will still recommend her books to anyone...well, certain ones over others, obviously.

I think I have just reached the point where too many of her characters talk the same way, think the same way, and are frankly, just too interchangeable for me nowadays.

The days of me knowing that a KA will be inherently awesome are over, but the ride was awesome and I will probably still read stuff from her in the future...maybe just not for a while.

It's the end of an era I tell you.


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I am utterly speechless right now. I must ponder. Review to come.


OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod! Late Christmas present! Please be awesome!

This is the one I have been waiting for!!!!!

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,662 followers
March 29, 2017
At last, "The Three" have arrived. 'Wild and Free' is the third, and final, book in Kristen Ashley's paranormal romance series featuring vampires, werewolves, hybrids and a smorgasbord of other supernatural beings. It took a while to get here, but the final prophesied couple has been discovered and the final showdown between team good and team evil takes place.

If you've read the first two books in this series, you know that the final couple consists of a vampire/werewolf hybrid and his mate. That hybrid is Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson is his mate. He's never understood his abilities and feared his very nature. She has her own peculiarities, but has embraced them.

Although Abel shares many characteristics with the other Alpha-male heroes in this series, he certainly didn't waste any time in claiming his mate. In fact, this occurs in the opening scene. Bam! Abel arrives on scene and is like, "you're mine now" and carries her off with him. Okay, so maybe it wasn't exactly like that...but pretty close.

I have to admit that I was a little surprised by the speed with which Abel arrived on scene and spelled it out for Delilah, because the first two heroes took right up until the end to get down to business. It worked though. If Abel had wasted much time, I don't think that things would've been squared away in time for the battles to come.

Despite being powerful and dangerous, Abel had a vulnerability about him. He grew up without a "mentor" of his kind to show him the way. Raised by generations of the same human family, he lived a life of constant and unavoidable loss. He was the type of character that made your heart go out to him.

Delilah had some bumps along the way, but grew up with the love and adoration of her biker dad. She never doubted that she could count on him. In contrast to Abel, she was incredibly comfortable in her own skin. She did a lot to help him come to terms with accepting himself, which was critical.

Like the other heroines, Delilah has special powers. She also has vivid dreams. Although I never fully understood exactly what her special ability was, it became apparent that she was the toughest of them all. In fact, whatever Delilah could do made everybody else's powers look puny in comparison.

Overall, this was a great book. Admittedly, it was my least favorite of the three books in the series. This is probably because this book seems to focus less on the romance and more on the action and battles between good and evil. However, it was still fantastic. If you're a fan of the series, this book brings everything full circle.
Profile Image for Naomi.
578 reviews23 followers
December 30, 2014
(I forgot but Abel has a scar on his face:
“The slash of an angry scar that went across his forehead, through his left eyebrow, disconnected then rejoined on his cheekbone to slide all the way down his face, curling around his jaw and disappearing.”)

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I have some serious mixed feelings about Wild and Free. I adore this series and I've been waiting for this book for a long time, needless to say, I was beyond thrilled when I got my ARC. The first 40% or so were good, I was really enjoying it, I was super excited to finally have this baby in my hand, even if some things bothered me a little, I didn't pay them much attention. But you know, after a while, the excitement died down a bit, I stopped reading it and when I got back to it, that's when I started to notice things, things I did not like.

This is going to be a pretty long review, I'll not write any spoilers for this book so don't worry. I am going to try to separate the review in two parts, what I liked and what I didn't. Thank you if you're taking the time to read it.

The story:
Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with a hole in their soul, yearning for something they don’t understand.

Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his.

But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.

For Delilah, she’s not only coping with fantasy come to life, but a mingling of very different families. Not to mention, she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster.

Abel and Delilah together fills the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world.

Or die trying.
/!\ You absolutely need to read the first two books in the series to perfectly understand Wild and Free. It can be read as a stand-alone but I truly think you'd enjoy it much more if you knew all the characters and their backstory.

What I liked and loved about this book:
Well, it's written by Kristen Ashley. That says it all. I adore this woman and her books, even if this is only a 3 stars read for me, it was still one hell of a ride and Kristen's writing style is extraordinary. One of a kind. The best. It's always pure pleasure to read her books.

Wild and Free is the conclusion to this amazing series and it was a good one, I can't complain. I am happy with the ending. I was also super happy to see and read more of Lucien and Leah and Callum and Sonia. These two couples will always have a special place in my heart.

The multiple POVs, it was mostly Abel and Delilah but lots of characters got their POV in this book and I really enjoyed that.

The twists and the battles. One word: EPIC! Kristen surprised me more than once, good job lady. And the battle scenes were incredible. So.Much.Epicness.

I also loved Abel's family. Jian-Li, Wei, Xun and Chen. I think that Kristen did a marvelous job with them and their relationship with Abel. It was beautiful and it showed me that blood doesn't make someone family, love and support does.

The secondary characters in general. As always with KA, they were an important part of the story and I liked that. Some I liked less than others but, generally, they were all great. I already have listed a few above but there are so many new and old characters in this book, I cannot possibly list them all.

I will say though, that I adored Gregor (if you've read the first two books, you know him). I fell in love with him and, seriously, I'll miss him. I loved the crazy witches, such a great addition to the story and totally pure KA. Delilah's family, her father and his club. He's a biker and the club is Lilah's only family, she adores them but I can't really say the same. I mean, I did like them but they did nothing to me, I could have done without their presence.

But, if I could give a 5 or even 6 stars rating or more to one character, specifically one couple in this book, it would be Yuri and Aurora. Holy shitoly. Kristen surprised me with them. Yuri is Gregor's son, a vampire, cocky, proud and a jerk but I freaking loved him in this book, so very very much. It took me by surprise but after reading his POV for just a little while, I wanted more and I only wanted that. No joke. I was actually waiting for Abel or Delilah to stop speaking and for Yuri to come back. And Aurora, she's a young but powerful witch and she's awesome. I would have loved for them to have their own book because it would have been the bomb. But I am still glad that Kristen took the time to write about them and their relationship. It was definitely a positive point for me. They totally have a special place in my heart as well.
“I wish to keep you with me,” he said gently. “And my further, most fervent wish is that you wish to keep me.”
She forced her breath out, saying, “I do.”
What I didn't like:
Well, the main couple. Abel and Delilah. And I think that's why my rating is low, because, even though I loved the story, the ending and so many other characters, I did not like them and this was still their story, so they were important.

I have to admit, this book felt different than the first two. With the first two, it was really only about the main couple and their story but in Wild and Free it was complicated, it was about Abel and Delilah, obviously, but when they found each other, they didn't have time to rest, right away, they were reunited with the other couples because of the prophecy and there were lots of other characters and many POVs, so I guess, I didn't really connect with them. Like I said, I liked the multiple POVs and all but I think it didn't help me in connecting and loving Abel and Lilah.

I didn't like Lilah. I just didn't. She was not for me, she was just too much of everything. It annoyed me, she annoyed me. I did not connect with her and how many times did she say that she loved Abel's big dick?! TOO.MANY.TIMES! I mean, seriously, you're pissing me off. I don't really know what to say, she was not always that bad, there were moments where I actually liked her but I can't even remember them.

I am a bit undecided about Abel, he's a pure alpha-male à la KA but...I can't believe I'm going to say that...maybe too much. I liked him at the beginning, I felt for him, thinking he was the only one different, thinking of himself as a monster and such but when he found his mate and they became serious, he pissed me off too. He could be mean with her at times, and I didn't like that Lilah didn't say anything, accepted his “sorrys” so fast and moved on. It was too easy.

He kept calling her and other women, “bitch”, and I know, her father being a biker, it's common to call someone a “biker bitch” but it wasn't only that. Him referring to women, in a general way, as “bitches”, I did not like that, at all. At times I felt like, for him, women were only a hole he could bury his cock into. No joke.

I didn't like how he called Lilah “pussycat”, but that's just me, I just don't like it. I felt like, sometimes, when he was angry, he only viewed Lilah as a way to exhaust himself by having his way with her, I didn't like that either.

Anyway, I did not connect with them individually and even less as a couple. Which is the major reason for this rating.
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Wild and Free was still a great book, because Lilah and Abel had their good moments too and I can't say it was always bad. But it was mostly a great book because of all the things I listed above and especially because of Yuri. I did love the ending as well, it was a good conclusion and the Three can finally live in peace.

And, this book made me feel lots of emotions, I cried more than once, so thank you Kristen for that. I love feeling this kinds of emotions while reading a book, even if it's sadness, it makes the book so much better. Wild and Free is full of battles and twists, seriously, this was another awesome point. I fell in love with new and old characters and I was thrilled to read more of the other couples, it felt good! I would not mind another book in this series, even if the Three have fulfilled their destiny and are finally free, Kristen could definitely write another book...or two!
“I love you too, bao bei, with everything I am, and I'll do it until the sun falls from the sky.”
♪ Cat Stevens's “The Wind
♪ Pearl Jam's “Just Breathe
♪ John Denver's “The Eagle and the Hawk
***ARC kindly provided by Kristen Ashley in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,682 followers
May 19, 2015

5 action packed, burn up the pages sexy stars!

This third and final book in Kristen Ashley’s The Three trilogy is an action packed, super sexy story about faith, trust, and never giving up on the people you care about, regardless of the danger to yourself. Most importantly, though, Wild and Free is a story of hope, dedication, determination, and unconditional, uncompromising love.

Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with a hole in their soul, yearning for something they don’t understand.

Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his.

But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.

For Delilah, she’s not only coping with fantasy come to life, but a mingling of very different families. Not to mention, she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster.

Abel and Delilah together fills the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world.

Or die trying.
My thoughts…

There’s so much to love about this story, and oh, how I love this story! I love it because I believe in it! I believe, with all my heart, that humanity can come together, beat back the selfishness and ugliness of the world and, with a little hope and goodness and sacrifice, make this planet we’re on an amazing place where we can all live together in peace, as one, not just tolerating each others' differences, but embracing them! I also love it ‘cuz it’s a great romance and holy hot alpha shifting bloodsucker burn up the pages sexy, but if I mention holy hot alpha shifting bloodsucker burn up the pages sexy first, you might think I'm a lusty wench, and I can't have that now, can I? ;)

Anyway, this is a great end to the trilogy. We get to spend time with Lucien and Leah, and Callum and Sonia, along with others we've come to love throughout the story. There are some laughs, some sighs, loads of fanning, but also some heartbreaking moments. If you think I loved each and every word of Wild and Free, you would not be wrong!

An ARC of Wild and Free was provided by the author, in part for my participation in the Wild and Free Blog Tour, but also because she's all kinds of awesome!

Check out the blog tour here, and enter for a chance to win some amazing prizes!


Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,218 followers
January 18, 2015
4 Wild Stars.

In this third the book we get to meet the third and last couple of life-mates. Abel, a hybrid between vampire and werewolf and Delilah, a human. They meet and they immediately feel a strong connection pulling them together and from that moment they knew they can’t be apart. And for the first of their lives (his considerably longer) the void they both always felt isn’t there anymore. And now that “The Three” are reunited, prophesies can come alive and “The Battle” can finally begin. Now, not only are they fighting for the human existence and to save the world, but they also have to fight for their loves and for their own lives.


Okay, although I liked this series and loved the second book, this wasn’t definitely my favorite KA book so far. It was too long (even for her standards) and for a bit it seemed it would never end. The first half dragged a little and was basically always the same thing happening over and over again. After that it started picking up when “The Battle” finally started to happen but towards the end it got to crazy and a little over the top. There were too many POV’S, too many things happening at once and it became a little confusing. Nonetheless, it was a good reading, brilliantly written (if you don’t mind the type of dialogue KA always use and I really don’t) and it grabbed from the beginning. Another good series that only proves me again that this woman can write virtually anything.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: I liked Abel and Lilah, but since this book wasn’t only about them and it focused a lot on the battle, I didn’t have that connection I usually do with KA’s characters. They were good together and Abel was alpha as hell, but it came a point where their relationship were more of the same. It was nice to see more of the previous couples (especially Callum and Sonia, since they were my favorites.). But I’ve got to say that the ones who did this book for me were Yuri and Aurora. They were amazing together and I wish they could have had a book just for them.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Wendy.
612 reviews49 followers
July 13, 2015
I'd been waiting for this book for ages
Finally. FINALLY it came out.

This was a great ending to this series. It was worth the wait. We basically got 2 new romances wrapped in one book. And a touching family reunion. And we got to spend time with the other couples. It was awesome.

We've got the main couple Lilah and Abel
Abel is a badass. A badass biker. A badass vampire/werewolf hybrid. Brother. Son. LOVER.
Under all that badass we's a puppy. Totally adorable and full of love.
I won't be giving anything away when I say that he finds his soul mate and is absolutely smitten.

Lilah is a biker chick. (Biker+biker chick. It works out, doesn't it?) She's a free spirit that doesn't judge anyone. She sees you as you are and gets used to it. She doesn't give you shit for it. She sees that Abel is overprotective and jealous at times, but it's him.

I wan't get into the plot because I'd have to be explaining 3 books and then I'd give away important details from the book, so you'll just have to take my word: there's a lot of stuff going on and pulling together and it will all make sense.

Fav quotes:
,i> " I have you wrapped around my finger?"
He looked to the headboard, which meant yes.
Oh man, I so liked that.
"Okay, I'll be a good girl," I told him.
TO which he looked to the headboard, "Now all I can think is how good a girl she can be."

Also, Zoe's names for Abel's looks were incredibly funny:
"He gave me a new look, one I hadn't seen before, one that I read ad a my-Lilah-is-adorable-and-also-kind-of-a-pain-in-my-ass-but-I-still-like-it look."
"Abel shook his head, giving me another look new look, this one saying my-woman-is-adorable-but-also-a-pain-in-the-ass-and-a-big-one-at-that."

It's kind of breaking my heart to say this since I loved the other couples so much, but these two totally win the CUTEST AND MOST ADORABLE award.

Yuri is really. Really. Really. Really. (go on for another 5 minutes) Old.
And he's usually kind of standoffish.
Then he meets Aurora. She's a young witch. He's a total idiot to her their first meeting. Like, I can't even put him in a group with assholes because that would kind of be insulting them.
I know.
It doesn't seem like a good start to a relationship. He was lucky that Aurora's totally cool. Cute cool, not badass cool. She had a warm heart and a soft soul... but don't think that she can't kick butt. Because she totally can. And she can be hardheaded when needed. Which is always when dealing with Yuri.

Yuri soon find out he was a turd and that Aurora is amazing. And he falls in love. I was expecting there to be some fallout when he broke up with his concubine but surprisingly even though it seemed like the story was setting up to that, it didn't happen (maybe Kit was just making sure there were no plot holes)
Anyway, they ended up being a rocking couple.

Just read this:
His hand slid down her forearm to catch hers and murmured soothingly,"Calm, button."
Her hand spasms in his, and still whispering, she asked, "Button?"
He looked at her. "You. As cute as."

Did your heart just melt? Because mine did. SWOON x 1000.

I wasn't the only one that found them adorable:
aurora, probably sensing the bruja, halted before going through t, which meant Yuri almost bumped into her. Instead, at her quick stop, he wrapped an arm around her chest from behind in a protective way, narrowed his eyes, and scanned the room.
Totally cute together.

Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,045 followers
February 5, 2021
#1 Until the Sun Falls from the Sky — 3 Stars
#2 With Everything I Am — 2 Stars
#3 Wild and Free — 2.5 Stars

Welp, this is a disaster. It’s like one of those superhero movie flops. The one that has a combination of all the different types of hero in one film fighting against one common enemy. Except, we have all kinds of supernatural beings in here and instead of coming out like the hit cinema Avengers: Endgame, this is more like Justice League and Suicide Squad. Seriously, it’s embarrassing.

There’s sooo much of other things going on in this book that the romance is just a filler and a lot of smut. I thought this was supposed to be another couple’s (Abel & Lilah) romance, but they don’t get the same opportunity as the couples in the first two books because their relationship is pretty much established from the beginning. There’s no development whatsoever.

In addition, their characters are very much one dimensional. I mean, it’s super cool that the H is a werewolf vampire hybrid adopted by a Chinese family and the h comes from a biker family, but that’s just it. On top of that, there’s even a SIDE romance and a slew of creatures ranging from vampires, werewolves, hybrids, wraiths, phantoms, and witches.

It goes without saying that all of the characters (old and new) are here too, and all the main couples get their own POV. I’m not kidding, this book has some serious identity crisis. I think that the final battle at the end of the book is meant to be epic and emotional, but honestly it comes out almost cringey. You know, like the ending in Wonder Woman 1984 (IMO) if you have watched it.

If I was a fan of this series, this installment would be underwhelming and I’d be majorly disappointed. I feel like it’s such a shame that this series couldn’t live up to its potential because, otherwise, I know it could be an outstanding paranormal romance series that’s uniquely different from the rest in the same genre, especially at the hands of this author. Unfortunately, it’s just not it for me.

(Read as an Audiobook)
Profile Image for Laura Elizabeth.
563 reviews2 followers
July 6, 2015
Before I start note some spoilerage below.

I read the teaser chapters for this book two months ago and was excited to get this book. Now I've been fooled by teaser chapters before so , I lowered my bar for KA after the last three books so low , it was hitting the ground. KA will always be an autobuy for me because even when her books suck they are still entertaining.

I Buddy Read this with my EDGy ladies and the gals on Turning Pages at Midnight.

Ok so we have Abel our Wolf Vampire Hybrid. We have Delihla his destined mate. Abel is the third player in our mighty "THREE" ( remember this because you will read they are the "THREE" 100 times. Our first two heroes of the series , Lucien and his mate Leah and Callum with his mate Sonia sweep this couple off to a vampire compound. First 25% of this book is awesome (and remember the word AWESOME because you are going to read it over 100 times by the time this book is done). Solid four star read. I'm excited to finally get a KA of old book. Now Delihla is 29 but dresses and acts like Valley Girl from 1980's ( feather earrings, constant use of slang, hair out to THERE, complete with a father who is a biker and sports.......ready?......a mullet to end all mullets. Ok , John Stamos in his heyday could barely pull off a double decker mullet. So forget a biker who's
in his 50's. Also, his road name is "Hooker" I'm guessing because he frequents them? Despite annoying 1980 flashback book is good. So I pick that bar up off the ground and look a little bunny limbos under it.
Then we get 1,000 side characters thrown in the mix. And then this book starts to drag.

And Drag

And Drag

Our mighty " Three" (much like my daughters crayfish when our cats are circling his tank) hidey hole away in this compound while the world falls apart. This vampire stronghold by the way, is lorded over by Gregor ( Sonia's vampire adoptive father) from various libraries and dining rooms around the Chateau de' vampire hidey hole.
Here at Chateau Hidey Hole we are given descriptions of every coffee poured and meal served. They fuck their mates senseless and endless, but when it comes time for a battle, well, we don't get to see those. Fade to tea time with Gregor.
At this point my Dirty Girl Buddy Reader, Page, points out our mighty "Three" could use a lesson in war planning and retribution from our Dax Lahn & Co. of the Fantasyland series.
I decide to give Dax Lahn a call.

I phone Lahn. "Hey Lahn, listen, Page had this idea. Can you go over to this compound of vampire/wolf and whatever the fucks with your buddies and teach them how to exact retribution for attacking your mate, because really, I know if this was you in their shoes every one of their enemies would already be headless 10 chapters back. Riding into the compound on horseback would help ( for me anyway)"
Lahn: " I will not help them. They don't deserve my help, bunch of pussies. Do not ask this of me again"

Well. I guess I'm on my own.

But wait. Oh look a side romance with Yuri and a witch named Aurora. Ok saved from boredom.

So the women decide they are going to take things into their own hands. Delilah has discovered she has a cool Kmart Blue light special power that can obliterate stuff and is trying to practice on innocent Solo cups. Sonia decides to go outside and talk to Bunnies. AWESOME ( someone in the KA camp must have really liked that Lego movie song)

I try Lahn again:
" Kah Lahn, yeah ugh, their women are pulling a Snow White / Sleeping Beauty/Cinderella and gonna get little bunnies and doggies and kitties to fight for them"
Silence from Lahn
"I'll be right there"
" Ugh Lahn? Could you bring Zahnin and Bain along too? On horseback. Please?"
Lahn, Zahnin, Bain, Tor, Apollo and Frey ride into the compound. Our mighty "Three" come out.
Lahn leans into Zahnin and Bain and says "unman them". Frey says " leave the vampires to me, always wanted to fry one with my dragons"

Well this doesn't help.

Finally we have a showdown. Thumper and friends do their best to defend the mighty " Three". We have a incredibly stupid showdown with Kmart Blue Light Special ending and boring epilogue.

The end

May 25, 2017
3.5 It was good, but so could have been better stars! Spoilers alert!!!

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I don't know what happened??? This series confuses the shit out of me. The first book I hated with a passion, the second book I freaking loved like crazy and this book that I was so looking forward to just fell flat! I don't know what it is but somethings just didn't work for me and I feel like it was missing something big. That being said I will try to review this book. First off the main couple Abel and Delilah like the book confused me.

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I like Abel. Liked that Abel was strong, loyal and very protective, like a alpha male should be. He was super Kickass, and all kinds of double awesome being half vamp and half wolf and all. The one thing that I didn't like about him was that most of the time when he would talk it would be in incomplete sentences. Really most of the characters spoke in incomplete sentences and it was weird and kinda confusing at times.

“Terrific. I’m named after the brother who was murdered and you’re named after the bitch who stole her man’s strength and betrayed him to his enemies. Fuck.” His eyes came back to mine and he dropped his hand. “We’re screwed.”


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Delilah didn't really have a personality in my opinion. She was suppose to be the best and most powerful of "The three" and all wild and free " Biker Bitch",but she seemed more like a blow up doll to me.
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Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees
Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,
Hit the town, fool around, let's go party
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Yup that was Lilah for me! lol
P.S. I freakin hated that they kept calling their mates and wives Bitches I have read biker books and I can deal with ol lady but Bitches really?

Also the Story line really dragged on and parts of it got a little boring. Abel and Lilah's relationship was kinda rushed. I thought with the three couples that their powers would do something really cool and that they would all have to join their powers together or something to kick ass in the end (kinda like the power rangers lol) So the end battle was kind of a let down
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But I loved seeing the other couples and the multi-pov. There was some sweet parts that I really enjoyed.
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The sex was hott , but that is never a problem in Kristen Ashley books! I really loved Yuri and Aurora they made the book better for me. I think that Yuri needed his own novel. The last battle had a part in it that I was like OMG and I can't believe it. I got a little teary eyed .

I liked a lot of the new characters and I loved getting to see Callum and Sonia again. They are my fav couple. I loved seeing the Three Couples becoming close friends. I loved how the humans were not stupid fear mongering idiots with pitchforks and torches. Something else that really bugged me is Abel kept telling Lilah that he could smell her C%*t. Eww That word is not sexy at all. Just saying you only use that word to insult someone not dirty talk!! Ever! And the Epilogue was good, but she could have gave us more closure there. I would have like to see a few years in the future, maybe let us see the couples happy with thier own children ect..... Over all the book was good, but not great.

Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews900 followers
November 21, 2017
★Book Basics★

Genre : - Paranormal Romance
Series : - 3rd in the series
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Would I read more by this author/or in this series? - Yes
Rating - 4 - (3 of the 4 stars are for Yuri and Aurora. They rocked, Lilah, just "meh".)


I have some mixed feelings about this book.

Overall, I really enjoyed it, I loved the conclusion to the series

I loved the POV from various players in the fight against the traitors.

I really loved some of the new characters introduced in this book - at the top of that list is Lilah's dad.

LOVED LOVED LOVED the Yuri and Aurora romance.

I did not even have an issue with the action for "The Three" being slow in the middle, I thought it was done well and fit, with how they would want to keep The Three Safe, and then them feeling the frustration due to a lack of action. And we got the action and page time given over to one of my favourite parts of this book - Yuri and his little witch.

Really liked Abel too, even if he was a bit of a dick to start. Although I did sort of want to giggle a little bit every time the term "werewolf vampire" was used

But Delilah!! Seriously, did like her at first, but as it went on, and particularly at the end, she was just too "perfect". And yes I know I sound like a miserable grump, but she got on my nerves tbh.


So overall, loved the story, loved the characters on the whole, loved the ending of the series, but felt almost pushed into disliking Lilah and wanting to slap her around the head with a kipper for being annoying and oh so perfect apparently.

Actually, Yuri and Aurora and the secondary characters made this book. It seemed like Yuri and Aurora provided the romance, since Abel and Delilah were instantly together like a tick boxing session. At least 3 of the 4 stars are for Yuri and Aurora.

Loved the end where Yuri was checking his emails and the witches having some sort of posh picnic, burning up a traitor vamp at "Burn" from Yuri, then "douse". Just some casual torture!
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,372 reviews1,331 followers
January 3, 2015
4.5 KA lovin' stars!

"He would have her. He would love her. Then he would lose her. It takes time, but you come to terms with the fact that you were blessed, having once had it at all."

Wild and Free is the long awaited final book in the The Three series. To say I have been anticipating this book would be the understatement of the year. First and foremost, I am a huge KA fan! I find every single one of her books engaging, liberating, and the characters are unforgettable. I know that she has a unique writing style that not everyone appreciates. I for one, am a true fan! Wild and Free did not disappoint!

If you haven't read the first two of the series, you really need to go back and read them first. Book 3 is truly NOT a standalone as it wraps up the series by continuing the story of all of the characters.

In book one, we met Lucian and Leah. Lucian is a vampire and Leah is his mate. We learned that they are the first couple of the three.


Book 2, my favorite of the 3, is where we meet Callum and Sonia! Callum is the mighty werewolf and Sonia is his werewolf queen.


Book 3, Wild and Free was exactly as it's name states. The hero Abel is a werewolf/vampire hybrid. His mate Delilah is a human. I felt like there was no time to explore the beginnings of these two. Part of their connection is that they both knew right away they were each others. At first, I missed the build up and the tension that a typical KA book offers. However, Abel and Delilah won me over. Truth be told with the fate of the world in their hands there wasn't enough time to "get to know each other". That being said the attraction and chemistry between these two was instant and HOT!


"When he said “mine,” he meant me."-Delilah

Book 3 is all about saving humanity. Delilah has a strong biker family that takes her back. (Hook her dad is the best!) Abel also has been adopted into a family of humans that have been loving him for decades. With the power of all three power couples they prepare for battle.

Callum and Lucien are quick to take Abel under their wings. They became instant brothers and the hot bod trio is awesome! Abel has spent a life feeling alone and thinking he was a monster. The healing Delilah and these men bring to him make him complete.


Equally touching was the girl power in book 3! Delilah, Leah, and Sonia are probably my favorite group of besties of all time! Think sex in the city with a paranormal punch! The girls trained right next to their men getting ready for battle!


"We Are The Three"

I wouldn't be doing justice to this review if I didn't fail to mention Yuri and his witch Aurora!

“I have never, in all those centuries, found someone like you. I wish to keep you with me,” he said gently. “And my further, most fervent wish is that you wish to keep me.” She forced her breath out, saying, “I do.”


In the words of our heroine, "holy shitoly"! What's not to love about Yuri finding his mate in this deal?

Overall, Wild and Free was a great wrap up to the series. Truth be told it wasn't near as good for me as the second book in the series (considering I have reread Callum and Sonia's story three times, I would know!) And yet, Abel and Delilah finished out the three perfectly! I will mention the book lacked the power KA Epilogue! I would have loved to have been granted a glimpse into the future of these couples. And yet, I have no doubt that they all get the HEA they so richly deserved! Well done KA! And now the wait begins for the next book release!

"So beautiful, it hurt looking at her. But he couldn’t stop himself. The hurt felt too good."

Profile Image for Vishous.
561 reviews573 followers
January 29, 2015
What in dear heavens was this?!?!?!?

Why can't I stop torturing myself and simply stop and give up on new KA's books?!?!

I just needed to find out how will this trilogy end! Why did I need to know that?!?!?!? Why?!?!?!?!?!?

oh look the hybrid between vamp and wolf says we are destined to be together ... I see rainbows so I will just smile and let him feed off me and fu@k me because I feel that destiny on second page also... I have a hole in me since birth and I search for sth to plug it all my life... oh look hybrid... I plugged it...

This book has no sense at all... Lots of gibberish packed in one box of major eyeroll.

Like the author didn't know what to make up so went with most ridiculous scenario possible on this planet!!!!!

ok here are 2 examples which will clarify everything:

1. Her dad's friend dies protecting her. So to honor him after viking burial, they make love on the beach because what greater way to honor the dead man, if not to have sex with her near his ashes around them because he did die so they could fu@k 24/7. - this is actually hybrids opinion.

2. Final fight scene.
Did I read that right?! Did she while asleep, fight against the enemy in her dreams, and then the hybrid entered her dream and suddenly there were all others there because the fight was in some town but LIVE on TV. whole world praying while they fight, and she fights but sleeps but she is there and in her bed and then it all ends and she wakes up but she was in the city and on TV but they fought while sleeping...

And the communication is getting worse... you would think they would evolve and speak sentences and they do, but that's hardly evolved if you use word fuck as every word in the sentence.

And it's like sex fest in this book... all couples, bikers with vamps, witches with whatever the species are in this book....

I rest my case and with this book I am saying goodbye to KA. Maybe I'll try her old ghost books but new ones.... nope... goodbye to that.
Profile Image for Raxa.
61 reviews37 followers
December 30, 2014
Me after reading the second book because hot dayum CALLUM




Me after reading the third book teaser:




Looks at date. NONE. Looks at title. Well, fuck me over sideways


**Checks the dates released from the past couple books..



No. No it's okay I know KA is a busy girl I love her and she's amazing


**Checks KA's blog.

WE HAVE A DATE! *fucking fist bumps air aggressively*





It says somewhere around 2014...





Every freaking second of every goddamn day.

This is the bestest of the besta-freaking-abso-best series I've ever read.

This would be worth the freaking wait.

All my love, KA!

**End of mindless childish whining**

Thank God, I got it off my system.

Now on to finish the Rock Chick series..


Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,170 followers
January 13, 2015
4 Bao bei Stars

“I’ve waited three lifetimes for you, and now that I’ve got you, I’m keepin’ you.”


Another love story KA style.... I just love her paranormal romances! *sigh*
Review to come!

Waiting for the release....
Freaking 1-click pre-order button... I caved once again!


Can't wait for the 29th!!!!
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,666 followers
January 2, 2015
5 STARS out of 5
This book is Rated 'W' for Well Done
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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I’ve not read all of Kristen Ashley's books and to be honest she is a total hit or miss with me. But this series right here is the ULTIMATE for ME. She exceeded all of my expectations with this last installment in her The Three Series and I enjoyed every second of it!

FULL REVIEW TO FOLLOW! I just need to get all my emotions in check first ;)
Profile Image for Lady Sal.
218 reviews31 followers
December 21, 2020
After welcoming the New Year with a spectacular display of fireworks at the city's seawall; I decided to one-up it and read the to-die-for series finale of Kristen Ashley's The Three series, Wild and Free. That said, I hope we get a closer glimpse into the lives of Callum's siblings. After all, Calder was given a royal edict to search for his mate. Dare I hope a novella will follow?

I was not feeling the names Delilah and Abel but through her characters' story and words, we learn why they're been named thus. I'm not going to go into details because the surprises are worth it!

And quite honestly, I loved Callum and Lucien but they now take a backseat to the deliciousness that is Abel. Not only because he's a werewolf vampire hybrid but because he's so, so, much like a regular guy (only he's waaaay better) that one can almost believe he's real. And wouldn't that be awesome?

Also, Abel serves up the best lines eva!
"I just know you're not gonna get dead because of it, seein' as I've waited three lifetimes for you, and now that I've got you, I'm keepin' you."

"I love you too, bao bei, with everything I am, and I'll do it until the sun falls from the sky."

The only thing I didn't too like was the fact that You will too.

Happy reading!

" "The Prophesies state that, once the second lifemates meet, the third will be fast on their heels," Gregor explained.
"Let's hope that's true," Callum replied. " - With Everything I am.
Seriously. Let's. Hope. That's. True!
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,185 followers
January 19, 2015

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Well… I had high hopes. It did not deliver. At least not in the way I would have expected from the larger than life KRISTEN ASHLEY. Being a huge fan, I would know. I have read just about all of her books. And LOVED them ALL. So it is with a heavy heart that I say these things.

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Wild and Free is the final book to the paranormal series The Three. I read and LOVED the first two books in the series quite a while ago. So I’ve been waiting for this final chapter in the story, wondering if she would even finish it. Well she has. And I sort of wish she would have left us hanging.

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This is Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson’s story.

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The werewolf vampire and his human mate. The final members of The Three . The long awaited ones required to complete the sacred triumvirate. The triumvirate needed to save the world. Yes... SAVE THE WORLD.

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I’ve been thinking about why this book didn’t work for me, and I think it was just the characters, and the way they came together. There was no build up, no mystery. It was just like… BAM… insta-couple. And they were just sickeningly sweet together. No drama. No mystery. Nothing. Instant soul mates. Ok.. it could happen, but honestly, it’s not that interesting to read about. There was almost no character build up… at all.

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And then the book was really really looooooooooooooong. It seemed like it took me forever to get through it, hot sex scenes and all. In fact, I probably would have rated it lower or possibly not even finished it, had it not been for the book’s SAVIOR….


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Yuri and his cute little button.


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These two totally saved the book for me. I would have much preferred the story to be theirs from the very beginning. No offense, Abel. But Yuri just lit me up… woke me from the deep coma I had fallen into. I can’t explain why, he just did.

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The ending was action packed, but a bit corny. Having read many paranormal books in the past, it was hard to really get into it. The plot being a bit hokey, I just couldn’t fathom it. But I had invested so much time by now, I just had to finish it.

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I’m giving it three stars. I just couldn’t bear to give it less. I still consider myself to be one of Kristen’s biggest fans. And I guess you can’t always write at a 5 star level, especially when you are cranking out so many books a year. But this one has reminded me that she is human afterall.

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Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
August 14, 2017
Well I did it I FINALLY finished Wild and Free, this took me 2 weeks to read I have never taken so long to read a book before.

I would not say I have a love/hate relationship with this more on the lines of like/dislike and this being KA some chapters were LONG but while reading felt even longer so I only read one, two chapters a day.

My biggest problem with Wild and Free was Delilah and Abel I did not like them AT ALL. I did not connect with them they were too sweet for me within spending a few hours together they were f*cking seriously, all the sex they were having got boring. I missed the animosity we had with Leah & Lucien and Sonia & Callum and the bossy alpha, I like this in relationships the sparks fly with the make up sex.

If this was just about Delilah and Abel I would of dnf but having the other couples and extended families in the mix helped me continue and I wanted to find out what happened with the final battle.

What I loved most about this was Yuri and Aurora I loved what we got between then through Yuri's POV they ROCKED wish we had more time with them.

The big battle was strange but cleverly done and the epilogue was okay.
Profile Image for Jess.
322 reviews51 followers
January 3, 2015
3.5 stars...

Definitely not what I expected for the final Three book. Lots of talking and too many details made it not very exciting. I loved that the characters from previous books were there but still most of the book was about them sitting around waiting for something to happen or snapping at each other or hot sex (I didn't mind the last one so much.)

I didn't connect with Abel or Delilah at all, as individuals or as a couple. It was way too rushed and I must say didn't like the end battle at all, I was like seriously that's it. Not a fan of how it all ended and who it was apparently about either.

Maybe if Abel and Delilah got their own book and then another book about the battles then I would have connected more and understood the whys and hows of it all.

Also, way too much detail and repetitiveness in words and thoughts, I start skimming then.

I loved Yuri's story, I hope he gets a book.

I'm obsessed with KA's earlier books, not her newer ones. So this is the end of the auto-buy era for KA for me. I will start looking at reviews now to see if I will like the book.
Profile Image for Karla.
988 reviews1,104 followers
November 23, 2014

3.5 Stars! A little long, some good, some not so much, but there was one part of the story I absolutely loved and it was totally unexpected!

Review to follow closer to release date...

ARC provided to Swept Away By Romance courtesy of Kristen Ashley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Ang C.
738 reviews112 followers
December 29, 2014
For more reviews visit www.sizzlingpages.com

5 Brilliant Stars


What a magnificent finale to a kickass paranormal romance trilogy. This story was jam packed with amazingly hot…

And a

Oh my!

I could not tear myself away from my kindle. Held my breath with each turn of the page. Unable to let go because I had the absolute need to see where this story was leading me. Totally consumed within the world Kristen Ashley has created. Once again, this author wowed me by penning yet another 5 star read.

As in the first two novels (which I highly recommend reading prior to “Wild and Free”), the ongoing threat to enslave the human race is looming and it’s up to ‘The Three’ to help save the world, or die trying. The fate of mankind lies in the hands of three gifted couples - the Mighty Vampire Lucian and his human bride Leah. Super sexy King of the Werewolves Callum and his she-wolf queen Sonia. And Abel, part vampire, part wolf, all Alpha yumminess and his badass biker bitch Delilah. With Gregor at the helm, the stage is set, enemies have aligned, the ugliness of war is inevitable and all is at stake. ‘The Three’ have now come together and they are a force to be reckoned with.

Wild and Free is so much more than Abel and Lilah’s romance. KA treats her fans to a saga filled with angst, plot twists and a dynamic cast of characters which brought me laughter, as well as to tears, while overwhelming me with sizzling passionate moments practically setting my kindle on fire. Now, just one Alpha hero with all their dominant ways and sexy talk is enough to send my heart racing. Imagine the intensity of four gorgeous men! Holy shit, the sexually lethal combination of Callum, Lucian, Abel and Yuri (YES! Yuri!! He was one sexy bastard), floored me. I swear my ovaries went into hyper–drive and exploded. They were like the supernatural Hot Bunch of the PNR world.

On a quest to find a way to fill the life long emptiness within her soul, Lilah is drawn to a small biker town, Serpentine Bay. She soon discovers her life is in danger and is attached by a wild pack of immortal bad guys. Her hero…a powerful and incredibly strong stranger. He’s handsome, he’s a biker badass and he freaks her the hell out as he claims her.

Abel, sensing danger, is instinctively drawn to Lilah and saves her life. Clueless as to whom she is and the sudden need to protect her, he immediately finds the missing piece of his soul. For centuries he has been searching for someone to take away the constant yearning and pain. With one look at Lilah, Abel knows she’s the one. Together, they realize that destiny has united them, their souls are forever tethered with a connection so powerfully strong and they are the final couple fated by the prophesy of ‘The Three’.

“Searchin’,” he whispered, his different colored eyes burning into mine. “My whole life, searchin’ for something, missing something, something I did not know. Until I found you. And my whole life is a long fuckin’ life to be needing something I could not find.”

Holy freaking hell, Abel was HOT! Take the intensity of Lucian, add the raw animal magnetism of Callum and sprinkle a heavy dose of a growling, sexy Chaos biker bad boy and voilà! We have an over the top dirty talking hybrid with a sexual appetite that had me swooning. He could be a major jerk at times, majorly pissing Lilah (and me) off, but Abel was tender, passionate and sweet. Each time he called Lilah boa bei (meaning precious) I melted.

”I love you too, bao bei, with everything I am,
and I’ll do it until the sun falls from the sky”

What touched me the most was the air of sadness and lack of confidence that surrounded Abel. The more I saw into the depths of his character, the deeper I fell in love. Left abandoned by his parents, Abel was taken in by a loving Chinese family. Never encountering another supernatural, he felt misplaced, believing he was a monster. This pulled on my heartstrings as I ached for his pain. I was overjoyed seeing Abel’s journey of self-discovery, coming to understand the ways of both vampires and werewolves and realizing his life has meaning. No longer seeing himself as a monster, but the protector and lover of his life mate.

Can I just say that as a heroine, Lilah totally rocked. The perfect compliment to Abel, she was funny, stubborn and sassy. She accepted her destiny instead of annoyingly fighting it (what a refreshing change from the typical female lead). Her character was nurturing, but with an edge of ‘tough love’. I respected the way she stood her ground when facing her fears and adversaries. And she was one hell of a fierce chick when someone dared to flip her biker bitch switch. I loved her and her crazy family (especially her dad, Hooker). I adored the way she loved Abel unconditionally, feeding him confidence and sharing her strength. Lilah has become one of my favorite female characters.

The biggest surprise for me in this read was Yuri. Oh man, did he turn my feelings for him around. At first glance, Yuri was annoyingly arrogant. But let me tell you, his suave and sophisticated sexiness was highly erotic. He was de-lish-ous.

As much as this was a love story, Wild and Free focuses on the ugliness of war and the constant battle of good versus evil. This read was long (I love savoring an epic tale) with a constantly moving storyline. There’s a fair amount of brutality, which brought me to tears, bawling my eyes out as my emotions were sent into a tailspin, especially reading the epilogue. It’s no secret that Kristen Ashley’s passionate and intense novels touch my soul, but I am never prepared for how deeply her characters and their situations affect me.

It goes without saying that like the first two novels, Wild and Free was exceptionally written. I liked seeing this story told from various points of view throughout and loved the ingenious way the battle scenes were depicted. I should note that sexual boundaries were pushed a bit in a way I have never experienced from this author, which added a different and edgier level to her writing style. But regardless, this story captivated me with its romance, passion, and love of the heart, of family and of friends. A truly fantastic way to end a great series.

May 10, 2018
3.5 Stars!

Review posted to: www.SweptAwayByRomance.com

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Wild and Free is the third and final book in The Three Series and picks up right where the second book ends (this series should definitely be read in order). This is a series about three extraordinary couples and the fulfillment of a prophecy.

Abel Jin is a vampire/werewolf hybrid that has lived his whole life assuming he was an anomaly. Taken in by the Jin family at a very young age, he's outlived the original Jin patriarch who found him abandoned as an infant and is now with the 3rd generation of Jin Family patriarch.

Delilah Johnson has lived most of her life feeling like she was missing a piece of herself. She has a fiercely loving father who she’s extremely close to and a mother who’s distant. Delilah decided that she needed to get out of town and spread her wings, with her father's encouragement, she packed her bags and ended up in Serpentine Bay, a little biker town (her father is a biker) and current home of the Jin family.

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Shortly after arriving in Serpentine Bay Delilah’s is in mortal danger, Abel has no idea why, but he senses this and comes to her rescue. He instantly knows Delilah is meant to be his and for the very first time in his long life he feels totally complete.

“I’ve waited three lifetimes for you, and now that I’ve got you, I’m keepin’ you.”

I really wanted to connect to Abel and Delilah but I didn’t, I have my theories on why, but I don’t want to put any preconceived notions in anyone’s head so I will keep my thoughts on this to myself.

The biggest surprise, a character from a previous book finding his other half… I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEIR STORYLINE!!!! , I found myself waiting for the story to get back to them and wishing we had more of them!! And, of course catching up with Callum and Sonia and Lucian and Leah was fantastic. While my overall rating is 3.5 stars, reading about the couples we’re already familiar with and seeing a new relationship form was 5 STAR WORTHY!!

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We see the three couples come together to fulfill the prophecy and working together to bring down an enemy and save humankind. Lastly, I could have done without the loss of a character that I came to really, really like, I admit it had me in tears. Other than that heartbreaking scene, the series wrapped up nicely with another amazing KA signature epilogue.

*ARC provided to www.SweptAwayByRomance.com courtesy of Kristen Ashley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
1,685 reviews150 followers
January 2, 2015
It's taken me five days to push through this. Five long ass, precious days when I was on holiday from work with lots of time to read. Typically I'd read two or even three books in that time but this one just didn't grab me like a KA usually would. And in light of the fact that the first and second books in this series were both among my favourite reads of last year, I'm gutted.

The biggest problem with this for me was that it was more of a story about a battle and less of a romance. There was lots of smut, much coarser than usual (didn't mind that though) in this, but the belly tingling romance was absent. And it's that belly tingling sensation that I've come to look forward to in a KA.

Usually there is a female who has to be won over, but in this, Abel and Delilah get together immediately, no drama, no tension....and sadly,for me, no chemistry. We then move into the longest stretch of the book where everyone we've met in the previous two stories plus all of the new characters from this story go into a luxurious bunker and plan a battle. This section was interminable with characters discussing their skills and those of their enemies and what they might do or might not do. I really tried to care, but I was Bored. To. Tears. The only highlights were the smut (hot, vulgar and blessedly plentiful) and Delilah's biker father who seemed to have stumbled into this story by accident because he was witty and cute and loveable and all of the character traits that normally feature in abundance in a KA.

There was a sub plot involving Yuri (the vamp who'd kind of grown up as Sonia from book two's sister) and a witch which was sweet and far more interesting to me than Abel and Delilah' s story, but it was kind of tacked onto the main story, it wasn't really enough to sate my need for romance, but rather it highlighted what was so sadly lacking from the main plot.

Then finally, finally the battle happened and the storyline lost all sense of reality and kind of jumped the shark. The thing I'd really loved about the first two books was the alternative world in this seemed plausible and real but all that was ditched in this book in favour of some truly ridiculous "drama". An army of bunnies? Omfg...

The epilogue was also a bit of a let down, only dealing with the period immediately after the main story had finished.

I'm sorry to say this was a huge disappointment for me after the utter brilliance of the first two books in this series. I can't recommend this one to romance fans but I suppose if you enjoy stories about battle strategizing or um bunny armies (is that even a genre?) then you'll lap it up.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,037 reviews938 followers
January 7, 2015

✯✯✯✯✯ Resounding stars!

‘This was it.
This was us.
This was what we’d be.
Wild and free.’

Well wasn’t this just pure classic KA brilliance! What. An. End. This series has cemented a place as one of our favourite paranormal series EVER written by the Queen herself; the awesome Kristen Ashley. We will never forget these characters and everyone who played a part in the saga of The Three. We fell in love with them all, new and old, in the prophecy that saw vampires, wolves, witches and all things supernatural battle for harmony and peace to prevail. We loved the way Wild and Free unfolded with POV’s from all the main players, their stories and love affairs were spectacularly addictive and satisfying. It consumed us of an epic proportion as we raced through hoping the good guys and girls won the fight of the prophecy.

“Hope hard, Lucien darling, because that’s what we have. And hope is beautiful. It’s also strong. It will guide us to victory.”

Wild and Free was immensely intense, passionate, sexy and powerful. It was dramatic and suspenseful. It was pure bloody magic! The last to be found of The Three; Abel and Delilah both searching for what will make them whole. Each other. Drawn by forces – souls finally to collide.

“I love you too, bao bei, with everything I am, and I’ll do it until the sun falls from the sky.”

Once found, the fight begins as discoveries good and bad are made when they join Lucien & Leah and Callum & Sonia to finally form The Three. All along the LUSH Abel discovers who he truly is as he finds the truths after over two hundred years of searching unknowing.

The end begins as our heroes and heroines embark on a journey with an undetermined outcome. A fight to save the world and humanity with surprising twists; dramatic and intense action as well as some bloody hot and passionate moments included. KA had us cooling off in the freezer on more than one occasion. It was pure brilliance – paranormal at its best with humour, heart-breaking emotion and passion in abundance.

“All my life, thought I was a monster….All my life, thought I was the only one, alone in who I was. Deviant. Abnormal. Wrong. Wondering where I came from. Wondering how I could even be.”

So, Abel our hybrid hero; can we get a PHWOAR Ladies!!!!! Man, this guy….THIS GUY!!! Word cannot describe how bloody rough, tough and overall powerfully sexy this wolf/vampire is. He loves with such passion, he protects and cares fiercely.

“You’re my world, my reason for existing.”

Hands down, up whichever way you like really – one of our top favourites. A perfect match to our feisty biker chick Delilah. So sweet, loving and soft yet incredibly brave and determined. Their love was written in the stars to stand the test of the prophecy. With surprising results. Yeah; she totally rocked! Mortal danger brings out the kick arse!

‘Take his side and be the best I can be.’

This third and final instalment was truly a brilliant end result of the crescendo of what came before; it was long, it was epic it was FIERCE and we could not put it down. Whilst we absolutely loved being back with our Three’s a special mention HAS to go to Yuri and Aurora (who’s novella we would LOVE to read – throwing big eyes at KA!). Seriously, wow did we fall for this bad-arse vampire and sweet sassy witch. It was a love story – within a love story – within the confines of battle. We got it all and feel utterly satisfied and once again; Kristen this one was pretty bloody special – flawless!

“Wild and free, baby. You and me for eternity.”

**Reviewed from an ARC copy provided by the author, with thanks**


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Profile Image for  ~*~Princess Nya Cross Vasiliev~*~.
1,089 reviews7 followers
January 17, 2024
Update from Solid 3.75 ✨ to 4 ✨ .... Upon this re-read years and years later, I see that KA updated quite a few things. She expounded on many things that made this story very interesting this 2nd time around.. Though 2 things remained annoying to me, that's listed in my original review below.. But, this final book in this Trilogy was still a much better bucket of enjoyment, that KA improved upon, thankfully

Whew... Well, aside from the fact that I have been waiting a LONG time, anticipating this book release, I must say, though I wasn't In Love with it, I did Love it. Let me attempt to explain myself.

Why this WASN'T a 5 star read for me
- I don't like the fact that Ms. Ashley decided to not really flesh out Abel's character more, concerning his Asian background/upbringing. Aside from the terms of endearments Abel used & the fact that we are TOLD of his genes/background & of course his "family", that's all you got.

Now, while I love me some Brock Lucas-(Wild Man), I'm not too hyped that Abel sounds EXACTLY like him. Even though he is a 200+ year old Asian-American Vampire/Wolf Hybrid, & has had to adapt to modern times, I wish that his presence was just more his own when it comes to his upbringing & who he was born to. I think if we would have gotten this it would have made his character that much more for me. It would have shown him standing out more as an individual & not so close to other Alphas I've read that were penned by KA.

Now because I love Abel & the story surrounding him, I was able to look past this. But still I just wish this type of character study/writing could have been a reality where he is concerned.

- I REALLY wish that we could have been allowed to see certain action sequences. I felt left out a bit. While I loved being cooped up in the compound with these characters. I thoroughly enjoyed what was occurring at times, I just still wish we could have been allowed to see certain things come about. Especially since we had to read through them planning & getting ready for such battles etc.. but then only to "hear" about it after the fact, left much to be desired, especially when you consider how intense/action packed this book starts. The first 3 chapters alone were pretty busy with this type of intensity. So to see it disappear for a good portion of the story, was a bummer.

- Now this is what REALLY ticked me off. MAJOR PLOT HOLE here concerning Delilah's "Power" the way it was introduced & what it represented, said it should have come into play long before it did. But it came into play for a completely different reason when it was truly needed, instead of for the reason(s) you'd think it would have. And what occurred to bring it out, truly made no sense to me & ticked me off... So, this is why this book was not the 5 star read I was so hoping it would have been. There were just many things big & small that I don't feel were fleshed out well. And to be honest, ended on a slightly sloppy note. This is the final book of the 3. Things that should/needed to be on point, just weren't. Again, that's a bummer.

Why I love this story
-I loved the dynamic between all of the characters really. I definitely love how Abel & Delilah not only communicated openly, even when their discussions weren't always lovey dovey roses, but I also love the intensity of emotion that they shared with one another, in & out of the bedroom. I loved all of the secondary characters that brought color to this tale & that helped move certain things along plot wise.

-I did enjoy learning more of the reasons behind the Three & why. (Though I wish more clear info was given) Even though I understood it myself, I can still see how certain things can be confusing or leave people wondering were things really resolved or not. Or what was the point? But again, I loved how these things came to light & that I was seeing it unfold through Abel's & Delilah's eyes. So the way those things came about, it kept my interest.

- And FINALLY what took my rating a bit over 3.5 stars, was the Epilogue. I felt the closure here. I love how it all came together and how certain people & things were explained/given, after the fact. So the Epilogue did appease me in many ways.

All in all this was a decent close to this trilogy. I did enjoy the journey for many reasons. So I loved it, I just was hoping to be In Love with it by the time it ended. *shrugs*

I would definitely recommend this read/trilogy. Though I would never EVER recommend you read book 1. I just can't do it. When people ask me about book 1 in this trilogy, I'm always like...
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Only read the last 20% & then go into book 2. LOL!
Profile Image for Lindsay.
2,225 reviews508 followers
January 29, 2015

Once upon a time, I used to count the number of KA books I had read. But now I've read so many that I've lost count. I bring this up for a reason. I've read quite a few of KA's books. Some I've loved and some have been a trial for one reason or another. But one thing that has never happened, in all of her books I've read, is she has never made me cry. Until now.

I stated in my review for the first book of this series that It’s been my experience that there aren’t many authors that do contemporary and paranormal well. I was really surprised when I liked the first book. Even more so when I pretty much loved the second book. So that gave me high hopes for this book. And I'm happy to report that I wasn't the least disappointed.

You pretty much get the beginning of this book as an epilogue to book 2, With Everything I am , so I knew basically how this was going to start. I wasn't the least bit surprised by the instant connection between Abel and Delilah. There are times that I have issues with the suddenness of a relationship but it worked here. Delilah was understandably upset and freaked out after she met Abel but she quickly realized her connection to him and threw herself into her new life.

Abel...well, he surprised me. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't him. I guess because Lucien was an old world vampire with class and sophistication and Callum was royalty as King of the werewolves, I expected something similar out of Abel. So I was really surprised to see how removed he was from the paranormal world and that he was a biker. I never would have thought that would have worked but it did.

I also have to add that I love how much we saw of Lucien, Leah, Callum and Sonia in this book. I loved seeing the friendships that they had and how they all became close friends.

I realize that ARCs are precious commodities, especially when they come from this author. There were a few events that happened in this book that I would love to talk about and vent over but this is an ARC, most people haven't yet read this and it is the end of the series (which saddens me) so I don't want to spoil anything. I will say that for the big twists, there was one I really liked and was surprised by and there was one I hated down to my very soul. The second one made me cry and as a reader that holds grudges against fictional characters, it will probably keep me from rereading that part of this book. And I have to say that I wish there had been greater retribution handed out...but that's just my inner vampire coming out.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and the whole series. It definitely ranks up there with my favorite books by Kristen Ashley.

***ARC was generously provided to Confessions of 2 Book Lovers courtesy of Kristen Ashley in exchange for an honest review.***

Profile Image for AJ.
3,058 reviews1,023 followers
December 31, 2014
“I love you … with everything I am, and I’ll do it until the sun falls from the sky.”

Finally, the long-awaited finale to Kristen Ashley’s paranormal series ‘The Three’ and yes, it was worth the wait! We are dropped straight into the story and its go, go, go from the very beginning. This is a really long book (600+ pages) and although the mad pace from the beginning does slow down, I was completely swept up from the very first page and struggled to put it down.

The series revolves around a mysterious prophecy – that ‘The Three’ are destined to save the world from enslavement by supernatural bad buys. Book 1 featured vampire Lucien and his mate, book 2 was werewolf Callum and his mate, and this book gives us the story of Abel – a vampire werewolf hybrid (the only one of his kind) – and his mate, Delilah.

The book begins with Abel rescuring Lilah from a vicious attack, immediately claiming her as his and taking her to his home. I love a fast-moving alpha, but this one has got to be a record! But then, supernatural bonds always help a romantic storyline along.

“I’ve waited three lifetimes for you, and now that I’ve got you, I’m keepin’ you.”

Both have felt that a wrenching hole in their lives, like something is missing. That hole disappears as soon as they are together, and they both recognise each other as what that they have been searching for - the ‘thing’ they need to complete them and make them whole. Because of this, the romantic storyline happens really fast as well, which is good, because they’re together and functional quickly so they can deal with everything else that’s about to happen. But they still banter, bicker, and have to feel their way forward with each other just like any other couple.

“Even if it’s to my peril, I think it’s pertinent to point out at this juncture that you’re in a serious fucking jealous rage and I haven’t even kissed you yet.”
I snapped my mouth shut.
He watched me do this before he grinned.
My stomach flipped over.
Oh yeah, he was beautiful.

It’s a fantastic relationship, and the supernaturalness of it allowed me to get swept up in their intense connection, and the way that they are drawn to each other. But it’s not insta-love - their falling for each other happens naturally as they get to know each other, and it’s gorgeous.

“We’re together, Delilah, nothin’ else matters.”

Jesus, he loved her.
She wasn’t a dream come true.
She was a fucking fantasy come to life.

And, of course, the sex is scorching! The book is called ‘Wild and Free’, and that describes Lilah and Abel perfectly! They are wild in life, and in the bedroom, they are uber-hot - both of them liking things hard and rough. And there is plenty of opportunity for it!

Abel tangled a hand in my hair and yanked my head back and to the side so he could watch me come. And when he did, I gave him a show because one could say I seriously liked my man pulling my hair. But it was better because it felt like he was using it to drive me down harder on his big dick.
“I keep coming,” I gasped as more burned through me, my body shaking with it.
“Yeah, fuck yeah, I feel it. Keep goin’, baby. Milk me.”
He had to shut up or I was going to die from orgasming.

I love Lilah! She is sensible and no-nonsense, yet totally sassy in that way that KA heroines are, and she is a straight-up biker chick (which probably helps her accept the crazy that is about to overtake her life). She was raised by her father who absolutely adores her, and who is a badass biker who lives loud and proud, and that is a lesson that Lilah has taken to heart.

He’d told me time and again to live my life, enjoy it, figure out who I was and what I wanted, and only then go out and find it. And when I did, not to settle for anything less.

And Abel is absolutely gorgeous! He is a vampire werewolf hybrid of Asian descent but despite this, he speaks and behaves like a Carnal mountain man, or possibly a badass for hire. He’s on the extreme end of KA alpha-ness, and I loved it! His protectiveness and possessiveness is amped up a bit due to the bond between him and Lilah, but in all other ways he is exactly like the KA alphas that we all know and love so well… “you feel me?.

He has been raised in the human world with no contact at all from supernaturals, so he has had to figure his needs and his special powers out on his own, all the while thinking that he was some kind of monster. It’s heartbreaking. Not only that, but he has only just had his first contact with vampires and werewolves, and it was as they were attacking Lilah, so he is fully untrusting of vampires and werewolves in general. So when Lucien and Callum make their appearance (yay!) it takes a bit of time for him to come around and start trusting them. But the boys are made of awesome, and are there to guide him, and I love that we got to watch as Abel started to understand what he is fully capable of, and the bond between the boys became something incredibly special.

Callum leaned toward Abel. “Feel it,” he said quietly. “Abel, you’re fortunate. I know. You have many brothers, as do I. But now, you have two more.”

The previous two books in the series have all been leading up to the big ‘event’ that has been prophesised, and with this book being the culmination of the prophecy, both Lucien and Leah, and Callum and Sophie feature heavily throughout the book as The Three are gathered together for the first time in order to prepare for the big confrontation. It was fantastic to check in on both couples, and I loved watching the strong relationships develop between them all.

But as much as I love KA’s writing and her detailed, showing-you-everything style, I felt that this one dragged a little. The big confrontation has been building over the three books, and with such a strong start to this one, and so many paranormal elements at play (vampires, werewolves, witches, golems, phantoms and wraiths) I was expecting something epic, but it takes such a long time to get there, I thought that the story lost momentum. And when it finally happened it took me a moment to clue in that this was actually it, but then I was hooked - excited but with a sense of impending dread waiting to see if everybody would make it out alive.

The whole story is told in multiple POV. Not just Lilah and Abel, but little bits thrown in from the side characters and it creates a really nicely well-rounded story. And as with all KA books, there is an extended cast of characters who all contribute hugely to the story - particular shout out to Lilah’s Dad, Hook! A badass with a tender heart, he is completely unapologetic and utterly hilarious!

He looked to his daughter. “Trust you to find a warrior this good-lookin’. Fuck me, little girl, not a man I clapped eyes on in my life was a match for you, ’cept this motherfucker,”

Our silence lasted awhile before Dad broke it, muttering, “Christ, I could use a doobie.” I looked to him to see his eyes on Gregor. “You got any pot around this joint? My stash ran out three days ago.”

There is also a surprising secondary love story featuring one of the side characters. I really enjoyed both of these characters, and seeing them come together was gorgeous, but it felt a little strange for such an in-depth secondary romance to be included when there was so much else going on. As much as I enjoyed it, I feel like it took away from the intensity of everything else that should have been happening.

Overall though, I thought this was a fantastic book. It's funny, sexy, romantic and emotional with a lot of heart and a nice amount of action. It’s a very fitting ending for the series, and I was really happy with the way it all ended up . KA’s fantastic paranormal world proves that, once again, there is nothing the woman can’t do! She has created some absolutely epic characters throughout this series (oh Lucien ♥), and I know I’ll be revisiting them again and again.

I loved it - 4 stars.
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