Freezing food is an essential, easy kitchen function — but it's not quite foolproof. Next time you think "Oh, I'll just toss this in the freezer," remember these missteps.

1. Setting the temperature too high

Zero degrees (or even lower) is the best temp for long-term frozen food storage, so set your freezer as low as it will go. And if you find that your ice cream gets too hard to scoop, store it on the door where the temperature will be the highest.

2. Keeping the freezer nearly empty

A full freezer retains cold better than an empty one. When you open the door, the mass of frozen food will help keep in the cold, and the unit won't have to work as hard to cool empty space. But don't jam pack the freezer either; you need air to circulate.

3. Not wrapping food tightly

Whether you use zipper-top freezer bags, aluminum foil, or heavy-duty plastic wrap, make sure to remove air by smoothing the wrap around the food. If you're freezing in storage containers, fill them almost to the top to protect leftovers from freezer burn (but give food enough room to expand as it freezes). And when you don't cook all the items in the package (like frozen waffles, hot dogs, or chicken nuggets), toss what's left into a tightly sealed bag or container.

4. Freezing food too long

Even foods that are frozen will eventually deteriorate in taste and texture, so write dates on bags and containers (check for how long certain items will last in the freezer). Consider rotating items so the oldest ones are always in the front, and they'll be the first that you grab.

RELATED: 12 Treats You Can Make in the Freezer »

5. "Losing" food in the freezer

A store-bought bin is a great way to corral small or oddly-shaped items, like bags of fruit, bagels, and Parmesan rinds.

6. Freezing food in a big clump

Place small items like strawberries, hamburgers, and cookies on a baking sheet and let them harden before tossing them into a bag or container. Then, they won't freeze together, and it will easier to grab just one at time.

7. Waiting too long to freeze

While freezing will preserve food, it won't restore its freshness. Chopped meat that was ground the day you froze it will taste fresher than meat that was frozen when it was several days old. Likewise, muffins that are frozen right after they're baked will taste better than older ones.

8. Defrosting at room temperature

If you thaw meats, poultry, and seafood on the countertop, bacteria may grow on their surfaces before they're fully defrosted. Thaw in the fridge or microwave instead.

9. Opening the freezer during a power outage

When the power goes out, keep the freezer closed to keep food frozen as long as possible. Anything that's still frozen when the power comes back on can remain in the freezer. Any items that are defrosted (but still icy cold) should be prepared and eaten promptly. When in doubt, toss!

Sharon Franke is the director of the Kitchen Appliances and Technology lab of the Good Housekeeping Research Institute.

Next: 5 Biggest Mistakes You Make With Your Fridge »

Headshot of Sharon Franke
Sharon Franke
Director of the Kitchen Appliances and Technology Lab

Sharon has been with the GHI since 1987, when she was hired as an assistant primarily to develop recipes for the magazine's column on microwave cooking. Before joining GHI, she was a chef in restaurants in the World Trade Center.