UN Pollution Conference in Stockholm

UN Pollution Conference in Stockholm; SWEDEN: Stockholm: EXT MS Peter FAIRLEY: SOF: "With one King...city of protests": MS Hippies R-L to BV: GV Pan tents: (Protesting at UN being the forum for world debate on environment) In Swedish Army tents: MS "Pow Wow" notice on wall: INT MS Woman at all purpose incinerator: CMS Pan signs to days refuse contained in small box: (Protest group says that mankind is misusing earth's resources: They have invented a machine which accepts everything wasteful from the household and which produces a box of Earth each day: Group called "Pow Wow") EXT MS Bus powered by methane gas from horse dung:? Man off with bottle: (This group hoped to run a bus powered by methane gas that comes from horse manure) MS Noah's Ark Barge R-L: MS Flags on barge: (16 Danes? protesting at the State of the Baltic sea: too many polluted rivers flow into it) Front of Swedish Royal Palace - on river: MS Signs: MS Launch L-R with sign: (Englishman protesting about Covent Garden - says no profit in it for citizens) MS Mock Whale across bridge: (Save the Whale Campaign) A 32 senator coach named "Maybe Dick": CS FAIRLEY SOF: "The United Nations...live on it": (Sign off)
UN Pollution Conference in Stockholm; SWEDEN: Stockholm: EXT MS Peter FAIRLEY: SOF: "With one King...city of protests": MS Hippies R-L to BV: GV Pan tents: (Protesting at UN being the forum for world debate on environment) In Swedish Army tents: MS "Pow Wow" notice on wall: INT MS Woman at all purpose incinerator: CMS Pan signs to days refuse contained in small box: (Protest group says that mankind is misusing earth's resources: They have invented a machine which accepts everything wasteful from the household and which produces a box of Earth each day: Group called "Pow Wow") EXT MS Bus powered by methane gas from horse dung:? Man off with bottle: (This group hoped to run a bus powered by methane gas that comes from horse manure) MS Noah's Ark Barge R-L: MS Flags on barge: (16 Danes? protesting at the State of the Baltic sea: too many polluted rivers flow into it) Front of Swedish Royal Palace - on river: MS Signs: MS Launch L-R with sign: (Englishman protesting about Covent Garden - says no profit in it for citizens) MS Mock Whale across bridge: (Save the Whale Campaign) A 32 senator coach named "Maybe Dick": CS FAIRLEY SOF: "The United Nations...live on it": (Sign off)

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
12 juni 1972
Saknar release. Mer information
Mastrad till:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Ursprungligen inspelat på:
576 25i