Congresswoman Haaland calls voting sacred after ancestors endured brutal policies

New Mexico Representative Deb Haaland says in remarks to the 2020 Democratic National Convention her people are survived centuries of slavery, genocide and brutal assimilation policies but throughout their pastor tribal nations for foreign helped to build the country, her Laguna grandparents worked on the railroad and her mother was a Navy veteran, as a proud 35th generation New Mexican she was one of the first Native American women ever elected to Congress, a symbol of resilience and embodiment of progress, knowing not to take democracy for granted as people were dying in the land was abused, the Constitution under attack, but to work for it by getting involved by registering voters and voting since voting was sacred.
New Mexico Representative Deb Haaland says in remarks to the 2020 Democratic National Convention her people are survived centuries of slavery, genocide and brutal assimilation policies but throughout their pastor tribal nations for foreign helped to build the country, her Laguna grandparents worked on the railroad and her mother was a Navy veteran, as a proud 35th generation New Mexican she was one of the first Native American women ever elected to Congress, a symbol of resilience and embodiment of progress, knowing not to take democracy for granted as people were dying in the land was abused, the Constitution under attack, but to work for it by getting involved by registering voters and voting since voting was sacred.

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
20 augusti 2020
Saknar release. Mer information
Albuquerque, NM, United States
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