Winter Storm Brings Rare Blizzard Conditions To Mountains In Los Angeles County

PALMDALE, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 26: The California Aqueduct flows near snow-covered mountains in Los Angeles County on February 26, 2023 near Palmdale, California. A major storm, which carried a rare blizzard warning for parts of Southern California, delivered heavy snowfall to the mountains with some snowfall reaching lower elevations in Los Angeles County. The National Weather Service called the storm 'one of the strongest ever' to impact southwest California as it also delivered widespread heavy rains and high winds. Southern California snowfall topped out at 6 feet at Mountain High with rain topping five inches at Cucamonga Canyon. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
PALMDALE, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 26: The California Aqueduct flows near snow-covered mountains in Los Angeles County on February 26, 2023 near Palmdale, California. A major storm, which carried a rare blizzard warning for parts of Southern California, delivered heavy snowfall to the mountains with some snowfall reaching lower elevations in Los Angeles County. The National Weather Service called the storm 'one of the strongest ever' to impact southwest California as it also delivered widespread heavy rains and high winds. Southern California snowfall topped out at 6 feet at Mountain High with rain topping five inches at Cucamonga Canyon. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Winter Storm Brings Rare Blizzard Conditions To Mountains In Los Angeles County
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Mario Tama / Anställd
Redaktionell fil nr:
Getty Images News
Datum skapat:
26 februari 2023
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Getty Images North America
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