Nine Recipients of Nobel Prizes

(Original Caption) Nine recipients of Nobel Prizes in previous years are shown at the anniversary dinner honoring the memory of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Chemist remembered as the inventor of dynamite. Nobel prizes, five awards made for the most outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and the Promotion of World Peace, are financed out of the fortune left by Nobel. Left to right (front) Karl Landsteiner, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research; Irving Langmuir, Director Research Laboratory of General Electric Company Schnectady, NY; Sigrid Undset, Author; Pearl Buck, Author; and Enrico Fermi, Columbia University. In the rear (left to right) are Victor Francis Hess, Fordham University; Peter J.W. Debye, Cornell University; Harold Clayton Urey, Columbia University and Otto Meyerhof, University of Pennsylvania. The dinner, sponsored by the American Scandinavian
(Original Caption) Nine recipients of Nobel Prizes in previous years are shown at the anniversary dinner honoring the memory of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Chemist remembered as the inventor of dynamite. Nobel prizes, five awards made for the most outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and the Promotion of World Peace, are financed out of the fortune left by Nobel. Left to right (front) Karl Landsteiner, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research; Irving Langmuir, Director Research Laboratory of General Electric Company Schnectady, NY; Sigrid Undset, Author; Pearl Buck, Author; and Enrico Fermi, Columbia University. In the rear (left to right) are Victor Francis Hess, Fordham University; Peter J.W. Debye, Cornell University; Harold Clayton Urey, Columbia University and Otto Meyerhof, University of Pennsylvania. The dinner, sponsored by the American Scandinavian
Nine Recipients of Nobel Prizes
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Datum skapat:
10 december 1941
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3919 x 3020 bpkt (33,18 x 25,57 cm) - 300 dpi - 5 MB