Leeds Unit Vs Galatasary: Despite precautions violence broke out at the match

Leeds Unit Vs Galatasary: Despite precautions violence broke out at the match; i/c with line of police vans in background INT GV police sitting in briefing ZOOM IN on back drop on stage "Leed United v Galatasaray - very high potential for disorder - Millgarth division operational plan" EXT CBV three policemen in street standing in street outside fish and chip shop INT Asst Chief Constable Paul Garvin (West Yorkshire Police) interview SOT - everyone concerned with the match wishes that it will be a fitting tribute to the two men who lost their lives in Turkey / want the evening to pass safely / want the city of Leeds to be remembered for what happens on the football field instead of off it EXT CMS Policewoman in high visibility jacket with others in background LS Galatasaray delegation seen inside ground PULL OUT past BV line of police to CMS policewoman
Leeds Unit Vs Galatasary: Despite precautions violence broke out at the match; i/c with line of police vans in background INT GV police sitting in briefing ZOOM IN on back drop on stage "Leed United v Galatasaray - very high potential for disorder - Millgarth division operational plan" EXT CBV three policemen in street standing in street outside fish and chip shop INT Asst Chief Constable Paul Garvin (West Yorkshire Police) interview SOT - everyone concerned with the match wishes that it will be a fitting tribute to the two men who lost their lives in Turkey / want the evening to pass safely / want the city of Leeds to be remembered for what happens on the football field instead of off it EXT CMS Policewoman in high visibility jacket with others in background LS Galatasaray delegation seen inside ground PULL OUT past BV line of police to CMS policewoman

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Erstellt am:
20. April 2000
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