UEFA CUP: VIOLENCE; ITN ENGLAND Berkshire Luton Airport INT GV Arsenal FC supporters towards through airport (returning home after Arsenal lost in UEFA Cup final to Galatasaray) BV Fans away through airport (Arsenal fans = 13 secs) DENMARK Copenhagen EXT / NIGHT GV Galatasaray supporters celebrating in street waving flags and chanting SOT BV Galatasaray fans away down street waving flags as car towards with Turkish flag held out of sunroof and hooters SOT GV Group of riot police holding down Galatasaray fan against shattered windscreen of car as fan protests SOT i/c Vox pop eyewitness SOT (describes incident where car thought to be driven by Turks drove into a group of pedestrians) TGV Smashed windscreen of car PULL OUT to show riot police around BV Arrested Turkish occupant of car taken away by two riot police officers GV SIDE Riot police along out of coach GV Police towards out of coach GV Police along out of coach and standing in a group DAY Henning Thiesen (Deputy Commissioner, Copenhagen Police) interview SOT - total amount of stupidity and violence we have seen over the last few days is incredible / weren't prepared / impossible if you have such large numbers of people who really want to fight eachother to prevent clashes MS Line of police in riot gear and gas masks GV Riot police officer standing in street with dog MS Police officer in riot gear ushering man into van Colonel Herman Bliki (Head of Belgian Security, Euro 2000) interview SOT - where there is a problem we will intervene immediately, direct but severe - we can learn some lessons here / I think we can handle the same
UEFA CUP: VIOLENCE; ITN ENGLAND Berkshire Luton Airport INT GV Arsenal FC supporters towards through airport (returning home after Arsenal lost in UEFA Cup final to Galatasaray) BV Fans away through airport (Arsenal fans = 13 secs) DENMARK Copenhagen EXT / NIGHT GV Galatasaray supporters celebrating in street waving flags and chanting SOT BV Galatasaray fans away down street waving flags as car towards with Turkish flag held out of sunroof and hooters SOT GV Group of riot police holding down Galatasaray fan against shattered windscreen of car as fan protests SOT i/c Vox pop eyewitness SOT (describes incident where car thought to be driven by Turks drove into a group of pedestrians) TGV Smashed windscreen of car PULL OUT to show riot police around BV Arrested Turkish occupant of car taken away by two riot police officers GV SIDE Riot police along out of coach GV Police towards out of coach GV Police along out of coach and standing in a group DAY Henning Thiesen (Deputy Commissioner, Copenhagen Police) interview SOT - total amount of stupidity and violence we have seen over the last few days is incredible / weren't prepared / impossible if you have such large numbers of people who really want to fight eachother to prevent clashes MS Line of police in riot gear and gas masks GV Riot police officer standing in street with dog MS Police officer in riot gear ushering man into van Colonel Herman Bliki (Head of Belgian Security, Euro 2000) interview SOT - where there is a problem we will intervene immediately, direct but severe - we can learn some lessons here / I think we can handle the same

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Erstellt am:
18. Mai 2000
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