Premium Access Live!

Demystifying Your Usage Rights

Aired September 14, 2022
Hooray! You found the perfect image or video. But do you know all the possible ways you can use it? Join our team of licensing experts as they show you how to better understand your usage rights, steer clear of costly legal complications, and what to do if a use case goes beyond your Premium Access Plan.
In this episode of Premium Access Live!:

  • Share the latest releases, VisualGPS research, and collections
  • Break down what you need to know about Commercial vs. Editorial usage
  • Show what to do if your use case is not covered by your Premium Access plan
  • Answer licensing FAQs—and your questions—live on‑air
It’s an info‑packed hour you don’t want to miss.

Bonus Content

Premium Access Live!
Demystifying Your Usage Rights – Bonus Q&A
On this episode of Premium Access Live!: Our Rights and Clearances experts answered burning questions about commercial usage rights. But time…ran out. Now, we got our team back together for “Premium Access Live! Overtime” to bring you bonus takes from September’s episode. Watch it now, on demand!

Hosts and Presenters

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